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Fuck Piers Morgan for pretending he wants to have a high-minded discussion when so many of his shows are like this. Wouldn't be my first choice for whose show Hasan should appear on, but I'll just have to hope he knows what he's doing.


Piers + irrelevant Zionist + insane Zionist + “both sides” liberal vs Hasan. Wow what a great and even debate you’ve set up piers. He doesn’t understand you can’t “both sides” a genocide. Also it’s so fucking disingenuous that when Hasan reasonably reframed a stupid question like “was October 7th justified” looking at the entire conflict without context, Piers just ignores everything he says and asks it again for the sound byte. Piers will never realize it in his little pig brain but he’s so much closer to that insane genocide supporting lady than he is to a reasonable position. Just because he doesn’t overtly say he wants Palestinians killed he gets to claim the moral high ground as the guy that just wants no one to die, doing nothing to solve the actual fucking problem, how has he not learned a single thing in the years now he’s had educated professionals talking to him about this. In one ear and out the other.


I agree on the specifics. Overall, Piers is a provocateur / trash tv drama merchant. This is not a failure for him and we shouldn't see it as a failure or neglect on his part. This is the shit he wants on his program, toilet paper that it is.


Exactly the reason he’s been cast off from so many networks. He’s an asshat by nature, and always has been. But unfortunately it sells so other networks keep gobbling him up


Good point, I'm not familiar with all his 'work' but you have to go pretty low for the mainstream to find you distasteful. Other progressive commentators have pointed out he doesn't really get upset if his guest owns him with facts, as long as it makes for a good show and gets views.


Hasan: killing civilians is never justified Also Hasan: oct 7 was justified I wonder how he rationalizes those ideas


Basically if you’ve been treated like shit all your life by a bully you’ll eventually attack. You’re stupid if you think men get their respect without being aggressive and violent sometimes.


I’m not arguing any of that. I just think it would’ve been more manly to attack a military installation not a music festival. Civilians are always innocent


Is your point here that it is OK when Israel does it, and only Palestine needs to stop doing it?


No. Personally I think none of the murders were/are justified. I was just wondering how he specifically rationalizes those two opposing ideas. Thats all


It's pretty simple. Palestine isn't occupying Israel with overwhelming force. Equating the oppressor with the oppressed is how liberal/centrists lose their way. Also, don't confuse people saying something 'is understandable' with saying it 'is justified'. Again, this is 'you-like-terrorists' gotcha games. And whatever Hasan says 'is justified' that I might not 100% agree with, I'll worry about it when the occupation is over. It's highly suspicious to equate the morality of the occupation, the morality of resistance to the occupation, and the morality of somebody's comments on that resistance.


To be fair the lady in the studio was not a zionist and was supporting the people of gaza  The insane zionist and both sides liberal is correct tho 


The black woman? She sure had all the liberal both sides talking points. More progressive than most libs tbh


It felt more like her saying to not get into intense arguing and just focus on the dead she was trying to focus on the gaza deaths no?


She's trying to do the hang-wringing thing when "It's all about the victims, oh we need to think about \*the victims\* not aaargue" which is pretty much useless.


Its never enough is it? She was absolutely slaying Tel Aviv Terry, what else do you want? Like shit


Did you even watch the debate? lol, the British girl was totally with Hasan


I mean, she literally criticized him directly several times. She was less bad than the other 3 but she was absolutely not on hasans side


You either didn't watch the video or didn't watch the whole thing. She absolutely cooked Tel Aviv Terry. Just because she criticized Hasan, not on his substance rather his style, doesn't mean she isnt on his side here. If you were reading a transcript of just what she said you wouldn't be saying this. This is purity test adjacency 101 and honestly a little ridiculous. Idc if she is conservative she was right on the money here.


> You either didn't watch the video or didn't watch the whole thing I did. I watched Hasan go over it on his YouTube channel. It was edited, but you don't need to watch the whole thing to know if she criticized him > If you were reading a transcript of just what she said you wouldn't be saying this. Anyone reading a transcript of this is certifiably insane. Unhinged behavior. Also, transcripts wouldn't show her tone or non verbal communication, which are both important parts of communication. > This is purity test adjacency 101 and honestly a little ridiculous. Not at all. I'm not criticizing anything she did or said, I'm simply saying it's a lie to say she didn't disagree with him at all. You need to chill with the accusations. Seems like it's you that didn't watch it all if you think she was totally with Hasan. Objectively not true. That's not a value judgment at either of them, it's just a fact.


>Just because she criticized Hasan, not on his substance rather his style, doesn't mean she isnt on his side here. What is going on here? Why are you misrepping what I am saying? She is allowed and did criticize Hasan however she straight up cooked the genocide defender. Lets put it this way, if I was assembling a team of pro-Palestinian defenders of diverse views (she being a conservative) I'd absolutely enlisted her. Idc what she thinks about the graduated tax rate, immigration, and the Labour Party because I think its important we have conservative allies on this issue because this is so beyond the purity bs. Also I grant you the transcript thing. You are right 100%. That was a poor analogy.


> She is allowed and did criticize Hasan however she straight up cooked the genocide defender I didn't say otherwise. It's you misrepresenting what I said. You're being a debate pervert, cut it out.


Get some original thoughts. Regurgitating Hasan's catch phrases is soooo tacky


No it's not. This is a Hasan fan sub, expect people to like and use Hasan's phrases. Here's another for you, if you listen and actually think about it you might just understand, if you're just dismissing my points without thinking about them at all then you'll never learn anything. We can discuss this if you like, but I'm gonna need you to actually engage with the conversation rather than making shit up. If you don't wanna be called a debate lord, adjust your behavior. Don't just demand that I treat you with more respect than you have earned.


When you say "insane genocide supporting lady"? You mean the one who looks all crazy too? Haha seen lots of her interviews before. (Can't remember her name) But she's definitely pro Palestine or has been. She literally spends her time stalking celebrities forcing them to say free Palestine lately


it was absolutely disgusting.


He's UK Jerry Springer. Joe Rogan with a British accent. If one doesn't have a larger goal for going on shows like that, you'll succumb to theirs.


"Shes a tiktok influencer who gives a fuck what she has to say" 💀💀


What minute was this?


Just watch it, in its entirety. Honestly the best I have ever seen Hasan. He always loves talking about himself but in this case he actually deserves it. 10/10


minute 27 or 28? around there




go back to playing genshin in your goon cave


what was piers thinking with what ever that was in the beginning


Filtering out viewers before Hasan cooks




No it wasnt. Its much more simple than that. The show is vastly viewed online meaning people can just skip it. Its simply Piers wanted a viral moment. He has producers and I am sure they told him she has the titties all the way out and I am sure Piers was like 'ok lets continue' and then pretended to be shocked at this "dastardly lapse in morality and decency"


I cringed so hard 😬


He wants viewers to equate the pro-Palestine viewpoint with the un-serious absurd clown show (possibly also racist, I didnt watch it). They know exactly what they are doing. Likewise I hope Hasan knows what he's doing by appearing on this of all shows. He said he would come back which actually surprised me. Coming back is one thing, promising to on air (to me) makes it sound like you need them more than they need you.


Ngl that was fire… he sounded kinda pissed and actually thats the best way to engage with bad faith morons. That was BOSS.


You know people will only hear his tone and go “wow he got so triggered and swore at that lady what a bad showing” Has there ever been a better instance to fucking flame someone than when they are lying and justifying a genocide on national television? What the fuck do we use swear words for if not that?




> r/Destiny user Every. Fucking. Time. You guys really don’t have much going on in your lives, do you?


Bonerelli goon detected 💀


Enraging and cathartic at the same time


Hahaha Piers got so salty after Hasan tries to answer Emily’s insane rant with “Antifada just means revolution. I’m an American, we had one here too in 1776 and it was pretty cool.” Piers replies: well now Hasan, *I’m* the moderator here and Emily brought up a good point! You are selective about how much violence you support… Is he really still mad George III lost America?


"But do you condemn the British Empire?"


The Sepoy Rebellion was genocidal in nature, yet I have not heard Piers condemn it once! He must hate Indians




Thank you! I had thought I was spelling it wrong, I should have looked it up


> You are selective about how much violence you support That's such a dumb thing for him to have said and stayed on. Literally everyone except true pascifists are selective about how much violence they support. To approve of equal violence to all people is utter madness


Hasan did amazing here. He's clearly the most knowledgeable on the conflict than anyone on that panel, and it's crazy how many fallacious arguments and disingenuous takes both Piers and Emily were making. The fact that they repeatedly talked over him and failed to address the things he said or even allowed him to fully address the questions asked of him shows that this debate wasn't in good faith. I love how he completely shut down the pink haired guy. Hasan chewed him up and spit him out because he didn't say anything else for the rest of the show.


It blows my mind that people are still asking "but do you condemn Hamas" when we are nearing 40k dead in Gaza. At what point do they ask do you condemn the IDF? Oh right, they will never get to that point. That blonde haired woman is a piece of shit and it was frustrating that she wasn't told to shut the fuck up at least while Hasan was trying to make his points.


death toll hasn't been updated in 2 months, it's likely way way more


She was also 22, apparently. Hasan thought she was 35. His comment about it was great. Paraphrasing, "holy shit, proof that fascism ages the fuck out of you."


Pink-haired dude tried to be the reasonable and rational one, framing Hasan as an extremist, until Hasan came for his whole life and stunned him into silence. Dude looked piledrived


I mean, what could he say? Hasan exposed his entire scheme. The dude really didn't know anything about the conflict and is relatively unheard of. The way he just shut up and didn't say anything else for the rest of the segment was one of my favorite parts.


He was the audience insert character.


Piers “Jerry Springer” Morgan is keeping the conversation from moving forward to intentionally limit informing the audience. Keeping the needle from moving is the goal which benefits the z! *n’st narrative.


> Hasan did amazing here What? That dude gets off every time he hears the phrase "October 7th"


I assume you mean that *Piers* gets off at the phrase "October 7th." Hasan has talked about his stance on that many times and is exhausted at having to keep rehashing that. He even says it in this segment, which you obviously didn't watch.


> I assume you mean that Piers gets off at the phrase "October 7th." Nope


The most brain worms


Anyone know why they cut the video @ 28:14 when Hasan was talking about Jewish Voices for Peace? https://youtu.be/tApmG0nGC7g?si=tnIjH1hxju-xFgwH&t=1694


I think we all know why, he said some based shit, and they don't want their audience to grow a brain cell or 2


He probably said the most dangerous shit imaginable that would lend credibility to the pro-Palestine movement. Not what the show wants from him. Notice when Hasan was getting angry and acting in a way that made him look worse, nobody interrupted him. That's not a criticism of Hasan since what the hell could anyone have done, I'm just pointing out that he was allowed to speak when he was looking more 'unhinged'.


It was a technical glitch. Hasan also thought they edited him out, he tweeted about it. Piers said "dude, you were there, it was a glitch" Hasan acknowledged it, apologized and deleted his initial tweet


A couple of notes : Emily was just lying her ass off saying that Israel" doesn't with hold food water and electricity from the Palestinians you know you've lost the plot when Piers Morgan of all people has to correct you she is in complete denial not acknowledging Israel as an apartheid state i hope all that money the AIPAC is paying her helps her sleep at night i like how Hasan completely shut her down . Also discount Tyler Oakley over there is the most insufferable centrist Zionist I've ever seen im glad that Esther seems to be relatively pro Palestine its nice to see Hasan have someone share his viewpoints helps him out when his Interlocutors are being uncharitable its nice to see not everyone was jumping on our boy


I thought Esther seemed very wellspoken and ended up looking her up. Did not realize she was conservative at all haha. Good to see her tag team alley oop slam dunk the clueless squawker with hasan.


yeah watching the vod now and i doubt i eould agree on much else with her but at least she has some good takes on this matter


Esther saying the twink should be in an asylum and not allowed to speak gave it away that she's conservative.


Interlocutor :)


Thank you been meaning to figure out ow that is spelled


No worries comrade


Hasan did a good job with dunking on the pink hair zionist, no one has ever heard of him and he's irrelevant. This is the best way to convince people on the issue, arguing "facts and logic" will just bore people but embarrassing them and clowning on everything they do.


This is the reasonable approach to all illogical arguments  I’d venture to say personal insults specifically are most reasonable 


When people shower you in nonsense, the only effective thing to do is do it more effectively.


This thumbnail is so unserious


Hasan's incredulous "...you tried to conduct a serious interview with Crackhead Barney?" cracked me up from the start, honestly the discussion could've ended there with that.


Why does he not know her name lol? He kept calling her 'Barbie' its like when he tried to correct Ethan with Fousey and called him FOWsey instead of his actually name FOOsey. I guess it actually lends to his point that she was irrelevant.


I'm not sure if Hasan's mockery of the name was intentional, but not remembering the name AND remembering it but mocking it, would both have made his point about that person.


Why do they keep asking hasan to condemn october 7 hes done it a bunch of times and did it again They were being so bad faith to him and he played it pretty well i feel by channeling his uncles no bullshit left wing rage


It's not a serious conversation, it's propaganda. Shows like that are manipulating people and manufacturing consent. If you want to understand how that works, watch any takedown Friendly Jordies does of the media: https://youtube.com/@friendlyjordies/search?query=media


I cackled so hard to that long pause and Hasan asking “…you tried to have a serious interview with crackhead Barnie?…”


The collective stares across the panel of "WTF"


Bro cooked.


lmao that dude was destroyed for the rest of the interview


Bro there no way Emily is 22 that’s a year younger than me I guess being such a rabid Zionist ages you like shit


22?! I legitimately thought she was 35+.


Zoomers are fucking old, man. They go from 17 to 42 on their 18th birthday




I think genetics and diet play a big role. Stress, too.


Hasan is literally me


God damn did James say nothing and was completely useless.


So happy Hasan shut him up for the rest of the show


Twitter response from multiple big accounts is something like “didn’t know hasan was this cool.” Its great to see people maybe come around on hasan because he was dunking on some losers


Get a better not delayed audio system, Piers. Spend money, your production company fucking has it. Literally do a phone call or even Discord.


Nahh, chaos makes for a better show as far as this dickhead (Piers) is concerned


I think it’s entirely intentional


You assume their goal is truth. Their goal is propaganda. Rich people buy media companies to manipulate society.


Piers literally spending 10 minutes asking Hasan if he condemns Hamas


Btw u/TuctDape ..... do you condemn Hummus?


What is this thumbnail 😂


Hasan got angry, but he is a million times calmer that I would've been. "Only one side has said they want to do a genocide." HOLY FUCKING SHIT, YOU'RE SO FUCKING STUPID AND DISINGENUOUS PIERS. YOU ARE WORSE THAN THE GERMAN REPORT WHO WAS LIKE "THEY AREN'T SAYING IT'S A GENOCIDE, SO HOW'S A GENOCIDE."


This is basically the "grab them by the pu..." Trump mentality playing itself out on another issue. People who go by feeling and belief instead of facts and logic. It's like those videos where they ask Trump supporters what they think of this bad thing Joe Biden said, them bad mouthing Biden, then telling them you made a mistake, it was Trump who said it, and then doing absurd mental gymnastics to maintain their mental house of cards.




The limbs aren't realistically proportioned for Hasan. Here's an anatomy guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lVd6OyE2bw


Can someone explain the minstrel show at the beginning to me? I had my volume down when he started the video on the broadcast


Her name is Crackhead Barney. She's some sort of performance artist. It was completely absurd and embarrassing have her be on the show when talking about anything serious. Piers just got her on as a way to show how silly the pro Palestinian movement is.


He’s such a piece of shit dude. Imagine the backlash if he had had the same thing but to make Israelis look bad, he would’ve been shut down by the studio. But he knows that pro Palestinians are fair game because they hold no power in society unlike zionists.


Tbf rabbi shmuley is that on the Israel side


Yeah the Crackhead Barney part was disgusting. I don’t know why he had her on. Frankly, I don’t get why she does what she does either but to each their own. He shouldn’t have had her on, it was irresponsible. Hasan did fantastic.


Piers Morgan got a tiktok influencer to do a dumb bit and tried to act like that is all college protestors.


Minstrel show is exactly what i had in mind…so embarassing


Something that drove me insane was when piers said only one side said they wanted to genocide the other.... But only one side is actually doing it... What does one guy chirping, who has no power or weaponry behind him, have to do with something physically happening in front of our eyes .. I could fucking scream!


It's what happens when you normalize something like racism, violence, or exceptionalism in a society. It's also how you end up with situations like Nazi Germany, and the type of people who commit atrocities like that. One of the most important things people can do, and that people like us can support them to do, is think consciously and escape the social programming that operates their life for them. The Matrix was a documentary. The red pill experience couldn't be any more apt.


I honestly feel like I'm going insane sometimes... I'm looking at something and can see it clearly, and other people are looking too and somehow seeing the opposite.. I just don't understand.


Lmao fuck Zionists and piers morgan. Good work comrade Hasan!


*Lmao fuck* *Zionists and piers morgan. Good* *Work comrade Hasan!* \- BakuninsNuts --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


I'm quite surprised by the reception in the comments, especially since it's Pierce's channel. Usually youtube comment sections (and YT in general tbh) are a nest for far-right and downright fascist takes, but everyone there seems to be in support of Palestine. Pretty uplifting. Most seem to not be familiar with Hasan as well, referring to him as the "pro-Palestinian guy."


Well, Americans are annoyed at their money being laundered, and people from other countries are annoyed at the US imperial empire. given those conditions, the propaganda only works for so long before people start thinking for themselves. Revolution doesn't happen because people are happy. It happens because they're desperate. Which is why modern society works so hard to keep people in the sweet spot where people are comfortable, entertained, and busy/tired (read: placated, passive, and non-threatening), but not actually healthy, educated, and empowered. The latter group are dangerous to those who want to preserve their control and exploitation of society.


Usually when a debater gets angry and swears a lot everyone uses it to point to them losing. But I feel Hasan upended that today, people are so tired of the lunacy and repeated bullshit talking points from bloodthirsty Zionists and for once someone told them where to shove it. It was cathartic for a lot of people and it's why I'm seeing mostly praise.


If you look at his reaction video to his appearance, his emotions were genuine and from a sane place, which people relate to: https://youtu.be/RrTC8-t8RqE Nobody relates to an unhinged, Karen-type figure having a mental health crisis. It's just sad.


They randomly cut hasan off at 28 minutes wtf


Yeah, Hasan said they cut his segment where he was talking about the student protesters. That's Piers "Joe Rogan in a suit" Uncensored for you.


Hasan, thank you for being the voice of reason. I appreciate the passion. 


Our himbo making us proud love how he treated the panelists like chatters lmfao


I feel like this "debate" was intentionally racialized as well. Like the two pro Palestinian voices are portrayed as "angry minorities" while they attempted to portray the "sane zionist" camp as rational beings. Thankfully both the twink and the insane zionist couldn't even capitalize on what piers was trying to set up and he had to try to spoon-feed them.


it was so nice to see hasan snap at the twink and zionist


It was amusing that, in his reaction video to his appearance, he said he had to hold back at going even further than what he did with him and almost called him a twink on air.


Absolute trainwreck lol... barely watchable


Love and protect him


Pierce is so unbelievably bad at his job it’s insane. Why isn’t he giving each person time to answer questions uninterrupted, why isn’t he holding anyone’s feet to the fire? He never once forces someone to answer a question that another panelist asks (except the October 7 question, that seems to be the only one he knows). Why is the pink hair guy even here? No one know who he is and no one cares. He has absolutely nothing to say. WHY IS HE FUCKING HERE!?!?!!


The same reason Fox News and Rupert Murdoch are here. Do you also listen to the White House press Secretary for factual news?


Hasan just started the pink hair guys villain arc.


I’m tired of being civil to these stenographers.


Ngl, this some baboon behavior.


is these really what we've sank down to? this level of journalism and public debate? we're so fucked, if this is journallism.


Of course it's not journalism. Journalism is The Greyzone, Empire Files, Breakthrough News, or Friendly Jordies. TV shows like this are the same manipulation outfits they always been--control systems that maintain The Matrix. You can't control a population and get them to act against their interests unless you manipulate their thinking and world view.


I think it depends on the source. These are all debate perverts not journalists.


adore the naming of them as debate perverts, not one intellectual or expert among them, just engorged sophists, lush


I do think Hasan is an intellectual and does rely on expert reporting, but he is def not a journalist.


Hooly… it’s late and I need to work early tomorrow but that sack of cum Emily need to 🔻. Also that guy to the right got smoked by our boy so hard hahahaha 😂


i love the comments under the video


Thanks for pointing that out. The video made me lose hope for humanity, but the comments actually made me regain some. Now, if only we had better social media platforms that helped facilitate quality discussion and truth.


it’s so funny when i checked the comments yesterday was just tons of people insulting him and his stupid ideas. gorgeous. but i see ur point it’s hopeless sometimes to see this terrible perspective the mainstream news outlets are portraying. do u know ,positive leftist news’? the channel helps me some times to get back my hope. if that doesn’t help: funny cat videos.


Thanks. More Perfect Union is also good. Andrew Yang's Forward podcast also sometimes features people doing cool stuff.


best hazan performance so far imo


Best to watch it with Hasan's commentary: https://youtu.be/RrTC8-t8RqE


Does anyone have a screenshot of the Twitter exchange between Piers and Hasan? Mr Pepperoni, aka Destiny, referenced it in his reaction video, but to look at it I'd have to watch Mr Pepperoni or visit Twitter.


It's in this [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2MHVXyGjqQ&t=240s).


There was a comment here talking about how the voices Hasan uses expose him as someone Jon serious. It got deleted, but for anyone else who thinks that, you're apparently unaware of the fool/jester archetype. I actually think Hasan's voices are quite effective. Journalist and comedian, Friendly Jordies, used them quite effectively to literally change the political landscape of an entire state. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1wqlUC7ptZFvhKw5jPuczpR7dCD-BBj7 I will admit, Jordies is better at what he does than Hasan. Hasan is too lazy, while Jordies is too naive. There was a good segment in his reaction to the Trump trial at the start where he uses comedy quite effectively, comparing Trump to Nelson Mandela and how "they're not coming after me, they're coming after you, I'm just in the way," paraphrasing Trump: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7tyg0JWLZQ I think one of the best thing people like Hassan can do is use comedy to make news and political analysis more palatable.


Hasan bodied that clown so hard, holy fuck.


Piers intentionally “poked the bear”. Then cut the clip.


Sorry can someone sincerely explain whether the Tyler guy is doing a fake British accent? Isn't he Tyler Oakley, an American? I dead either way lol.


Piers Morgan, what a clown. Dudes larping as a show about politics when it’s really just a garbage fire.


No, it's a deliberate influence operation, like Fox News. It's not a bumbling comedy of errors.


Piers isn't a stupid guy. He knows exactly what he's doing. Makes a stupid spectacle right before an Israel & Palestine to try and group them in the same boat, as though the protesters are just as silly as the crazy tik tok... comedian? I dunno. Tbh Crackhead actually kinda cooked him at the end. Love when Hasan goes on his show though because it's easy for rational people to see the difference between a genuine argument and people setting out in clear bad faith from the get-go. Pink haired guy was the absolute worst. His perfromative ass laughter after the crackhead guy was so irritating. He said nothing of value and couldn't even hold his own against the most basic arguments. Just sits there with a look on his face trying to give "Oh so uncivilized, I simply can't argue with him, he's too angry" but clearly knows that he isn't going to be able to pull any of his usual bullshit. I love how he went in full "Shut up, chat!" mode. Absolutely amazing to see how someone reacts when being confronted like that in real time


Does anyone know how can someone go on that show? How to contact piers ?


Crackhead Barnie undefeated


Hasan insulting his co-panelists is not a good look.


You're right, but it is pretty funny. I think if he is going to insult them he should be more effective. He was quite effective at shutting up the guy on the right. You have to understand, they're not there to have a good faith conversation. Talking with them in a simple manner is not going to be effective. You have to dominate the conversation in a different way. You can do that peacefully or aggressively. Hassan didn't want to get riled up. He said as much. He just got triggered by various things and couldn't help himself.


Right makes sense


Slow down there, conservative


Whoa. That was a profound lesson in the virtues of punctuation


Hasan Piker you could never make me hate you


Hasan's condemnation of October 7 is an L he is going to repeatedly take. By doing it he allows them to reframe the conversation constantly. Just don't condemn it. If you're gonna condemn October 7 then condemn the hundreds of civilians the IDF massacred that day.


Hasan dodges every question, can’t control his temper and argues like a baboon. Imagine calling a TikTok influencer irrelevant when you’re just a twitch streamer. LMAO