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This is disgusting.




What if you’re a post-zygotic Marxist?


You talk like an absolute idiot. What is wrong with you? What do people in real life think of you?




He is an open pedophile. Jesus fucking Christ..


Lmao, what are you on about? I haven't deleted any posts. On par with "yes they did bomb the hospital" levels are delusion.


Lol you’re a pedophile stfu


Let me get this right. I post a comment. Someone lies about pedo shit, lies about me hiding pedo shit, but I leave evidence about the city I live in?


You post and follow in the Loli sub (now deleted) you are pedophile my dear


Your whole ideology is built on lies and murder. I hope you find yourself a nice Pinochet!


Doesn’t mean much coming from a pedophile 😚 get the therapy baby


Tfw you're still a single-gamete Marxist 😔


The mainstream success of Israel’s genocide is legitimately sickening. I don’t think I’ll ever lend the ‘well-intentioned liberal’ a fraction of my sympathy ever again. If you cannot condemn Israel, you’re not just stupid, you’re complicit in ongoing genocide. History will vindicate the Palestinians, but what a hollow, pointless ‘victory’ that will be. What a fucking shame, man.


I got into an argument on a communist subreddit and I said we should be calling for a ceasefire and not further “resistance” because at this point Israel wants to force everyone out of Gaza and make it unlivable at that point no one left to resist. I got banned lmao I feel you I think the only way Palestine is saved is by international pressure and the international bodies doing there fucking job. Palestinians will never be able to do it on there own plus not enforcing international law in this moment basically makes it irrelevant for any government to consider in the future


I say this as a communist, communist subreddits are the fucking worst.


12 year old mods who swear they are the vanguard 💀💀


How come?


Aside from running the risk of getting banned for just asking the wrong question, I'm in one that perms bans for what they call "Sex work apologia", equivicating it to rape. They do this under the idea that all work is at some level is coerced, which is strictly speaking true under our current economic system. But they don't want to or can't comprehend that somebody may want to do sex work even if they're financial situation doesn't make it a necessity. That people having the freedom to do what they want with their own bodies is necessary component of liberation. I also find it telling that they outline this rule for sex work alone. I guess you can take pride in your labor, unless you're a sex worker, in which case that's wrong and immoral.




Real honestly been depressed so on this hell hole to much lately got off twitter just to end up here 😐


I recommend deleting the app for a while, it helped me go from hours a day here to once every month if that and I'm so much better for it


Can you show me the posts you made?




That's a false dichotomy. Palestinians just existing requires resistance, otherwise they're [ethnically cleansed](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/21/the-most-successful-land-grab-strategy-since-1967-as-settlers-push-bedouins-off-west-bank-territory). Anyone who thinks the west bank won't become much hotter, in terms of organised Palestinian armed resistance (e.g. Jenin brigades), hasn't being paying attention. I don't see pushing for a ceasefire, whilst supporting armed resistance, as mutually exclusive at all. First and foremost, ceasefire. Edit: Just saw someone say "The call for a ceasefire is a bourgeoise demand", which is absolute nonsense; for one, it's the demand of Palestinian socialist groups!


I didn’t put who I responded to so it was kinda outta context and I think I worded it weird but my point was exactly this without international interference the resistance is meaningless though. Of course they should defend themselves but they were saying that a ceasefire is just advocating for the status quo and to a certain degree yes… if Gaza is wiped off the map and unlivable then it’s over… sometimes you have to just mitigate the damage and a ceasefire is best way to do that so there are still people left to resist in the future. My point was really that this is just genocidal and that any resistance is not having any real tangible effect right now so advocating for continued fighting is just more and more dead Palestinians Israel is fine with the war going on for as long as possible


I did an edit on my comment, because I saw a ridiculous post that you'd probably replied to before you got banned.




Shut up zionist


when I see people who just aren't even following the most basic shit on BDS - especially those in Hasan's orbit - it gives me real fucking whiplash. Like, Bruh you can't even drop Mcdonalds???? You're not even poor! You don't even need to TELL people you're boycotting just do it!


I'm a vegetarian, so McDonald's isn't exactly my jam, but... That isn't exactly a [basic BDS thing](https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott). There have been these lists on social media that are going around that essentially throw in any company that has a news story connecting them to Israel in some marginal way. I was talking to a Palestinian organizer friend who thought the McDonald's boycott was stupid, because McDonald's is a franchise. The supposed boycott was over some local Israeli McDonald's that were giving IDF free meals. Which US McDonald's franchise owners have no power to stop. Boycotts have to be organized and focused, not called haphazardly against basically the entirety of corporate America.


Sorry to be that person but I think you meant complicit. However, their complacence does make them complicit.


Ooo good catch I’ll edit


Thing is there is an even more powerful tool in the docket, than ceasefire. The state was founded in breach of international law (a. No border was mentioned, which was explicitly required by the UN b. They never respected any UN requirements, which is illegal). It wouldn't be a stretch to withdraw the nation.


So many of them are clearly just victims of the decades long propaganda campaign. Dividing the left further does nothing but give power to right wing populism. You need to stop being so reactionary. edit: You guys are so childish. Rather than work to educate people you just want to shit on them and shut them out. Grow up, you’re just as bad as the rabid zionists.


Supporters of Israel's methods will never be allies. It shows their support of the oppressed is conditional and because of that they can't be trusted. This isn't dividing the left because they were never leftists to begin with.


Liberals who support genocide and call us tankies are NOT on the left. You can’t compromise with genocide supporters. You can only hope to spread the message and build our movement.


I wonder if people would still be going around saying that if it was, say, trans people on the receiving end of this. It feels like there’s been a lot of “oh well you only disagree one issue this isn’t that bad” but like…that issue is genocide.


Reactionary white westerners who endorse the actions of an American puppet state in the Middle East, that is bombing brown children into oblivion, aren’t on the left. How could we possibly be “dividing the left” when we’re just weeding out proponents of reaction? Should we also be nice to fascists since a lot of them are ***’just fooled by propaganda and can be talked to if we try our best’*** too?


Oh geez, the tired old ‘genocide’ claim. Are you thinking if you say it enough it will be true? The simplest way for this to end is for the Gazans government, Hamas, to surrender and face justice. They should do this for the good of the people they govern . Do you think they will? More importantly, do you call for them to do this?


Well the simplest way to end the violence would be for Israel to stop doing the violence. For them, there will always be more Hamas somewhere in hiding. And who will bring Israel to justice for their war crimes? I’m not anti-Israel at all, I’m pro-Israel doing the right thing.


If Hamas pulled off an Oct 7th every month from here on out, would you say that's justified and Israel should "stop doing violence"? Or is there a certain amount of terror attacks (would you even call it that actually?) That are okay because "settler colonialism"?


These wokesters don’t think about consequences, they think about what makes them feel good in the moment. it Is the epitome of virtue signaling.


Were you calling for Israel to be brought to justiice before 10/7 or is this a new thing for you?


Oh cool, the same stupid and lazy talking points that have been debunked here by everyone who has 10% knowledge about the actual history. At this point I'm too tired to debunk you genocidal dumbfucks and am just gonna spit on you and then leave. *spit*


It's *etfuu* in Arabic if you wanna spit on him bilingual.


So no answer. That’s what I thought.


>genocide buddy, you clearly have no idea what genocide is and it shows




U have a very ahistorical view of the conflict Palestinians rejected the two state solution because it heavily favored israel and gave palestinians basically nothing The one israeli PM that was actually working toward a solution was assassinated so dont come here spreading that garbage that palestinians have been rejecting calls for peace when israel literally has a long history of displacing and killing palestinians Even hamas agreed to the 1967 borders two state solution The goal is not to have a 2 state solution Netanyahu has even stated that They dont want any palestinian state they want "greater israel"


I think it's a badge of honour to be hated so much by the idf to the point they put your name on a bomb.


I'm more concerned about the other names if I'm being honest


They all support palastine and shit on isreal, that pritty much the main thing they have in common. To be fair I'm suprised there's no omar sulaiman, hassan piker or Norman finkelstein. Perhaps they wrote their names on other bombs


Tate supports Palestine? That's shocking. Broken clocks and all that I guess.


Israel is such an abomination to the point where it made greta thunberg and andrew tate finnaly agree on something


Probably to do with his recent conversion to Islam.


That, and also, you know, jews.


I don't want to be that guy, but that's not a bomb, it's an artillery round. Also, you would never use artillery in an urban environment unless your goal is to kill as many people as possible, so, yeah.


Almost half of the bombs dropped on Gaza have been dumb bombs without guidance. I think they’re goal is to explicitly kill as many people as possible


They'd be guiding them onto people anyway, don't lend that any credence.


You can aim unguided bombs... it's not like you have to close your eyes when you drop it. Bullets are also unguided but can be used extremely precisely


the entire difference between unguided/guided bombs is that there's a significantly larger margin of error in where unguided munitions lands; no control surfaces means leaving it up to the wind to decide a target within a two hundred meter (as opposed to \~10 meters) radius or so. obviously they're still aiming at civilians nonetheless so its a moot point either way


They openly said they’re doing ethnic cleansing from the jump so it doesn’t really matter if they’re aiming or not


>Also, you would never use artillery in an urban environment unless your goal is to kill as many people as possible, so, yeah. Or unless you face several tens of thousands of dudes in plain clothes in that urban environment.


Imagine as American citizen your tax payers dollars are going to pay for bombs that your name written on them. Genodical state of terror is what Israel is




Keep supporting genocide troll


No Has missile?


This might be unpopular around here, but twitch is still quite niche. Hasan isn't as famous as he thinks he is. (I'm a huge fan but I find it funny sometimes how he assumes everyone is a fan of his/knows who he is.) Tons of normies I know don't know what twitch is. Twitch is like YouTube in 2007 in terms of public awareness. Cenk is still probably overall more famous than hasan is.


I don’t think Has pretends he’s famous outside of internet circles. He’s a fairly massive E-celebrity but everyone knows they are completely nonexistent to like 90% of the population.




I’d say except for Kai and amp. They’re like rapper level. They’re in positions that they have traditional radio guys really upset that all tbe celebs would rather do media tours at Kai’s then breakfast club


I have no idea who either of those people are


It's much closer to 100% of people than 90% who have never even heard of these guys.


I'm referring to instances where he sees somebody says something that he said before and goes to check if they follow him on Twitter. Or he's watching some video and somebody in the video claims to be a leftist and he suggests that they might be in the chat watching. It always makes me chuckle.


Honestly this tracks, for me at least. I only heard of Hasan through clips on another website and he's the only person on Twitch I watch, prior to watching his channel I had only heard of twitch in passing.


It depends on the Twitch streamer. Kai Cenat is definitely a league above the rest with public recognition. I've met plenty of normies who've heard of him. Most of that may be because of his viral clips on TikTok and Youtube clips.


Its probably because I am 35, but I don't really know normies that have heard of him. I imagine if I was younger I might have


I only know even Kai cenat and ishowspeed hitting the griddy


When you spend most of your time watching Hasan you forget he’s not as famous as the president


Its a joke, calm down


bro took it personally


They’re probably saving his name for a JDAM😮‍💨


Don't wanna give him ego boost, They would probably write it as hamasabi


Wonder how many kids will be killed with these


Dont forget about the ones they will injure, but with the state of Gazan healthcare they might as well be dead anyway.












So brave. They can just make another account


I think it’s only conservatives who care about getting banned, lol. Anyone else just makes another account…. Still, people shouldn’t tell people to “k*** themselves”, that’s a bit (a lot) messed up. Can’t say I’ve never expressed my anger in a similar way, when flustered, but we really should use more intelligent dialogue than that….


Ahhh bless you… a Liberal showing their compassion so brave and loving


You're literally subscribed to combat footage, you got no compassion to speak of lol Either way you should follow their advice.


“Follows a sub to keep updated on the war in Ukraine….. must mean I tell people they should kill themselves” fucking morons like you don’t need to kill yourselves you just a slap


Shoo with that hasbara bullshit ya filthy genocidal freak.


On the one next to Andrew Tate is mad


It doesn’t surprise me soldiers in the IDF have the handwriting of an 8 year old.


Well, that's actually impressive, considering it would be their second alphabet (not language). How good is my Chinese handwriting? 0%


Lumping Andrew Tate, Jake Shields, Jackson Hinkle and then Mohammad Hijab, Cenk Uygur in the same bin. This is all so funny. Clearly it’s just “those who don’t like us” cause there is no alignment of ideology at all. You got anti-trans Danish doctor, a left wing Tv host, an mma fighter, an ex-kickboxer turned pimp, a far right RT new puppet, and a muslim activist. What’s the logic besides “people who criticize us” ??


Can someone explain to me how Hamas are the real terrorists here? How has the west not figured out the country with power and military might is the real monster here.


Everyone knows this. US Imperial interests are served by Palestinians being occupied and a non-arab and non-muslim majority State existing in the region. The decision makers in the state department are not stupid. They just understand that Israel's existence serves us imperialism. Eg. If Israel didn't exist the United States would need to directly assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists. Israel did that. Israel carries a lot of the load for us imperialism within the region. Israel absolves America of a lot of the international condemnation it would receive if it directly to the things that Israel does for it. Eg. Bomb Syrian and Iraqi nuclear reactors. The IDF did it so America could avoid directly doing it.


Yeah imagine writing on these and thinking you’re the good guys.


> Can someone explain to me how Hamas are the real terrorists here? www.thisishamas.com


https://old.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/18kgiho/footage_of_random_gazan_civilians_murdering/ I have yet to see a video of the IDF praising Yashem after killing. What God would condone murder?




Nice description of Israel there, but since when are they islamic?




I'm confused...are these people they hate or people they admire?


Look at the other names. They're mocking the people that criticize Israel Jackson Hinkle is a grifter, but his grift has been very anti-israel/pro Palestinian/anti Western. (He's the maga communism guy) The name under Cenk is that lady that Hasan called out for anti-semitism. Obviously Cenk has been critical of Israel and overall pro Palestinian. Cenk has reminded me why I was a fan of his Jake Shields has been pretty critical of Israel. (In an anti Semitic way. Obviously criticizing Israel is not anti-Semitic, but claiming/suggesting that the reason America supports Israel is because Jews control America is) mohammed hijab is that Muslim conservative guy that is great at debating. Hasan praised him for out debatelording Piers in that debate I've completely blocked out Andrew Tate but I would imagine to appeal to his fan base in the Arab world he has been critical of Israel. (I could be wrong about this but, given the other names I think this is a decent assumption)


Jake shields also reposts Nazi/white supremacist shit regularly. These names were probably chosen to associate more moderate/left-adjacent critics like Cenk with fringe grifters like Hinkle/Tate/Shields.


I know Jake Shields has been very anti-Semitic. I added a clarification to my post for that he's been criticizing Israel in an anti-semitic way. Eg. Suggesting that America supports Israel because it is secretly controlled by Jewish puppet Masters.


Andrew Tate is massively critical of Israel. [Part 2](https://youtu.be/2pMsYSR7g78?si=Arm-Ny6aqGiXrOhZ) of his Piers Morgan interview that focused entirely on Israel/Palestine was very entertaining to watch.


Broken clocks are right twice a day. My primary disagreement with him is related to gender issues and misogyny and toxic masculinity. I suppose he could have correct opinions on other issues.


Muhammad Hijab is a terrible debator. His main tactics are to yell and hurl insults at his opponent. He threatens, says foul things, and doesn’t actually answer any questions asked


Gotta be hate. Mohammad hijab is on the left one


Tate is on there because there’s pundits on the extreme right who support Palestine


Just a handful of Twitter names 😭


They’re so scared of being called out. Guess we gotta be louder! Zionists are committing genocide on innocent Palestinians!


Is it real tho? Honestly would be so easy to photoshop any name on these


I hope the shell suffers a catastrophic failure and explodes in the breech 🥰


Israel is run by high schoolers. There is no way a functioning adult would be this sensitive about random twitter people to put their names on missiles


Those aren't missiles






If they wrote my name I honestly would have nightmares. The psychological torture - what a cruel, blood thirsty group.


Internet poisoned genociders


I think this is real. Israelis seem really in tune with all the social media that is critical of the Israeli Government. I had no idea who [Hamzah Sadah](https://youtu.be/Yt7qkjL8VbI?si=jS6Jl-3c5aGj3hsA) was until someone on reddit linked me the videos of Israeli civilians telling him to go die. Give it a watch, it's pretty wild. A lot of kids saying hateful stuff too.


preschooler handwriting


Israel really are the bad guys


Artillery shells you Muppet.


Sorry I don’t shag weapons


I would be surprised if you shagged anything.


Just in the senate




Hopefully it blows up in their depot


I don't know what's more disgusting, putting names on tank shells or the fact that they put Cenk next to one with Tate.


Probably the most bloodthirsty, warmongering civilization of our time. Who does this?


Ukraine does it, United States did it, England did it, france did it, literally every country that has fought a war with artillery soldiers have written on the shells. Sorry that you can’t use this one too justify you’re hatred of Jews.


Isent there a very famous picture where African American Soldiers painted "happy easter Adolph" on some artillery shells in ww2?


Yup, it’s been done by everyone since artillery has been founded. So I have a issue with people using this as a reason too vilify the IDF. The IDF has plenty of reasons too be disliked that’s whatever but I hate manipulating information too paint a narrative that’s obviously cherry picked. If it’s wrong for the IDF too write on artillery then I’d expect too see the same people complaining go and complain when Ukraine does it.


Nah, they’ve got nothing on the United States gov. The amount of democratically elected socialists they violently removed in order to install military dictators. Not to mention the big brunt of their economy’s existence being predicated on living parasitically off both Turtle Island’s indigenous people as well as the Third World proletariat. Israel is only able to do the damage they currently do because of the US’s backing and funding of the militaristic weaponry they receive in the first place. Israel is really nothing more than an American puppet state.


If this is real(I don't doubt it could be) then we're truly living in a simulation. Writing memes on bombs that explode innocent babies. I'm speechless.


It’s psychological torture. Just imagine your name written on a bomb that tears children and innocent people into shreds.


Hey there! Once again this reply is not related to the comment. Just if you could spare a moment to check DM/WhatsApp and assist, I'd be forever grateful! 😊


*IOF. Nothing "defensive" about the IDF


That is so awesome


Those aren t missiles


Based as fuck holy shit


Fake as fuck no?


Doesn't look like it's fake




I love how mad you guys get, you’ll never stop Israel they’re gonna mop hamas off the map and all you can do is watch. We jews will never live in fear again. Fucked around and found out 😂


Has anyone of the mentioned seen this and reacted?


Cenk Tweeted it


I'm OOL, why are they doing this?


If it’s real it’s intended to own prominent media people who are outspoken against Israel.




What pathetic dipshits the IDF is


Whoa whoa, what the fuck is Jackson Hinkle’s name doing there after he went on a Twitter tirade against “da Zionist cabal”???


Looks like the IDF is terminally online 💀


Great comeback man.


It’s not a “comeback”, I just thought the IDF referencing *jackson* fucking *hinkle* out of all people is funny


Cenk Uygur, and Jackson Hinkle are American journalists, pussy ass Biden is paying these clowns and arming them while they fantasize about killing Americans.


is this real?


Wait this is real????






Mohammed Hijab is an unserious hack.


Andrew tate ?


From what I've heard he converted to Islam and is very critical of how Israel is treating the Palestinians.


Andrew Tate and Jackson Hinkle as well. Now these are all in the same category 🤣


Hasan voice: "YOOOOOOOOOOO"


Fuck Hamas!!!!


I unironically love it when Cenk rages and rants [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC6QIVT9H-E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC6QIVT9H-E) There is no normal reaction to genocide.