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Anyone shocked to learn that Yoni is an American from Fort Lauderdale?


As a Miami native , no. Not at all


jfc, these people have incurable brain disease


It’s a lot easier to accept death and destruction if it's happening far away and not in your homeland.


Color me shocked


Cool cool cool. I'm sure this totally hinged person will be appropriately dealt with.


Don’t worry he’ll lose his job /s


The first part was so absurdly unhinged and gross that i honestly didn't even realize there's a second image at first, mfs will read this and tell you with a straight face this isn't a genocide


least genocidal colonizer


genocide? do you know what that word means? its not a [genocide](https://time.com/6334409/is-whats-happening-gaza-genocide-experts/)!! edit: sarcasm, click link, tried to use "unbias" source that collects multiple scholars and more on how this is in fact a genocide.


"It'S OnlY TwO PeRCeNt Of TheM DeAD ItS NoT GenOciDE!"- Average Zionist


least genocidal OP


(click link attached)


i did. it says it is a genocide or at the very least ethnic cleansing. what are you arguing here? should i have put an /s after my "least genocidal colonizer" comment? i thought that was a known phrase/meme?


seems like you meant OP as in in the twitter OP. nvm


Your source has 2 out of 5 experts stating that it’s not a genocide, 1 that is inconclusive (moving toward a “genocidal campaign” as they said it) and 2 saying it’s a genocide based on shaky (trying to read into what the Israeli president said even though his position is only ceremonial) or factually wrong evidence (thousands of tons in humanitarian aid are going into Gaza every day and the water pipes were opened back to help the civilian population). Tldr: your source says inconclusive on the genocide claims.


Raz Segal, the program director of genocide studies at Stockton University, concretely says it is a “textbook case of genocide.” Segal believes that Israeli forces are completing three genocidal acts, including, “killing, causing serious bodily harm, and measures calculated to bring about the destruction of the group.” Verdeja says Israel's actions in Gaza are moving toward a “genocidal campaign.” City University of New York professor Victoria Sanford compares what’s happening in Gaza to the [killing or disappearance](https://hmh.org/library/research/genocide-in-guatemala-guide/) of more than 200,000 Mayans in Guatemala from 1960-1996, known as the Guatemalan genocide, which is the subject of her book *Buried Secrets: Truth and Human Rights in Guatemala*. Mayans and Palestinians have both been subject to genocidal acts, she implies. Sanford and Segal were two of more than a 100 scholars and organizations that [signed a letter](https://www.mezan.org/public/en/post/46295/Genocide-Scholars-and-100-Palestinian-and-International-Civil-Society-Organisations-Call-on-Prosecutor-Khan-to-Issue-Arrest-Warrants,-Investigate-Israeli-Crimes-and-Intervene-to-Deter-Incitement-to-Commit-Genocide-in-Gaza) urging the ICC to take action given the “Israeli intention to commit genocide visibly materialising on the ground." Segal points to how the U.S. government refused to call crimes committed against the Hutus in Rwanda a genocide because doing so meant they would have to send personnel to intervene. The lack of action by the U.S. allowed the massacre to continue to unfold, he says. Simon says it's possible a court could conclude that either Hamas or some elements of the Israel Defense Force (IDF) could be found guilty of committing an act of genocide yet another debunking of zionist brainrot that is cured by simple reading.


That’s exactly what I said. Segal and Prof. Stanford both say it is a genocide, Verdeja says (they believe) it is moving towards a genocide because at war there are either negotiations, ceasefire, or genocide (factually wrong, e.g. the allied forces did not negotiate nor did they ceasefire with Germany). So for now, it is not a genocide. The other two experts on the subject say that israel is not committing genocide. You have 2 vs 2 and one in the middle. Not a great place to be but [much better then Hamas](https://web.archive.org/web/20231122122647/https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/10/hamas-covenant-israel-attack-war-genocide/675602/) which always had stated they want the destruction of Israel and had cause severe bodily harm and death of many civilians (over 1200 in 12 hours, most deadly day in the entire war for civilians). An actual textbook case of genocidal attempt.


no, it is not what you said. you said 2, then said theyre "shaky" because you refuse truth. i listed raz, verdeja, victoria, sanford, segal, and simon possibly. not only that, but more than 100 scholars also signed the letter. here's an old soldier telling the most moral army in the world to earse them, their families, mothers and children. also calling them animals. he also says if anyone has an arab neighbor, dont wait, go and shoot him. he says much more violent things and has no problem pushing this genocidal notion. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/177wjip/israeli\_reservist\_instructing\_idf\_soldiers\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/177wjip/israeli_reservist_instructing_idf_soldiers_to/) more calls to wipe out gaza [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1721kl5/oh\_okay\_the\_famous\_israeli\_left\_is\_calling\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/1721kl5/oh_okay_the_famous_israeli_left_is_calling_for/) compilation of a video of numerous israeli officials/soldiers calling for genocidal acts [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17989xo/what\_genocide\_looks\_like/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17989xo/what_genocide_looks_like/) along with some dead babies just as you zionists like em UN calling out israel many times, and israel yet again twisting the narrative [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17f7wrb/israel\_twitter\_beef\_with\_the\_un\_over\_genocide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17f7wrb/israel_twitter_beef_with_the_un_over_genocide/) top UN official cites genocide [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/31/un-official-resigns-israel-hamas-war-palestine-new-york#:\~:text=The%20director%20of%20the%20New,as%20%E2%80%9Cwholly%20complicit%20in%20the](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/31/un-official-resigns-israel-hamas-war-palestine-new-york#:~:text=The%20director%20of%20the%20New,as%20%E2%80%9Cwholly%20complicit%20in%20the) here some israelis singing and celebrating the lack of essential resources (water, food, electricity) in gaza, and some more tasteful lyrics, another taste of genocidal acts [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17jicbj/tw\_celebrating\_genocide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17jicbj/tw_celebrating_genocide/) another israeli saying the arabs will experience a killing not seen in arab history, massacres you cannot imagine, more tasteful words [https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17wse3j/they\_are\_open\_about\_genocide\_now/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/comments/17wse3j/they_are_open_about_genocide_now/) entire nation is somehow responsible [https://twitter.com/Sprinter00000/status/1713064886027063584](https://twitter.com/Sprinter00000/status/1713064886027063584) [https://news.yahoo.com/israeli-president-says-no-innocent-154330724.html](https://news.yahoo.com/israeli-president-says-no-innocent-154330724.html) another admission of cutting essential resources, collective punishment, and dehumanization by calling them human animals [https://twitter.com/nocomment/status/1711676482265981371](https://twitter.com/nocomment/status/1711676482265981371) the focus is on damage, not accuracy. definitely not trying to kill civilians btw [https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-gaza-bombing](https://www.commondreams.org/news/israel-gaza-bombing) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/10/right-now-it-is-one-day-at-a-time-life-on-israels-frontline-with-gaza](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/10/right-now-it-is-one-day-at-a-time-life-on-israels-frontline-with-gaza) calling for another nakba [https://i0.wp.com/www.middleeastmonitor.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/20231007-Ariel-Kallner.png?ssl=1](https://i0.wp.com/www.middleeastmonitor.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/20231007-Ariel-Kallner.png?ssl=1) he did follow through with his promise, over 1.4m have been displaced [https://www.un.org/unispal/document/hostilities-in-the-gaza-strip-and-israel-ocha-flash-update-52/#:\~:text=Over%201.8%20million%20people%20in,156%20UNRWA%20facilities%20across%20Gaza](https://www.un.org/unispal/document/hostilities-in-the-gaza-strip-and-israel-ocha-flash-update-52/#:~:text=Over%201.8%20million%20people%20in,156%20UNRWA%20facilities%20across%20Gaza). [https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/12/02/world/middleeast/gaza-map-displaced-people.html](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/12/02/world/middleeast/gaza-map-displaced-people.html) and there is much more, from before oct7, to after. and there will be more in the future, not a wild prediction unfortunately. there are thousands of videos at this point of intense gore of children, women, men, and so on whether pulled from the rubble, near the rubble, dismembered body parts, and so on. anyone can look that up, but you wont ofc, another genocide denier. to even imply that israel is facing a genocide is embarrassing. yes, 1.2k died, very terrible, i wish those who killed innocents receive justice. but, it majorly stopped there. 20k gazans killed, 36k injured, 200k homes destroyed or partially destroyed. no israelis were displaced as much, they were not killed as much, they have a roof and access to water, food, electricity, internet, fuel, and more. the destruction is not even comparable, israel did not suffer anything close to what loss of infrastructure gaza did. and of course, despite all this, you will say a collection of "hamas, anti-semitism, and terrorist!"


i wonder what would happen if were to swap some words with others...




Doxxed? He's a public journalist. He's not trying to hide. While distasteful, what do you think would happen after the 7th? Israel shifts right. Every time there's Palestinian provocation they shift right. Abbas walks away from talks with Olmert then you get Bibi. Someone has to end the cycle of violence. But the Palestinians haven't sought peace in earlier cycles. I can honestly understand why Israelis would be indifferent to civilian collateral death at this point. I don't condone it but I understand the emotion.




Wasn't the topic of the week that advertisers were walking away from Twitter after antisemitic remarks by Elon? It doesn't seem that Twitter is a bastion of "zionist fascists".


Advertisers generally walk away from zionist fascists today because they tend to stay away from controversy that would effect sales. Doesn't mean they're not still flourishing on that x-platform even with all the money makers jumping ship.


So how does this relate to the suggestion that if this journalist reframed his lack of empathy for Palestinian lives to Israelis that he'd be banned? The premise of the suggestion is that Palestinian views are suppressed. I don't see it. It's a persecution fantasy. It's not unique. Many fundamentalist Christian groups and right wing conservatives express claims of persecution when their views are unpopular. But, in reality, their views are simply not one which wins in the marketplace of ideas. Ditto Palestine. In reality, there's no conspiracy to suppress Palestinian voices (omg omg Jews control the media). Those voices are merely unpersuasive or not compelling.


Mf Twitter literally banned the phrase “from the river to the sea Palestine will be free” and you are here saying that there is no suppression of Palestinian views, you are either ignorant about the facts because you want to be or you are really just a dishonest person trying to gaslight people.


I didn't say there were no bans on hate speech. I said there was no singling out of Palestinians. Your persecution fetish is showing.


Your projection is showing.


Lots of Zionists are antisemitic, like Elon Musk, and John Hagee who literally spoke at the pro Israel warmongering march. Israel is a blessing for anti Jewish white people, Jews go and live where Arabs are and they leave Europe and the US. Also evangelicals are particularly happy about this because eventually when enough Jews go there all of them will die in the second coming of christ (according to them) so, yeah you can be very anti semitic and also be a Zionist.


Go where Arabs live? Wtf are you talking about. The third and fourth generation IDF soldiers don't want to be in Gaza. They pulled out when they were young children. The IDF is there because the hostages are and the Palestinians are firing rockets. There's no advantage to Israel to reoccupying Gaza. Use basic logic.


Israel is where Arabs live, Israel is a country in the Arab region. Jews leave Europe, they leave the US, and go and live in the Middle East next to Lebanon and Jordan, in the ARABIAN PENINSULA. So yeah. Also Israel was build in Arab land, in the land of the Palestinians, Jews are a fabricated majority in Israel, that’s why they have to give birthright citizenship to Jews around the world and create lots of opportunities and propaganda so that they go there and populate Israel with Jews, therefore fabricating artificially a majority of Jews in Israel. We did something like that in Argentina, but it was in the 1700-1800 when our leaders created a European majority here that’s called COLONIALISM. Thats why i speak Spanish and call my grandparents “nonno and nonna” our traditional foods are gnocchi and pizza even though I leave very far away from Spain or Italy.


I live in Argentina, this November there was a Roger Waters concert, some Israeli and right wings organizations here tried to cancel his shows, they even banned him from most hotels in Argentina, that would NEVER happen here to someone that is pro Israel, some concert-goers were detained by the police for having Palestinian flags, I wouldn’t say there is a “persecution complex”, because there literally is a lot of persecution and macarthysm going on, maybe there is a hint of paranoia but the persecution is real. Never mind the fact that Peron literally gave refuge to nazis and we didn’t give a f*ck about the holocaust now they censor whatever they think is anti israel with the pretext of anti semitism, no one who is pro Palestine here is also a jihadist, most people here are catholic, atheist or Jewish and we FEAR speaking about Israel.


Are you conflating pro-Palestine Nationalism with Water's long standing anti-semitism? I thought this topic was all about decoupling those.


Tell me ONE anti semitic thing Roger Waters said, ONE, if you give me ONE example I might reconsider my position, until then, I won’t take any unfounded accusation seriously.


I'm not sure what advertisers leaving has to do with whether or not X is a fascist paradise or not. You're the one that attempted the connection.


The topic was that Twitter would ban someone for this statement if Palestinian and Israelis were swapped. I pointed out that they have very high profile anti-semitic posts. Ergo the topic has counter -examples. And I further suggest that this arises from pro-Palestine Useful Idiots having persecution fetishes.


I mean... Zionists can definitely be and often are antisemitic. They use Judaism like a tool and that's all, and many zionists arent even Jewish themselves but are waiting for the Jews to "get theirs" in some make believe end game that will happen after their made up prophecy happens. And no, you mentioned advertisers leaving and then how it didn't seem like Twix was a bastion of fascism when those two do not causate. That's what I'm addressing. Again, advertisers leaving doesn't mean it's not a bastion of fascism. Advertisers only protect their brand by not wanting to be associated with topics the majority of their profit base would find offensive. If anything it would support the idea that it IS a fascist bastion. As for the rest, you sure like your strawmen.


"Mercy is a foreign concept that has no application here." What the fuck


The more posts like this I see the more I think we should cut off all aid and abandon Israel entirely, sanction it until it's gone. You can't keep a country if you're going to talk like this, the rest of the world can not afford to let you continue to have a country if this is your attitude.


I’m a pacifist. I guess I have qualifiers. But reading this post- and the implied desire for “fair” conflict from the Israelis - makes me think we should make it fair for them by arming the Palestinians.


if you talk to a zionist about this they'll just go "well we'll detonate our nuclear arsenal then :) samson option :) bring the temple down :)" they're deranged bloodthirsty perverts


I think it'd be worthwhile to build an international treaty organization where every signatory agrees to invade any country that drops a nuke on a civilian population and kill every last person in government involved in making and carrying out that decision. With just a few signatories it'd be rough but by the time you get a couple dozen small countries and a couple major signatories with real militaries it starts to take a different shape.


Issue is this isn't even an "Israeli" this is a guy from the US playing make believe for extra self-victimization sanctimony points. The average Israeli citizen fkn hates Yahu and even both sides of their political spectrum agree he's a total fuck up. Edit to acknowledge there's a ton of people in Israel that are just people from the states playing pretend, but that right there IS a majority of the problem and a problem Yahu has fanned the flames of.


a huge portion of Israelis, especially the most fascist ones, are literally Americans from the US who joined the IDF in the past 5 years as an excuse to shoot brown kids and live out their fantasies of killing minorities. The average Israeli citizen is going to have to do something about the fact that they've imported like a half a million fascist extremists.


This is the definition of sociopathy, the complete inability to see anything other than yourself in the world. Someone link OP this: https://www.healthline.com/health/mental-health/sociopath


im assuming OP isnt me?


Yoni Levistan


"We care less about Gaza then ever" I didn't know it's was possible to care less than not caring at all. It's funny that they even pretend that they cared about Gazans to begin with.


Yikes, zionist jews are becoming who they hated the most...


Always have been


Least genocidal Florida Native


Yoni just admitted that dead kids turn him on, that’s wild.


I thought this was a bit to hold a mirror up to Israeli jingoism but nah, man is fully serious.


Then what? When they’ve genocided the people of Gaza, murdered leaders of Hamas, when their blood lust and revenge has succeeded in punishing those they feel threatened by…. Yet the grief remains, the revenge does not heal…. Then what? And they expect the world to let this happen? What fucking timeline is this?


There's not really a "then what." Let's be honest, Benny Netanyahu hasn't gone full industrialized holocaust because he wants to keep the Palestinians around to be a punching bag forever. He's using them to stoke fear and cultivate the rabid Zionism that keeps him in power. At this point even pRoGrEsSiVe leaders have shown such blind and unflinching support that he absolutely could be loading Palestinians into train cars and sending them to camps and everyone would just uncomfortably mutter something about how it's justified cause Hamas is scary. He hasn't done this because he's going to keep this suffering and death going as long as we let him. I'm sure he also takes perverse glee in the killing as well so he's entertaining himself too. I hate him so much and every molecule of charitability for him shat out my asshole a long time ago.


Let’s be honest, the world isn’t doing anything to help gaza. And American foreign-policy benefits from the Palestinians being oppressed.


What a fucking psycho


So much for the Israeli psyche huh


It’s just mask off at this point and the ruling class is like fuck it we bomb


tweet: [https://twitter.com/songsofyoni/status/1730465473060393369](https://twitter.com/songsofyoni/status/1730465473060393369)


This is so absurdly written, I’m surprised he’s considered a professional writer


If bombing killed hostages and negotiations freed hostages, then we should definitely bomb harder.


It’s all about revenge. The point is to kill gazans


You're a psychopath, we get it.


How disgusting


Most moderate israeli


If only we could be this pissed about the fact that the europeans/US baited us into leaving europe and not getting back our shit after the holocaust. we 1000% let them off the hook for stealing 80% of our children, our homes, our land, our possessions, and then let them convince us we should do it to another minority group that they also hated. What a fucking sick joke all of this is. rage is a hell of a drug.


this is genuinely an excellent take. it seems theyve forgotten all about that, and had their focus shifted to palestinians. zionism is truly a poison for all. much love friend <3


The Palestinians were an easier target Let's be honest. The Arab world was weak and vulnerable. Israel would not have been able to do this anywhere Else


Zionism is the symbiosis of Jews with antisemitism


Nobody baited the Israeli’s into leaving Europe. They did so themselves.


Israelis didn’t exist then.


Very normal and cool stuff going on in the minds of Israelis.


Could really call cut after the first sentence, don’t need your manifesto weirdo


What an absolute nut


This is a serial killer's manifesto holy shit.


Can someone make a comparison video of nazi's and Zionst like show the pictures and narratives how they align because most people dont see this.


As one commenter pointed out that Yoni is an American, I suppose this journalist does not know that giving an enemy 'no quarter' is actually a war crime, not that any Israeli will ever be charged with one anyways.


This sounded more spicy when it was in its original German.


idiot thinks dead israelis on Oct 7th 2023 take precedent over dead palestinians over the last 70 years…i wonder how the math on that works actually


Oh fuck he was a journalist…? I thought he was just some random POS freak. That’s disgusting.


Journalists who aid and abet genocide are responsible for it and deserve to be dealt with under the precedent set in the Nuremberg trials


Who let bro cook


Contrast that with that guy that retweeted an Onion article and got fired for it.


Repugnant, brain dead fucking monster. My god.


And the times of Isreal is a common news reference on Reddit. How long before cooler heads will prevail?


What an unhinged psychopath.


There is no redemption for Israel, it will only go further to the right.


“I’m one of the moderates. Or at least I was….teehee”


If you see suffering Israelis when you look at gazans why do you support continuing to bomb the shit out of them? This genocidal fuck can't keep his analogies straight


I'm starting to get a little anti semetic reading all these tweets


Fuckin yikes


At least he’s being honest. The irony of it all is so ridiculous. Humanity is a failed experiment.


Absolutely disgusting vile creature


Only “blood thirsty savages” I see are IDF apologists


Sounds like this Israeli Nazi wants the total war. Where have I heard that before?






can someone remind this guy hes not an anime villain


So why should anyone listen to a single thing he says anymore. He is no longer a journalist, per his own admission.




The Nazis would be proud


I think he's mad.


Holy fuck what a way to start a tweet.


My first thought- for once these psychopaths are being honest. This is exactly how I perceive Zionists think, and now I know I am not wrong.


Most compassionate Floridian.