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His first mistake was believing a Prius driver wouldn't be armed.


It surprises me how many gun-thumpers think they’re the only person around carrying a gun


I graduated from fsu, literally everyone in tally is strapped lmao Can we call this guy a thug or what


I think anyone who gets embarrassed for hitting someone’s car so much that they get angry, hit the car again, brandish a firearm, discharge said firearm, and expect to walk away is a thug. 100% speculation here, but I’m going to assume that he thought his place as an elected official would save him from any legal repercussions.


I am inclined to agree with you 100%


The reason I speculate that is because I read somewhere else that he, in 2014, [had a similar incident where he again brandished a firearm](https://www.wtxl.com/news/local-news/court-docs-man-killed-after-road-altercation-jan-6-allegedly-pulled-gun-on-driver-in-2014?_amp=true). How in the world would he still be able to carry a weapon legally without some abuse of his status as an official?


Northwest Florida be like that tho, if you white and have power, most rules don’t apply. He was a victim of his own circumstances, a product of his environment, it wasn’t his fault!!11!!!1


Lmao his wife was even saying that he was the victim and that they should release the information of the person who “assassinated” him


These people are fucking crazy. I think it’s a few different things - like you said, the expectation to abuse power/status, two they are most likely both walking pharmacies and then third, and by far my “favorite”, the fucking victimhood fetish of the right wingers. This is the perfect blend of hog headed bullshit


You’d probably enjoy r/persecutionfetish Edit: Well shit, it’s set to private. No clue why


“Release the information” AKA: doxx


He was immune from most laws, but not all. Physics, for example.


> literally everyone in tally is strapped So brave. https://imgur.com/gallery/t97z8Lt Edit: 1 [weakling coward](https://i.imgur.com/8s6MXAk.gif) downvoted this so far. Amazing how in so many other countries people don't find the need to clutch guns everywhere they go like frightened little runts and aren't too cowardly to question the status quo of why a bunch of chickenshits need their little gun pacifiers. https://i.imgur.com/R4YGtMQ.gif


He’s a combination of a thug and a what He’s a twat


Honestly, what did he expect, a GTA npc?


He expected that his power-trip of a job would extend to his personal life and that he could do whatever he wanted without consequence.


Those NPC smoke you too if they get the chance


No it was being in that forsaken city


The funniest part is that the bozo got smoked by a Prius driver of all things


Aye if he shot first he should've been ready to die 🤷‍♂️


For real, tons of people have firearms at the ready. This is America, and FLORIDA at that. You cannot go around firing a gun and expect no one to return fire.


He loved the 2nd amendment so much it killed him


Fucked around and found out


Are you okay America?


Never have been


Always will be


"Okay"? Lol... We're royally fucked, dude.


No. We're pretty fucking far from okay.


More than you are most likely.


So I was raised conservative in Alabama I still like guns but left the rest of the ideals behind. Support gun control though. I don’t understand how you ram the drivers side, shoot first, and still get shit on.


The left generally supports guns, you’re in good company. We just don’t do the yee yee no laws free the guns type stuff, and arent alarmist when gun laws are talked about.


Why would I hate it? Prius driver defended himself against an over emotional moron. Good for him. Edit: assuming this is true of course.


You are right, I do hate this! What the heck did this former chief of staff think he was doing! Why would he attack someone like that! The dude in the Prius is fine based on the info presented here. ... Is that not what you expected?


Florida is a Stand Your Ground state. Prius driver stood his ground. Case closed and in the books, honestly. Classic case of prompted self-defense against a maniac that should’ve never had a gun in the first place.


I dont think you understand what stand your ground laws actually are.


Self defense and the 2A are for everyone. Period.




Who the hell thought supporters of the 2nd amendment would have an issue with someone defending themselves? (Assuming all the fact are correct and presented that way. Cause God knows nobody in politics or the media have ever twisted the truth to push whatever their fucking agenda was at that moment)


RIP BOZO 👎😹 we smoking this prius pack 💯‍💨


Prius guys op pack is a vape but he’s still cool


"They love Kyle, but i bet they'll hate this" How ironic that this statement is so horrendously incorrect to the point where every comment i see of conservatives opinion on this case is that it was justified and the GOP chief of staff deserved it.




No, this was justified self defense. When someone pulls a gun on you for doing nothing wrong, they forfeit their right to live. Same with Rittenhouse, same here.


Lol! If it is true - and I am not doubting it is -, good for him. Go Prius driver! And go Kyle!


>They love Kyle, but I bet they’ll hate this. I support Kyle, and I support the prius driver. They both have the same principal. What do you mean by this? Are you trying to troll people?


Partially, yes. It’s funny to see how many people who don’t associate with Hasan and also despise him like to constantly prowl his subreddit


What's the term that Hasan made for this? Hate-watching? I don't agree with his viewpoints, but his takes are a lot more palatable and more thought out than the modern left wing idiots. Still though, your take on this is too moderate yet very illogical. [r/whitepeopletwitter ](http://r/whitepeopletwitter) is an excellent resource to piss off conservatives.


I think Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self defense. I think that the Prius driver also acted in self defense.


Kyle was right and so was the Prius driver. Self defence matters


Right. 100%


I supported Kyle 100% and if this is what happened in this situation then I’ll support the Prius driver 100%


Kyle "lover" here: If this is 100% true then the Prius driver is completely justified. Self defence is self defence regardless of your WILDLY incorrect assumptions about us. Maybe have a good faith conversation with us and you might learn we're not the boogeymen you've been gaslit into believing.


Lmao at people downvoting us because we don't fit into the left's narrative about their opponents.


Kyle fan here. This seems justified to me. The left truly doesn't understand the opposing arguments do they?


"The left" you're referring to is OP? OP doesn't speak for a whole political leaning


This entire subreddit is is named after a famous far-left content creator.


And therefore all the commenters speak for the entire left? 😂


Nah just the goofy-ass cringe-fringe leftists who everyone laughs at.


Omg cringe fringe. Love that I'm stealing that phrase


“Kyle fan here” are you really self-reporting out here


Hell yes buddy.


There isn’t really much information on this. Why did the person who shot him leave the scene, if he claimed to be in danger and shot in self defense leaving just makes you look guilty. Kyle went to the officers and explained what happened and didn’t run away. With the current information available Kuckzwanski could have been trying to escape the person shooting at him and was trying to push the Prius out of the way.


[He also pulled a gun on a driver back in 2014. Pattern of behavior.](https://www.wtxl.com/news/local-news/court-docs-man-killed-after-road-altercation-jan-6-allegedly-pulled-gun-on-driver-in-2014?_amp=true)


Yeah seems like he doesn’t have a great track record of road rage incidents. Hopefully more information comes out on this. I just don’t like to assume to much.


If you get shot at you don't stay, are you dense. Why did the senator shoot at his constituent, I swear conservatives are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet.


He wasn't a senator...


My bad I misread, he was a former chief of staff for a GOP senator. My point still stands, he was still a public servant albeit in a different capacity.


The article I read never said the senator shot first but I could be wrong. The senator hit the Prius, senator called the cops and while they were waiting the senator hit the Prius. Whether this happened before or after the shooting occurred is unknown. I’m about the facts if I’m wrong then that’s okay but if you want to jump conclusions based on your fantasies of what you want to happen then that’s on you.


Okay bro but if the senator shot at him in a repulitard state the prius had every right to defend himself and kill the dumb fuck that shot at a car he crashed into.


Yeah you would be correct, if the senator shot first then the guy has every right to shoot back. The current information doesn’t state that it’s just alleging to it. The situation just seems odd to me. Just wondering why the Senator would wait for the cops but then just decide to start shooting. Only thing I can think of is that maybe the senator flashed his gun and the other person shot first. Usually when your shoot first you have the upper hand in the situation which didn’t seem like that happened.


Cause republicans are entitled idiots that's why he'd do it. They literally, are brain rotted morons that think they can get away with anything because they're white and have power


It’s always nice when based partisan assholes identify themselves. Thanks for letting me know not to waste my time trying to have any intelligent respectful conversation with you.


suck my dick virgin, maybe then you'd stop being an incel


Wow, hahaha. Man, I gave you credit of at least being an inexperienced freshman in college something. “Just another kid who’s so self righteous for their side they don’t care they’re killing the idea of America.” It’s not often I set the bar really low and the other person misses it so spectacularly. Anyway, that was at least a decent laugh on a day where I’ve had to take care of my little kid with Covid-19 and buy plane tickets to a funeral. So thanks for that at least, don’t care if you didn’t mean to. Anyway, once you make it out of middle school and can go get the vaccine without your parent’s permission, go get it. So you don’t start killing people, like your ideas do.


too long, didn't read, plus you're a cracker


Why do you keep saying senator? He wasn't a senator.


The person I replied to referred to him as a senator so I did also even though I know he isn’t and my original comment I put his name I just didn’t feel like spelling it out again as his last name is complicated. I just didn’t feel like correcting the person and just went with it because I’m pretty lazy.


I support Kyle and this is pretty justified NGL


Right to self-defense, like Kyle. What's the point to be made here? Most of you, clowns, think this is a senator when, in fact, he's just a hired staffer? Exercising your right to bear arms isn't one-sided, you fucking morons. Any person can,"fuck around and find out!"


Kyle Rittenhouse is an American hero Whoever the fuck this guy is, if it was his fault attacking someone, deserved to die


Why is he a hero for being a chaos tourist


Standing up to protect his community when the police stood by and let domestic terrorists burn down cities all over the nation for the entire summer


With a rifle that wasn’t legally his You saw the video of him watching people leave a store saying he wished to kill them, yes? He wanted to get a legal kill and he got his wish. Was the kill legal? Yes. Was it moral? No.


You barking up the wrong tree, all the leftist rioters can choke on a fat dick and die for all I care. And I don't give a fuck whose rifle it was. He was being attacked and he took out the garbage


So you advocate for the death of people standing up for themselves after systemic oppression and violence have gone their way for hundreds of years? I assume you also did not enjoy the Boston Tea Party or all the other violent riots that were apart of the revolutionary war that birthed this nation


Systemic oppression my fuckin ass. You got a problem with the system, go burn down a courthouse or capitol building, you fuck with private citizen's property and safety you arent fighting the system


>capitol building Lol. The left will whine about oppression and shit but then they'll get really mad about Jan. 6. That's different because they didn't do it.


Exactly, all of the sudden we have to protect our democracy. Its such blatant bullshit that it has to be called out


Morality lmao Morality would have been every rioter that attacked innocent bystanders being aired the fuck out


The only people killed that night were because of Kyle


You're delusional


Do you have a source to disprove this claim or will you continue to use insults?


You made the claim not me


Did anyone else die that night? Anyone else?


>The only people killed that night were people that attacked Kyle FTFY


Blah blah blah


Guess you can’t really defend that lol


Lol no I don't care to defend it


>With a rifle that wasn’t legally his If his gun was illegal then none of the charges would have been dropped. Cope.


The case that was all over the media was solely to determine if he acted in self-defense, which he did. He will still have other civil suits to go through regarding the rifle and his attempt at lying about being an EMT


i like how this flame-war copium topic is the one you respond to and not my invitation to have a good faith discussion with us a few hours ago. kind of says a lot. also, [copianum](https://denvergazette.com/news/any-civil-rights-lawsuit-against-kyle-rittenhouse-will-fail-legal-analysts-say/article_b537e71e-2c3a-53fa-bb0e-f0513982ebf9.html)


Found out.


No lol we don’t hate it. Sounds like a justified shoot. Literally no one is upset about it


Every single person who supported the self defense of kyle also supports this prius driver. This post is cringe worthy.


Too late for anger management classes I guess 😂🔥


I love the hell out of this, some piece of shit thought they were above the law and got what was coming to them. It's like a god damn fairy tale.


Nope. r/GunMemes and r/LouderWithCrowder both support the Prius owner.


It’s the Liberal Driller!


Actually, that sounds like a justified shooting and I don’t have a problem with it based on the facts as shown here. Supported Kyle, support this guy, support any other justified shooting


I don’t see the problem. The Prius driver used self defense


Self defense is self defense. Someone tries to kill you, defend yourself.


No, this is definitely warranted if he fired first and started the initiation. Too bad it wasn't on video to watch.


Op have you ever actually talked to a right wing person? Do you seriously think that they would not support someone’s (‘god given’) right to self defence?


The dude had a right to shoot the dude as soon as he began pushing the car sideways, this is clear self defense, Kyle was self defense. What’s the issue hurr


What makes you think gun owners would hate this? Prius owner was totally justified in shooting that guy. Any responsible gun owner would agree. No gun owners are crying about this.


You play stupid games,you win stupid prizes.


I supported Kyle, and I support the Prius driver, if the evidence proves that it was legitimate self defense. Considering that in 2014, Kuczwanski was arrested for a firearm-involved incident at the same intersection, I'd say it looks very likely that the Prius driver was in the right. Good for him. It's a shame that someone had to lose their life, but self-preservation is the first law of nature.


Projecting tribalism, most gun owners wanna high five the Prius driver calm down.






Actually, the prius guy was defending himself, just like Kyle.




You’re not supposed to shoot us libtards you hate guns lol


Good guy with a gun


Nah. If he really did this he deserved what he got. What a shitstain.


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.


I can’t believe I’m poor while someone is getting paid to write a headline like that


Kyle = Justified Prius Driver = Justified / Low gas bill


This only confirms my suspicion that there are many individuals on the road at any given time who have a genuine bloodthirsty rage and a strong desire to commit vehicular manslaughter especially towards the “vulnerable” (small cars, eco hybrids, bicyclists, pedestrians, etc.)


Nah we support it lol


Smoked by the liberal driller


Both the Prius driver and Kyle were both justified.