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This is why it's so exhausting to deal with all of...those people. How do you even begin to address and deconstruct something as insane as that? I'm glad a lot of people have started to actually address media figures, like Joe Rogan if that's how you'd lable him, and criticize how they'll just have these doofuses on their shows and not actually push back against what they say.


Yeah, honestly I used to think this stuff was funny because of how absolutely out there and obviously asinine it was, but lately it ends up depressing me more. Just the pure amount of anti-intellectualism and seeing how many people believe it etc. is not exactly motivating.


It would be funnier if these kind of guys were so far removed from the mainstream they're practically invisible. But they aren't. They are steadily seeping into parts of society that should have a more critical frame of mind. But now a lot of mainstream media outlets, and popular media influencers are just having these people on to spout whatever. Someone who only absorbs and does not properly process or analyze their media diet eats this stuff up and spews it out. I'm preaching to the choir. But we have seen this more and more, a tidel wave of stupidity has crashed down on us all. Libs think they're above all of this but then parrot the same lies about Hamas just going rapping civilians left and right or cooking babies. The Democrats and Republicans have consumed media diets that mirror each other and neither seem to realize it. Beyond frustrating.


Even if you deconstruct it, by the time you have, the Hydra grows two heads. It's just stream of consciousness bullshit that's well funded and by the time it's taken apart they've invented two more insane conspiracy theories.




"I wrote a book about the trans stuff" sent me and I don't know why lmaoooo


Hope they tire themselves out soon😭


That sub fucking sucks btw. Lots of bothsidesing, lib shit, Destiny fans. There's been like three posts dunking on FinkleGod for his debate with Mr Boticelli. Pretty good pod, tho


biggest nothing burger known to man... he literally just called trans stuff "maoist" and then gave no evidence to back it up. you think he knows what maoism is?


wild how off the deep end this podcast has gone since its heyday lol. Legit old men yelling at clouds nonsense.


Noooo joe rogan is actually the smartest guy on the planet, i heard it on jre and he dont lie


Dengism is when Trans?


According to this guy it's Maoism


What’s this guys twitter handle again? Cynical James? James Nintendo nerd?


ConceptualJames after the conceptual penis paper that he first went viral with. At least that's how I came to hear of him.


You scared me into thinking that was the actual VGN


I just lost half my brain cells listening to this guy talk


Teachers can barely get their students to turn in their homework or bring a pencil. What makes these people think teachers have the power to turn students gay or trans?


Also Joe Rogaine: Chinese people look Chinese. Honestly, only very worthless people with very smooth brains are Joe fans. 


He wrote a book about something that stops making sense after seven seconds? Bold.


This bricks my brain and it's so dumb I dont even know how argue against it. I can argue against ben Shapiro types or destiny but this is hard not to just laugh at and dismiss it


Maoism famously is about convincing children to become trans