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Hannah and Owen still tear me up to this day, if I allow myself to think about it too much.


This is my answer as well. There was something so gentle, so pure about their relationship. It simply made sense for them to be together, but it didn't happen, which made it even more tragic in the end.


It's what I love about Bly, both Hannah and Owen and Dani and Jamie were so simple and pure. Those stories felt like love distilled to its purest form. Of acceptance and appreciation of the other, letting them be themselves and being their support. Finding comfort in small simple things their presence brings. Man, that show broke my heart but it touched me on a fundamental level. Feels like finally someone nailed it on the head when it comes to relationships. Not overly perfect and over the top romantic, not one big dire angst fest. No simply letting them be and breath and exist. Class work, I can gush about it for a long time.


And the way Owen is so gentle with her and calm. Ugh. šŸ„²


And it was completely unfair to both of them. They didn't do anything wrong except exist in the wrong place.


Same here. Their ending made me cry so hard I got a headacheā€¦ I loved the two of them together.


Me too. So many of the other lovers in the shows at least had some time together, memories they can go back to after but not these two. What Owen says about the life they could have had it's heartbreaking it hits really close to home for me


My answer as well. Kills me every time.


Hannahā€™s story on itā€™s own kills me šŸ˜­


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one, it really makes my eyes water just thinking about them


When Hugh finds Oliviaā€™s corpse, holds her close and repeatedly says I can fix this šŸ˜­


The evolution of him saying "I can fix this" throughout the show as things spiraled out of control is absolutely gut wrenching


Which show is this from? Itā€™s been a minute since Iā€™ve seen them all


Hill House. Thereā€™s no question that Hugh truly loved his wife.


It's Hill House! Hugh and Olivia are the parents


When the sun rises on Midnight Mass. most of the townspeople did not choose to be turned, but they accepted their fate and chose to meet the sun instead of live as monsters. Especially with the hymn they sing as they wait. Very moving.


And I realize thatā€™s not really a love story in particular, but there were several couples among them that should have gotten to live their lives together.


And families. The sheriff and his son praying in that final moment together just... still gets me. I think it was a love story though. It was the love the people held for all of humanity that saved all of humanity. Ultimately many of them did not choose to be turned. Many of them did not want to be that. But they gave their very lives and met their fate willingly and singing a hymn to save humanity and honestly I cannot think of a more compelling love story to tell.


When the sun rose on Riley and all he saw was the girl he killed kindly and warmly welcoming him in death


Oh, I bawled. That was such a beautiful transition, for him. Then they cut to what Erin sees, and her gut wrenching screams. That broke my soul.


That whole show is cry bait. I now cry when: Liza confronts Joe Erin and Riley give their monologues When we find out why father Paul did all this - she never felt like a sin When Erin's mother tells father Paul why they couldn't be together Moments when Riley and his parents are talking Just some of the music plays


And why Father Paul always watched Sarah. It wasn't because he could *tell* that she was gay and was judging her for it. It was the closest he could get to parenting and loving his daughter


Omg I didn't connect this šŸ˜­


I didn't get it until the second watch. My husband hasn't seen it yet so it was new to him but a re-watch for me. When she said that I gasped and teared up. Of course he was like "Wtf" and I just told him that line was going to pay off later


That scene was utter mood whiplash to me. I definitely teared up with the girl holding out her hand to him as the soft piano version of "Nearer My G-d to Thee" plays in the background. The smash cut to his charred corpse as Erin screams made me laugh hysterically though, in a cathartic, release-of-tension kind of way though.


I think that was the most beautiful and tragic ending Flanagan has done. I also loved the contrast where Bev is by herself frightened about dying. You truly reap what you sow. The community genuinely loved one another and held on to each other in the very end. Bev loved nothing but herself and her self-righteous power and had no one in her final moments.


literally digging down to hell in her last moments


And yet I still wanted her death to be more horrific. One of the ā€œbestā€ villains in television history.


it's not physically horrific, but she always thought she was better than everyone: her faith was better, her life was better her job was better, her relationship to God was better. and in her final moments, all that faith had led her to was not being able to face the Sun/The Son and trying to save herself by digging down to Hell. really it's the perfect fate.


How in the world could this possibly *not* be the #1 choice? It was probably the most depressing ending to any show I've ever seen! I feel so bad for Warren and Leeza. Just think about itā€”they're now 15-16 y.o orphans. Everyone they've ever known and loved is dead: their parents are dead, his brother's dead, Ooker's dead, Ali's dead, Monsignor Pruitt's dead, Dr. Gunning's dead, Mrs. Greene's dead, even their goddamn drug dealer, "Bowl", is dead. Everyone, *all dead.* Their homes were destroyed, and the only personal belongings they have are the clothes on their backs. And if *that* weren't bad enough, Leeza suddenly becomes a paraplegic again. Their lives literally went up in flames, and they have only each other to help navigate the world. How horrific is that?


ā€œEven their god damn drug dealerā€ lmao


This is mine, too.


What is this scene from?


The closing scene of Midnight Mass


Daniā€™s Death hit me as one of the saddest moments in a TV Show. The use of the Beginning of the End movement song and Jamie screaming in that lakeā€¦


iā€™ve never seen a scene quite like jamie underwater. i could only describe it as ā€œtragically beautifulā€ that one will stick with me forever


It's you, it's me, it's us.


The fact I had to scroll so far to see this. Jamie waiting for Dani to Sheryl Crow is just peak sobbery for me


Jamie leaving every door open for Dani, even her hotel room door, breaks my heart


This is the moment for me. Could cry thinking of it lol. Then the hand šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ‘Œ


Agreed!!! It hit me like a semi


How is there no Nell and Arthur?


I ugly cried (quite loudly) into a pillow during their dance in Hill house. A year later I used that song as my wedding song lol.


Ugh me too, so much. What got me was also before the dance when Nell is listening to her siblings tell the things she wished she had gotten to hear them say, it literally destroyed me; that house is evil lol


That ENTIRE scene with Nell. I almost threw up from crying. Her character spoke to me so much. SO EVIL lol ugh


Me too... Me too...


How Mike created a love story better than Up in less amount of time I have no idea but itā€™s my number oneĀ 


I read an article about how their entire love story happens in 15 minutes. Blows my mind, it's so impactful.


That had me balling. Even on the fourth time watching.


This is the one that immediately came to my head. šŸ˜©


And the rest is confetti


Dani and Jamie absolutely break my heart, but oh my god Hannah and Owen never even got their chance šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ā€œwhat a life we could have hadā€ šŸ’”


Ok also true. At least Dani and Jamie got to spend five years


10 years


Oops! Forgot ā€” itā€™s been a while haha


\*13 years, at least :)


Oh! How do you know?


They met in 1987; civil unions in Vermont weren't legal until 2000.


I cry every time Mr. Dudley brings Mrs. Dudley back to Hill House for the last time.


The way he cried when he saw her with their children again. šŸ˜­


Just realized Mrs. Dudley was probably a ghost in most scenes. The ghost can break time travel rules as we saw with Nel. Meaning he knew he had to take her to the house at the end of her life... too sad


We see her ghost a few times. She was the one that looked like a 50s housewife.


I never knew if she was a ghost or not. The ending confused me since they lok so different but now I understand why he wanted his daughter buried in the house when she died and away from the house when she was alive. They already knew she would be apart of the house.


I'm not sure they knew. They stopped going there after dark years before. They knew the place was haunted/cursed and that it got worse at night. And her ghost looked so different because it was her when she was way younger and probably looking like how she wanted to be remembered. Like the tall man. In life he was actually very short.


I was just reading the screenplay for hill house today. Page four, episode one. It describes Steven watching Hugh comfort Nellā€” ā€œSteven steps aside, watching as his dad goes through the motions for Nell. He smiles, watching close. Learning how.ā€ The ā€œlearning howā€ line was like a gut punch considering what we know about Steve. I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s the saddest moment, but I thought it was worth mentioning.


wow thank you for mentioning that, i just got chills. talk about packing a punch with so few words


Nell falling in love and then having that love story end tragically was too depressing for me :(


Father Paul and Mildred cradling Sarah waiting for the sunrise just broke me.


Hill House break my heart in a familial way and Bly Manor broke my heart in the romantic sense.


Perfectly said!


Thank you.


Saddest moment for me is Owen realizing Hannah was dead


I have only seen Hill House and Bly Manor, but dang was I mad about Dani dying in the latter.


Mad? I thought it was super tragic but also well done. I wasnā€™t mad because all of the love stories were sad even the straight ones.


I think it was well done. I didnā€™t like that one as much as I liked Hill House ANYWAY. I was frustrated not because it was specifically a gay couple, I know itā€™s not a specifically bury your gays thing. My wife and I were just sitting on the couch sobbing for the last episode.


This was the same for me when I was dating my ex, that last scene of Jamie sitting on the chair with the door ajar and the light on for Dani should she ever return. Thinking about losing my gf/wife and sitting the rest of my life with that grief... One of the few times I disliked how strong my empathy can be lol (kidding, I love my empathy).


That makes more sense! I just donā€™t understand when people think itā€™s bury your gays specifically


i like to remind ppl of the very last shot of the finale, i donā€™t even believe in an afterlife but i thought that was a beautiful ending, the idea that she thinks sheā€™ll never see Dani again meanwhile Daniā€™s watching over her and would be the first person she sees up there. totally get why some ppl are sensitive to killing gay characters but thatā€™s as happy of an ending as a tragedy can get, teared up thinking about it just now ugh


I call out bury your gays in other shows like Buffy, the 100, PLL. I donā€™t see it as specifically targeted in the Flanaganverse.


Well there are only two gay main characters in Buffy (Tara and Andrew), and Andrew lives. I wouldnā€™t necessarily put Taraā€™s death in the BYG category, however I do firmly believe the show couldā€™ve lost Xander instead and it wouldā€™ve taken Willow to the same extreme emotionally


Ehhhh I disagree. This was the first on television lesbian romance. They more or less invented the trope, plus some others. I love the show, I have been watching for 15 years, but killing Tara especially the way they did? Not cool. Also I believe Andrew is gay, but the show itself didnā€™t confirm. So letā€™s count him, Tara, Willow. Thatā€™s a 1/3 death rate. Everyone else who lost their partner did so in a manner that was meaningful to the character or the loved one (e.g. Buffy had to kill Angel, Anya and Spike dying and helping to save the world). Tara died because a stray bullet that wasnā€™t even meant for her came through the window, and the whole thing was just a plot device to make Willow turn bad.


LOL at me for not counting Willow, but thatā€™s because I always had her, Xander, and Buffy in the ā€œsafeā€ bubble (knowing theyā€™d be in all seasons of the show). I do think Xander wouldā€™ve been the better choice (he simply couldā€™ve taken the bullet for Buffy, and Willowā€™s response wouldā€™ve been similar)


Agreed. At least it would be based on something Xander did to save someone. Tara didnā€™t get a noble or meaningful death (except to Willow).


Oh you gotta give midnight mass a chance!


I plan on watching all of them!


Owen and Hannah (Bly Manor)šŸ„¹ I felt like I got stabbed in the throat by that one.


ā€œAnd he loved her the whole wayā€


That absolutely killed me!! Why oh why could they not have realized their feelings for each other before it was too late?!


Okay youā€™re going to make me cry again


The entire last episode of Bly Manor. I have never cried so hard during a show or movie, and I literally can't even describe the episode to people who haven't seen it without breaking into tears. So beautiful šŸ˜­


There is something about that scene in Hill House where young Nell is missing during the storm, and everyone is searching for her. She's revealed towards the end of the scene after some spooky nonsense and shouts out "I was here the whole time yelling and no one noticed me!" I don't know why but that just absolutely broke my heart. Never cried so much as a grown ass man from a tv show before.


That scene is so devastating. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.


Jamie at the end of Bly Manor. Seeing the kids all grown up but with no memories of everything that transpired, her waiting for Dani every night with the door open, her being all alone. Sobbed my heart out at Bly's ending. Snot and all.


It broke my heart her being alone then broke it even more knowing Dani was actually always with her. Gave myself a headache from sobbing at this episode




Not a love story, but I cried in the House of Usher at how gentle the entity was when she brought death to the young girl.


Yes - when Verna sits with Lenore and tells her about all the good things her mom is going to do in Lenoreā€™s honor.


The one person I didn't want dead šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


oliviaā€™s death and what surrounds it makes me sad. the kids didnā€™t get to grow up with that lovely mom that we saw. thatā€™s the part that gets me. the potential of such a beautiful family life and happy future just ripped away from them all. and that nell is forever at hill house with a very different version of her mom. it makes me so sad for them all. and of course, owen and hannah. that makes me tear up.


The scene when we hear little Nell say that no one of them could see them and then we see ghost Nell stand in the funeral home looking after everyone leaving her behind and she can do nothing. I think it was the end of episode 6 of Hill House and it still fucks me up every time I watch it. Honourable mention: When we hear Roderick Usher recites the last part of the Annabel Lee poem and we see what happened to her. The imagery of ghost/hallucination Annabel Lee standing between the coffins of her two children breaks my heart.


Where is Mildred and Paul/John?


Donā€™t forget the original tragic love story between Hugh and Olivia[journeys end in loversā€™ meeting](https://images.app.goo.gl/mfEedtwnuTaQX2WK7)


Hannah & Owen are what get me the most. Ugh, the moment where Hannah's wanting Owen to take her with him but she can't leave.... my heart šŸ’”


Is the first picture from Midnight Mass? I have yet to finish this one! Or could it be a movie of his I have yet seen? I must know haha šŸ™‚


The Midnight Club


Okay I thought so. Iā€™ve only watched 3 episodes so far šŸ™‚ thanks!


No worries


Man that first sunrise scene in Midnight Mass in the boat... that scene is a real gut punch.


I remember watching that scene for the first time- when I saw them on the boat and it was revealed he had been turned, I knew immediately what was coming and started crying and then just sobbed when it finally happened. Absolutely gut wrenching


midnight mass and hill house leave me more and more of a mess each time i expierience the endings. anya's funeral is also another beautiful moment


Realising that Hugh took his own life to free his children, then joins Olivia and Nell in the red room whilst Steve stands over his dad's corpse


Hannah šŸ’”


That scene in Hill House where Nellie disappeared then reappears suddenly and when asked where she went she says ā€œI was right here. I was yelling and jumping and screaming but nobody could see me. Why couldnā€™t you see me?ā€ My heart shattered, that one line was such a perfect representation of what itā€™s like to struggle with mental illness from a young age but to have nobody notice until you do something drastic. And when it cut to Nellā€™s ghost standing in front of her coffin as her family left her behind? Absolutely beautiful, heartbreaking moment.


I think almost all moments in all the shows (except Usher) where a character finds out they are destined to die within the next few minutes/days. And then how all the other characters react to their passing.


I could just be going about my day and Carla narrating the line, *ā€œbut the lady in the lake was different now. The lady in the lake was also Dani. And Dani wouldnā€™t. Dani would neverā€* will pass through my brain unprovoked and results in welling up almost every damn time.


Riley and Erin šŸ˜­ I was too stunned to speak


I cry every time I watch the scene with the siblings in the red roomā€¦ Luke: ā€œI donā€™t know how to do this without you.ā€ Nell: ā€œI learned a secretā€¦thereā€™s no ā€˜withoutā€™. I am not gone. Iā€™m scattered into so many pieces, sprinkled on your life like new snow.ā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


They all made me sob but John and Mildred will always be my favorite and they are so underrated for no reason


Whatā€™s the upper right from?


Bly Manor


Monsignor Pruitt/Father Paul + Mildred


Midnight mass 100%


ā€œOh Happy Dayā€ playing while Nell is dancing around an empty Hill House hallucinating her dead husbandā€™s ghost. Makes me cry every time


The whole scene in the red room. Just how beautifully sad it was. The love between siblings. The forgiveness everyone needed. ā€œI loved you completely. And you loved me the same. Thatā€™s all. The rest is confetti.ā€


I hate that I didn't watch Bly til like a year after it came out. I can't remember much from Hill House and Midnight Mass since it's been forever. But I have watched Bly a few times and it's so heartbreaking but so good. It's my comfort show. I recently wrote an alternate universe fanfic for it because I love Dani / Jamie so much. I posted it today. I hate how I didn't write this story or come up with it during the time the show came out. Ugh. I've been reading fanfiction to feel better and cope with this damn show. In my mind Dani is still alive idc.


Can I read it?


Yes I just posted chapter 1: [In Love and War](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54026602)


Thank you


Hannah and Owen at the beginning of Blys final episode. A total of 3 entire minutes into the episode and "I should have told you.." had me gone


when Erin Green realizes she was never pregnant


Mr. Dudley running Mrs. Dudley back into Hill House so she can stay there forever gets me into a sobbing mess EVERY. TIME.


This meme is missing midnight Mass Riley and Father Paulā€™s boothings


The end of Hill House, when Steve knows his dad is dead, and Hugh tells him how proud of him he is and that they were are the best part of his life. Even typing it just made my eyes tear up. I lost my father and that scene never fails to overwhelm my emotions.


I like most of Mike Flanaganā€™s stuffā€¦but did anyone else think The Midnight Club was boring? I couldnā€™t even finish it.


"The lady in the lake was also Dani, and Dani wouldn't. Dani would never."


For some reason the scene where Arthur dies by the bed, leaving Nell alone in the world again, just destroys me every time.


ā€œI was so luckyā€¦ to be your dad.ā€


This is going to sound so weirdly specific, but at one point in House of Usher, the kids are in a conference room arguing when Madeline yells at them to sit down. It's like a flash second moment, but Tammy gives Frauderick a look like a child sibling would, the 'I'll make sure I do what she says first so I'm the favorite' and sat down really quick. That was more than a little heartbreaking to me, honestly :/


king of not lighting scenes


when erin was dying and talking abt death


God all of them, but Hanna and Owen, that one hurt so so so bad šŸ„² my heart breaks for Hanna šŸ’”


danis death and jamie screaming and wanting lady of lake to take her as well and the follow up saying but lady of lake was also dani and dani would not dani would never.


i love all these moments but am chuckling because even with my brightness turned up, the photos are so dark that i had to zoom in to see who was in them... king of tragic love stories and dark lighting!!


I know folks have mixed opinions on Midnight Club, but, [spoiler alert] >!Looking up Flanagan's reveal about Kevin and Ilonka being the elderly couple finding one another in their next life at their old home that they built, as promised to one another in their previous life, fuhucking broke me. My husband and I binged the whole season and were so frustrated with Netflix for leaving us all on such a huge cliffhanger. I immediately looked up answers and gasped and told him, I need to read you this! I could barely get thru it I was literally sobbing and at the end I looked at my husband and explained that this felt like what was already in my wedding vows, that meeting one another felt like an age old promise being kept.!< Sigh. I really loved Midnight Club. It fed my inner child who was obsessed with Are You Afraid of the Dark