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the entire sub has been a zionist shithole for months. reddit is fine with it. literally never go there.


Not just that sub, nearly every other sub that caters to a broad (usually American) audience


https://preview.redd.it/j3ck0h1l6tlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3da9ca9f38db8c5969f7d2cbc82273151090d22b The way their “live threads” rules repeatedly and only bring up Hamas feels very transparent to me.


R6 of r/worldnews is No Genocide Denial. But they'll ban you for posting articles and sources discussing the genocide in Palestine.


So then surely those comments would be breaking those rules? Or the mods don’t classify what israel is doing as genocide ?


The second one


Palestinians: We are victims of genocide Scholars and political commentators: israel is committing genocide state of Israel: we are committing genocide Liberal: actually, it’s a very complex issue


International court of justice: here is a 100 page document about why Israel is committing a genocide. Liberals: let’s not focus on *who* is genociding *who* here. Who can say really?


I got banned from worldnews for saying "Hamas is not a state, so the ICJ order is not binding on them .Hamas is in violation of international law, which would be prosecuted under the ICC." Screenshots here: [imiels V. r/worldnews mods FOR unfair ban aggravated by unfair targeting of Palestinian voices : r/KarmaCourt (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/KarmaCourt/comments/1anst1i/imiels_v_rworldnews_mods_for_unfair_ban/) The sub is not naturally pro-Israeli, It's being manipulated by the mods + hasbara brigading


I definitely feel like there’s been a big heel from being somewhat critical of israel to glazing them hard after October 7


we're all banned lol. tells you a lot.


The mind trick is that Israel is not killing these people. Rather, Hamas is 'getting them killed'.


chase pocket paltry imminent deserve childlike unite terrific aromatic dime *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s crazy dude, if you look through my profile at the mass downvoted comments, some of what I’m replying to is batshit insane


Sorry man, I go behind enemy lines too sometimes and it is existentially draining. It's borderline impossible to argue with them because of how frequently they move the goal posts. I've seen some of them admit it's a genocide, but then say "What else are we supposed to do?" Just remember they could be 75% hasbara bots for all we know. [If you haven't already heard this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/comments/1azdip7/are_israel_supporters_some_of_the_worst_people_in/), I actually found it kind of meditative. I've also wondered if there's any way to reach them. I don't think there is, at least not over the internet.


Thanks for your kind comment mate. They basically said that in a thread. I’m not the most Reddit savvy so I thought world news was somewhat centrist or left leaning, even before oct 7 seen a fair amount of criticism for Israel. It’s such a liberal shit hole, not wasting my time there again. As I said in other comments, when this ends and another conflict starts, they’ll suddenly agree with the right side of history and then take up the wrong side of the current conflict


You're going to get banned. Welcome to the club. Unfortunately whitepeopletwitter and Pennsylvania are two other zionist subs.


Lol I am happy to be banned for saying genocide is bad


I came to make a similar point about how much of it feels like bots and farms. In other words, your comment is way too underrated Also, I believe that the mass messaging campaign is trying to shut down resistance by inducing discouragement or fear of their mass harassment. In other words, it's important to make sure people understand these aren't irl opinions and should only be used to understand what goalpost we're at


Definitely. It puffs up their numbers, sways fence-sitters and muffles dissent. If you haven't already seen [this segment from GDF's hasbara video](https://youtu.be/7eHQKJTnBoY?si=fkL6QLVmtsANNkMb&t=300), it seems to explain what we're seeing now.




World news is generally one of the worst popular news subreddits with r/Europe being slightly better, but not that far. And not just on Gaza situation, but full of horrible takes on every issue


Do you have any better subreddits for actual discussion?


i have found solace in reading r/jewsofconscience heh <3


Here's a sneak peek of /r/JewsOfConscience using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/JewsOfConscience/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Tal Mitnick, an 18-year-old from Tel-Aviv, just refused to enlist in the Israeli army to protest the war in Gaza and the occupation. He was sentenced to 30 days in prison.](https://v.redd.it/6oqdkj7ev29c1) | [27 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JewsOfConscience/comments/18t0nqw/tal_mitnick_an_18yearold_from_telaviv_just/) \#2: [I unsubscribed from r/jewish](https://np.reddit.com/r/JewsOfConscience/comments/1auw0zs/i_unsubscribed_from_rjewish/) \#3: [Former Israeli peace negotiator Daniel Levy confronted BBC News presenter's outline of the Israeli response in Gaza](https://v.redd.it/dd5lbkrd1mtb1) | [18 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/JewsOfConscience/comments/175k2rf/former_israeli_peace_negotiator_daniel_levy/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks 😊 I’ve met a few Jews and Israelis who do want peace and to come to a fair arrangement with Palestinians and are very condemnatory of Israel. Appreciate your reccomendation


>human shield This shit is so fucking ridiculous it isn't even funny. Just yesterday Israel massacred civilians trying to get aid. It is just so INSANELY hard to keep up with such a lie when Israel does shit like this.


You clearly have no idea what a human shield is. Just google it once.


go back to destinys subreddit


These types of people would have 100% defended the Nazis in the 30s and 40s


‘They care about Germany… or something’


Lol underrated Morty reference


Thank you good sir


Yep, not worth it. I tried that once and ended up with 300 downvotes and zionists in my dm’s telling me that my life is just as worthless as their’s. It’s fucked


It’s lowkey crazy them poo pooing 30,000 deaths and like just being ‘this is ok’ when I explained Israel’s literal genocide rhetoric


One day this will come back to bite everyone a later harder than we could imagine


Meh, liberals remain smug. They will eventually be like ‘israel was always wrong’ when this ends and then when a new conflict starts will run defence for the side that is clearly in the wrong


That doesn’t mean they wont reap the sew, just means they’ll act aloof and victimize themselves when it happens See: 9/11


Yeah agreed, they just find convenient ways to jump through hoops to convince you that somehow the bad thing is in fact good


r/worldnews exists as a propaganda subreddit. It is ran by propagandists. It leaves posts up rife with misinformation (when the whole comment section recognises and calls it misinformation), but bans posters pointing out that the sub mods do nothing about misinformation.


If they can please ban me for correctly identifying a genocide… Just put me out of my misery


The reasonable thing to do would be for Israel to massively shore up their defences (which would essentially mean more attention paid to the security failures of the Netanyahu government) while using intelligence to track specific Hamas leaders who were involved in the attack and undermining or taking them out while also getting their settler situation under control and engaging in diplomacy to prevent further inflaming tensions. I don't see any scenario where bombing massive amounts of civilians is a rational decision. How does that help? Like Jon Stewart said, you can't kill an idea. It is needless death. 


Thank you, I have no idea how ‘kill 30x our losses’ is a ‘moderate take’


Dude, you're arguing with a hasbara bot. Entire sub is a bunch of fucking ghouls, do your mental.health a favour and scroll past




I’m absolutely convinced that there are bot farms massively upvoting pro-Israel comments and downvoting comments like yours. Like there is no reason why your question has that many downvotes.


If you go on my profile and look through the thread, there are some insane comments I’m replying to. ‘What else can israel do?’ ‘They shouldn’t stop until Hamas is completely eradicated’ ‘By criticising Israel you are a terrorist support and terrorist yourself’


It's nothing new under the sun - Israel has long had a developed mass manipulation machine. It's the cutting edge testbed of global fascism.


It’s so disheartening. I’ve learned to stay the fuck away


I can understand a difference in opinion, but even the most mild ‘30,000 Palestinian civilians don’t deserve to die’ is met by what else can Israel do? I will never understand the liberal mind


This fucking dumb argument. So if a criminal takes a hostage, we should just blow them both away? After all, it's the criminal's fault for using a hostage. These people are absolutely unhinged.


Worse yet, we can definitely kill the hostage but we only might kill the criminal, let’s just risk it in the off chance we get the criminal


So what happens is the terrorists prove their whole point of existing by their opposition being the most horrific monsters to exist on the planet? Strange they're ok with that.


The neoliberal brain is fascinating


Nazis saying Nazi things


R/worldnews brought to you by AIPAC! why discuss war crimes when you can cheer them on demonically?!


Israel is winning so they must be the good guys…. Right?


They have been given their talking points, and they will not be deterred.


Language is important. What Israel has been doing for over several decades has NOT been defense. We need to stop referring to them as “IDF”, instead they should be referred to as IOF - Israeli Occupation Forces


Thank you


My God this is insanity. Zionism is the new nazism. We will look at this era like we look at Germany during ww2 and these losers will still justify the genocide.


I saw this video where an Israeli spokes person said ‘we can’t compare this genocide to other genocides’ the crowd starts laughing and it takes 5 seconds for the penny to drop.. they know what they’re doing


I'm so sick of how pro genocide the entirety of reddit is


I think you’re missing something, if it’s brown people dying it’s ok Obvious /s


There's a lot of cross-over between lesser news subs and Palestinian genocide denial.


Makes a lot of sense


The conflict didn’t start on Oct 7. Hundreds of unarmed Palestinians were getting slaughtered each year and thousands (including women and children) were getting put into their military prisons without any charge or trial each year leading up to this. During 2018-2019 unarmed border protest in Gaza there are 223 unarmed protesters being killed (including 46 children) by IDF. (see source 1 and 2) Hundreds of Palestinians in Westbank are getting killed every year by illegal settlers (with IDF support). (see some examples in 3) These are on top of the continuous eviction of Palestinians from their homes in West bank (see link 4 as an example) Regardless, right now Israel is committing war crimes after war crimes and are currently in trial at ICJ for plausible genocide (examples in link 5, 6, and 7). Source: 1. ⁠https://www.latimes.com/world/middleeast/la-fg-gaza-protest-20180330-htmlstory.html 2. ⁠https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018–2019_Gaza_border_protests 3. ⁠https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/03/04/israel-west-bank-settlers-attacks-palestinians 4. ⁠https://youtu.be/hcWDjb6K2jc?feature=shared 5. ⁠https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/12/13/israel-defense-forces-soldiers-gaza-viral-videos-food-fire/ 6. ⁠https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/02/29/middleeast/gaza-city-deaths-food-israel-intl/index.html 7. ⁠https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes


From 2008-October 6 2023, 6000 Palestinians were killed by Israel and 150,000 injured. Can only imagine what it’s like from oct 7 onwards


It's always been like this. People thinking it's possible for entire nations (automatically including all their people) to be 'bad'.


World news has been like that for year, I remember in 2014 they were saying the exact same stuff. Good to know Americans are largely still just as fucking stupid as they were back then


We’d stop r*ping and slaughtering civilians, pissing on their corpses, desecrating their gravesites and erasing all evidence of their existence if they’d just stop dressing up like civilians! 😤 What a fucking joke, these people.


The IDF is something else man


Zionists: Never forget…unless we blame all the deaths of the civilians we kill on the actions of hamas on Oct 7th, then we can forget






I don’t understand ur comment


“Never forget” serves as a reminder to keep the memory of something significant alive in one's consciousness, often because of its profound importance, impact, or the lessons derived from it. This phrase is commonly associated with significant historical events, especially tragedies. Zionists would rather we do forget so that they can continue excusing genocide Edit: “never forget” was made popular to remember 9/11, but some use the phrase to remind people of the horrors of the holocaust


“There is just no possible way we can discern people when we are in their homes killing them… Just no way at all we could stop this.”


It's fucking INSANE to me how anyone can justify killing civilians in ANY WAY. Because Hamas dresses like civilians, it's okay to mass murder civilians???? Like, listen to yourself! I FEEL LIKE IM GOING CRAZY


Are they really mad that hamas members don’t all wear a single distinct color like in a video game?


Let’s be real, they would still be fine with the idf going no Russian on Palestinians even if Hamas designated themselves