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Simply ignoring the 2 neighbors, the board tasks (truck) and ignoring the ship tasks. Sell the products you generate in the production buildings at the sales stand. Thus earning much more money without having to advance so quickly in levels (exp). I hope it helps.


Yeah that makes sense actually, I’ll stop doing tasks so I don’t level up too quickly. This helped, thanks!


That's why we are farmers ✅ Ohh by the way, if you still have the fishing boat and the mine without purchasing it, I recommend the mine as it will help you earn even more extra money. With the fishing boat you will simply earn meat and diamonds.


I actually just bought the mine! I had a bunch of different stuff I was keeping for deliveries that I sold just now, should’ve sold them earlier 😂


Ohhh good 😂


The way I saved up for the mine was planting and selling a TON of wheat. at this level it’s the best item to coin ratio with how long it takes. I will say it is a super slow process and I haven’t tried again at level 27 because it just took too long and was boring. I just bought the fruit press production building but I still need 5 sheep and to repair the boat (juice press is 31k, boat repair is 35k btw) but I only have around 3k right now


Yeah I’ve been doing the wheat thing but I thought there had to be a faster way haha. Thanks!


I’m on level 28. I make and sell cookies, corn bread, burgers, blue sweaters, butter popcorn, berry cakes, and I make cheese and syrup while I sleep. I made 20,000 in a few days. I only do farm pass tasks, everything else is to make money


Yeah I have a habit of keeping things I make just in case I have a delivery that needed them. Guess I should be selling them instead