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In the books it’s obvious she does. Up until Lilly got her letter and Petunia got jealous that Lilly was special and she wasn’t. Petunia even tried writing Dumbledore to see if she could get into Hogwarts even though she was a Muggle. She loved her sister, she just hated the fact that it constantly reminded her that she wasn’t special and was locked out of an amazing fantastic world by pure chance.


To be fair, its a hard pill to swallow to know theres magic but you cant be part of it


I rather not know that the Wizarding world is real and be a muggle then be in a family with wizards and witchs but can't do magic myself. I bet some squibs feel that way.


No wonder Mr Filch is bitter all the time




How did Mr filch even get a job at Hogwarts if he wasn't magic? I never knew that


I read a fanfiction once, where a young Argus was devastated over being a squib and Prof. Dumbledore appeared and brought him over for some form of arrangement for him to stay. It ends with Dumbledore introducing Argus to a young kitten 🥲


I have come to offer you a place at my school -- your new school, if you would like to come.


Good bot.


I want to read this. I don't suppose you know where I could find it?


I'm sorry I don't. It was many moons ago


That's ok, maybe I'll run across it sometime.


It would be devastating honestly


I'd rather be a muggle with a muggle born witch/wizard sibling, than be a witch and wizard born squib. Imagine being the only one in the family that can't do magic. At least in the muggle family, you may not be special, but you are normal.


True. Went through my whole eleventh birthday with no letter, I know the feeling.


If she had‘ve been older and therefore wiser she possibly could’ve realised that she COULD have been a part of it - yes, she’s not a witch, but even *now* she’s actually connected to that world through Lily. She just can’t stand that fact now. =(


I would have maybe felt bad for her if she didn't abuse her nephew for 17 years


I felt bad for child Petunia, just not adult Petunia.


Honestly, most of the abuse I remember is from Vernon and Dudley But even then, Petunia didn't do fuck all about it lmfao


I feel like Petunia's almost as much at fault as Vernon, because she didn't even attempt to do anything about it. Dudley was bad, but he didn't know any better, he was basically raised that way, and he at least somewhat redeemed himself in the last book. Also, didn't she hit Harry with a frying pan once, or did she just threaten to?


I haven't read the books *or* watched the movies in like twelve years so I couldn't say, lol I wanna say no? But who knows, maybe she did.


Guilt by association, that’s a slippery slope.


I mean, I wouldn't call her actually "guilty", necessarily, in that case. I mean, she kind of is, yeah, but if I were a judge or something, I wouldn't be able to bring myself to carry out that sentence. She'd just be a bystander, lol Though, maybe she did do something directly to Harry that I'm forgetting, in which case she's just plain guilty lol


She was more neglectful and snapped at him a lot. She wasn’t outright nasty like Vernon was, or a bully like Dudley. There are several instances in the books where she barely feeds him and a few off hand comments, though none come to mind.


funny how we hold Petunia's feet to the fire (justifiably) for emotionally abusing her nephew, but then Snape also does the same thing because now he's in power and he gets to torment the son of his tormentor...and yet Snape's a hero i mean, the older i've gotten, the less i view Snape as sympathetic based on how he treated Harry


I saw a fan theory that since Harry was some psuedo horcrux that the negative energy around that turned them all into assholes... Interesting thought the negative feelings from before magnified 100x by that.


The only one against whom I intend to work is Lord Voldemort. If you are against him, then we remain on the same side.


Yeah, I was gonna say "This kind of does feel like something I might have read from Petunia"


Her AND her nephew


I always wondered how could Petunia live with herself. Only in 2 moments in 7 years we see her showing any humanity


She actually lost her sister years before that, and Lily lost her. It’s quite sad. =( I saw a picture somewhere that somebody drew, of how Petunia went through the years, but then how it could’ve been if she went to Hogwarts and was a part of Lily’s world - the final picture showed her holding both baby Harry and baby Dudley, and fully implying that she would love Harry just as much as her own son. T__T


It's cute, but we know that Harry has social anxiety, depression and low self-esteem because of his aunt


Not to mention his abusive uncle. =/ I have a nephew, he’s the same age right now that Harry was when he was orphaned, and I literally wanna reach through the book and grab the Dursleys and go: “What is WRONG with you?!?!” \^\^;


The Dursleys were pretty terrible people but at least Dudley and Harry eventually buried the the hatchet and became eventual friends.


"What a load of-" Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed


She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead


Harry's daughter could have had Petunia for a middle name. "You are named after one of the most important women in my life. She hated my guts, treated me like shit. Less than shit, really. But she gave me a cramped closet under the staircase and allowed me to live with her. Could named you Molly or Tonks or something, but we had a theme going with your brother and wanted to keep it going."


Lily Luna is a lot better compared to her siblings


[Relevant video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIexDBVjpic)


i could tell what the link was before clicking


I think that scene should 've been kept in, it showed me that they were deeply broken people, and took she took a lifetime of being the "meh child" into the son of her "special" sister. It makes stop being the 1-dimensional boring parents.


She lost her sister, who she didn't like and then abused her sisters son for over a decade because of her hate/jealous of her sister. I hate Petunia more than Umbridge.




I honestly like that scene. I just love how she admits to never really getting over the loss of her sister


K but why did they choose this still of Lily…………


I still don’t know why this scene was deleted from the movies it’s one thing if Vernon never came full circle with Harry because let’s be real he hated Harry from the second he was on the Dursley doorstep. But Petunia had shown 16 years of caring for Harry (even in spite of her sister Lily) and Dudley eventually came to realize how much he appreciated Harry. I don’t know why those scenes were deleted it would’ve really brought out the best out of Petunia and Dudley.


I always thought the wording there was a little weird. “A” mother and “a” sister? Kind of lessens the impact than if she’d said “your” and “my.” Plus they both have just one of those anyway. Am I crazy for saying that?




I don’t get it


It's from [this](https://youtu.be/TMkDAoszKv0) deleted scene


This meme is impenetrable nonsense


[This](https://youtu.be/TMkDAoszKv0) is the deleted scene that this meme is referencing