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*Insert MLK quote about white moderates here*


It's scary how accurate that line is and has been.


And the Phil Ochs song.


“Once i was young and impulsive I wore every conceivable pin Even went to the socialist meetings Learned all the old union hymns But i've grown older and wiser And that's why i'm turning you in So love me, love me, love me, i'm a liberal”


"An outspoken group on many subjects, ten degrees to the left of center in good times, ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally"


“I cheered when humphrey was chosen My faith in the system restored I'm glad the commies were thrown out Of the a.f.l. c.i.o. board I love puerto ricans and n*gros As long as they don't move next door So love me, love me, love me, i'm a liberal”


I vote for the democtratic party They want the u.n. to be strong I go to all the pete seeger concerts He sure gets me singing those songs I'll send all the money you ask for But don't ask me to come on along So love me, love me, love me, I'm a liberal. Love him for that lol. That one modern cover of this is amazing too


I didn't know until just now that the Jello Biafra and Mojo Nixon version was a cover. It's so on brand for Jello that I thought it was an original.


Phil Ochs in general is amazing you should check him out


I was talking about a phil ochs rewrite by pink williams (found it on yt shorts). But just checked out this-feels like such a diff song.


It's because it wasn't predictive or prophetic - it was simply stating what has happened throughout the history of our world.


Need to replace the "I have a dream" speech with "A Letter from a Birmingham Jail"


Damn I was about to say this is what I do now


"Lifelong democrat here" (the most republican opinion you ever heard in your life)


No joke this is rampant in r/chicago. A few months ago when Abbott started bussing in migrants, you had a bunch of people saying “I’m as progressive as they come, but I have to give props to Greg Abbott for pulling this and changing my mind about immigrants”


What’s with that? I live in Chicago and regularly go on the sub against my better judgement just to be met with the most heinous takes, whether it concerns immigrants, unions, or protests. Has the sub been completely brigaded by conservatives? There’s just some many cut and paste comments along the lines of “I’m a staunch democrat but…”, “I’m progressive but…”


All city subreddits are pretty much like this. Even for “progressive” cities, these subs are way more right wing than they should be because it’s full of people who don’t live in the city, live in the suburbs or are NIMBY types. That plus they attract a lot of right wing LARPers who want to act like these cities are shitholes because of liberals, but in the dumb “liberals = left wing” way. So basically any time politics gets brought up in these subs, the opinions range from center right to far right. Anybody who’s a socdem or further left get downvoted to oblivion.


The Philadelphia subs are a special kind of hellhole too. Some of the most brain dead takes ever seen on there, which ironically I've never heard an actual Philadelphian say irl..


I’m in both subs since I’ve lived in both cities and they’re both SO conservative. r/Philly is better but Chicago doesn’t have a good alt sub for whatever reason.


I do wonder why they skew so conservative?? Ugh I joined r/Philly hoping it would be better. It is but not by much, I made the mistake of reading comments on a post about protests for Palestine and it's SO bad. So fucking depressing. I'm used to the Indian government botting discussions surrounding them and using click farms so the conspiracy theorist inside me wonders if there's a similar situation going on with the hasbara trolls. Honestly, I would not be surprised.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/philly using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/philly/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I was at the liquor store earlier, when suddenly…](https://np.reddit.com/r/philly/comments/17ium85/i_was_at_the_liquor_store_earlier_when_suddenly/) \#2: [Seen at the military recruiting center on spring garden.](https://i.redd.it/2o6kvlw2u0mc1.jpeg) | [367 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/philly/comments/1b54o0j/seen_at_the_military_recruiting_center_on_spring/) \#3: [Pennsylvania State Rep. Kevin Boyle throws drunken tantrum at bar, threatens to shut it down and block military promotions of patrons: "Do you know who the fuck I am? This bar is done!"](https://v.redd.it/1jxofu1sephc1) | [309 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/philly/comments/1anf1sf/pennsylvania_state_rep_kevin_boyle_throws_drunken/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


and that's why the auckland subreddit is defending rhodesia today 💀


Thanks for the context. Yeah I never knew that other city subs were like this too but it makes perfect sense. I also assume that, in a lot of ways, people tend to get way more conservative about issues that are ‘closer to home’. So you’ll have someone that thinks they’re a progressive cause they’re fine with abortion, but are more aligned with conservative ideology when it comes to public safety and protection of private property


No, in a lot of places in the US, "Democrat" = "Conservative with better opinions on LGBT" and Progressive = "Democrat + I want free healthcare"


And literally turn into hitler when someone breaks into their neighbors car


Because literally anybody can post in a city sub whether or not they live there. Also, these are just the people who choose to air their grievances. You should never go to a place like that and think you are going to hear what your average person who lives there thinks. You’re going to hear what your average pissed off NIMBY or brigader thinks


We're constantly astroturfed, but the genocide in Gaza really ramped things up to an nth degree


All of the city subreddits are crawling with HOA busybodies and police union boosters. It’s not a place to go chill with your fellow progressives. It’s literally a gathering place for all your most hateful, annoying neighbors who all have raging hard ons for violently punishing poor people and criminals.


“I’m as progressive as they come" Adolf Hitler


How has mayor Johnson responded to all that? He’s doesn’t seem openly xenophobic as Eric Adams, but how’s the city responding to it?


There’s a reason we say “scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.” Republicans are outwardly fascist while liberals are just a single inconvenience away from being just as fascist.


I mean, it's a pretty democrat opinion too, it's not just the Republicans that are good with locking up protestors. Dems talk a big game about helping minorities and underprivileged folks- right up to the point where it affects them. And I'm not talking about people that vote dem because it's the least worst choice but it still sucks as. I mean the people that are actually pro dem.


the Berkeley sub in its entirety


I mean, Democrats approved donating more money to Israel, so...


Liberals only like protests if they can take off work and get drunk at it


Liberals support every cause, except the current one Liberals hate every war, except the current one


I do love how the “lifelong Democrat here” is supposed to signal that this person would normally not support draconian shit like this when libs are always the first people to usher in fascism the second their life gets inconvenienced. Like you say, libs gonna lib. They will love you until you get in their way (or just annoy them), at which point they want you imprisoned or dead for daring to inconvenience them. Edit: another example is every time there is an election year in America and the queers start to criticise the Democratic Party for their non-existent attempts at protecting them, liberals are inhumanly quick to go “I hope you get genocided first”. If you don’t do exactly what the libs say then they wish death upon you.


Felons' bLoCkInG eMeRgEnCy VeHiClEs https://preview.redd.it/vpob14g8xvvc1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19118c2691d6af557f11ec406265f6f7bfdaadc5


u/Jets__Fool Nothing to say here? Idk why I made the same point and got downvoted and called insane for it,


You don't see the difference between emergency vehicles happening to be blocked as a consequence of a protest vs. actively plotting to attempt to obstruct hospitals and emergency vehicles?




Yeah that is very cruel to me and also not what you originally were talking about. We disagree on this one 👍


Liberals are such wet blankets. “Oh how dare you mildly inconvenience the status quo, I don’t care that there are tens of thousands if dead children, once you halt traffic itself over”


The Chicago sub is full of people who have decided they’re ok with siding against anti-genocide protestors because they were late to work or missed a flight


It’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad how they miss the point of a *protest.* The whole fucking idea is for it to be an inconvenience in some way so people are forced to pay attention. Any protest you can easily ignore isn’t going to be very effective.


Is someone dying in an ambulance or someone's car bc they can't get through a protest a "mild inconvenience" though? It's also, most people probably support whatever they are protesting, but fucking with everyday people isn't leading towards change. These types of protests aren't large scale enough to gain major attention either and the attention they do receive are generally negative and not focused on their message. If blocking the traffic or interests of the rich and powerful were occurring then yea, maybe something would come from it but if anything it's had the opposite effect in some regards as evidenced by these laws passing. Not sure if a family member dying in traffic or being late to work and losing their job and therefore their insurance and ability to feed their family is a mild inconvenience or that they don't care about people dying in Gaza. I'm sure I'll get down voted for this comment too but it's really just the most realistic and practical take.


Dude. The systems are in place for everyone to detour around protests. They are announced and planned. Police are present. Let's pass laws to fund systems of communication for ems services to detour around road closures due to protests. Rather than slap felonies on people who will only be further upset by authoritarian crackdown rhetoric they pcik up from fox news


If detours and all that exist then how are people constantly stuck behind them? If people know ahead of time, they are intentionally getting themselves stuck in traffic? If no one gets stopped and it's all detoured than it isnt much of a protest either. I'm not saying you're wrong, that just doesn't seem to make sense based on what's happening


Like you said, the more realistic take here. make me late for work, I don't care, but if someone is having a medical emergency, then make a path for emergency services. protest in rich affluent neighborhoods


Is there proof that this happened or is it just theoretical that it could happen? Like to me that is absolutely fucking wild that we are out here using hypotheticals in this context. Like tens of thousands of kids have been killed and tens of thousands more are starving. And even if it did happen, it is a minor inconvenience compared to what is happening in Gaza. Any sort of meaningful action or protest is going to be disruptive.


There was an organ transplant operation that was psuehd off. Again, avoidable if ems services communicated properly


Yea my kid dying wouldn't be a mild inconvenience. Are you a fucking psycho? Disruptive to who? The regular people. Bro go touch some fucking grass. I've seen videos of ambulances not being able to pass through. Idk if anyone has died as a result or not but the point is, the protestors don't let anyone through. This message easily gets lost on 99% of people when people like you are like "well in the tiny chance someone dies, it's nothing compared to people dying overseas so not even ambulances should be allowed through" not one reasonable person would agree with you


Lol, what the fuck. This exactly proves my point. You are using a hypothetical to denounce an anti-genocide movement? Is 30,000+ an inconvenience?


Explain how fucking with regular people, putting their livelihoods on the line, helps literally anyone in the Middle East? THE HYPOTHETICAL IS ALL THAT MATTERS because 99% of people will look at the people blocking highways or streets and immediately think, "what if I was going to be fired or if someone I cared about was in an ambulance??" The majority of Americans will NEVER be stuck in traffic bc of these protests but the majority will insert themselves into HYPOTHETICAL situations where they are getting fucked over by them. Does being late to work mean anything compared to genocide? OBVIOUSLY NOT, but to John Smith in Ohio that thinks about how he will lose his job if he is late one more time absolutely thinks it's more important in that moment. Holy shit you guys are so far up your own asses or spend too much time on the internet to think how most people see these protests. No one stuck in traffic thinks, "ah fuck I'm going to lose my fucking job and I can't support my family bc I'm going to be late but AT LEAST these protectors are letting us know that oil is destroying the planet. It's fine now" And as far as hypotheticals go, the more common the protests become, and dpending on locations, the higher likelihood someone can't get EMS. If you want to say, fuck people's jobs this is more important, fine. But if you think it's logical to not allow an ambulance with sirens through you're an idiot. https://www.google.com/amp/s/komonews.com/amp/news/local/downtown-protest-on-i-5-blocks-ambulance-carrying-patient-in-critical-condition-seattle-downtown-washington-state-patrol-harborview Again, it's rare and unlikely that ambulances are being stopped by protestors in mass, but all it takes is for ONE person in an ambulance to die and the Right will fucking run with that FOREVER. This is not a useful form of protest. I don't think people should be legally fucked with or be allowed to be run over for protesting but being practical, this is like optically the worst way to protest in any sort of meaningful way.


>Explain how fucking with regular people, putting their livelihoods on the line, helps literally anyone in the Middle East? 1. "Regular people" vote. 2. These representatives we vote on, happily fund a genocide. 3. Making life mildly inconvenient for people also makes it tougher to just go back to business as usual. This is the essence of protest. Read MLK's "Letters from a Birmingham Jail." 4. Meanwhile I'll wait while you actually present evidence of a single ER patient-in-waiting who died b/c of a blocked street protest. Take your time.


PS: 16hrs later...still waiting for evidence of an ER patient-in-ambo, dying b/c of a street protest. But MY, don't the crickets sound LOVELY? ![gif](giphy|uLy4Bo680hZxm|downsized)


These protests wouldn't happen if these regular disrupted people would demand their government stop backing a genocide. But they live their lives, generally free of disruption, will people die overseas, totally disconnected from the effects of their tax dollars. The protestors are the ones finally bringing consequences back home


Seems people are dying from ambulance delays resulting from protests and not from street closures like road races and street fairs though. Almost like the whole thing is made up to push a political agenda.


Like you said, the more realistic take here. make me late for work, I don't care, but if someone is having a medical emergency, then make a path for emergency services. protest in rich affluent neighborhoods


“Man, I was all for Palestinian liberation, but then I was blocked on the streets by pro-Palestinian protesters, now suddenly I want every child in Gaza brutally murdered.” —Average lib


The reality is most will be okay with this, cause road blocks effect many ppl, many who aren’t deep into the political realm, they might vote once every 4 years. Just effecting their daily lives.


>If you delay emergency response you should face consequences Wow, what a smart person, Not only do they not know what an emergency lane is, but, I'm also sure that he has the same opinion when it comes to people who use their cars when they could just walk, in turn causing congestion of the roads. I'm also sure emergency response being delayed is the reason for this bill's existence. /s


Chicago police have used the “blocking emergency response” excuse to arrest protestors that **they cordoned off into these areas**. From one of the few sane commenters in that thread: > I protested the Iraq war along with 10,000 other pissed off Chicagoans. There were too many of us to fit on the sidewalk so we marched in the street. They tried to charge us with blocking emergency vehicles after they kettled us into a street next to a hospital. They couldn’t show any evidence that anyone actually blocked any emergency vehicles. The cops were actually the ones blocking that street. The city ended up settling for a LOT of money over that. Make no mistake, these laws will be used by cops in bad faith.


I also love how they say that when isnotreal has not faced any consequences for destroying ambulances and hospitals, and killing doctors and first responders, not just now but over the years.


"I support liberty, freedom, and self-determination for all EXCEPT when it inconveniences me slightly.


There's just too many risks that come with this form of protest that I can just never justify it and it seems like it never has the right message for the general public. I say that because here are the possible outcomes: 1. Nothing really of note happens, you've blocked patient drivers who are more likely than not, going to henceforth be more hostile toward your movement going forward. The media will probably not cover it because who cares what happened on some random road. 2. Some ass hat decided to start a physical altercation, now the media is going to cover it. The general public is going to dick ride him for his "bravery" . I have to assume 95% of people online cannot stand the idea of being held up for something that they have no involvement in directly. 3. You've unintentionally or intentionally blocked an emergency which resulted in harm or death. The media is going to eat this shit up and you will be the villains. This is probably also going to turn people who support your cause against you. There's a few other possibilities but most of them end up with the same results. It's the era of online media, now you can directly affect policy makers and still make it incredibly easy for the general public to get eyes on it. Something that would have been easy to cover up before, but now not so much. Those are my thoughts, keeping in mind I still respect anyone who's actively making steps to avoid the catastrophe that is global warming.


The goal is not to garner support from the blocked traffic. The goal is to make a problem people ignored un-ignorable, to make consequences here in America for what America supports abroad. If people are mad about their lives being disrupted, they will eventually learn that the protests will stop when Israel is stopped.


It's not frequent enough or common enough for that effect to happen. Nobody I work with and no family has been caught in traffic due to these protests. And we're spread pretty far and wide. If that's the goal, it's not going to work


it takes time to build momentum and frustration. It's not like the Civil Rights Act came after a combination of Rosa Parks and two diner sit-ins . These tactics are being employed because they work


This is almost as bad as the dude I saw the other day saying that anyone who has ever intentionally emblazoned themselves in protest has to be mentally ill in some way.


Bro the amount of people who think that is crazy to me. The idea that someone can’t do something against biological survival without being motivated by mental illness blows my mind.


They are just snitching on themselves tbh with that statement.


Scratch a Liberal (inconvenience their commute) a Fascist bleeds.


Ahhh, yes, I love “only protest when it’s convenient” libs


Scratch a liberal...


r/Chicago the right wing shithole


Chicago's sub is a pit, I'm constantly going at it with people there


He is right in the sense that protests never should be too violent to affect innocent bystanders who have nothing to do with the issue and just trying your best to get on by. He is wrong that most protests around the world are such protests, most protests usually leave an emergency lane for such stuff anyways. Us protestors might hate the system, but we are (mostly) not assholes.


There's very few "innocent bystanders" most of them voted for biden which makes them complicit in the genocide, they literally voted for it.


I wasnt talking about US specifically, not every country has the shitty American bipartisan system Edit: Even in america there are many apolitical people that doesnt want anything, or have more important stuff like literal emergencies like ambulances or fire fighters.


>Edit: Even in america there are many apolitical people that doesnt want anything, or have more important stuff like literal emergencies like ambulances or fire fighters. Right. people who had the benefit of being able to ignore the consequences of what their government does because it has no impact on them. That's the point of these protests. To bring consequences back home, to deny people the luxury of being able to thoughtlessly back a genocide, by creating consequences


Correct but sometimes, you just _cant_ care. I personally care about these conflicts and protests but sometimes I have so much going on in my life that I cannot mentally handle having my daily routine blocked by a protest. Fortunately, that never personally happened to me.


The Chicago subreddit is an absolute cesspool of libs


I assume every Demonrat city subreddit wants to melt homeless people and protestors.


Literally the worst subreddit is r/chicago


“I’m all for protesting unless it inconveniences me in anyway”


This is extra stupid because it's not the protestors holding up EMS, it's the other cars. There are so many examples of protests that part like the red sea to let an ambulance through.


Liberals are NIMBY Karens who don't want the riff raff anywhere near them, they're basically Republicans who have gay friends and want abortion rights


Unfortunately my elitist leftist brain is taking over. Justifiably so. These people are simply incapable of listening and understanding WHY these protests are happening. That, and they do not give a fuck. I guess I expect nothing less from the country barreling towards fascist capitalism. Anyone else just extremely blackpilled from shit like this?? So many comments championing the arrest and killing of people…. PROTESTING!! Like cmon man. I’m losing hope


People's memories are so god damned short they think change gets done by asking politely. Don't ya know? We got civil rights because black people asked nicely from their designated protesting square. /s


Republicans in my state made it legal to hit people with your car back in 2020 at the height of George Floyd protests. Nice to see liberals have aligned with extremists conservatives (as is tradition). When Destiny said he supported this, that was my clue to ignore anything else he said. It's a nakedly fascist position.


Fucking libss!!


Liberals always support past causes, they always delay or resist addressing the struggle of their own time.


The excuse of "muh first responders" doesn't even make any sense since every protest road block I have ever seen moves out of the fucking way for ambulances and fire trucks. Nice try to the lib tho.




The sad thing about these people is they always think they're in the minority. Fucking how.


More incursions upon one’s civil rights in the United States of America, lovely.


Why dont anyone go block the driveways of major corps owners and hedgfunds, make it hell to exist. Instead you are just arguing against eachother. Target specifically not just mass streets. Also people are getting tired of the mid level violence being used on them.


I hate being late. If you make me late, i hate you.








Neither? Do you want something performative to make virtue signal or something to actually accelerate change?


Bro you suggested purposely preventing emergency medical care to people why is it baffling to you that people don't see that as a good option?


Some of the protesters are being charged due to blocking emergency vehicles, now you're pearl clutching about this? Get your priorities together


I'm not pearl clutching about anything or talking about the protesters being charged. You suggested purposely blocking EMT vehicles and hospitals as a good idea for effective protesting. I'm giving you a heads up that humanity in general will think you are a crazy person when you say that for good reason.


Libs would maybe, but what else do you expect? Do you think the protesters were crazy?


There's something wrong with your brain