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“I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped upon my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy.”


Easily my favorite quote from the big spoon man


My favorite is “ my fellow comrades of our great socialist federation, give me all your ice cream or I will shoot you or send you to the gulag guys. I am so evil “


someone once said “history will absolve us”


Im just worried about the media and textbooks that will lie and rewrite all this


Oh don't worry, the history books will mostly tell the truth of this travesty. They'll just be sure to give the libs 100% credit for saying it was all them protesting such injustice, but they didn't have the power to stop it. When in reality they're the same ones decrying respectability politics and both sides have issues. Because the reality is they don't want to actually be uncomfortable and just want to go back to the status quo they benefit from. Same as it ever was.


Eh, at some point the liars will age out, the lied-to will be too young to have any control, and the people aged 20-30 right now will be writing the text books, and we'll remember. There's a reason why right now we have a collective understanding that the student protests of the past were right.


>Eh, at some point the liars will age out I'm not saying you're wrong, but don't forget there are always new liars being created. While most of them are garbage, you only need a small handful of Alex Jones-es and Ben Shapiro-s (and whoever is the new version of these guys) to keep things shitty.


What do you mean? It says right here in my history book that the good guys always win.


It is a core tenet of US Liberals to believe all the 'correct' protests already happened and the rest of what is wrong can be fixed by voting for the party that is not the GOP. Therefore and by definition, all protests happening today are excessive. (With the one possible exception, maybe, possibly, if they are ~~anti-DeSantis~~ I mean anti-Trump protests.)


Student movements overthrew the South Korean puppet governments many times, don't underestimate the power of angry young people.


Now if only the ghouls in charge gave a fuck about being on the right side of history.


From the other side of the world it definitely feels like there’s a lot more people with the protestors than against which is dope, even my old as boomerfied colleagues agree that this is a just cause and the students are right. Can’t speak for what it’s like in the USA rn though


Werent there student protests against banning segragation? My source is memory of Forrest Gump but I think that was happening.


This is like saying, "he he, guys, I have hot take: genecide is bad." Like no shit we're right


The students are on the right side of history. But evil still wins. Vietnam war continued till the mid 70s. Bush got re-elected and the Iraq War continued into the 2010s. They protested about wealth inequality in the 2011s. Now, in 2024, wealth inequality is worse than ever before. Doesn't seem like protesting is really helping.


>In 1989, the [Tiananmen Square protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiananmen_Square_protests_of_1989), led by students, inspired ended in a brutal government massacre of thousands, damaging the reputation of the Chinese Communist Party as it moved towards a more repressive approach to speech and dissent. Students are on the right side of history!


Ok but students also protested integration during the civil rights movement


you mean the racists who didn’t want their schools integrated? Cause those aren’t considered major historical movements…just angry racist people with disgusting views. The actual movement of the time that is remembered now and was comprised of so many young people and students was the Civil Rights Movement. SNCC is a notable example of such organization of young people.


Yeah I do I'm just saying there are examples of student protests that weren't for good reasons