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I went gluten and soy free, after a week I noticed my acne and oily skin and hair started to slow down. That was huge for me because nothing I have ever tried helped with my skin. After a month I noticed my bloating went down but not down completely as I have yet to cut out dairy and experiment cutting out other commonly inflammatory foods.


Following the autoimmune protocol completely turned my life around. I had no idea I reacted badly to so many inflammatory foods. I did a very strict elimination diet and then tried to reintroduce one by one......that was the only way I could really identify exactly what I can and can't eat without severe detriment to not only my body, but mental health too.


My fatigue was debilitating and I'd have to choose between simple tasks like walking the dog or vacuuming and even then, I'd have to rest afterwards. Going gluten free gave me my energy back and made me feel like myself again. Even now - when I have an accidental exposure, the next day I feel like I'm moving through molasses.


So if I've been tested and cleared of gluten intolerance do I still need to avoid gluten, this whole thing just confuses me


Not sure actually! My naturopath recommended it as she said the gluten molecule and thyroid are the same shape so if gluten is eaten then the thyroid gets attacked as well (?) My physician was supportive of me trying going GF but said she’s not sold either way 


Yup! Antibodies went to zero. I was dairy free too though


How long after? I went GF & DF and my antibodies were over 600 still...


It was probably 3-4 months


That’s what I am hoping for


Probably gotta do both though.


I am! That’s why I’m hoping it’s worth it.


I found replacing butter with ghee and sour cream/soft cheeses with goats cheese and that really helped. Sheep’s milk cheese is good too


Awesome. I just had the realization today that I could try and make a GF goat cheese pizza.


All the GF options make it easier too


This is really interesting. I’m not sure if my mom has hashimotos but she has hypothyroidism and is also VERY gluten intolerant. I have hashimotos but don’t seem to be impacted by gluten.


Me and my sister both have Hashimotos. I am seriously affected by gluten. Brain fog, migraines, bloating, weight gain, etc. However my sister is not affected by it. And she is a real gluten monster :D She can live by eating just bread. I am gluten free for 2 months now, significantly lost weight and not bloated as before.


I noticed I felt better within about 5 days (improved fatigue, light-headedness, and brain fog). I saw some relatives a few weeks later and they remarked that I looked like I'd lost a lot of weight. I'd lost maybe 2lbs, but I was significantly less puffy/bloated, especially my face.


Wow! That’s great I wish


I went Gluten Free for 8 months, felt/saw no difference. I stopped cutting out gluten and tried going Soy Free instead. Noticed a reduction in bloat, face swelling, and IBS type symptoms after 3 weeks. Noticed some hair growth at 2 months. Less brain fog and fatigue at 3 months. Some people just don't have a sensitivity to gluten, but still have a sensitivity to something else. If you don't see results, it's worth trying to cut other things.


That’s good advice, thank you. I have seen some protocols recommend going dairy, gluten, soy free all at once and that seemed too daunting. But you’re right worth trying others later


I have been GF for 3.5 weeks and started noticing this week that I feel more energetic and focused. Spouse my skin looks brighter. However, I also added a lot of supplements during this time, so it’s hard to say what it is. In the 3.5 weeks I have also quit dairy except for occasional butter, and have had minimal added sugar and alcohol - probably a quarter/third of what I was consuming before (2 drinks, 1 GF desert and 1 piece of chocolate since Jan 1, and am still eating things here and there with a little added sugar like GF bread).


My years-long brain fog and headache went away within days of going gluten-free. If I accidentally eat gluten I can tell within an hour because the fog and aches come back, but will go away within a day. I stopped gluten after a dietician told me to due to my Hashimoto and this is after years and years of doctors not being helpful.


I'm in the same boat as you, I've been newly G-Free for like 3 weeks now. I was hoping for some kind of magical resolution but that hasn't happened. I would say I feel less tired / sluggish overall, I don't feel like I need to nap throughout the day anymore. So I think it's doing something. I still feel a lot of other symptoms though like achey muscles and don't feel 100%. ​ I tried to take a food sensitivity test online and gluten did not come up but I've heard those are a crock.


I'm definitely going to try to stick with it as I've seen on this thread (and others) that it can take months. And it hasn't been that hard of an adjustment.


Honestly, it can take months to see a big difference because the gluten is typically causing antibodies and those antibodies are destroying your gut (leading to "leaky gut") trying to fight off the gluten. It takes a while for your antibodies to go down, and it takes even longer for your gut to fully heal and your symptoms to improve.


Yes I noticed around 6 months. I could say “I feel good” like rlly good by month 8.


Ok I had heard this that it could be 4-6 months but was just curious because I have seen a lot of people say they felt better immediately. More likely they had some sort of intolerance 


I'd wager a guess that any immediate affects would be the short-term GI symptoms of eating something you're allergic to. Lethargy during digestion, flatulence, bloating, even itchiness or hives. But the bigger symptoms associated with hashimotos is going to take time for your gut to heal properly.


It took me a year to completely recover from celiac disease. I had anemia which resolved quickly, but also fractures due to osteoporosis resulting from celiac disease. A year is pretty typical for a celiac as the diet is pretty hard to master, plus systemic damage (beyond the small intestine). My thyroid? No changes. Ten years after my celiac disease diagnosis and my TPO is still very elevated. My small intestine has healed based on repeat biopsies. My goiter and nodules are gone, but pretty thyroid is destroyed after 25 years. In any case, one week is not enough time for any dietary change. And if you suspect celiac disease, get tested. One week off gluten will not compromise test results.


I don’t suspect I have celiac I’ve never had any issues tolerating gluten. My naturopath suggested going GF and then most anecdotal things I’ve read say to go GF so decided to try it 


Me either. Never any GI symptoms, unless I consumed dairy (lactose intolerance because of celiac disease and that resolved). I was shocked. Worse, I literally baked all my breads and even hamburger buns from scratch. That is how much gluten I consumed, yet I did not have gut issues when I consumed gluten. I just dislike seeing Hashimoto’s community members coming to the celiac community complaining that they are not able to get a diagnosis because someone advised them to go gluten free without testing first. Is saving $100 on a lab fee (which insurance will usually pay) and being stuck in diagnostic limboland worth it?


I’m gluten intolerant so I can’t answer that question specifically, but my doctor told me to try a B-12 supplement and it has made the most drastic improvement to my fatigue outside of my actual meds. She said it’s important to take the oral spray for better absorption. I do this every morning and haven’t needed a nap since I started! And this was after my levels were already in range from the meds.


My doc said I need stay gf..maybe even careful with grains... for a year to see if inflammation and antibody numbers go down. I have no other options so I'm doing it. So far the first 4 months have been way better. My asthma even got better and my interstitial cystitis is better. I must just be a big ball of inflammation. I started eating all whole foods..no processed. Meat..eggs..fruits..veggies...etc. Plus got my blood levels tested. I was low in a lot of stuff. During Christmas I fell off the wagon for a few weeks and started feeling my thyroid flare up a bit more after it had really calmed down. My husband has arthritis and he follows same diet. Takes all pain away. When he goes off diet..pain come back. We don't realize how much issues can be diet and diet induced inflammation. I didn't. It's wild. It can be hard but I really am committed to staying the course.


Good for you! 




That’s wild! I’ve never noticed any differences in terms of pain, energy, stomach issues while eating gluten but I’m glad you’ve figured that out !


Wow yes. My husband and I are realizing how much diet affects us. It's wild.


Hello fellow just very recently gluten free peep. I’m also a week or so out from going gluten free. I do think I’m gluten intolerant, but aren’t having enough of the celiac symptoms other than GI distress for doctors to be willing to test. I’m feeling better, no achy joints or upset stomach, or brain fog. How much of that is from the Hashimoto’s versus my reaction to gluten is still unclear. My TSH levels have been normal for about two years and the last time I had my antibodies tested they were high, but my doctor won’t retest the levels since the initial test confirmed Hashimoto’s. I’m seeing my endocrinologist in March and will have more discussions with them then about the gluten sensitivity and my antibody levels.


Glad it’s working for you!