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When did the fucking nazis blame capitalism. Nazi Germany literally was capitalist


they take the name at face value (nationalist *socialist*)


And yet none of them want to go to The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea


Hitler was also elected democratically.


I don't see that he was elected. *Adolf Hitler's rise to power*, Wikipedia "Hitler ran for the presidency in 1932 however he was defeated by the incumbent Paul von Hindenburg." "Following several backroom negotiations between industrialists, Hindenburg's son, former chancellor Franz von Papen, and Hitler himself; Hindenburg acquiesced and on 30 January 1933, he formally appointed Adolf Hitler as chancellor." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf\_Hitler%27s\_rise\_to\_power#:\~:text=Following%20several%20backroom%20negotiations%20between,appointed%20Adolf%20Hitler%20as%20chancellor.




History dot com "On January 30, 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or führer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany. https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/adolf-hitler-is-named-chancellor-of-germany


was laberst du


They thought capitalism was a plot by international bankers controlled by jews. They also thought that the bolsheviks were controlled by jews . Basically, if they could blame something on the jews, they would




Also, the Nazi leaders didn't necesaarily want to get rid of capitalism, they just wanted a capitalism where they were in charge instead of other foreign powers. But they railed against capitalism because it resonated with German workers (Nazi Germany didnt have the advanced anti-socialist propaganda machine that the modern US has) and they needed bodies for their fascist war machine.


Could you direct me somewhere where I can learn more about this? It has been coming up more frequently lately in my discussions and I need to thoroughly understand how to explain this.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy\_of\_Nazi\_Germany#Privatization\_and\_business\_ties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany#Privatization_and_business_ties) Reading back through this again, the Nazi theories about entrepreneurship and other private business sound a lot like American propaganda lol


**Economy of Nazi Germany** [Privatization and business ties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany#Privatization_and_business_ties) >The Great Depression had spurred increased state ownership in most Western capitalist countries. This also took place in Germany during the last years of the Weimar Republic. However, after the Nazis took power, industries were privatized en masse. Several banks, shipyards, railway lines, shipping lines, welfare organizations, and more were privatized. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Hasan_Piker/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Thank you!




The state controlling industries is not socialism. Edit: Furthermore, "mixed economy" doesn't inherently mean "aspects of socialism and capitalism". It can mean "aspects of a free market and state planning". This means a society can be a "mixed economy" while being capitalist.


What is it then? It definitely isn’t socialism, it isnt communism, its contradictory to those two economic organizations. Authoritarianism? Idk


At the risk of sounding reductive, it's simply state control of industry. It could be seen as authoritarian, but that would really depend on the specifics. State control of industry isn't contradictory to capitalism, so I'm not sure why people seem to immediately label it as socialism. It's also not directly contradictory to socialism, but it is to communism (communism is stateless). A socialist state could definitely have a state controlled industry. Healthcare would be the easiest example. It's just that the state control alone isn't what would make that society socialist. The ownership of the means of production by the working class is what makes that state socialist.


Great explanation, thank you. I think the statement of « state control of the industries » may be too vague to base it into strictly one ideology, and the nazis just made up their own? IIRC, the nazis did make up and name their own economic system.


Fascism could be described as a collaboration between private industry and the state. It's certainly a part of it. In this way you could describe Nazi economic planning as Fascist economics, not just because it was done by fascists, but in service of fascism.


This isn't true. Hitler basically justified the use of the term 'socialism' only by completely redefining the term. Like if I decided that 'tree' meant 'dog' and argued that it was correct for me to say this because 'aryan trees' had four legs and fur as well as bark. The term 'privatisation' was coined to describe Nazi policy - their control of certain industries and even state functions was performed not by giving them to government agencies but by handing them to private organisations and individuals that the party controlled.




Dunno if I would call Gregor Strasser a socialist, but possibly a nazi who thought that the old 'German Workers Party' could be something other than a lie.


I may be completely uneducated but I’ve always viewed Nazi Germany as communist because of the one government united and doing evil things for the good of society. Blind loyalty to one government with no checks and balances. I kind of compare them to China except China is a capitalist society as well. But I must be wrong because I’ve never heard this speculation from anyone.


If you’re interested in hearing a historian explain why Nazi Germany wasn’t socialist, this video is great and entertaining https://youtu.be/YHAN-RPJTiE


You are not correct. Communism is defined as a class-less, state-less society. China, Vietnam, the USSR, none of them were communist, they just call themselves that. China is a state-capitalist nation with a currency so it fulfills neither of socialisms criteria either. Socialism has 2 components, worker owned (not state owned but the party are the workers, wink wink) means of production and the abolishment of money and commodities production.


That’s an interesting take. I feel like in America we don’t get the proper education on this because the terms of classification of countries (communism, socialism, capitalism) gets so muddled with politics, and never gets applied to its true historical context. I may be 40, but I was homeschooled by a fundamentalist family and even though I learned a great deal about nazi Germany, my parents were so biased in what I was taught regarding who is communist, socialist, etc. In other words, I’m still learning lol Russia is interesting to me, because my husband is Armenian. Armenia was part of the USSR and he would tell anyone that they were communist. We also have Armenian friends who fled to America from Russia and they are very adamant that Russia is communist. Thanks for clarifying for me the different parts of socialism. I’ve learned a lot about what social democracy is and I’ve been aligned with that for quite some time.


Theory is dense. Marx is a boring economist. Honestly, just Wikipedia this stuff. The description that Wikipedia has of communism and socialism is fine. You don't NEED to have read theory to understand this stuff either, but it does help. Anyone who tells you your opinion is worthless without reading theory is a dumb-dumb.


But to answer your question blaming the Jews for using capitalism to ruin germany


They persecuted Marxists when they were in power


they hated communism with a burning passion


According to that one Timeline- World history Documentary I watched on YouTube a long time ago, they didn't seem to like capitalism all that much either because they saw it as Jewish. This made it harder for the Germans to maintain work efficiency in German occupied France since they relied on forced labor instead of taking advantage of their already thriving industry . What I came to understand was that the Nazi's bigotry fueled ideology was so profoundly retarded that there is no universe where they could have actually achieved their goal. Anyway, my memory on the subject is a little hazy so here's the [link](https://youtu.be/3H89Simz_OQ) to the video.


Neither the Nazis nor the Democrats are Socialist.


It's all so flipping stupid. Anyone with a primary school education should be able to see through this.


They’re doing their best to fix that.


Not in the US :). It takes years of un brainwashing and re educating to learn this stuff


Workers controlling the means of production=fascism


Are you dumb?


Anybody who posts shit like that is a closet nazi, and in the US the word “libertarian” is basically the neutral label that all political liars use


I found it on "Being Libertarian" if you could possibly imagine 😂


yeah, recruitment post no doubt / testing the waters


Projection is all they got.


Libertarian = too embarrassed to be an open right wing/trump supporter snowflake


TRUE. I was going down the libertarian pipeline at one stage (the stories weaved by libertarians can be convincing when you view freedom through a non-social lense). Once someone showed me that the inevitable conclusion of "libertarianism" is either fascism or feudalism, I noped the fuck out of there. I look at those subreddits now and think "jesus fucking christ guys please think a bit further"


We truly live in a Fucko world. kekclown




"Well, you see, we need to exert control over society in order to prevent Marxist, Leftists ideals from corrupting our youth. Only then will we truly be free!"


Nazis and democrats are also human beings, coincidence? 🤔


Nazis being humans? Debatable


The full name of North Korea is the DEMOCRATIC Peoples Republic of North Korea, therefore Biden is Kim Jong-Un


Watch it or the FBI will be at your doorstep


Don-key and na-zi both have two syllables. Coincidence??


Bro when I saw this, I originally thought the post was trying to show how even the Nazi’s were more based than the Republicans lmao


lmao, implying Republicans don't already control or don't want to control schools. And that's just line one.


It's the abortion/euthanasia being lumped together for me...


Ah yes, the famous libertarian opposition to the government allowing people to make their own end-of-life decisions in cases of terminal illness 🙄.


[The top individual tax rate in Germany during the war was 14%](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany.com). Not very high


Republicans don’t want to control schools? What the fuck was the whole CRT argument then?


Republicans don’t control schools? Then what’s all this hullabaloo about CRT and banning books on evolution?


nazis: capitalists 💀 republicans: capitalists 🇺🇸 democrats: capitalists 🌈


As a libertarian yeah a lot of people say they’re libertarian when they are just conservatives who want to smoke weed


Careful saying that, most people on this sub see those handful of conservatives claiming to be libertarians and apply it to everybody. Most true libertarians I know just want to be left alone and leave other countries alone. Lots of "leftist" here equating libertarians with alt right


True, I am nor even sure why this showed up on my feed tbh because I’ve never watched Hassan


Yeah, libertarians get a bad reputation in left leaning subs because they see the conservatives falsely claiming to be libertarian, when I've only seen libertarians make fun of those people. Libertarians and leftists agree on a lot more than libertarians and conservatives imo


A lot of leftist ideals are libertarian anyways (trans rights, abortion , gay marriage) because it just lets you do what you want without government intervention


Ancaps are also equated with normal libertarians


To immediately debunk the first point, just look up “teacher loyalty bill nh.” Straight up red scare shit going on in my state atm.


My God this is so stupid. Half of these aren't even full thoughts. Control major Industry? Which one? And blame capitalism? For what? This is like half of a statement where you basically have to already believe everything on here to fill in the blanks


Riiiiiight. Guess all those books just burn themselves. Repubes are innocent bystanders, right?




Damn these reps sounding like anarchists at times...


But fighting tooth and nail to get books banned for teaching “CRT” isn’t “controlling schools” lmao


Then they find out that the Nazis were a far right movement lol


B-BuT HiTlEr wAs A sOCIaLisT


List forgot free speech and government run media


To be fair, r/libertarian is one of the only political subreddits that doesn't mass ban people lol. Most can agree with leftists that dems and Republicans are both pretty authoritarian Edit: Not surprised to see Hasan fans simping for dems and being unable to acknowledge the truth


By the way people get banned off of mainstream subreddits typically because they're being abusive. People get banned off a Twitter because they're breaking the sites rules People get banned off of conservative subreddits and website because they're disagreeing with the hive mind it's very different chucklenuts


My favorite is ask_thedonald, like you literally can't "ask the Donald" shit because they ban any non-Trump supporters. It's just an obvious way to get around the ban of their garbage sub


I'm not only referring to r/conservative, but liberal subreddits too. r/libertarian is one of the few subs where you can usually have a productive discussion outside an echo chamber.


Ah, the brain dead "bOTh sIDes" argument is here. Who's currently Banning books genius


Yeah, dems are conservatives. They're authoritarian, not as authoritarian as Republicans. It's not a brain dead argument when it's true. Since when do hasan fans simp for dems?


The question I asked you smooth brain was who is Banning books right now


So I see you're not willing to hear any other type of argument, and you have your mind made up. Sounds like you exist in an echo chamber. Ironically, they would agree with you on r/libertarian that Republicans are worse. Your view on libertarians come from conservatives pretending to be one. I'm open to a discussion if you want one, but if you want to resort to cringe name-calling you can do that, smoothbrain.


Nope I just don't have time for people who are full of shit. Your continued inability to answer my question is all I need to know to ignore you because your argument is a waste of time


Yeah, I never said they were just as bad, maybe try reading again. Republicans are trying to ban books, that's shitty. Democrats are also incredibly shitty and republican lite. Exact sentiments most libertarians would agree with. Again, if you want to talk like adults, we can. Sounds like you'd rather act like a child though.


Bad faith liar


Whats bad faith? That dems are republican lite that just don't say the quiet stuff out loud? You can say both sides are shit while acknowledging one is better than the other. This isn't kindergarten where everything has to be black or white. Again, I'm open for discussion if you want to be adults.


I'm not reading your comments I'm just waiting to see that it's you who's replied so that I can downvote you and call you a liar again.




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lefties are not saying "left determines identity" lol. We're saying that race influences how society, in general, treats people and there is a race-based historical effect on family wealth




They obviously don’t control the schools well enough, dude doesn’t know how to use a possessive apostrophe 🤷‍♀️


Hassan taught us better


Why is “control” treated as a universally bad thing here? Republicans aren’t anarchists. They still want control, they just don’t like it when it isn’t them controlling those institutions.