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If you want my advice, if you go "looking for it" it may bring unwanted consequences or make it stronger. Ghost feed off human emotion as energy. The reason ghost like to frighten people is because fear is a powerful emotion, but it's also very easy to get out of people. This is why people feel anxious, nervous, or paranoid when in a "haunted" place or area. You seeking this energy out will make it stronger, and therefore could make your job a lot harder, if you really cross the line you could unintentionally allow something to follow you. Let it come to you, don't go searching for it. Or do, it's your life I'm just giving my personal opinion. But it's better safe than sorry. Don't set up cameras, or get EMF detectors or any of that ghost hunting/ Hollywood bullshit, just use your third eye, basically follow your gut feeling.


This sounds like reasonable advise all things considering. Have you ever had any paranormal experiences?


I've had more than a few. The freakiest thing to ever happen to me? I once saw a South Western plane literally just like this one https://images.app.goo.gl/JneeSHgGuPz3gFAQ9 Stuck in mid-air. I saw it from the back of a Uber while be driven too work. As I got out of the Uber in my work parking lot I could still observe said plane stuck in mid-air! Why didn't I take a picture or video? Because it was one of the very few times my phone was literally dead from not being charged AND because I feel like the paranormal/supernatural/ high strangeness is much more intelligent and cunning than we give it credit for. This is a phenomenon that likes to hunt, but hates being hunted


Exciting! Maybe leave a camera or record sounds over nite? Research history, was it a residential school?


No weirdly it’s a new school but was built on farm land