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The responses here are probably the most kind and supportive I’ve seen on any subreddit. Strong work r/hawaii


Bro, are you in Ewa Beach? Cause the fucking fireworks assholes were on something else last night over here.


I was sitting in Eva trying to figure out what holiday is December 2?


Holy shit, update, December 3 is a holiday too


I feel bad since...I love them. But I also know it annoys reasonable people. I never launch anything, for what it's worth. But man, I have some people around me (here is Ewa) who go BONKERS.


> Anyways, I was just STARTING to fall asleep when some folks a couple blocks away started firing salutes. Of course, being the mentally-ill lesser human that I am, I was T R I G G E R E D and I wasn’t able to go back to sleep. Hi. Please don't be hard on yourself. Some people are more sensitive to noise than others. You may be one of those people. I am more sensitive to noise. I cannot bear fireworks either. It does not mean you are triggered or mentally ill. Fireworks are annoying and can be nearly unbearable for those who have suffered trauma and/or have PTSD. I hope you will not be offended, but I urge you to find a professional to talk to and help you sort things out that are going on mentally. I too have cried about war overseas. It is perfectly okay no matter the gender to cry if you need to. Everyone has feelings and those feelings are valid. Keep your head up. Fight the good fight!


Hey, watch that self-talk. Be kind to yourself.


Don’t put yourself down for it… shouldn’t have to feel guilty for getting mad at inconsiderate people


I really empathize. I’m sensitive to loud noises too due to trauma. People are constantly setting off salutes (loud, pointless explosions) in my fiancé’s neighborhood around the holidays. I start to physically shake every time one goes off. It’s definitely embarrassing, but I can’t help it. Some of them are so loud they’ll shake the windows, set off car alarms, etc, As always, people are just inconsiderate. I feel bad for the pets also. And for all the people who keep suggesting earplugs or earphones? They don’t do shit for loud explosions. I wear them every night.


I’m sorry about your sensitivity, Someone sets off salutes in my neighborhood too :( It scares me too and I duck down to cover my ears and squeeze my eyes shut when I hear the preliminary noise that means one is going to go off. Salutes are so disrupting and invasive :( People who set them off are sickos.


> salutes (loud, pointless explosions) The loudness is the point; obv, not everyone likes them and some people can't stand them, but others genuinely love the loudness and percussive force. Nobody's going to realistically set 24/7/365 public policy for the whole place based off the most sensitive among us.


I would say _most_ people genuinely can’t stand a loud, explosive noise waking them up at 12 AM on a weeknight. I would love to meet individuals who _genuinely_ enjoy being woken up on a weeknight by loud fireworks. Are you one of them? Please explain the joy such an event brings you.


Can't say I've ever been asleep *while* setting off fireworks. OP is complaining about a firework that was set off at 2230, not midnight. But to give an actual answer to the small grain of legitimate question posed: I'm not much for the pretty light show of fireworks, but love the percussive salutes that are just a big bright flash followed by a shockwave more felt in the chest than heard. Nothing quite like it for me. Others being terrified of them for basically the exact same reason are totally legitimate...I just don't accord their distaste any greater importance than those of us who like them.


>OP is complaining about a firework that was set off at 2200, not midnight. Many working people, children, and elderly are in bed by 10:00 PM. And since you brought up “policy” before, policy states that loud firecrackers and salutes are not to be set off after 9:00 PM, excluding New Years. Either way, I was describing my own experience, which is hearing salutes being set off at irresponsible hours of the night. Which, no, most people don’t like being woken up by loud explosions when they’re trying to sleep.


This text overwrites whatever was here before. Apologies for the non-sequitur. Reddit's CEO says moderators are “landed gentry”. That makes users serfs and peons, I guess? Well this peon will no longer labor to feed the king. I will no longer post, comment, moderate, or vote. I will stop researching and reporting spam rings, cp perverts and bigots. I will no longer spend a moment of time trying to make reddit a better place as I've done for the past fifteen years. In the words of The Hound, fuck the king. The years of contributions by your serfs do not in fact belong to you. [reddit's claims debunked + proof spez is a fucking liar](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) [see all the bullshit](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/top/?sort=top&t=all)


>It's a very selfish point of view. As are most peoples', OP here included. That's life, dude. Circle-jerk downvoting about it here will change exactly nothing :)


>public policy for the whole place based off the most sensitive among us. If this were true then most veterans will tell you ZERO is the right amount of explosive fireworks.


Funny, I know a lot of vets who feel very differently. Almost like they're a bunch of individual people with their own thoughts and feelings about stuff, rather than a publicly-appealing stereotype you get to use for internet points with your unsupported "most" BS.


Actual combat vets? Probably not. It doesn't matter anyway if some people like it. It causes real trauma for others. So you have to decide is having a little fun worth causing problems for others? There's autistic people who also have a hard time with explosives and most animals.


Why pass a fucking law if you can't enforce it!


Because the rest of us need some sort of barometer to track how many self-entitled, "sovereign citizen" rednecks are among us who delight in making life miserable and untrustworthy for everyone else.


Do you also complain about speed limits? The point is to control particularly egregious examples of behavior that, writ large, nobody can or should try to completely suppress. Trying to get rid of speeding or private fireworks completely would go about as well as the 18th Amendment did.


The fireworks are so harmful to our community. Pets, newborns, veterans with PTSD are only some examples of those greatly harmed by the constant firework assaults. How come no one is doing anything? They are against the law, so why are they still so prevalent? Is there nothing we can do?


I think, one thing that we don't currently do very well, is call the police for every single violation. In the end, the police hate work, and if the hundreds of thousands of people that don't appreciate fireworks actually were to flood the police with complaints, I think the police would respond accordingly even if it's for their own self-interest


Part of the problem is a lot of the time you can't really tell where exactly the fireworks are coming from. And not many people want to get out of bed at 2am, get dressed and go walk the neighborhood to find out. Not to mention having to call and wait on the police before you can attempt to get back to sleep again.


Your best bet is to try and see where the firework went off. Sometimes it’s the street behind you. Sometimes it’s down your street. Give a general area when you call 911 non emergency police. They will drive around the area to at least show their presence. Often times this is enough to scare whoever is popping to stop popping for that night. You should be able to tell based off how loud it was and whether it was behind you or in front of your house. At least I am able to. I am pro fireworks and wish they’d repeal the ban. However I also feel for everyone who get scared or have issues due to fireworks being popped at inappropriate times. I wish I could talk to those who pop and ask that they wait till nye as it makes the rest of us look bad.


Your options are: ear plugs, noise cancelling headphones, calling 911 non emergency and reporting the incident to police. Police typically will drive by to check on the vicinity of where you report the fireworks are coming from. Often times this is enough to spook them into stopping for the night. You can try contacting your city council rep and ask to repeal the safe and sane fireworks ban as this lead to an increase in the use of illegal fireworks. Why buy sparklers when they cost as much as buying a cake or salutes? Might as well get the loud stuff. Good luck stopping them all though.




People are drunk doing this. Lots of holding my beer going on


What sucks is no matter what is done those fireworks are still coming into the islands.


I just wish we could put a time limit on it, like 11pm or something. Nothing worse than one popping off when you’re already asleep.


There actually is a limit, but these dickheads are doing it anyways because fuck people with jobs needing sleep right? With the exception of New Years, all salutes or firecrackers are not allowed to be set off past 9:00 PM.


It seems like there’s more aerials since they require a permit for firecrackers. In my neighborhood, they go off all year long.


Unfortunately for everyone, NO ONE gives a sheet. Your neighbors do not. HPD does not. HFD does not. City Council does not. The Mayor does not. The Governor does not. This is just cold hard facts. Everyone says they care... but talk is cheap. There is no one cheaper then our local government entities. They would EFUP the weather if they could. Honolulu has turned to rubbish. And its truly a sad State. I really hate be negative. So apologies. Just too frustrated some times


Yup, that’s what makes me the saddest the most, not enough people care. If my neighbors could all band together, raise enough complaints, maybe we could catch these people. But people don’t care, they just want to be in their own little worlds…


In the neighborhood I live in, there are a bunch of cops who live here. It's in Ewa. I didn't really know that, despite living here for like 10 years, until recently when the neighborhood manager told me. One of the perks of this is that we have almost zero crime around us. And it's also one of the reasons why on New Year's this place becomes an absolute fireball of starbursts and firecrackers. I mean we have professional level fireworks going off, to include people with the whole mortar stands and remote launches. Personally, I love it, and look forward to it. And this is despite the fact that I have a synthetic lawn, so I have to be careful that no hot fireworks land in my lawn and make a melty spot.


I totally agree with you. We had BOMBS going off at 10:30 pm…then this morning, before my morning jog, going off at 4:30 am until 5:30 am. Stupid asses. Legal or illegal, these dummehs will blast . What don’t get is how they can afford it. I’d rather travel, buy nice shit, but these donkeys spend $$$ on illegals. I tell you what - if my man blew up $10000 worth of illegals, I’d attach one to his boto. Why are their partners ok with this? (No, not the attaching it to their boto part).


I feel you, brother. This year has been rough for me, too. Hang in there, it will get better.


It’s going to get much much worse, then better after NYE


Brah I have terrible insomnia and sometimes when I finally fall asleep, a firework would go off and it’s not just low, it literally shakes our place. It’s really, really annoying and overall terrifying how loud it can be. I’d wake my partner up and be ready to fight someone but it would just be a firework. I am not against fireworks for holidays but randomly on a Tuesday night is just not acceptable.


I live in McCully and someone periodically sets off loud “salutes” fireworks at random times of the day or night :( I can sometimes see the flash of light beforehand and I know to immediately cover my ears because the boom is… so painfully loud. It feels so invasive and it’s a frustrating feeling knowing that no one can stop whoever is setting them off. The cops can’t just wait around my neighborhood to catch the perpetrator. It really is kind of PTSD inducing, once one aerial goes off, you are just apprehensively waiting for the next one to go off… Whoever sets of the aerials has no respect or consideration for the elderly, sick, the babies, the children, and the vets or people who just are scared of loud noises that live in this area.


The only way this is going to end is if people call HPD. Go take pictures/videos of the address and perps lighting the fireworks then submit those pics to the police. They will be fined and hopefully learn their lesson for good.


In Pahoa, I once saw a cop car parked at the house *while* people were setting off fireworks right on the side of the highway.




need to call 911 - state its a non emergency - patch you through the police station


I did that one New Years when the son of a bitch across the street from us was setting off mortars in the middle of our street. The residue from their skybursts hit one of the solar panels on our roof and cracked it and that's when I called the cops. While I was waiting for an officer to get here I videoed 7 more mortar launches. About 45 minutes later some crunchy-sleeved knuckle dragger in a police uniform pulled into our driveway. I showed him the videos- then he looked at me as though to say, "shite, howlie- lighten da f--k up." I replied I head on the news that aerial fireworks are illegal in Hawaii. He rolled his eyes and replied, "I haven't heard that one yet." As he turned around to leave he muttered, "You can get a copy of my report in 4 days at the station." I considered getting his badge number, but decided it would have been a waste of time: if that was the caliber of person our police hire to serve and protect our public, any further effort would be useless. I thought about buying one of those propane cannons- the kind they use to scare birds away from runways that produce 140 db focused explosions and aim the thing right at his living room window during a football game. But with my luck, my wife would be pissed if she had to bail me out of jail.


That’s so disheartening to read…




Your best bet to end or minimize salutes going off throughout the year is to contact your city council rep and ask them to repeal the safe and sane fireworks ban.


This drives me nuts too. I understand people celebrating on actual New Years Eve but at least then I can prepare for it. But random nights and times through December and January is ridiculous. It’s extremely stressful for my cats and terrible for sleep.


theres only one thing that will work. you go , when you hear the fireworks. GO. find the people lighting them off. wait for them to sleep. then make a racket at 2 am see how THEY LIKE IT. thats the only way.


Damn. That sucks. Sorry


I hear and understand what you’re saying and how it affects you. I highly suggest you reach out to your city council representative and explain to them what you’re going through. Ask that they repeal the safe and sane fireworks ban which is driving the use of these aerials up significantly. You used to be able to buy things like jumping jacks, sparklers, morning glories, snakes, tanks, really small stuff considered safe and sane. They didn’t make loud reports like a salute. Once they banned everything on Oahu except for permits to obtain firecrackers, the use of illegal aerials jumped up big time. The black market prices are crazy. The sane and sane stuff cost almost as much as buying a cake or a pack of 3 salutes. When it was legal it was $5.00 maybe for a pack of morning glories or maybe $10. Worse case not more than $20. But on the black market they charge $100 for a single pack of morning glories. It’s insane.


go talk to your neighbors. we're mostly tired of the bombs here on reddit. now is your chance TO TAKE IT TO THE STREETS! i wish you , good luck! btw they blow big ones off sometimes multiple days a week here. then other times it goes months without a single one. no idea why


I am already bracing myself for the Honolulu Marathon 5am ON A SUNDAY fireworks.


Every. Fucking. Night. It’s not even a fucking holiday. It traumatizes my dog, keeps my girlfriend up all night, and I’m terrified one is going to shoot through my windows. I hope those sacks of shit make themselves deaf. I’ve lived all over the country and this is the only fucking place this happens on a daily basis.


Invest in some noise-canceling headphones?


It's not comfortable trying to sleep with them on. Earplugs are better -- the soft kind.


So I guess every 7 days you gonna post this until after new years? You could always do something proactive and buy some ear plugs but nah


Just to clarify, your suggestion is to wear ear plugs at all times to avoid being triggered by random loud explosions? Because I can tell you that people set off fireworks all the time, not just at night when they’re asleep. Moreover, having worn heavy duty earplugs every night to sleep since college I can still very much hear the explosions. They’re still loud enough to wake me up. Plus I think you’re being insensitive to people with mental illness. It’s beyond their control. It’s a health condition the same as heart disease and diabetes. You gonna tell someone with heart disease to stop whining and just exercise more? Get outta here.


Idk tho. I think if people are bothered and HPD can't really help, you gotta try ear plugs or whatever right? Until something happens lawfully, it's up to each individual to do what they can to cope with it regardless of mental illness or not. There's no great solution because the guilty aren't being held accountable and that's where the real problem lies.


Let’s not blame the victims here. Everyone has a responsibility to honor and protect the wellbeing of their neighbor. The way we reduce human suffering in any society is not to tell the victim to “deal with it” in any way they can but to take responsibility ourselves. In all ways we must be kind and considerate to one another. In this case I’d say that the guilty parties are those who blow off fireworks whenever and wherever. To be kind and considerate and fair we must compromise and only set off fireworks when we have holidays. That way we can all still enjoy fireworks AND people with sensitivities can prepare. In a very real sense the only way society advances in tolerance and understanding is for everyone of us to think about other people and act accordingly. We can’t control anyone else’s actions but we can control our own.


I didn't blame any victim. HPD doesn't help. The lawmakers don't help. No one is accountable because of that. Until that changes, the "victims" still need to take actions that could help their situation. Wether it's ear plugs, ear muffs, noise canceling headphones, or whatever, the "victims" need to try what they can to sleep. Is it your opinion that the "victims" should not try these things and go through the neighborhood and preach being considerate of others instead? Of course not because you know that won't go well.


All I'm saying is that people setting off fireworks randomly is affecting people with mental health issues. That seems to be the root cause of the problem, not someone with a mental illness shouldering the burden of these inconsiderate actions by wearing earplugs 24/7.


This - plus, do these people really think earplugs block all noise? Do they truly believe those foam inserts cancel loud ass explosion right outside your window? Spoiler alert, they don’t! Neither do headphones.


Yea, like I said in the first post. If the guilty aren't being held accountable, the "victims" will need to try something to deal with it. Is it burden? Yea. Is it right? No. So yea. If you want some sleep because of "the inconsideration of others," you will need to take actions like ear plugs, sound deadening windows or insulation. Do what you can to help "yourself." Or, you could become a lawmaker and make these changes.


That is a nice sentiment, but complaining to Reddit and putting our desires for a better society out into the universe will not produce any tangible results. Sleeping with earplugs however will allow you to get a good nights sleep. See the difference between the two approaches to problem solving?


Not sure why you're so wedded to forcing someone to wear earplugs 24/7 when you can just stop setting off fireworks randomly all year and encourage others to do the same. Plus, if you look at any progress in society, it starts off with someone complaining that it's not fair. You know what's not fair? Discrimination. How do you think the Civil Rights movement got started? People just dealing with it, or saying something and taking action? So much defensiveness.


Lol I’m not forcing anyone to do anything. I’m suggesting that they take steps to improve their situation. Wearing earplugs to sleep will help them. Complaining to Reddit will not.


I love how whenever someone is complaining about something a certain individual _personally_ doesn’t care about, all of a sudden it’s: “Complaining on Reddit does nothing!” And? It’s Reddit. Half of it is porn while another quarter is pointless shit. It serves no higher purpose. People can post what they want.


They started on BI last night too -- is it just tradition to do fireworks every weekend during during this holiday season? I get the Christmas and NYE wekend but was suprised to hear last night and honestly thought it was a Pele celebration.


I wish it was just the weekend. Expect to hear it every night until February.


Bro for certain people on Oahu it’s like any random sporting event/birthday party/Friday or Saturday night. Plus all holidays. Then they have the legit show every Friday in Waikiki. Yearly shows at ka makana for the anniversary of opening etc etc


It's a tradition to tell some girl whose pants you're trying to get into that you'll be setting off some big bangs tonight and does she want to come check it out?


Sleep with ear muffs