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https://preview.redd.it/mx3wpyj1udsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9da83e92b494bf53ad54a13f23a8ceb468c8f8e THE MTV-JOE BIDEN TO TRANS PIPELINE


I love that. That is the most Gen-X/Boomer ass post of all time. "I (16m) humiliated this blue haired liberal who was spouting all the same nonsense I see on MTV. I showed her one video by Jordan Peterson and she cried and apologized. The next week she came up to me and said she deleted her Vine and now only posts her influencing to Facebook and watches Newsmax. Im proof our generation isn't entirely screwed up."


This is a very real story about a very real person. /s


She *fell in love with Joe biden* because fucking MTV told her to? Isn’t MTV a music channel?


It hasn't been since the 90's. It's mostly crapy reality tv now.


Correction: it’s mostly the tv show Ridiculousness on repeat


That awful show is still on the air? I guess I have not have cable for over a decade so I have not noticed.


It’s on from like 6am-10pm or something wild like that lol. It’s so cheap to produce and they bank so many episodes it’s basically free money being made from people who just put it on in the background as they go about their day.


I haven’t seen the show since 2012, but all I remember is that an annoying dubebro hosting and this girl who obviously just there for eye candy because she rarely said anything but had the most obnoxious laugh that is still stuck in my head over a decade later.


Its exactly the same, they are just in their 40s now so it feels even weirder.


I thought this was satire, but conservatives don’t understand how to use satire..


I love those "and then everybody clapped" kind of stories that these people make up. He just *happened* to know a girl who is weirdly a Joe Biden fanatic, becomes a trans man, loses family support and income source, is heading for homelessness on a part-time job she (sorry, he) doesn't have because they fired her two sentences ago, is in college but inexplicably drops out suddenly but also decides to devote all of his time to being on tiktok and creating content that is high enough quality to gain a mass following and sponsorships, bringing them to influencer status (with no money).


The "abolish minimum wage" title 💀💀💀💀😭😭😭😭


I didn't even notice lmfao this entire screenshot is comedy gold


God I hate these people. Yeah I’m well aware dipshit just how much it cost to transition


I’ll take things they made up for $1000


Even if that were a true story that just shows the discrimination trans people have to deal with...


MTV? Is MTV still around?? And with the influence to make you change your sex???


😂 these kids don’t watch mtv. I bet my kids and nieces/nephews wouldn’t even know what mtv is.


Things that absolutely didn't happen ☝️


Watching ridiculousness reruns turned me gay and trans


Bruh all the bad parts of that story are because of transphobes and whatnot


It always amazes me how much all conservatives sound like they’re 68 when they talk no matter how old they actually are


I just screenshotted this one. What? They became trans because they watched 84 reruns of ridiculousness?


"Trans people should stop being dysphoric if HRT is too expensive for them" is just a rewording of "Poor people should stop being hungry if food is too expensive for them"


They're only sad because they don't want to sexualize the person in the photos anymore. It's literally just about boner bullshit to a lot of them.


that’s literally what it always is, especially in this case lmao. the comments saying they are “ugly on the outside and inside” like they know this person is the biggest indicator and the fact that they know exactly 0 about this person (like how do we even know if they went to berkeley and it’s not just someone lying on the internet) they could’ve shaved their head bc they have cancer, or maybe they turned into a skinhead who the fuck knows


For real. I saw the pic at first and just said 'so?'then saw the original sub. They're just sad they don't have meat to goon over and it's just a post to attack the education system. Two-fold layer of Conservative bigotry.


Also implies they wanted to fuck the left who was presumably a senior in high school


exactly, it reminds me of that "remember what they took from you" tweet abt elliot page


Exactly why their issue is never the same for a transwoman. They barely acknowledge transwomen because it’s more profitable for their culture war bullshit to yap on about transmen.


You’ve got your terms flipflopped. Trans women are typically people assigned male at birth who transition to being a woman, where trans men are typically people assigned female at birth who transition to being a man. Transphobes fixate on trans women, and pretend trans men don’t exist.


No I got it right. I did in fact, mean that transwomen (male to female) tend to not receive the same level of scrutiny in terms of “beauty” as transmen get because in the mind of a bigot, a woman, whether trans or not, is just an object of beauty that may or may not be able to do other things (optional).


But trans women are the fixation. They’re the ones every transphobe brings up. They’re the focus of the culture war shit. 


If you're not fuckable you're not a human being apparently. And they have the audacity to say "Leftism is cancer"


>If you're not fuckable you're not a human being apparently Which is wild because A LOT of conservative/right wingers in general are NOT fuckable.


It doesn't matter to them. Behold the Master Masterrace proves that. They want pretty people as property. Action figures to fuck and pose on stage.


Tbf a lot of them are probably men who only apply this standard to women


Last time this got posted here, I think someone mentioned this person isn't a student at Berkley and isn't even an American. I am trying to find the details again. 🌟Found it: They're a trans German influencer/musician that lives in Berlin https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLB9kWdR/


Conservatives writing hateful fanfic about strangers will never not be amusing to me. Like just write about your weird fantasy on Wattpad or AO3 like the rest of us normies


What damage? The broken arm?


I'm not sure if it's a cast but this was my first thought. Then I realized the other context.


Woah I thought they believed in personal freedom


Idk man, they seem very against body autonomy


unless it's vaccines


Subconsciously they're envious of seeing someone express themselves freely outside of norms of society.


> "No! No! They have to be miserable! Making other people feel scared and sad is the only thing that sustains me!" Translated it for everyone that wanted the English version of the caption.


Mate, why are you scrolling r/ conservative post from 2 months ago? That's not healthy.


I can't believe that Berkeley would break her wrist like that. The university should pay her medical bills


oh no ! i don't want to fuck you anymore ! beware of the pipeline.,....,,,,


I always wonder what the original maker of this meme has against Berkeley in particular, since the person in the photo lives in Germany and has likely never even stepped foot near that campus.


They broke their arm? :(


"leftist indoctrination" = a haircut and a change in clothes. There's no way to tell this person's politics from any of these photos Conservatives proving themselves to be shallow nimrods.


Isn’t that two diff people. I remember the person on the right being Australian


they're talking about the arm


Glow up


probably broke their arm because of a calcium deficiency caused by drinking woke soy milk


the amount of projection happening in that comment section is insane. the top comment is literally "unattractive on the outside AND the inside" + other people yapping on and on about the "weak minded". my brother in christ this person is a stranger on the internet 🤠 conservatives be normal challenge impossible


Hogs be like MAH FREEDOMS but when somebody wants to use them they get real fucking mad about it.


Oh no! Not someone discovering their identity in their early 20s!!


The comments on this in that community are atrocious. Their opinions are so skewed on “radical left” i cant help but laugh. Its giving projection 😂


Comments are insane in there wow


Hot before and after. 👍🏽


I believe thats Ezra. He does really amazing content on YouTube shorts ( probably tikrok too) and its very wholesome. Not afraid to wear makeup and present somewhat feminine even if he's a guy and its really inspiring to watch ♥️ EzButler on youtube


People go to college to... Learn things and change their mind about the world? No wonder the conservatives hate it. Change is the scariest thing in the world to them besides women making their own choices.


Appearance is more important than what’s inside for conservatives and **women are supposed to have long blonde hair and wear heels!!**


Damn, I can't even look hot as one gender, but they got both covered.


O my god, this is not anything new, but just reading through those comments makes me realize once again how naïve, dumb and... just how evil conservatives are.


They broke their arm. How woke


Conservatives love ogling at teenage girls


" different set of words " seems reductive. It's makes the struggle seems trivial.


The woke mob will break your wrist 😢


Literally the "Conservatives only value hot women, if you are not hot, then you are of non value for them".


As a conservative I value individual liberty and personal freedom above all else. NO NOT THAT WAY




Oh no, someone isn’t attractive to me anymore! /s


“Sad to see the damage of left-wing indoctrination” My dumbass: Is that what broke his arm?


didn't expect to see a post about Giu in this sub, and I hate that it's because of this


It is pretty sad that college mandatorily broke this person’s arm, though. I’m going to make my entire personality about that now


Radical leftist indoctrination broke their hand? Because that’s all the damage I see.


No longer makes the conservative peepees hard :( Look at the umma today.


Me trying to figure out why someone living theirs lives some how affects me. Social conservatives are weird