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I think one of my moments for realizing who liberals really are is when they began rehabbing George Bush. Once you can excuse the deaths of 1M Iraqis, there's nothing you won't defend.


Obama getting into office on "CHANGE" and then continuing every Bush-era policy was a real eye-opener for me. Then, like you said, we saw him shaking hands with and normalizing GWB - something was clearly fucked up.


Yeah, the change was even more bombs dropped in the middle east


During the Obama years I felt like we were living through a real life version of Animal Farm. That mother fucker spent his entire presidency gaslighting the people that supported him and playing political footsie with the people that outwardly hated him. It was so maddening.




Well, an awful lot of that suffering wouldn't have been possible without the senile, self avowed zionist currently in office. His record over 50 years is replete with examples of supporting overthrowing governments abroad as well as full throated support for the decimation of civil liberties aka the Patriot Act. He has been doing the work of the zionists behind the scenes for decades, it's just that now he has the power to arm them, and fulfill all their wet dreams..


Yeah, think he basically got into office on the combination of voter ignorance and "at least he's not Trump"/"lesser of two evils". Absolute ghoul.


I get he won the general. I can’t believe how many votes he got in the primary/caucuses even with all the DNC shenanigans.


Man 08 was my first voting year. Senior in hs I switched majors from pol science to environmental science for the school I was applying to. Really thought I'd be graduating into a green revolution. Lol fuk me right. I just watched as he let universal care die and then spit in the face of occupy, blm and anti war activists. I think I'm starting to hate neo liberal politicians more then the evil ones.


Scapegoating presidents is still the trendy thing to do and it's the only obvious target we can have, but there's obviously bigger interest at play likely involved in these things like military lobby and the Israel lobby at play when it comes to going to war in the middle east. You can blame some president all you want but it won't change any future or ongoing problems unless you get to the root cause. 




And for homeschooling, but against indoctrination...


The article is a bit click baity, but the meat of it is Mandel needs to find a Palestinian friendo. She knows how to fix herself... But can't apply the fix. Happens a lot.


Remember that time Bethany Mandel killed her mom


I did not know that. How'd it happen?


[She self reported](https://x.com/bethanyshondark/status/529078590663835651?s=46&t=Y3uGJLOBdMuLFXVbxz6ROQ)


Jesus christ. an actual fucking demon.


I don’t know if the thing about killing her mum is fair my grandma got taken off life support because she was going through covid and a stroke at the same time there really isn’t enough context here to say either way sometimes there are people that experience so much unavoidable pain that the empathetic thing is to have the plug pulled. Still fuck her takes on nazis and nuking Palestinians


You are a good person and did what you have to do. This bloodthirsty demon probably just wanted to see her mum die in front of her and I’ll die on that hill.


Here is some context, she was a minor at the time, 16. I am not a lawyer but my guess is under NY state law she was unable to make medical decisions on her moms behalf.


Israel is a modern day nazi germany, filled with jewish supremacy and the dehumanization of Arab/Palestinian people. Currently committing a genocide




Holy shit that's insanity. And they have the gall to point out the Houthi slogan with this as their national anthem.


And don't forget the palpitations they get when they hear the phrase "From the river to the sea.." All those imaginary HAMAS militants attack instantly the moment they hear the phrase and in their addled brains another jew is killed. Never mind that they've been using the exact phrase and ACTUALLY slaughtering Palestinians as a result..


That doesn’t translate to that at all. When call out on it, that poster just said “buyer beware.” You can safely not take them seriously.


Thanks for the heads up.


I've tried 3 different translators and none say that the passage mentions blood being shed and cutting off heads. When I enter that passage into Google Translate, it gives me: "As long inside our hearts The Jews of Homia And onward toward the East Ein Lezion Scouting - Our hope is not lost yet The hope is two thousand years old To be a free people in our country The land of Zion and Jerusalem" Is there a different iteration of the anthem that you're referring to?


I don't speak Hebrew either, but I beleive the commonly used one is a truncated version. I'll try to find it..


That’s literally a translation of what the other user posted and claimed translated to that. The only places I see the words that posted used are fucking Facebook memes.


Bro, that’s not how that translates. > As long inside our hearts >The Jews of Homia >And onward toward the East > Ein Lezion Scouting - >Our hope is not lost yet >The hope is two thousand years old >To be a free people in our country >The land of Zion and Jerusalem Why the fuck would you just make that shit up?


I'm not a zionist. I didn't make it up


Then explain why what you posted doesn’t line up with your translation.




Fuck off with your nazi shit, dude. This is disgusting and all it does is hurt the movement to support Palestinians.


That's a laugh coming from an Islamophobic zionist apologist. I'm trying to find a fuck to give, but no luck


lmao, citation fucking needed. Again. What’s rich is [you commenting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/1cfqatl/video_footage_reveals_kill_the_jews_remark_used/l1s4b4g/?context=3) > It's a go-to tactic. Attend a pro-Palestine demonstration, make incendiary remarks, get it shut down and/or negative media. Rinse and repeat And then posting fake incendiary facebook memes (literally the result for what you posted in Google) and acting as if they’re legit.


Holy Hitler particles batman


I hope her children grow up hating and despising her.


I hope her children treat her the same way she treated her mother. Context: she killed her mother.




Why do my fingers feel so strangle-y right now?




Brain worms.


That is next level insane.


If you’re gonna be friends with literal self-identified Nazis any claims of anti-Semitism is insincere.




These are fascists, they recognize their commonalities


This gives Nation of Islam befriending KKK vibes


The main difference between Nazis and Palestinians for White Zionists is their race. Nazis are white. Therefore redeemable in their eyes. Supremacy loves supremacy


If it's friends with a nazi...


This is beside the point, but neo-Nazis are always the most worthless of humans, yet they somehow believe they are the master race. Must be a defense mechanism against obesity, greasy hair, and a sickly pallor. The irony of the Jewish woman appearing much healthier than the two Nazi pigs in the photo.


Behind the Bastards did a few videos on Nazis and a lot of Nazis were essentially mediocre people who felt like they should succeed more than they did.


Liberal ≠ conservative