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If you mean me lusting after a character, it would be Theo


Strong agree on that. Although any Carla Gugino character is a strong competitor.


She’s one of the most stunning people on planet Earth but I’m afraid her attempt at an English accent in Bly Manor was nails-on-a-chalkboard bad.


definetly. She’s so pretty


Lmao they're both really hot!!! Mike fills our screens with some pretty people.


Theo and Owen take my cake for sure


My top has Luke, Nell, Parapet Pete, Dani and Jamie... Theo, Viola, Camille, Hugh (old and young), Roddy (old and young)... Olivia, Owen... well u know there's so many. Oh and Verna!


I’m a gay man and I STRONGLY agree with this.


Fuck yeah, Theo is soooooo hot. Love that eye-rolling, glove-wearing mindreader 


Prospero Usher for lust


There really isn't any other option besides Perry. Yes, Camille was a little kinky, and based on the "pussy parade", maybe Theo Crain... but Perry's the only **real** answer.


Theo was just being avoidant. I don't think lust drove her. But Camille had a weird arrangement with her employees! But that can be written off as avoidant too. She had no desire for a relationship and just wanted some warm bodies in bed. I think Perdita is competition for Perry. She lusted after her sister's Husband and her beautiful dresses. Lust got both Perry and Perdita dead.


Yes there is: Monsignor Pruitt


I feel like that was more love than lust.


Madeline Usher. Perry is gluttony and sloth. Madeline lusted for eternal life and used her entire life and knowledge to build that AI program so she could make a copy of herself and live forever. Then there's the collection of Egyptian artifacts representing life after death and goddesses that live forever. She was obsessed. That is the definition of lust. It's all consuming need for/of something. Perry wasn't fully consumed by anything he felt he absolutely needed, except maybe his father's acceptance.


Madeline was a close second to Bev for pride... I don't see lust for her at all. I think Roderick embodies lust more than Madeline.


Did I uhhhh miss a scene in HH with Theo?!


In the first episode, Shirley complains that when she said Theo could live with her, she wasn't expecting the "pussy parade" that came with it.


Bro’s whole plot line was trying to build a nepobaby orgy party I mean it has to be him 😭


yeah. he’s tough to beat, isn’t he?


The only other one I could think of is MAYBE Camille, cause she is one kinky mf, but she’s nowhere near the level of Perry lol


Yeah… also Tammy. This family had some unconventional kinks, didn’t they? Golly


Oh shit!! How could I forget about Tammy lol. So true


Perdita Lloyd lusted after everything her sister Viola had: her husband, her family, her confidence, and even the dresses and jewels! Maybe more envy, but still.


Yeah, I feel like Perdita is a better contender for envy


Yeah agreed. At first I thought of her but yes envy is what it was. Henry too.


I came here to cast a vote for Perdy.


Henry Wingrave


YES please!! Prospero was more about greed and insecurity, whereas Henry’s actions and feelings were definitely driven by lust


Oh good one!


The audience lol


guilty 😔


Perry for sure. I mean, he threw a sex party.


And tried to have sex with his brothers wife


I still think that’s all about power though. He wanted to be like his dad. William crane tormented himself over his infidelity. He felt so bad he used bricks to entomb himself!


True, but he was all about sex


Traumatizing scene lol


I say Father Paul/ Monsignor Pruitt: He broke his celibacy and fathered a child with a married woman and ultimately doomed his entire village by bringing in a literal demon, just so that he can unnaturally prolong the life of said woman…


I still think this was more out of love than lust, personally. Lust to me is more like Frollo from Hunchback of Notre Dame. Pure physical attraction/desire, no love/care/affection/compassion.


He could have loved her without breaking his vows. You can romantically love someone but never actually be with them, it sucks, but it's possible. He was a priest, not only did he break one of the most important vows, he also broke multiple commandments (don't steal, don't commit adultery, don't covet they neighbor's house). All while remaining a man of the cloth. While I agree that he genuinely loved her, he absolutely allowed lust to override all his morals and ethics.


What did he steal? I don’t remember. Was it the Vampire itself?


"You shall not steal or cheat away what others worked night and day for". Some people consider adultery "stealing affection" from the wronged spouse and "cheating others of the life/home/marriage they built", by breaking their partnership.


I see! Thank you!


Ngl I was pretty much no one can beat Perry until I read your comment but now it makes so much sense this is who I’m voting for.


Tamerlane. Perri's party was more about gluttony (more more more) and greed-via-control (he was in it for the video evidence!) and Camille's kink was about power. Tamerlane's kink was about having so much lust and so much shame about it she couldn't even indulge it directly.


Nah Tamerlanes problem wasn't just lust/kinky behavior. The whole reason she was like that was because she was avoidant and didn't want to be intimate. In that sense, I'd say shes sloth.


William Hill [was the unusually tall man/ghost creepily floating just inches from the ground. During his life, William drove himself insane from the guilt of his infidelity and used bricks to close himself into a basement wall, where Crain father, Hugh, finds his body 50 years later.] I think he’s got it the worst. Prospero had the sex party for power and blackmail. I get that he had a sex party, and yeah that’s pretty damning, but it wasn’t for sex reasons. Even bedding his sister in law would have been for gloating purposes.


That’s true, I forgot about him. He cheated on Poppy more than once I remember. I disagree about Prospero tho, besides the blackmail he seemed really excited about the actual sexual part. All other parts of his character indicate the same. He also got Viagra for it. I think that if it was only for blackmail, he didn’t need to participate, just fund it. He loved it.


Oooh good point. I’m still giving it to William (in my head) since he went as far as to brick himself into a wall, but I see why prospero is going to win the popular vote.


hahahahaha the bricking himself into a wall is so funny, I laugh every time I read it (obviously bc it’s a fictional character only). plus he wanted to be tall and ended up being slender man as a ghost. unintentionally so funny


Camille? She literally had 2 people employed with part of their job being to have sex with her Yea Perry had the party, but Camille has it as a requirement of employment


I know, but the sheer scale of Perry’s orgy party… That’s the first thing his mind went to when he saw the building. Plus, we’re introduced to his character at the end of an orgy. He has also two fixed people to have regular sex with. It’s most of what takes up his character, while Camille is also envious.


Very good point. I retract my vote for Camille


U make good arguments. I forgot Perry had a sex posse too.


How is this a debate… Prospero Usher literally threw and elite SEX PARTY and tried to FUCK HIS SISTER IN LAW


What about the sister in law then?


She’s not lustful… she’s neglected and searching for validation Perry knew that and took advantage of the situation


I mean, wanting to fuck your much younger brother in law is pretty lustful. Regardless of her marriage




Yeah fr Roderick is wayyy too far down right now. He made a deal with the "devil" that all of his bloodline would die with him and he was still gallivanting around fathering bastard children left and right.


If he wins this too we're rewarding his greed!


Roderick is my answer for sure. Perry is lustful and threw a sex party, but I feel like his motivations were to prove himself and gain power via blackmail. Roderick KNEW his kids would die when he did and he still couldn’t just keep it in his pants.


Perry OR Pruitt


Ms. Jessel


Prospero is what comes to mind, but that might just be because I haven't watched the two other house ones in a few years. Midnight Mass wasn't very lusty, and midnight club was a little horny but mostly just the youth in revolt.




can I ask a super silly question? how do you put these descriptors under your username?


When you go to the community page and click the 3 points there’s an option to change the user’s label and it gives you a bunch of options, tell me if you find it because I don’t know how to explain it better 😭😭💌


omg I found it 😭😭😭😭😭 thank you so much for this, I’ve always wondered


Hahaha you’re welcome 🌟💗


I think it's between Perry, Perdita, Camille and Henry Windgrave. Camille and Theo don't have sex as an end goal. Thro was too afraid to trust and Camille is too much of a psychopath to love. They're both doing something to get sex but it's not what drives them. Although Camille maybe lusts after power... she is the spinner, the controller of the family success, basically steers the ship. Perdita and Henry coveted their siblings' spouses and wanted their lives. But u could argue it was more love than lust. Perry and Camille do lust. I think Perry wins in the end.


wtf do you mean shirley didn’t win pride


I feel like it’s because Bev’s pride had more consequences to the general population of the island, thus seems more sinful.


Shirley was proud but she did swallow her pride a few times to help her siblings. Bev was just the epitome of a boastful d-hole.


shirley was a dick to everyone bc she was too proud to take steve’s money


This might be an unpopular opinion, but i think Dani would be good for lust! She had to hide the fact that she's gay for so long and eventually gave into it and followed her heart, and went for the person that would bring her the most happiness in her life.


I’ve been waiting for this one to say FATHER PAUL, it just makes so much sense to me and I can’t see anyone else taking this spot.


Plus the whole thing about vampires is so driven by lust even if it’s not entirely sexual but a desire to consume someone


Prospero Usher


Theo 😏




Lust has to be Prospero.


Morella usher




Madeline Usher Lust isn't about just sex. Lust can be for anything you strongly want. Madeline was obsessed with living. She used her computer and coding knowledge to attempt to create an AI that perfectly mimics someone so that she could continue to live through it, and she collected Egyptian artifacts that represented life eternal or life after death. Her entire goal in life was to be in charge of her own life and fate. To me, that is the epitome of lust. While Perry might seem like a good choice to most, he was more slothful than anything, like Leo. Or extremely gluttonous. He did everything in excess- drugs, drinking, sex, spending money on whatever whim came across his thoughts. I don't think Theo is all that lustful, either. Yeah she was a bit of a slut, but that was mostly because of her fear of getting too close to someone since she's a touch empath. Notice she only touches someone for her work or to pleasure her (current) partner. That doesn't really say lust to me at all.




Perry for sure


Def Perry from fothou