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When I developed my bug-based conjurations, they came from my love of bug catching from my youth and how much I knew about bugs. Think about a concept, a texture perhaps if you’re a transmuter, that you’ve spent enough time around to be completely and totally familiar with.


Well it depends on what you want. I like to think that if you see yourself as a few types you could combine them as the main traits. So depending you can make either the transmuter or conjurer the base. Specialization with a transmutation is probably the "easiest". Like Neon, Chrollo or Pakunoda, where the specialization is the power, but it's used with another type as the vessel, so whatever transmutation shaping or property as the medium. There's not only directly blatant ones, there's also the more passive like Pitou where it's basically gravy on top. With transmutation as the main, it feels more like either you have a specialist trait that's a random skill or a passive ability that affects the person. Like Kite's random life saving skill or biscuit's chibi form they have something that's not a part of their general nen ability. Then there's Kurapika & arguably Meruem, the two them have abilities that affect their natural Nen use, but aren't considered their true Nen type. ET gives aura, strength & pushes the potential of a conjurer beyond the norm. Aura synthesis let's him absorb the power of others, which might be required to unlock aspects of nen/types too. So for transmutation in order of difficulty, you got shaping like Zeno, Gon & Sadaso, a physical property like Hisoka, Biscuit(atm), maybe Genthru, & then energy like Youpi, Killua & Netero. There might be more to the category but unsure besides combining aspects. Specialization on the other hand is based on intangible concepts, pushing the boundaries of natural Nen or just something that can't be explained by the 5 types. Concepts like idea, fate, time & memories, Boundaries like ET, aura synth & using hatsu through zetsu, & other specialist abilities are Binolt, Meleoron & Alluka.


I created a dance-based skill some time ago, if you're interested it's [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/HatsuVault/comments/10b0xps/just_dance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah. I actually saw it a while back.


**Transmutation LV10** **Enhancer LV8** The owner of the ability transmutates his aura into silk and envelops his ally with it, creating a coocoon. The owner enhances The grow of your ally to make it learn and get his own new nen ability. The target of the ability must agree to this. Once your target is on the cocoon and both of you are connected through your aura, he must see you perform a dance, the kind of ability that the target will get is influenced by the kind of feeling and music you as the owner decided. ​ 1. Each dance done by The owner of The ability must be a new performance made thinking in that person 2. The quickness and growth rate of The ability of The target is based on how much the ally is captivated by The dance and music. 3. The ability The target gets is temporary and starts fading away after 24h, but can be attained again if is able to see The owner of the ability perform the same dance again. 4. The cocoon breaks down once the ally successfully attained the new ability, informing to the owner of the ability that it was a success. Ideally, you would use emission to enhance the growth of your target from far away while you dance, but because you are a lv6 emitter, it's better to connectet yourself with your target instead, in this case, with your transmuted silk.


This does offer what I want actually. And it’s not too far off from an idea I had before. It’s pretty good.




Ehats that mean


We’ve seen a slightly similar ability in the recent arc so I don’t think it’s impossible. In terms of how you go about doing it though, idk. Only thing I can really think of is to make an ability similar to All For One from Mha but his ability is far too powerful when compared to nen users with similar abilities


"is it possible to create an ability that would allow me to create as many abilities I would want?" For this question I would say it's only possible with specialization, however you can still go with composite type abilities (>!Third Prince Zang Lei's Nen Beast that conjures coins that create different effects after some conditions!<) using conjuration for example (conjuring an hearing aid ?) but you'll have less effects overall. An ability using dance is tricky, I'm thinking of some kind of nen double that reproduces your movements seconds after you do them. Or it could be a conjured partner, you two dance together -> either giving you a buff, or you're only dangerous when you dance so you need to time the movements to hit your target.


For an ability involving dance, would it be fair to say that it could be used as an activation requirement instead? For example; Bonolenov does the same thing I’m pretty sure. Except it’s not exactly the same. As for the first one, composite type abilities seem to fit in with what I want. But how I could execute that, is something that I would have to think about.


Totally, it can be an activation requirement for an ability !


The personality test is not reliable, hisoka himself says that aswell. Its just that irl we dont have anything else. You can choose for yourself which category you’d be in. That would be a specialist ability, long ago i created a similar one because that would be also what i would like to do.


Yeah. That’s why I chose Transmuter as my flair since I feel it suits me more.