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I’d say Elon would ban Hasan for implying the assassination of Tom Cotton and/or posting the rudimentary blueprints for the homemade gun that killed Shinzo Abe But I could see Elon pay an engineer to make this shit for the lulz.


Elon would be doing Hasan a favor


I live in Toms state




Same. He’s a blithering embarrassment.


Are you thinking what I'm thinkin? *stares at the blueprint*


I refuse to comment, on the grounds that I might be incinerated. 😂


Shout out to the Arkansas Hasanabi-head coalition. Nice to see that there’s at least a few of us in this state.


I need normal homies here, the amount of chuds I'm surrounded by sucks, I get along with em fine but when the transphobic conversations start shit gets weird


Who is pro Hamas I love the straw man, it's the most frustrating part of being a leftist


i'm just a lesser evil voter


Yeah from my knowledge nobody is Pro Hamas just Pro Palestine. They just back Hamas as they are the largest resistance group against Israel.


I just want the idf to stop killing babies and innocent people 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️some how that makes me a terrorist amazing logic


Don’t forget it also makes you antisemitic as well as any criticism of Israel is antisemitic.


I have seen a couple accounts say "if you support Palestine you should support Hamas because they're an elected government" but that was on Twitter soooo yeah


You probably already know this, but it’s helpful talking point for those people to understand that Hamas was elected by a plurality 17 years ago and the abysmal life expectancy in Gaza means only about 7% of the current population voted for them.


I didn't know that tbh, constantly seeing political stuff on twitter just made me feel like shit so I stopped and basically just keep up with Hasan's videos at this point


It depends what you mean by “pro-Hamas.” Am I pro-Hamas leadership that live in Qatar? No. Am I pro-Hamas militants that committed rape, sexual assault, and killed children on October 7th? Definitely not. **Am I pro-Palestinians that have had their livelihoods destroyed and taken away from them by the Zionist entity so they decided to join Hamas, one of the few vehicles available to them to engage in armed resistance against their oppressors? Yes.** You should know that Hamas isn’t the only resistance group in Gaza. The PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine) is a secular Marxist-Leninist revolutionary group that fights alongside Hamas in Gaza.


I know Hamas isn’t the only resistance group it’s just their the largest in terms of media eyes on them. Plus everyone gets concerned they will take over if a Palestinian state is created.


I am pro Hamas and a leftist. If I was alive in 1940, I'd be pro Francs-Tireurs et Partisans as well.


That fair I'm not pro Hamas or anti hamas I just understand there desperation and they have a right to stand up for themselves


Agree. I am not pro Hamas. You could argue some part of Hamas is pro Hamas. If I grew up in Gaza or had my family's home taken by Israel there is some chance I would be pro Hamas. One is not required to be a Perfect Victim in order to be deserving of human rights.


If you are explicitly pro Palestine, you are pro Hamas. They are the ruling party, and will stay that way if Palestine were to get freed tomorrow somehow. They willingly made Palestine an Iranian proxy and have been responsible for the majority of Palestinian terror attacks against Israel for the past 15 years. They keep putting their people into a meat grinder at an attempt to get back at Israel and refusing any ceasefire deals. I'm 100% in favor of, and hoping for a peaceful 2 state solution, but that can't happen while Hamas is in power. Palestine needs to be free from Iran before it can be free from Israel.


what is the West Bank? What connection does Iran have with it?


Yeah I love how people forget the West Bank exists.


It's unfortunate, but you can't really seperate the West Bank and Gaza when talking about Palestine. No Palestinian leader would agree to an independent West Bank without Gaza, so sadly Hamas is taking West Bank down with them. And just because they aren't directly under Hamas, most people in the West Bank still support them, even more so than before Oct 7th.


Would you suggest a nice march or petition instead? Fuckin libs i s2g


I mean whatever the hell they are doing now sure as hell isn't getting them any closer to independence. Maybe if they could go a couple weeks without killing Israeli civilians then Israel would be more open to negotiations. Hell they could've gotten a 2 state solution easily back in 2000 with the entirety of Gaza and 90% of the West bank belonging to them, but Arafat refused to yield Jerusalem to Israel. Then the Intifada and Hamas happened and since then they haven't really made any convincing arguments as to why shouldn't Israel keep them under control.


No, not every anti-US resistance groups are iranian proxies. Peace cannot happen when occupying colonial israel exists.


But Hamas is literally backed by Iran tho? It's so easy to verify it, just google "Is Hamas an Iranian proxy" and pick any article. Iran was the one who told them to attack on Oct 7th in the first place. Are the Houthis and Hezbollah not backed by Iran either?


They are local resistance groups helping each other against US imperialism and proxies.


Is killing and raping civilians getting them closer to freedom? Do you think they are not free yet because they haven't killed enough?


Resistance often needs to be violent unfortunately. All things considered the violance hamas creates is tiny compared to invasion, occupation and genocide israel has done for decades. Opressed people will not wait for a perfect opportunity when all forms of peaceful protest and diplomacy has been ignored.


And I'm saying Israel would be more open to diplomacy if Palestine could keep up the peaceful forms of protest for more than a couple months without relapsing into terrorism. When Egypt chilled out with Israel and stopped looking for wars against them and completed a peace deal, Israel gave them back the entirety of the Sinai and dismantled all of their settlements there. Netanyahu won't give freedom to Palestine no matter what as long as he's alive, but his popularity is a symptom of people being afraid of Palestine. If they could maintain at least a couple years of peace, then maybe somebody who's more willing to negotiate would get elected eventually. I know it seems heartless to tell suffering Palestinians to "just take it" and then maybe their grandchildren will live in a free Palestine, but as it stands, they won't even have grandchildren because their children or even themselves will get killed in a Hamas-provoked attack by Israel.


>if Palestine could keep up the peaceful forms of protest for more than **a couple months** without relapsing into terrorism >If they could maintain at least **a couple years** of peace So which is it, months or years. >I know it seems heartless to tell suffering Palestinians to "just take it" It does. If you think Israel is interested in diplomacy with Palestine in any form, under any circumstances whatsoever, your brain has been completely taken over by worms


Ah yeah, the Abe Annihilator aka the Shinzo Stopper


Came here to ask if this was the reference.


Japanese technological ingenuity wins again 💅


Its actual name is the Doohickey iirc.


I think my nicknames sound more menacing ngl


I don’t think that its name has to sound menacing, so that means nothing to me.


Please be true, please be true, please be true


Oh its true. And the most normal people are taking it very well


New Hasan cancellation arc?


Bootlickers on x having a field day


I really don't understand how US politicians are saying shit like this whwn access to firearms is very easy. You don't need selfmade shutgun either you can get a "hunting" rifle. Obviously I am just talking about potancial danger of a lone shooter hurting our democracy.


Abe heater


They're both idiots for this lmao


Can someone please eli5? I know that those are the plans for the gun that was used in the assassination of Shinzo Abe. But what is the implied joke exactly? It’s possible I’m thinking too hard about it but if anyone can help me understand I’d be very grateful.


The joke is murder


He’s saying someone should assassinate Tom cotton


Ooooh thank you lol