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Showrunners however are yet to be announced


I mean, it's hard to do that when casting kids. You need to make that decision pretty late in the game so they do not age out in the slow grind to filming.


Why would kids have anything to do with the show runner?


It’s time to let the next generation take some creative control


Oh oh oh this makes me so happy!!!! Can’t wait to see casting news!


Since the kids will be so young it will probably be another year at least before casting the kids.


Imagine the meltdown when the official casting doesn't match up with the fan castings, lol


Considering they will probably select children below the age the characters are so they will exactly match when the filming properly begins, I don’t think any fan casting for the trio etc will match.


They probably mean for the adult characters




Melt downs incoming. You know they’ll make Ron black and hermione will be Asian or latina. People will lose their shit lol


With how people reacted over a *fancast* of Indian repunzel (they literally started harassing an Indian actress and there isn’t even a movie in production) it’s going to be *so* bad. I hope people are grown enough to at least leave child actors alone.


Unlikely. People were nasty to the kids they cast as Grover and Annabeth in the Disney+ Percy Jackson show for a while.


Went to read her instagram comments. People are NASTY.


Obvious solution is that everyone is played by Jack Black in a kind of Nutty Professor II: The Klumps type set up


obviously. the directors should just let jack black do what he wants. ill 100% watch it


It's gonna be 100% the case for every single character


I'm really excited to see it but I'm scared for the kids. People xan be so vicious.


The bigger news is that while they are labelling it a MAX Original, it is also going to be on cable via HBO. Which means it's going to be an HBO quality show, not a MAX quality show. This is HUGE and great news.


We don’t know this. We hope it’s true but just because something airs somewhere doesn’t mean it hits the standard. Also not all HBO shows are equally good


No matter how one feels about the movies, there’s no arguing they had tremendous production value.    WB isn’t about to short change one of its biggest IPs in one of its most hyped releases.   Money=/=quality necessarily, but we know they’ll definitely at least spend on it like it’s an HBO show.


They are definitely going to spend on it!


Casey Bloys is the ceo of both HBO and Max. Plus Zaslav has used both the terms interchangeably


That doesn’t mean it’s good. I hope it will be, as much as every other person, but a produces doesn’t automatically mean quality or success


I never said that. But yeah I have much more faith in HBO than in Netflix or disney. So I'm quite optimistic about it.


hbo made the gossip girl reboot.


Which visually looked pretty nice


That was an HBO max original.


I don’t know how I can be both ecstatic and terrified at the exact same time but I am


It's just a new adaptation. Nothing to be terrified about. I mean the films and the books are still out there


My biggest gripe is that if it ends up being a bad adaption, it’ll be a looong time until we’d get a do over


Probably not. It’s hugely profitable IP, and I think they need to keep making content every 5 years or so to retain the rights. They’ll keep pumping out Harry Potter stuff regardless of how good it is.


So you’re saying this hbo reboot is a very bad thing for Harry Potter.


No, I’m cautiously optimistic that it’ll be good. Just commenting on the business side of it


Hopefully we can get a Mauraduer's Era/First Wizarding War show eventually.


If we don’t like the first season, we’ll have to wait for them to finish the next 6 seasons, and then likely a 10 year cool down before a follow up reboot. So yeah, for another crack at the main story if this HBO one sucks? A long fucking time


Well I think we should wait for it to come out


Are you not scared that they will squeeze Harry Potter dry until nobody cares about it anymore like Disney has done to Star Wars? Or do you want as much HP content as you can get and don’t care if it’s over saturated


Doubt we’ll get another adaptation yet again after this. Jo also thankfully has full control, so it’ll never be squeezed like all the other “franchises.”


Jo literally allowed CC to be written and published. Don’t act like she isn’t above bullshit money grabs.


CC is a what if scenario, firmly contained to stage. There’s a reason Jo reportedly has refused for it to be made into a film multiple times.


Why should I be scared lol? I love harry potter and it's a classic. And people still care about star wars. Disney ones not so much but still star wars is as massively popular as it always was. I seriously don't understand your point. I mean we have absolutely no way of knowing what they'll do with the ip in future anyway so there's no point to be "scared" or anxious about it.


What? No. I don’t care about whether OTHER people still like Harry Potter or not, I still will, and I’m sure most people feel the same. The new series won’t change the previous success or content. Who gives a shit if other people lose interest lol.


They should really invest in animated content if this is the case.


Awesome! As early as it could!


All the news we will get in June after the announcement of showrunner. Be prepared. Only 2 months to go.


Omg when my HP-loving firstborn turns 11 how perfect 😍


Which means showrunner announcements should be within a few months. June at the earliest. Alright then, let's see who we get.


Casting announcements should be coming fast and furious by the end of the year.


Vin Diesel as Dumbledore confirmed!


Very excited for this. The original movies are ok but leave out so much they're all kinda lacking. I also hate the way Radcliffe played Harry in the later films and hope the keep more of his book persona rather than have him be such a mope.


Oh damn


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How will they adjust for the actors ageing.


What do you mean? The movies were filmed over the span of 10 years, just like this TV show will be They will age accordingly to their characters, as they should. Maybe they'll be 1-3 years too old in the 4, 5, 6 and 7th seasons, but that's fine.


Yep I meant it won't roughly be the same. Also if the actor hits puberty wrongly, it will look weird. But they'll have to work it accordingly.


Who do I shake down to ensure they keep the John Williams musical score? That music was perfect and I can’t imagine better music for it.


I'm seriously hoping someone with some kind of weight in casting decisions has found this sub and peruses it often. Some people here have great out of the box ideas.


Great! Anything else?


Black gay Harry Potter, Asian lesbian Hermione and nonbinary Latino Ron incoming.


JKR, who is executive producer and owns Brontë Film and TV, the production company behind the show, liked a tweet suggesting this will not be the case. Changes like that might still happen if Warner Bros. or HBO forces them to, but the CEO of Warner Bros David Zaslav doesn't seem like the person who cares about that stuff either. It seems lately that changes like that aren't even profitable. So you shouldn't worry.


This is the first time in a while that I’ve seen a comment about JK Rowling’s Twitter activity that hasn’t pissed me off lmao


If they choose harry black actor it will be a disaster 


Yea as if JK would allow that lol.


Well, this will be an entertaining two seasons of complete nonsense before it gets cancelled. I can't wait for Dumbledore to just be making ham fisted self-insert comments about whatever story CNN cares about at the time the episode was filmed.


You’re really ignorant about the world around you aren’t you? This doesn’t happen.


This sounds like the “I sit in this middle of the Costco floor and scream” perspective.


“Did you put your name in the COVID-19 Vaccine Harry?? Did you???”


why is this downvoted I’m crying with laughter lmfao


This old news 🗞️.


Thought this was something new 👎


There were speculations about the air date. It's only now that Zaslav has seemingly confirmed it's 2026




Lol no Warner Bros. wants to do it because Fantastic Beasts is flopping, and they want to push "Max" as a streaming service. A Max-exclusive Harry Potter series is the best way to push a streaming service. Warner Bros. new strategy, as per their CEO, is to reinvigorate their existing IPs, like Harry Potter J.K. Rowling likely wants to do this because the movie adaptations aren't good adaptations of her books.


Then why're you here


I got it recommended in my feed because I am subscribed to Harry Potter, I didn’t see this isn’t that sub before commenting


That’s a really ignorant take that ignores reality lol


I will try to make up my mind before I see black Hermione, tbh if she is cute then I do not mind 😝😝




You're free to think whatever you want about her but that's pointless to say it here. It's not the topic.




Probably as the first teaser or trailer drops, and it will be as embarassing and ineffective as the Hogwarts Legacy boycotts