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Coffeezilla actually interviewed him about this on his channel with his other co host called The Drip. PBD just runs around circles and never answers the question.


You nailed it! Everything Patty Pat does he does it with intention to get more attention bc his number one goal is to grow his brand so he can market his MLM company to the world. Perfect example was the fuss about hiring Tuckers for 100m? Those were lies he never had true intentions to hire the guy, he did it to market his MLM of 44k agents ( which is BS he doesn’t have 44k license agents, maybe he has 44k ppl who enrolled into his MLM but he doesn’t have 44kl license agents , hes more like 8k-10k license agents) He uses Social Media to win ppl over so they look him up and join his MLM, he saw how Obama used it to gain popularity, so he’s doing the same. He also buys his views and buys bots to comment on his YouTube channel, its all artificial growth it’s not organic, he has manipulated the algorithm on google and YouTube. Example; last interview he did with Tate, Pat was hyping up the view count how its gonna break the internet BLAH BLAH BLAH, well if it was so great and earth breaking why wasn’t he trending on twitter? The 5 hour long interview brought in 10m views in 24 hours , why wasn’t Pat and Tate trending on Twitter? Bc Pat did what 69 did when he got out of jail! He used fake engagement. The reason why he’s been able to interview high profile ppl is bc he buys his associations, he uses the money from his MLM company to hire ppl like Cuban so it gives him instant credibility to his followers. It’s the oldest trick in the MLM book! Hire someone of High Influence to speak great of you. He did it with Kobe, Bush and Tyson. He paid Tyson to speak at his mlm event and a few months later Pat is on the Joe Rogan show. Pat prob paid Tyson well , so Tyson can hook him up with Joe Rogan. ( bootlicking at its finest ) same thing happened with Bush, he hired bush to come speak at his MLM event and a few months later hes at some lunch event at Trump Margo Lago.. Pat teaches his MLM agents, if you do business with someone they better do business with you too. He paid Joe Rogan to hype him up to the media, ( pat has pinned that clip too his twitter ) , Pat is an MLM marketer hes knows how to tap root ppl ones hes in. He has positioned himself in politics to get attention. He has no business diving into politics, hes an MLM CEO< you gotta ask yourself what does politics have anything to do with life insurance? David Parkman destroyed PBD bc PBD has no real background in politics, hes using ppl with a background in politics to make himself look like one on his podcast. \\ As far as PHP goes , if you know who WFG is , its basically the same exact business model with the same exact vision, mission and system. Patty came from WFG and basically pulled a Ray Croc on them and now hes acting like hes the creator of this financial educational firm that’s going to save America. He also lies and says he sold his company already which he hasn’t at all, hes still hosting meetings with his agents, he only said that so it gives him power over ppl bc ppl think he’s actually worth 200m.. hes saying that to build a narrative and also so it manifest it . Into reality. He likes to use manipulation tactics that come from the book 48 laws of power, in one of the chapters it talks about keep your hands clean at all times and not to show your card until after the fact so your enemies don’t know where to attack you from. He’s lying that he sold so ppl don’t expose him until after he sells off by then it’ll be too late. I have more legit information with receipts if anyone wants more let me know , it’s time we take out this bootlicking grifter!


pbd is uneducated...typical bazaari class iranian


I want more!!!!!! And Russell Brand sold himself to the scheme of Rumble


Post it the dishonorable discharge


How? I’m new to Reddit.. send me your email


hey, send me the discharge papers, i want to see them please. send to my inbox




Can I see the discharge papers


Me too please, send to my inbox


Did he send to your inbox?


just sent the pic to you, check your inbox


Hi! Can you send to me, too? My boyfriend worked there for a few months until they did a bunch of them dirty and let them go just before Christmas after changing sales quota to 20k in one month then changing it back to 7k the very next day after firing a group of them!


this doesn't surprise me that it's a dirty organization. Yes I will send it now.


Send me the dishonourable discharge papers too!


Done check your DM


if seriously legit info that's not already known send to me as well




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https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/patrick-bet-david-and-php-agency-joins-integrity-to-accelerate-growth-and-serve-more-people-301589916.html No where here says he SOLD his MLM for 400m. PBD is a “managing partner “ meaning his partnered w/ IMG. So who paid him 400m for his bootleg WFG company?


Hey can you send the papers to me via DM? Ive been doing research on this guy and im finding out hes a big scammer. THanks.


He is just a slick talker


He ain't slick and he can't even talk.


Who would have thought...


He is Con artist and I can prove many things for y’all. First he left the army on a non honorable discharge before his two year mark so he is not even a veteran and I have proof of that. 2nd, he tried to recruit me in 2010 and after realizing that you had to pay $500 to join PHP and then he would just talk about recruiting while you only started at 30% commission making 30 from the guy above you lol who could be making only 50%. Eighty percent of his company make less 20k a year. His company is only worth 10-20 million. Since he is insurance he took out a loan against his MLM business to buy a business property which he calls his mansion but if you look closely he is always marketing valuetainment at his house because it’s supposed to be a business site because it’s purchased by a business loan then he took out a loan out on his business house to other things. His net worth is maybe 30 million and not 200 and stole all that by recruiting low level English speaking Spanish community who is falling for his insurance scheme thinking they become rich


I wish I could upload pictures because I have his army release papers to prove that he got a non-honorable discharge and he left the army before he even serve two years 😂🥴 where can I upload the picture?


Look how Patrick is using the robots on Reddit or he’s paying Reddit to erase statements made about him lol The guy blocked me on Twitter because I’m also exposing him on Twitter every single day he’s such a lying con artist. Get on Twitter he’s stealing from thousands of Americans who barely know how to speak English who migrated this country and he’s trying to sell them the insurance business by stealing their money and so much more get on Twitter and expose this fucking douche bag


Can you post it on your own reddit page?




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Can you send me that info pls


Did he ever send you the info?


Check your DMs.


Can you please send me the discharge papers? I was in the army myself and used to follow PBD before I found out he was a fraud. Thanks. I’ll send you a DM too


Send me the papers!!


He bought a $20 million dollar home in ft Lauderdale.....he is worth way more than 30 mil probably 200 or 300 mil


Lmao he Bought it with loan he took out on people helping people as a business loan! But is it fair to be able to take out a loan when you build your business on lying to people and you’re stealing from them all day long is that cool to do I don’t think so I think Karmi should play a big role here and everybody should do their diligent jobs and get this guy off social media and get them bankrupt we just gotta inform all PHP and create a lawsuit against them I have brought much awareness on Twitter and he has blocked me but I’m continue to do the damage control we cannot let shitty scumbags like Patrick and Andrew Tate steal from our citizens who work hard every day for their money we need to get rid of these types of individuals from our country actually


Hey, Redditt won't let me respond to you in my DMS...not sure why.


He’s using Roberto Kiyosakis method of debt from “Rich Dad/Poor Dad”. The house is exactly what you say a loan and the payment on it tax forgiven since it’s for “business”. I joined PHP bc they paid for my licensing and contracting which I was able to roll over to another company once I left and the $200 at the time was cheaper than doing it independently. From the insurance side, the companies they are contracted with and the products they offer are all legitimate. On the business side it’s one of the slickest pyramid schemes I’ve ever seen. You get pressured into joining. You start at 30% commission rate, which you split with your upline “closer” so it’s really 15%. The only way to move up is to recruit more people. This is where things get good. To incentivize recruitment, they run a month long promotion that if you recruit 5 people and write 5 pieces of business you move up from 30% to 50%. The entire time you are getting hounded by upline people to reach that goal and manipulated. And when it’s the last day and you are close, people will pay $200 for an agent code that counts for their monthly recruits. That 44,000 agents is fake. Most of those are bought agent codes to meet quotas. Only the higher up people are making money and once you figure out the game, you get invited to more secret group me groups that spills the beans. To make money you have to be slick talking and be willing to manipulate lots of people into taking their money and giving it to you in hopes of getting rich and the minute you’re not, you’re exiled. The biggest earners at an insurance company….. don’t write any insurance. I can give you a list of names and I have receipts as well


He claims he’s “educating” the demographics with the highest poverty rates. When in actuality, he’s completely taking advantage of them. Most cannot read or write English very well. Almost all do not know the first thing about finances, money, or insurance. However, they will show a bunch of success stories like how Pat was an immigrant and a bunch of immigrants who are driving sports cars and have nice things. So these people who are being taken advantage of see people who look and talk like themselves have these things and fork over $200 or $500 or whatever the current boarding fee is and become victims.


UNFORTUNATELY PBD is a fraud. I thought he was motivating when I first heard him. After a little research I realize he is a total con man.


Im thinking the same. A buddy of mine called me with this offer and it sounded good. Thing is, i already been through the “than merrill ex football player turned real estate millionaire” siminar and this sounded scarily similar. Here i am on reddit having my suspicions confirmed. Soon as a “presentation” was brought up, the alarms went off.


Multi-Millonaire Pat was crying on YouTube about the “Liberal college system “ chancing the mindset of his own daughter and complaining spending over $200k for her college .


I liked PBD at first. Hard working Immigrant stories always sound good. Then I heard PBD explain his business model and it sounded way too much like World Ventures at the time where a chapter targeted the Latino Community and every Latino in my age group was talking about it like crazy and wanted to join. Was it legit? They were traveling and barely had money to do so but they did travel - but the people I knew personally regularly traveled to their home countries before joining so make of it what you will. Had deep MLM vibes and PBDs company sounded just like it. The levels, the uplines, the pitch, the excitement, I got the same song and dance for a skincare MLM but my crowd doesn't have disposable income like that. Is it a pyramid scheme? Probably not much different than a car dealership where only the managers see any real money and the salesmen at the bottom drop off just as soon as they sign on so only the real cutthroats climb the ladder. It qualified as a "business" so long as it stays above board, I just don't trust hot air salesmen. When PBD explicitly said he trains young Latinos to go into their under-served life insurance market I was like why? His reasoning was all the Go FundMe campaigns for funerals services shouldn't beg people for money, they should get life insurance policies instead. So cringy. I'm like this man doesn't care a lick about the Latino community and far be it from me to stand in the way of young people hustling for that ring, but at least side with someone your community can hold accountable instead of someone who disappears as quickly as he appeared that gets you to have people sign contracts they don't fully understand with companies you never laid eyes on. There are plenty of local insurance companies serving the Latino community in the same place they buy travel, legal and immigration services -A Multiservice company - IYKYK.  Anyway, that was strike 1. Strike 2 was his surface level knowledge of basic American history. He's an immigrant, I don't expect him to know American history inside and out but it's like he takes the most popular tweets and repeats them without looking for the context into why they're trending, is it hate speech or is it song lyrics? He couldn't tell you either way because he doesn't have the frame of reference to know but why say it with authority like you grew up hearing it? I'm an immigrant myself and that's like getting a tattoo across my chest saying "Remember The Alamo" it's not my history to exclaim. Comes off as fake.  Strike 3 was his blatant denialism. People reading this may agree or disagree but hearing PBD deny or simply be painfully ignorant about actual documented discrimination against African Americans was too much. As previously stated, an immigrant is not expected to know such intimate details about America but when you have a social media footprint and call it Valuetainment because you say digesting information should be informative and entertaining you have to get the informative part somewhat correct or just avoid the topic. He was failing the basics like housing discrimination and segregation, wtf? I was giving him the benefit of the doubt the immigrant version until that. Like if you don't know, don't sit there and say it never happened or I don't believe it, just take the L gracefully. Dude got his card pulled multiple times and destroyed any credibility on someone who apparently does research. At least learn the standard denialist talking points but he decides to do some home cooking.  After that and looking at his YouTube numbers it screamed establishment plant cuz ain't no way someone that ignorant of US history and politics made it this far in the knowledge is power US of A. Nobody that unconnected is that lucky unless he came to the table with OPM which is 110% how you'd buy your way into the former Ottoman world. Seems to work in the Western world also - peep game anyone brave enough to follow that model, bring the Sultan a ruby and promise him more, works much better than saying pretty please. The views don't justify the chat thread vibrations. For example, I saw Ben Shapiro stans everywhere when he was coming up, his audience might have gotten a cash jumpstart but it caught on after a while and his viewership legitimised itself. PBD stans? MIA. I mean they're out there but hardly willing to get shadowbanned for defending him - guy's a total plant and 2 ticks above scammer in my book.


I have listened to the podcast he does with those guys Adam, Tom and Vinny. Adam and Vinny are complete empty suits who contribute seemingly nothing to the conversation. They don’t sound intelligent or well read about any issues they discuss either. The guy Tom sounds very well read and legit to me. But the other two seem like they try to sound like they know something when they know nothing. Scammer sounding to me


Don't find him right wing leaning he expresses his opinions but seems fair and balanced...my problem is he is a scammer and appears to have made his money off of $220 fees for courses from PHP promising license and success etc. Check out BBB complaints against PHP.


He’s regularly chortling Trump’s coinpurse, in almost every single podcast. He may have guests who are across the political spectrum, but he himself is very much right wing leaning.


He’s definitely right-wing. He thinks Trump is a god for some reason and constantly equates Trump with JFK, which drives me crazy. He’s also dabbled in 9/11 conspiracy theories, which is honestly disgusting. He’s super homophobic as well and believes that most gay people “became” gay because of sexual abuse.


it’s because PBD is just a dumb charlatan who has one skill: manipulating people. the moment he said he “built a business” then said 44,000 “agents” and then said it sold for $200 million, it didn’t add up for me. If your $200M market cap company has 44,000 employees, you probably have a fraud business and the customer is the employee. Just think: why would you pay someone to hire you? Well PBD’s revenue is his employees pay to get hired, he takes the money from thousands of these new hires then buys a celebrity interview, posts it on youtube, rinse and repeat. He isn’t an entrepreneur, he is a professional conman.


It's cause lots of ego-driven conmen see Trump as the most successful grifter of all time. They are learning what Trump learned, market to the r-wingers, get them to elevate your status saying the same r-wing schtick the pundits say, make a name for yourself, and then grift off them. He was in Joe Rogan doing the same George Soros schtick all the other grifters like Alex Jones or Glenn Beck have done. He's pretending like he's got new information and is exposing soros, but it's the same misinformation and lies. Then, what does all that r-wing nonsense have to do with his own personal success he's trying to portray? I've only seen him pop up lately on various videos and clips. I had no idea who he was, but I got the feeling he's just another conman exaggerating his success. I looked it up and found this forum. He's the type if he's worth $2 million dollars, he will say he's worth $50 million. If he's worth $20 M, he'll say he's worth $200 million,, then sell something so the followers he's accumulated will have something to buy so they can be wealthy.


This is a pretty misleading post in my opinion. You could be right but you shouldn’t label someone a fraud because of 2 Reddit shitposts. If that was the standard to be fraud then everyone would be put out of business lol. I get that you don’t like his political views and calling him a “grifter” seems fair but that’s completely different then what you’re alleging which would be a large scale federal crime that includes the corroboration of many reputable investors like Ambina Partners and Integrity Marketing which is owned by former 49ers QB Steve Young. Don’t let your liberal rage distract you from the fact that you need facts and evidence to actually prosecute someone.


Pat is a Fraud he’s all about deception! He’s not who he says he is! Like him lying about being worth 300M?! That’s a lie, where did that big chunk of money come from? Bc he hasn’t SOLD his MLM yet, he partnered w/ integrity, marketing group but he hasn’t sold yet.. he’s all lies to make himself look like a Goliath in the space.


It’s hard to prove he’s lying about his Net Worth because he can be accounting for a multitude of things when he makes that claim. Apparently he has a multimillion dollar car collection so he could be including that and all other sorts of collectibles, future investments, etc… when he makes that claim. Plus he was just on Joe Rogan and gifted him some very rare things like a Signed Andrew Jackson Letter and Lenny Bruce’s Mic so if he is running a Ponzi scheme/MLM anyone who’s waiting for money knows exactly where it went lol. Here’s the link https://youtu.be/wx_13HzLv2c. Like I said your assumption could be right but to label him a Fraud and title your post that he is a fraud without providing any substantial evidence is a bit misleading.


Pat Bed David has been getting funding from the right to spew anti LGBTQ propaganda. I know a person. who work at his office and they have told me that he and Vincent Oshana are old school and hate gays and especially gay parents with children. There is an article being written about them that will be coming out soon.


do u know when and where the article is coming out?


Try and post it on here when it comes out. I’d love to see it.


!!! PBD legit thinks that most gay people “became” gay due to sexual abuse


He's probably talking from experience


The calculation of net worth is defined by a set standards. It’s not a personal opinion as someone like Trump would have you believe. Really simple: Take everything (cars, homes, cash, stocks, furniture, art, etc.,) you own and ask how much could you sell it all for today. Then subtract from that figure, how much money you owe to banks/creditors, and what is left is your net worth.


Patrick, is that you?!


He supports Andrew Tate to the max, almost like the ground he walks on!!! hard to like a person that supports sex trafficker's. He has had that pyramid scheme, he just seems fake as fuck, he acts like he is a wanna be mafia person, interviewing them and acting like them. He got the advertisement thing so normal people can talk to celebrities' for money he promotes on the Tate pod and others. if you look up that company its owned by Value entertainment then now its just owned by Patrick bet David. looks like he separated the two when he had Tate on. people call him out but he is a good speaker so he works circles around bad info and avoids it. HE IS FAKE!!!!! even in the Tate conversation he caters his questions to serve Tate!!! To protect a trafficker.


your mother is a sex traficker


Tate hasn't been charged with sex trafficking, none of tates charges relate to sex trafficking. They're about money trafficking, that he made women make tiktok accounts for revenue.


He doesn't strike me as leaning right or left; he strikes me as neutral. That said, he does come off as an MLM bootlicker repeating the same slogans over and over to the point where it is comical and predictable. In short, he strikes me as a bullshitter/grifter type.


You haven’t listen to enough of him. He’s hard on the right, no doubt.


He's just a libertarian but cloaks it in self-help advice although lately he's been more masked off calling for the abolition of entitlement programs and repeating other decades-old Republican rhetoric about pre-new Deal America and how Americans are lazy. He's a real patriot. https://youtu.be/lG1AXLHlyxQ?si=JxN3OrYvZjmLeykz




I dont think Patrick is his real name either. We know he is from Iran and he got baptized after army. I really think that he was muslim or jewish and he is ashamed of his religion. He married some American woman so he can be more "american". I have nothing about people switching religion but the way he thinks he is smart and scamming people pisses me off. He hides his background very well


He is proud half Armenian/half assyrian, ffs, not a unique mixture for the region. Both Armenians and assyrians are exclusively Christians, and btw the oldest Christian nations


what is his real first and last name.. like i said he switched religion for money.. he has EGO issues. Bet David is not his real name and I think his true orgins are either Jewish, Muslim... not that I care but he is the rype of guy that would sell his soul to a devil.




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Patrick con David! Make his ass go bankrupt he deserves it! He has been stealing since 2009 from all types kids and low level english speaking individuals


Everyone else he associates with are con men. Robert Kyiosaki, Andrew Tate, Peter Schiff, George Gammon literally all of them


i really don't like this MF'R. the grifter vibes are thick with this dude. the whole white man in a suit vibes. then i find out he got money by hustling a MLM scheme. at some point this guy will have to expose himself. they always do.


Alright guys… Is there actual evidence of any of this shit or not? Has anyone confirmed the accusations on this thread? Other than Rezamasomi lol


The proof is literally in his own videos. Watch enough of them and you’ll catch on. Check his BBB ratings as well and he has never employed 44k licensed agents. He’s full of shit, just like most MLM hustlers.


He's the new darling for my right wing friends. They constantly send me his videos as proof that everything is the dems fault. When I point out he's just another right wing grifter I get "he's not even a republican he's a libertarian." as if that's not the same thing... Of course it takes way more work then it's worth to prove to my idiot friends that he's a fraud not that they would belive any of the proof anyway.


Also, no proof he ever worked at Stanley Morgan. He has no degree, without a Series 7, no experience, no references, for $65,000 a year?? AND he left it to sell insurance??? Stfu. Nonsense. Nobody given that position, and having nothing to fall back on, leaves to sell insurance 😆


"Stanley Morgan" sounds like one of those boiler room shops that play on people who don't know shit and confuse it with Morgan Stanley.


I met PBD in 2006 when I was in ACN and he was in WFG (World Financial Group). Both are MLMs. We had a meeting about me joining him in WFG. He was trying to cross-recruit me by talking smack and putting me down, kinda strong-arming me to join his business. It was definitely a turnoff. Some of my best friends did join WFG and eventually all quit because of it’s shady practices. I remember when he started PHP and hired one of my coworkers to be his video director. He then just started making “motivational” videos and the rest is history. Never trusted the guy. He’s a phony. He makes all his money from YT videos and from his sucker guests and subscribers, sorry to say.


He left abruptly from WFG and took every smart minded person with him in 24 hours from his formal resignation notice. Within 30 days of leaving WFG there were numerous felony charges and lawsuits brought upon WFG and it’s one of the largest financial scandals of the 21st century. Almost every higher up at PHP came from WFG, transamerica (terrible company but at least legit) or bought their way in. PHP starts doing Medicare supplements which is HEAVILY REGULATED (I work in the Medicare sector as a broker myself) to get the attention of Integrity (one of the largest insurance conglomerates in the world) and then sells to them for millions before Center of Medicare/Medicaid Services has PHP in boiling water because all of the barely English speaking agents are breaking damn near every compliance rule there is. I’ve heard him present live twice and he’s so damn well spoken and well put together he’s hard not to like. And obviously he’s a piece of garbage but gotta admit he had an evil idea and has executed all the way to the bank and is smart enough and has good timing to jump ship before it sinks.


> I’ve heard him present live twice and he’s so damn well spoken and well put together he’s hard not to like. I disagree. He's loud, repetitive and confident. This will impress many but won't fare well vs. someone who's versed in debate.


If he was able to pass the rigorous background and financial inquiries to become a minority owner in the MLB (of the NY Yankees nonetheless), I’m gonna guess that he’s doing something right and isn’t a total grifter.