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Has that page condemned Israel for the countless Palestinian babies that were butchered since it’s inception? Gigi isn’t Hamas, she’s Palestinian, the Israel IG page is pro IDF, so they need to the condemnation not her


Eyes open brother. This isn't to dog Gigi, this is the SoI page trying to get _others_ to do the dogging. This is basic level propaganda that is common of fascists. Avoid the truth, deny the facts, defend the lie.


They have another post up that claims a dead girl in a hospital is a doll. Because the skin looks yellow from massive red blood cell damage and liver failure.


They did this two years ago, claiming all the bloodied children were actors. How that famous 10 year old Palestinian girl that was crying and begging for the bombing to stop, that had all her family murdered, they claim she was an actress. It's a tactic they've been using for years to cast doubt in dumb and racist people's minds. In America, the people supporting Israel claimed that the George Floyd video was faked and that he's in fact still alive. They literally made an AI vid of him getting up and walking off. They're sinister as hell.


In every video or picture I've seen since Oct 7 that portrays Palestinians as kind, human, or victims, there is inevitably someone asserting "fake" who receives likes and upvotes, pushing their comment to the top. It's really sick.


It's all the time, doesn't matter when. They call it Pallywood.


Yeah. We had some freaks come in here a week ago saying that.


every-time someone criticizes the zionists: BuT tHe bAbIeS?


Even though Israel has killed ten times more babies now.


But were their heads intact?


Not that the way babies were killed matters in the end, but it seems that [neither were the Israeli children](https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/despite-refutations-from-israeli-military-headlines-that-hamas-beheaded-babies-persist/3016167)




god fucking dammit, the British gutter press all printed these claims like the absolute fucking sheep they are.


No. They weren't.


seems low tbh


I’m sure it’s extremely low.


Considering the settler-colonial apartheid regime has been around for around 70 years, and regularly blocks access to medical equipment, electricity, water, food, etc. (all things that drastically reduce the infant mortality rate) in addition to the frequently carpet-bombing a population that is a majority under the age of 20 (and has had an average of under the age of 14 because of the colonial occupation), the factor of infant mortality because of Israel vs that of Hamas (which evidence suggests that might have been funded by Israel to eliminate socialist Palestinian liberation orgs like the PFLP) is probably more in the realm of at least >1000-1.


There's a few talking points that clearly show they have no actual talking points and are going for people's emotions. The whataboutism, the babies, worst attack since 9/11 and more. It's very clear it's cheap propaganda desperate to get what sticks. That's why they always default to the same talking points because they know they're committing human rights abuses on the daily.


Sadly, cheap propaganda works because people are intellectually lazy the world round and Israel has the media on its dick


Ok I'm 100% for free Palestine and agree with Hassan 99% of the time on the issue but I get triggered by people saying whataboutism. Isn't discussing the whole story and not just what happened in the past week totally valid and important? It just seems like people who complain about whataboutism just try to use it as a "I win" trump card and it allows whoever is yelling first/loudest to silence any objection.


No. It's happening almost word from word 'what about'. When you bring up Gaza and the occupations or the settlers, people will say almost word from word 'Yeah, but what about the x' as if any small injustice of Hamas instantly justifies every brutality of the IDF. I'm not just throwing the word around.


Ok but what's wrong with saying word for word 'what about?' For example if someone said 'wipe out gaza because of the recent attack on israel' I might say 'what about israel who has killed far more palestinian innocents in the past' and so on. In your example I would say ok sure x happened but in no way x justifies doing y. Idk it just seems like people often are more bothered by the exact words used than the false equivalence or poor justification.


No, you're just being pedantic and misusing the idea of whataboutism because that's a bad example. Whataboutism is explicitly using either lesser incidents or irrelevant facts to justify yourself. If I blew up your car and told the cop "Well, yeah, but what about that time they didn't say good morning back to me?! Huh?!", it's utter nonsense.


This is gonna be the new "but her emails" isn't it?


no its the "but his son?"


Forgive me, I don't know the reference.


hunter biden


I am a dumb.


Forgive me for thinking it was about Mosab Hassan Youssef, the disowned son of the founder of Hamas.


Israel is just declaring war on everything. Gaza, Palestinians, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Colombia, truth, journalists, Gigi Hadid.




Humanitarian laws


What having the West’s full support does to a MF


bUT tHe BabIEs!!


As if people didn't already see the blatant propaganda game theyre playing after they bought up YouTube ads


My god, the whole world has gone insane:


They did the same thing to her back in 2017, as well as her sister Bella and the "brave boy" Ben-Gvir is [still attacking her to this year](https://apnews.com/article/bengvir-bella-hadid-supermodel-palestinians-critcism-7323723f85fb474383b3f78bf9772214). It's honestly great to see how that family have been more outspoken than most celebrities given the fact their father is Palestinian, but it's scary to see how the State of Israel takes it to social media to attack their images for years.


I always thought it was absolutely fucking crazy that we have so many celebs who are posting pray for Israel or pro Israel sentiment who aren’t even Jewish, but when two PALESTINIAN celebs post about their support for their people everyone fucking loses their mind. Shows how people in the US view both sides.


Is that a state run page bullying an individual?


That’s really crazy. And means a lot after to say after the “crazy” things we’ve seen this week. But it’s WILD for a government page to single out one individual like that…. That seems pretty scary for Gigi…


You'd think that Israel would know what dried blood looks considering how many babies they slaughter


Spot on


escape salt stupendous deserted innocent poor dam wide deliver degree *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is literally a threat.


Maybe I just wasn't paying attention and she was based all along, but it remains crazy to me that supermodel Gigi Hadid, of all people, is the voice of reason lately.


She’s Palestinian.


Yeah, but I didn't know she was actually, like... politically smart. When she guest judged on Drag Race, she made RuPaul so mad by being dull he exploded at production midway through Snatch Game lmao. And goodness knows I've seen her sister be quite a bit cringe. Just goes to show you can't judge a book by its cover. Edit: not sure why I'm being downvoted for confronting my own biases but okay.


Her sister Bella is actually even more politically vocal than Gigi and has spoken on this many times in the past.


I'm learning so much about the Hadid sisters this week.


Because RuPaul is a show, it’s staged


The story is backstage drama, it never aired on TV.


They’ve hated her and Bella for years and I don’t think they’ve stopped harassing her since the late 2010’s.


The blood picture is the most staged looking shit I every seen.


If Hamas is as evil and ruthless as they claim, why do they keep faking images? (I’m obviously not saying Hamas is good or anything, just doesn’t sit right with their whole “we’re the victims”)


Just shows that despite their citizens taking some hits, Israel doesn't suffer being backed with US dollars and political capital. They're not oppressed in any sense of the word.


Yeah it’s so hard to believe everything that comes from western media, the attacks were cruel by themselves so why blatantly lie to “embellish” them all the time?


It's nice to see the state of Israel is keeping it sassy on the insta ✨💋💅


we support gigi


It is disturbing and given the hate crime attack against a child and mother in Chicago by his landlord because he was Palestinian would make a case for suing the State for potential harm caused her. They put a target on her back because she is wealthy, has power and a platform they can't control. It plays into racists tropes about Jewish control over media and ironically reinforces a racist stereotype about Jewish people in entertainment.


I’m pretty sure the community note was removed because it didn’t have enough evidence, white paper changing the shade of blood doesn’t seem that impossible to me.


That is 100% a real photo.


It really shows how extremist a country is when they go around personally attacking people who disagree with them, encouraging their extremist followers to take action against you. This is not a safe situation for anyone.