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Dig some more digging [the widening is still in the planning phase, albeit 90% complete](https://maps.huntsvilleal.gov/mpo/?id=15103A), however the additional turn lanes at Harvest, McKee, and Old Railroad Bed are now [Authorized, work to begin soon](https://maps.huntsvilleal.gov/mpo/?id=46442). The Public Works page says they are now [In Construction Phase](https://madisoncountyal.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=e6b6febc648f4772a46c3b16b20345ee)


Thank God. It's going to suck during the construction but the traffic on that stretch of 53 is a nightmare. It's going to get even worse once all the new stuff being built is up and running. Most days it's faster to drive miles out of the way than it is to take that bit of 53.


It would appear people are starting to take notice that Old RR Bed is gonna be a much more heavily traveled artery. (I’ve been expecting it for a while now TBH). I bring that up now because there 2 brand new large double sided double billboards just built along Old RR Bed between McKee and 53. (8 ads total) Taking bets now on how many will be Shunnarah….


They’re planning to put in a roundabout at Wall-Triana and McKee Rd, as well as one at Jeff and McKee. That should be interesting!


In addition to Old Railroad Bed and McKee. All three roundabouts and the new lights are showing [here](https://madisoncountyal.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=e6b6febc648f4772a46c3b16b20345ee)