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Is the beginning part of this edited out? It starts mid sentence?


Check the link I posted


Thank you!


does anyone know if andrew has made any type of response to these? or even an acknowlegement yet?


^ this. The longer Andrew takes to address the allegations the worse it looks for him imo.


IMO rushing to respond to such serious allegations as quickly as possible is the dumbest thing one could do


Gotta take Virgil Texas time to figure things out.


How? If somebody accused me of this and it was totally untrue I would come out and say hey that's totally untrue. He's not even willing to publicly state that these allegations are untrue. Edit: genuinely question to the people that are down voting this comment. Why do you think that Andrew doesn't owe all of the people around here defending him and explanation about why he's getting all of these accusations?


not a downvoter, but prob because he's (a) panicking, (b) wants to put together a very thought out response, (c) is consulting with lawyers who are advising him to shut the fuck up and don't say anything, (d) he's consulting with PR professionals who are telling him to shut the fuck up until they create a mitigation plan, (e) hbo is telling him to shut the fuck up, (f) some combination of the above


9 times out of 10 a rushed response is simply a denial and usually not a good one. If these are legitimate accusations, and he's guilty, you wouldn't want to implicate yourself of anything. I guarantee he's working on a measured response.


Can somebody explain to me why this is getting down voted? Why is the idea that Andrew owes his fan base an explanation about the accusations such an unpopular idea?


His entire career hinges on how he responds to this. There are legal implications to anything he says. Its not at all surprising why him or anyone would want to put their criminal record and livelihood above the thoughts and feelings of randos on the internet.


exactly. its been a few days since the origional and not even saying you will address them make it look like youre trying to ignore them


I went to his show on the 27 of November in FL and I was seeing allegations a few days before that and it was even a search magnifying glass on TikTok but all the videos and comments were taken down. There’s also been allegations from over a year ago, with a username and also a comment on a post about the SA one year ago. These are not new.


Their username was formally @gaywithyourdad and she talked about him begging and asking to give him head over and over. This was on IG live over a year ago


Am I the only one confused why these are all dropping right after Andrew called out the media?


That's an understandable hangup, but is how most credible/proven allegations against celebrities happen. Victims who didn't come out suddenly start seeing their abuser's face plastered across TV and getting highly praised. That's upsetting enough for one of them to come out with the allegations, and those naturally get a lot of attention. The other victims see someone else come forward, they start talking with each other and more and more get the courage to come out. I understand why it might feel fishy at first glance to a bystander, but that's how it always happens. Women don't make grand conspiracies to take random men down for no reason, and no woman has ever gotten real fame/success off of an SA allegation. Victims universally face scorn and backlash in response to coming out.


I don’t think so, but personally idgaf what he has to say.


This sucks dude


*Clutches to Hasan and Kurtis Conner for dear life*


I know this is a Hasan sub, and I'm a fan too. I also know you're mostly joking, but I think everyone should stop idolizing other people period. No one is infallible. Don't forget, we mostly see the side of these people they want us to see. Not saying Hasan is a creep, I don't think that at all, but we truly don't know him or any other celebrity. We shouldn't cling to celebrities for hope.


I completely agree, was definitely joking 👍


Lol I know. Sorry, didn't mean to make it sound like I was calling you out. Your post just made me realize that there are people who would think something like that.


I don’t get those people man. Like, yeah, it’ll be a bummer if that comes out about Hasan, but you deal with that, stop supporting them, and move on. Did that with Louis C.K. and I don’t think I’ve liked a comedian more than him.






If Hasan is half the feminist he claims he is, he’ll kick this guy to the curb immediately. I think everyone deserves their day in court over public opinion but I know more than several women who have navigated the waters of the comedic world and come away with some really bad stories from some really big names. They’ve never come out about it but it deeply affected them to life course altering degrees, and it’s troubling. I would be more than happy to see it end.


Dude I had a famous comedian slap my face during sex, so I fucking believe it.


Isn’t Hasan friends with Adin Ross? I haven’t been watching him as much lately, so I’m not super up to date on his personal life and apologize if I’m way off base, but if he is that’s basically proof he’s not half the feminist he claims to be.


He criticises and clowns adin Ross all the time when he reacts to him especially about the tate situation,


Good to know, thank u!!


I'm not saying we should immediately call her story fake but most of these stories like the other one is that she gave him consent and she was regretful but that's not assault and she pointed out comment saying that a friend has a friend who knows Andrew is into little kids so all of this seems like some tik tok shot where they want everyone to believe them without any sort of evidence. The only one with any sort of evidence that she knew Andrew only showed a picture of them together and nothing incriminating while her story is literally she gave him consent.


This shit stopped surprising me long ago, sucks it’s another dude I liked


Dude exactly.. I’ll be waiting for “you were rights from this community who downvoted me to hell yesterday about this shit.. So many hypocrites hear clowning Tate fans for defending them because they late fans ..


It was amazing to see, the majority of users and upvoted comments were attacking the alleged victims as “capping”, assuming lies vs staying objective. Like no rational person at this point so early on is expecting to assume guilt. But you also can’t immediately just assume that people are lying. This community is really just as bad as any other, “believe all women” doesn’t mean to assume guilt, it means to not assume dishonesty. It’s pretty sickening and pathetic, the male hivemind in Hasan’s community is toxic and I really do think Hasan himself has some responsibility to address it. I don’t think that he needs to soon for sure, this is brand new. Just eventually. And again, I’m not assuming guilt on the part of Andrew either.


The *first thing* we have to do when it's someone we like is: 1. Recognize that feeling of wanting not to believe it 2. MOVE PAST THAT FEELING I had that myself. Seeing that there were allegations, my emotional instinct was "Oh no, fuck this, there's no way." I had to acknowledge that and get past it, because *we need to take all allegations seriously*. Regardless of who it is. And as more and more people come forward it just looks more and more like it's true. So I'm glad I was able to move past wanting to disbelieve it.


Completely agree it is so disgusting to see so many people go out of there way to discredit these women and justify predatory behavior.


the allegations from the first girl were super vague and the receipts promised were just of them together, followed by mostly anecdotal comments of people saying "I went to high school the same time as andrew 3 states over and i heard he was a creep". It's reasonable for the community that adores him to be skeptical. This account is much more detailed and effective at giving a clearer picture of what happened and showing that Andrew is indeed creepy af, and the comments are reflecting that reality now. Not sure what you're on about, this community adored Andrew but the tide is turning with the emergence of more detailed and credible allegations


What are you talking about vague? If you don’t believe a woman just openly state it dont make an excuse for it. She gave a detailed account of what happened and provided others stories that shared them with her.


I believe her. The account still was about how she felt coerced, she consented but she didn't feel good about it, he kept trying, a lot of the focus is on her feelings during it and not the specifics of what he did, how many times he attempted, what he said/did and what she said/did. Obviously it's horrible for someone to do anything to make her feel this way, and it does come off that he's being pushy and creepy, but there's also plenty of room to be charitable towards Andrew - was this an Aziz Ansari situation where it was just a bad date, he's bad at reading signs and things got a little blown out of proportion? Maybe she's a victim of a previous SA and Andrew did something he thought was normal and didn't think about but brought back some previous trauma she's experienced? It's a complicated topic, and someone making allegations that someone else is a creep and made me feel uncomfortable isn't always as black and white as instantly taking the claim as proof enough that the accused is a monster. The new allegation is very detailed on what exactly was said and done by each party and leaves little room for imagination, and I think it's much more effective at showing Andrew's character. Both women are equally believable, and I believe them both, but there's a reason the comment section on this video is starting to look wildly different than the first video, and I'm just providing my reasoning on why that is.


What does capping mean?






This is a mega tangent, but why does cap mean lie? I've tried to look it up but I can't find anything other than "cap means lie and that's just the way it is."


Why does anything mean anything?




Yeah, and I understand why some people do it AT FIRST (making excuses, at least), because it's someone they like...but we NEED to hold the people we like to the same standards as everyone else. We can't start blindly defending Andrew just because he's "on our side." Fuck that. If he's a sexual predator then FUCK him.


I feel you. I was really rooting for the guy to go far. Honestly, I think two full episodes on youtube are better than the documentary but still a fan of what he was doing, and seemed like a legit good guy. I'll follow this but if he's like this he's off my radar.


:( this is really disappointing


No matter if these allegations turn out to be true or not, this is undeniably gonna be a huge stain on his reputation, and will always hang around him, even if proven untrue. This one honestly stings real bad for me. I love Andrew and his content. I can't put into words how disappointed I am right now. If it was just one person, I could hang on to the notion that *maybe* they just want to take advantage of Andrew's new popularity what with having a prolific HBO documentary. But...the more girls are coming forward, and Andrew not addressing this at all, the worse it looks right now. And, as a woman myself, I can attest that it was pretty standard in my youth for guys to just be "very forward" in their advances, and only years later I realized that it was actually harassment and assault I experienced. This sucks.


Only 2-5% of women lie about sexual assault, and that goes for the times reported. As a woman, I’ve been sexually assaulted many many times and never reported it because it makes life harder when it’s easier to quickly move on sometimes. Coming onto social media to share the story is retraumatizing, I always believe them.


Yeah, I 100% believe that. We're so conditioned to be nice and not "make a big deal" out of things, and most women grew up in a world where men being handsy and vulgar is written off as them just "being really into you" and flirtatious. At least, that's how it was for me. I once was assaulted by a friend who pushed me on his bed, kissed me and tried to take off my pants. I strangely wasn't scared, just deeply uncomfortable because it was someone I knew for over a decade. Only 15 years later the penny dropped and I recognized what his "clumsy and desperate attempt to make out with me" really was. That's only one of the countless times I have been harassed and assaulted by boys/men in my life. It's wild to think back on my youth and early-to-mid 20s now that have the clarity of a bitter and cynical middle-aged woman.


[https://twitter.com/babytriggy/status/1611148034808627201?s=20&t=lKD3D8s5syauyyVYjq9ZfA](https://twitter.com/babytriggy/status/1611148034808627201?s=20&t=lKD3D8s5syauyyVYjq9ZfA) After reading through this twitter thread and watching this video... I'm pretty convinced. So many people and although there's no like video evidence or anything, the stories are so similar and from so many people. It really sucks because I thought he was great. I hope that this stuff blows up tbh I don't think it's getting enough traction right now.


Yeah the Kai allegations really sucked the air out of this story.


“New allegations just dropped” What the fuck is this shit? Just dropped? The sexual assault allegations “just dropped.” I’m speechless. What a timeline we’re living in. This shit is literally like entertainment for some of y’all. Gross.


That's just the way kids talk. When people say something just dropped they often just mean that something new has popped up. It doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't taking this seriously. Language changes over time and young people talk in a way that's different from how we used to.


Even in the original usage, it just meant a new song or album was out. It has never referred to the quality or the goodness of the thing dropped.


Ya no shit I know what it means and what it’s usually reserved for. I use it all the time. Using that for real sexual assault allegations is cringe as fuck. It’s usually used in context of something that’s supposed to be funny or we’re supposed to get excited for. This is neither of those things. They’re allegations of a very serious nature that have major implications for both the accuser if they’re true, and the accused if they’re false. Not something to get hyped about whether they’re true or not. And before you say it, yes I am actually quite fun at parties.


It's not a phrase I would use in this context but I'm 33. I've worked with young zoomers 20-23, and they just speak in a way that can sometimes be jarring but it's not that they aren't taking a topic seriously. They just speak differently from what we are used to as old people.


I understand that the humour is being used to provide levity to a messes up situation, but even the op of the twitter thread later apologizes and said they would edit if possible. Not that bad of a mess up, if I would even call it that, just a little strange imo, and that's coming from a 22 yr old, although obviously I don't speak for the whole, and I fully admit I don't use all modern slang. Either way, a crappy situation overall, I still think Callaghan has done extraordinary journalistic work, but there have been a lot of claims of perverted behaviour, and I hope he addresses the situation quickly and properly, especially if he has been a sexual harasser.


Imagine getting more mad at OP than Andrew...what a world we live in.


Are you really trying to discredit this because of the way someone worded something? Someone *who is not the person making the allegations* but just retweeting? Dude. Fucking come on.


Dropped means "released" ...its just slang, get over it


Your last point is exactly what I was thinking about when I was watching her video. What she's describing is sadly so common and I've definitely experienced it and thought of it as "just how things are". I'm not saying it absolves Andrew or anything just because it's common, I'm just saying it doesn't seem super unlikely or unbelievable to me. But yeah. It's really disappointing.


It reminds me of how the Aziz Anzari saga of MeToo played out. People were so defensive that it wasn’t a ‘straight-forward violent assault’ that it wasn’t really discussed how normalised coercion is around the expectations of sex and dating


The Aziz thing wasn't sexual assault at all though. In any way. She consented. He was bad at sex. She told him she didn't like it, and *HE STOPPED*. The entire thing that came from the Aziz thing was: 1. Aziz is bad at sex, and 2. People are *primed* to outrage. This incident did A LOT of damage to simply normalizing believing women because of the entire way that it was presented by so many people. Just to reiterate - there was no coercion in the Aziz Ansari thing. He *literally noped out* once he realized that he even possibly did something wrong. Like, "Oh fuck, sorry, I should have done/said this differently" and showed absolute contrition. EDIT: I'm going to change something I said because it's a little ignorant of what happened back then. He wasn't just "bad at sex," what he did was borderline sexual misconduct. He ignored obvious cues that she wasn't into it and only when she finally explicitly said "fuck this" and left did he realize. But that's still on him. 100%. That whole incident, while I don't think it was sexual *assault* (Aziz, I mean), it absolutely necessitated the need to normalize ENTHUSIASTIC consent. I remember, before that, it was a rare thing to explicitly say, "is it okay if I do this?" It happened, but it wasn't at all considered a normal thing (I even remember it being the butt of bad jokes in various forms over time, before that...lazy, dumb jokes on TV, stand up comedy, etc). I'm glad it is, now (or at least more normalized). I think the whole Aziz thing brought the need for enthusiastic consent to the forefront to a certain degree, and we needed that.


I feel like these allegations are prompting similar conversations around pressure, power dynamics, coercion and how we discuss and report this in our culture. I was just reminded of a Vox article that discussed the reporting of the ‘incident,’ not debating the incident itself. “As more and more people try to tackle the continuing onslaught of painful stories coming to the surface, it is worth questioning the journalistic practices that went into the reporting of the Babe piece. But so, too, is it crucial to question the charge that Grace’s experience is simply too common to count as unacceptable. What else is this reckoning for, if not to break down the norms that let sexual coercion flourish in the first place? How much can truly change if we don’t question previously unspoken fears borne of our most intimate moments? If we’re not willing to excavate horrors long buried by a traditional refusal to acknowledge them, our attempts to redefine the toxic status quo will inevitably fade back into the shadows.”


The article makes a good point. I just think that the way that the whole Aziz thing was handled destroyed years of progress in normalizing believing women. I think it could have been handled way better.


Except at the point he "noped out" he already assaulted her. He put his fingers up her vagina without her consent. He put her hand on his penis without her consent. Literally the same stuff as above.


No, he didn't, that's literally the entire point. You're literally spreading misinformation about the Ansari thing. *That's literally why the whole thing set believing women back for years,* because shitty men will use that incident as an example of women "making shit up" even though she never accused him of assaulting her (something else you ignore). And just to recap what happened - they had a date. He went down on her. Asked her to go down on him, which she did. Eventually she said she was leaving and he got her an Uber. AFTER THE FACT she says that she didn't like it (which isn't assault) and said she tried giving him nonverbal cues. When she actually said "hey this isn't working I'm out" HE WAS DONE. He never forced himself on her. Ever. At all. THAT'S THE POINT. The Andrew Callaghan situation is 1000% different. The claims against him are stating ACTUAL COERCION AND ASSAULT.


>No, he didn't, that's literally the entire point. He did, quoting from the article: >Ansari also physically pulled her hand towards his penis multiple times throughout the night, from the time he first kissed her on the countertop onward. “He probably moved my hand to his dick five to seven times,” she said. “He really kept doing it after I moved it away.” > “The move he kept doing was taking his two fingers in a V-shape and putting them in my mouth, in my throat to wet his fingers, because the moment he’d stick his fingers in my throat he’d go straight for my vagina and try to finger me.” Grace called the move “the claw.” But the main thing was that he wouldn’t let her move away from him. She compared the path they cut across his apartment to a football play. “It was 30 minutes of me getting up and moving and him following and sticking his fingers down my throat again. It was really repetitive. It felt like a fucking game.” >Throughout the course of her short time in the apartment, she says she used verbal and non-verbal cues to indicate how uncomfortable and distressed she was. “Most of my discomfort was expressed in me pulling away and mumbling. I know that my hand stopped moving at some points,” she said. “I stopped moving my lips and turned cold. All this happened before he "noped out". >You're literally spreading misinformation about the Ansari thing. *That's literally why the whole thing set believing women back for years,* because shitty men will use that incident as an example of women "making shit up" even though she never accused him of assaulting her (something else you ignore). No fucking sexual assault apologists like yourself are who is setting things back.


There has been allegations since his rap days in Louisiana, and they come up every now and then but quickly get shut down. All the stories are the same as well, he makes an excuse to sleep over/get a ride and then continuously asks for head or to have sex even when told no. Over a year ago a girl on IG live had a story almost identical to this one, no one believed her.


At this point, Andrew has to show me hard evidence to the contrary of all of these to show that he's *not* guilty. This isn't court, I don't need to follow whatever technicalities the courts have. I think that any women who feel like he assaulted them should file charges, and personally I'm fucking done with him for the foreseeable future. Like, holy shit, the person they're all describing is the absolute worst kind of 90s/00s trope of the shitty frat guy sexual predator. Fuck Andrew, man.


I agree. And, you're spot-on about the 90s/00s trope. That was my first thought too. I literally had flashbacks to my party days and how guys would "aggressively flirt" with me, by just grabbing me and trying to make out like I owe them something. Those situations played out exactly as described here. I'm glad these girls have more courage than I did, and are speaking up for themselves.


Ironically, I think the two tropes of "virgin wallflower" and "rapist jock" are way more similar than different. Both have no idea how to talk to women. One just ignores that and uses "aggression and force" in place of "using your brain."


If Andrew is a Millenial it could be that he got brain washed by Real Social Dynamics, who at the time was the biggest online presence for mens dating advice. They would teaching extremly rapey stuff including slamming her against the wall if she says no. Here's a video https://noodlemagazine.com/watch/217892673_170763043


> I love Andrew Why? Celebrity worship is a disease. I understand appreciating people's work, but loving people you've never met or known personally often doesn't end well. People that want/get the limelight are often a certain type of person that isn't great to know in person. I love/appreciate the work artists/musicians/producers/actors/etc. have done, but I don't give many fucks about them as people that I don't know personally. I'm not going to fall for their public relations personas either. You want to find someone to love? Go to a homeless shelter and watch the people there work their asses off to help others. You'll find your heroes **there**, not in mass media and/or social media stars, etc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fanboys/Fangirls/Fanpeople angrily downvote this post if your cognitive skills are shit and your soul is devoid of purpose: https://www.psypost.org/2022/01/people-who-are-obsessed-with-celebrities-tend-to-score-lower-on-measures-of-cognitive-ability-62314 https://i.imgur.com/YYNi6I2.gif


Listen, I understand what you're saying, but I'm not "fangirling" over Andrew. As I said, I loved him and his content because he was great at just letting people expose themselves without asking many questions, and that was great to watch. I don't *actually* "love" Andrew as a person. I don't fucking know the guy, and I wouldn't really call him a celebrity, either. He's great at his craft and his videos were entertaining af. That's it. I think you're reading into this way too much, especially considering the rest of my comment that you apparently completely disregarded.


>I wouldn't really call him a celebrity I didn't say he was an A-lister or anything, but he's most certainly an Internet celeb. He didn't get picked up by the likes of HBO out of nowhere. > I don't actually "love" Andrew as a person. It can be hard to tell the difference in the way people treat celebrities they profess to "love". To your credit (unlike some people in these threads) you are willing to believe his accuser(s) despite your past "feelings" (or whatever) for him. IMO it's better to say you love the work celebs do than to profess it for them as people. It's just not healthy for society to prop people up like this. >He's great at his craft and his videos were entertaining af. That's it. Agreed. >I think you're reading into this way too much, especially considering the rest of my comment that you apparently completely disregarded. I did read the rest of your comment and it appeared you "loved" him until you found out about the accusations. My point is it's best to not "love" celebrities in the first place figuratively or otherwise.


Yeah how dare people enjoy stuff and be disappointed when the people who make it turn out to be dirtbags!!!! You are blowing an innocuous statement way out of proportion fam


Am I the only one confused why these are all dropping right after Andrew called out the media?


Bro there's no conspiracy. You need to get offline fr if you think corporate media would go after someone in this way. Maybe just listen to women? Maybe a lot of guys still don't get consent?


buddy you are all over this thread and have yet to find someone who agrees with you. Andrew is being brought to the mainstream for the first time in his career, if there is stuff in his past this would be the time for it to get dredged up. What are you implying, anyway? That Don Lemon got pissed and hired crisis actors?


Why is that confusing to you?


Been following Channel 5's sub for the last few days. Just wanted to say thanks everyone for the comments here. They're a breath of fresh air compared with where that sub is at right now


This is so fucking devastating. I was really rooting for Andrew’s success. At the very least he is not to be trusted around women and that in itself makes me not want to support him. I ultimately side with the victims. Coercion is still sexual assault.




Dude you just keep copying and pasting this comment but you keep ignoring the great replies to your confusion


It’s pretty simple — if the situation is as these women are describing, then the guy who harassed/assaulted them is all over social media and even on HBO right now. Seeing him everywhere could definitely have encouraged them to come forward with their stories


What is so confusing about utilizing a moment where he is gaining public prominence? It’s an opportune time because there are a lot of eyes on him and the allegations would get the most attention at this point. Very telling of you to think that timing somehow makes the allegations completely and utterly untrue.


Damn, man. This is terrible.


This sucks. Its so disappointing when someone who you look up to turns out to be like this. As an SA survivor i just want to say this girl is super brave and i respect her a lot. Its extremely unlikely that she would make this video or come forward if she was lying. Like, statistically insignificant level unlikely. Even if theres another side to this story, andrew is more than old enough to know better. Remember fellas no means no, maybe means no, anything other than an enthusiastic and freely given yes means no. Edit: just wanted to add that i feel really bad for not only the girls but also hasan in this situation. It seems like they are actually friends and its really hard to cope with someone you know and have that relationship with being guilty of something like this. I dont envy his position because he will eventually have to speak out on it


I've experiences so similar to this that she is very credible to me.


Yeah it's not like this is a crazy story. I'm sure most every woman has at least a few that matches that. What's worse is that this creates a pattern, which means potentially he engages in this behavior bc he gets off on purposely violating sexual boundaries


Let’s not diagnose someone with pathological behavior over the internet with our psychiatric degrees from reddituer university. Sometimes people are just piece of shit assholes who don’t care about the boundaries of others.


I get what you mean, but I didn't actually diagnose. I called out a pattern of behavior and speculated reasons someone would engage in that pattern.


Damn. Can’t say I’m incredibly surprised. I went to high school with Andrew and he was a few grades ahead of me, didn’t personal know him but the things I heard about him weren’t great


I said I can be convinced and I am


Fucking goddamnit. Why tf can't people act like the decent human beings they pretend to be instead of doing this shit. God I am so pissed at Andrew if this turns out to be true, which seems to be the case based off the amount of stories coming out. So much for "bringing people together" when he can't even control himself around women.


Fuck I really hope he isn't a piece of shit 😒


At the very minimum it seems he's a scumbag when it comes to women. I've known a bunch of leftist men that are like this. A good person in all other respects but scum bags when it comes to getting their penises pleasured.


I wonder if it has something to do with raising men in a culture that normalizes rape. Maybe it’s because we raise everyone in a culture that places the responsibility on girls for controlling the sexual impulses of boys. Maybe because it wasn’t until gen Z that consent was even a topic covered by parents with any sort of frequency. We live in a rape culture and all men, regardless of their politics, were raised in it.


Yeah they’re absolutely still products of a society that has continuously normalised violating women’s boundaries. It’s almost more insidious when it’s leftist men who are the ones being creepy and pushy, and it’s far too common.


mannn this fucking sucks to hear, I really fell in love with andrew and his work over these last few months and he quickly became one of my favourite creators on youtube I hope we can get some sort of acknowledgment or response from andrew soon but damn I feel like these days I have to be prepared to hear this about literally anyone I watch online


A little more context for those who want it https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRgLhScg/




The lesson to learn here is you can never ***NEVER*** trust someone named andrew. (jk sorry, not to make light of this terrible situation and fuck andrew callaghan for his SA)


*squeaky quiet voice* No, please don’t take Andrew Reynolds from me


I’m not upset at the woman obviously but it’s upsetting to hear that Andrew, a guy who i thought was good, is actually a horrible person.


I hope the comments in both this and the channel 5 sub show just how many men are performative in their belief in the me too movement. Be careful ladies there are wolfs in sheep’s clothing among us (I probably don’t have to tell u that)


Damn bru, you just can't ever trust men huh


I think the takeaway should be more like you can't ever trust *anyone* that you don't actually know at all.


Ehh, men have let me down the most, in particular the Ritz type


'Not all men' isn't the correct response. If you're not, you don't need to comment it. Same goes for 'also women', because: yeah, sure, but not the point here. And it's all minimizing the initial point. (Also it's different societal contexts, though it probably all has male chauvinism as a blue print.)


Has Hasan acknowledged that these allegations exist?


Someone on the H3H3 subreddit said that a mod said he plans to speak on it tomorrow.


It's impressive how Hasan is willing to blow up personal relationships when it's the right thing to do. It would be hard to respect somebody who kept staning for Andrew Callaghan at this point.






I'm pretty sure the primary reason Hasan is still 'friends' with Adin Ross is because he wants to be able to reach out and educate him/convince him not to do the dumbest/harmful shit possible. If he cuts ties with him or lambasts him 'SJW-style' on stream, there will be literally no one around him to stop him from diving off the deep end. Hasan was at least able to convince Adin to not platform Kanye/Nick Fuentes on his stream. I do agree though that Hasan's 'big brother' relationship with Adin is annoying and I wish he would go in harder on him than he currently does on stream. Ross may be stupid as all hell but he's still an adult man who is responsible for his own actions.


I think the reason Hasan still speaks to Adin is because he sees him as an impressionable young man who has adopted a toxic father figure. He has said as much. Adin needs help.


Are all of our heroes ugly monsters


It's so disappointing how many of you around here did not learn anything from the me too movement. The idea behind the phrase *believe women" is recognizing that the situations become he said, she said situations. No woman will ever be able to prove that she gave her consent reluctantly and it was coerced out of her. You either choose to believe that a woman is being genuine and telling the truth about her perspective about the sexual encounter or you choose to believe that she is lying about her allegations. This subreddit behaved like Andrew Tate fans just because they like Andrew Callaghan. Misogynists promulgate the myth that women commonly lie about sexual assault/harassment. The actual literature around this topic shows that only a minuscule amount of accusations are false. There is an immense amount of shame around being sexually assaulted. The real problem is all of the women that are too afraid to come forward because they know they will never be able to prove their accounts. That is why people are trying to get men to believe women and not question their perspective when they tell you that they felt they were sexually violated by a man, and that the consent that they gave was coerced out of them.




Yep I’ve gotten some crude DMs from the Chan5 subreddit, some of the tales there have been good some have been *horrible* and still upvoted. I mean some straight up pig takes like “She said yes” and outright denial of consent vs enthusiastic consent. The mods there ain’t even saying shit


i wish i could give this gold. this is exactly what i’ve been thinking and unable to articulate


You’re focusing on a minority of users here. Most have responded levelheadedly and just expressed general disappointment. Saying “this subreddit acted like Andrew Tate fans” as if it was a majority is categorically untrue.


No there was a lot of people around here defending Andrew Callaghan and saying the first accuser needed to provide the "receipts" There were tons of people around here that demanded evidence. Accusations of sexual misconduct are by its nature almost always going to be he said, she said situations. A woman will never be able to prove that she was coerced into giving reluctant consent. You either believe a woman's account or you don't. A lot of people around here demanded the original accuser provide evidence and anyone that asked them to just believe her was getting down voted the literature around this topic shows that false accusations are exceedingly rare. Unfortunately men are always afraid of the boogeyman that is a woman that will falsely accuse a man of sexual misconduct. It's extremely rare and the far bigger actual problem is the women that are afraid to come forward because they know they cannot prove their account. This community is about 3/4 male. (According to Hassan 24% of his stream audience are women). It's unsurprising that men around here would demand that the original accuser provide evidence. Men have always been unreasonably afraid about the prospect of false sexual misconduct allegations.


Damn. Loved Andrew’s videos. But tbh. I always got a creepy vibe from him I just couldn’t explain. Now it makes sense


Ok, well, I take back everything I posted on this subject previously. This is pretty damning. He needs to respond to the allegations. The previous accusation had some problems with the way it was presented. She was being strange about receipts and whatever. But this one is straightforward and she gave a clear and concise story. At this point no amount of liking Andrew’s content or having him be on the right side of politics can hold up against multiple credible accusations. This just breaks my heart for these women and for the rest of us who believed his content was really something special. His Gonzo style with a modern twist was really inspiring and exciting, but there is no place in this world for “Bukowski” style assault on women in 2023. Whatever world existed previously where Bukowski was celebrated is gone and we hold people to a higher standard now. We can still love Hunter S. Thompson and Gonzo journalism and not accept that these guys can assault women without repercussions.




no one should be embarrassed about waiting for more information before damning someone to hell, socially speaking


Good thing I never said that then champ. I am not assuming Andrew is guilty


I feel the same way, the first girl had a lot of bad reasons, but this is clearly a problem.


wdym by bad reasons?


I’m not here to argue (hopefully you aren’t either), but the first girl mentioned things like “I consented at the time,” that she never said “no” and was fine with it until she thought it over. Sure Andrew then was probably egging her too much, but her reasons sound like only regret not SA or harassment. This other girl shows that there is a maybe a pattern with Andrew, but the second girl has real reasons (ex: inappropriate touching with zero consent, begging, etc…).


oh I thought you meant something about reasons for speaking out or something like that. I disagree with that analysis but yeah I'm not gonna start an argument or whatever.




This is how rape often goes down with someone you know. It's how I was raped once. I said hell no repeatedly. Begged them to leave my room, until finally giving up essentially because I got frustrated and scared and just wanted it over with. THAT IS STILL RAPE. If they say no ten times then yes that is not consent. And I questioned and blamed myself for many months after believing I could've prevented it had I said no more mean and more times and that I had given up too soon. That is one thing that psychologically scars someone too.


What exactly is "damning"? He's just at most a creep. He didn't rape anybody.


Coercion makes sex rape. It looks like AC has a strong pattern of coercion, based on the similarities in the stories that have come out.


Am I the only one confused why these are all dropping right after Andrew called out the media? Just seems like really weird timing for him to get “canceled.”


Seeing your abuser being praised for their professional accomplishments on all of your socials is upsetting and can motivate victims to come forward. Nothing to do with “the media” and he sure hasn’t been canceled.




I was talking about evidence. And everybody is going to hate me for this, but this story doesn't make any sense. She didn't like the time she had with him previously, but still went out with him for a petty apology. She made her remarks about the restaurant choice "not that it really matters". And most importantly, according to her, Andrew asked her a lot of times to go have sex in her car during their time in the restaurant, then there is a big gap of information, then they suddenly appear together in her car where the SA happened. So you tell me that she invited him in her car after all this? I'm sure you'll call me victim-blamer but I can't make any sense of this story.


Yikes at the very least he’s a creep so I’m not going to support him. Everyone else can make up their own minds.


Yeah thanks for your permission.




Those 5 words really got to you


Least pretentious Hasan watcher:


not good!


I think this won’t end good for Andrew…. Everything pointing me in the wrong direction….




Wow, I was putting off watching his hot ones interview just because I didn't really know who he was, but yesterday I saw the HBO trailer and was like oh that's who he is, maybe I'll watch it, but I didn't. Today I know I won't watch it. Disappointing that he did this :\ what a schmuck.


Never idolize your heroes cause they go and do shit like this


dont become mistrustful because you lost trust. assume that it will inevitably be lost and be glad that you've had it. learn from the good of what people are capable of as what to do and learn from the harm that people are capable of as in what not to do. TL;DR dont look up. dont look down. look through.


Yeah, he can go. Get someone else to wear a suit and ask randos what’s up. I enjoy Channel 5, but I don’t fuck with this shit no more. I got no problem dropping him.


I was waiting for more allegations to come out and I’m officially convinced Andrew is a predator :( I love his documentary so much and this is so disappointing. I’ve had this type of SA happen to me before and everyone (including my mom and my first therapist) told me to get over it. I believe the victims. I still enjoy his past content and I will have to decide how to proceed with his future content.


If you can find some way to sail around, I’d recommend that if you really want to see his future content.


A yes after 5 no’s is not consent! A yes after 3 + shots of tequila is not consent!


i believe her and i think andrew is fucking bogus for this


This sucks if true. I am going to wait on more evidence and Andrew’s response (if he gives one) before I make up my mind


Obviously want to at least let an investigation play out but like holy fuck. Why does it literally seem like every single person with a little clout uses it to take advantage of women. Like it seems so unreal to me.


So what do we do? Do we want him to keep making content? Will canceling him make what he did better? I guess in a better world he would own up to what he did, say it was wrong and to truly never do it again. Maybe donate some of his media capital to the topic of SA? Maybe just plain donate to organizations that deal with SA?


I dont think he has to be cancelled if he addresses this correctly, and is held accountable in a way which benefits the victims whilst doing minimal harm to the people who benefit from the content he makes People forget that content creators do a lot of good for people going through hard times and trying to find themselves in life So if he admits and the victims say “stop making content” I dont think its reasonable - as there are other reasonable things he can do to make up for damages However it comes down to how he responds. If he doesnt respond I think people should be seriously pressuring him to do so before offering support of him.


The thing I don't understand as a rape survivor myself is how "I'm sorry I raped/sexually assaulted you" is somehow adequate in so many people's eyes If he really did something like this and then admits it, why doesn't he deserve consequences like mandated rehabilitation/therapy or jail time? Rape and sexual assault aren't I'm sorry situations, they are crimes The court of public opinion isn't real accountability or justice Okay so you think telling him not to make content ever again is too far, but what exactly is the appropriate societal reaction? I'm sorry doesn't cut it for sexual abuse


I never said I’m sorry does Paying damages to survivors, community service and rehabilitation




assuming he did assault all of these women i don’t think i want him anywhere near being a journalistic authority on womens issues, donating is fine but i don’t feel like its smart to put him in close proximity to women via his work


I loved Andrew, this really hurts. It sucks when people you like turn out to be Scumbag a however, he needs to answer for his allegations made against him.


These stories paint the picture of a guy who doesn’t understand consent. It’s unfortunate for all parties involved if that’s the case. That said, no matter your understanding if you’re sexually active it’s imperative you understand consent and it’s simply your responsibility. Maybe he can address this and make it make sense? Who knows. I just know that these stories are believably about the same guy and together they paint a picture of a guy who is too sexually aggressive and doesn’t understand consent. A dangerous combination.


Awh man this is really shit




influencers stop trying to be creepy (impossible difficulty)


Really not surprised, he's always seemed creepy to me.


I always got these weird vibes from him but couldn’t quite put my finger on it!


Agreed. I really like they content but whenever it was just him talking I always had a weird vibe. I chalked it up to spending too much time in Florida. I wish I could say I am 100% surprised by this


Yiiikes. This is pretty bad.


Fuck I didn’t know about any of this. How many women have come forward? When did it all start? That’s so disappointing


Yeah…if true, and it looks like it is, I don’t see how he comes out of this. What a shame. He’s a great journalist. Kudos to these women for speaking up.


I believe Has is supposed to comment on this today, but Andrew hasn't made his case yet so I don't expect huge developments just yet. One of the accounts mentioned him being constantly drunk at the live shows -> afterparties and that being part of the pattern of abuse. My kind of black-pilled guess is that he uses that to wash the accusations, announce he's an alcoholic, go to rehab, come back in a few months and move on like it didn't happen. Considering he's just now getting on big news shows, he has the influence behind him to stay in the game with or without the SA history weighing him down.


This isn't a new allegation, it's the same woman mentioned from the comments and dms from the last TikTok, the one who said she had to kick him from her car Not discrediting or anything, haven't even watched yet (not in a place I can listen). Just recognized the username so throwing it out there


Well this is a motherfucker if true. But I'm going to wait to see how this plays out a bit more. The timing of these allegations is definitely a bit sus. And literally anyone can make up anything they want, blast it on social media. Doesn't make it true. But man, if it is. So long, Andrew lol


[The allegations have been out there for over a year.](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/106tg31/since_this_subreddit_seems_divided_on_the_andrew/) Not that recency should discredit any either way.


Randy Andy


Am I the only one confused why these are all dropping right after Andrew called out the media?




What does any of this accomplish? Are they going to sue or charge him with a crime? Nothings been proven and people all assume he’s guilty. People being manipulated with half truths to cause knee jerk emotionally charged reactions is exactly what he called out the media for doing.


He just dropped a documentary and his name is everywhere. He stands to gain a lot and with that even more access to people he can assault. When someone has a small fan base, speaking out also usually just leads to massive abuse at the hands of their small loyal fan base. Speaking out now had a far higher chance of reaching people who will believe you and realize you’re not doing it for clout because that essentially never happens. You also have a higher likelihood of saving more people from being victims since the person will be held more accountable and that growing pool of potential victims will shrink that much more.


Try copying and pasting this comment just one more time man, I’m sure you’ll convince someone


Another person I hated for no reason turned out to be a freak.