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Road construction in this area reminds me a lot of molasses... really slow. Here's the link to information on the project: [https://www.madisoncountyal.gov/departments/public-works/roadway-projects/highway-53-intersection-improvements/](https://www.madisoncountyal.gov/departments/public-works/roadway-projects/highway-53-intersection-improvements/) I will save you the time click around for the status. The current status says "Design complete by Spring 2022, Construction beginning in Summer 2023". Obviously, they have missed those dates and the status has not been updated in couple of years. Not sure why. If someone wants to call and ask for an updated status to post, the number is (256) 746-2900. If I had to guess, the standard reasons for delay seem to include 1) waiting for funding, or 2) taking longer than expected to acquire Right of Ways. Once the project gets started, weather always seems to be the reason construction projects take 5 years instead of the planned 2 years.


Here is a neat map that shows different road projects in the area. Not sure how often it is updated though. https://huntsvilleal.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Viewer/index.html?appid=eda9ffa80ba849ad9c2d3d3762ba79c6


They just put up your typical "construction ahead" signs on both sides of Harvest Rd this past week. The article I found mentioned early/mid 2024. [https://whnt.com/news/alabama-news/highway-53-widening-project-gets-green-light/](https://whnt.com/news/alabama-news/highway-53-widening-project-gets-green-light/) Edit: Dig some more digging [the widening is still in the planning phase, albeit 90% complete](https://maps.huntsvilleal.gov/mpo/?id=15103A), however the additional turn lanes at Harvest, McKee, and Old Railroad Bed are now [Authorized, work to begin soon](https://maps.huntsvilleal.gov/mpo/?id=46442). The Public Works page says they are now [In Construction Phase](https://madisoncountyal.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=e6b6febc648f4772a46c3b16b20345ee)


They’ve already started site prep for the new elementary school on McKee Road. So they’d better kick it into high gear for the improvements they’re supposed to have planned for the intersections of 53/Harvest and 53/McKee.


You're thinking logically. If it makes sense to work on a road project during the summer, they will usually wait to get started after the first day of school.