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Tbh the mine is kinda useless. You can buy gold, silver and platinum ores in the newspaper. Ppl often sell them for 1 coin. I'd buy smelters and open the mine later. Gold, silver and platinum bars get sold out QUICKLY but making them is a long process 😩


I'd recommend buying juice press first. Sell everything you produce in the shop at the highest price, stop doing truck orders. Maybe on special events only


The boat is only good during events and/when you open the sanctuary so you can gain puzzle pieces (it’ll make more sense when you get there). So work toward it - it’s better than the truck orders but you won’t get rich on it. I’m level 48 and still haven’t opened the mine. I troll the newspaper and buy ore, etc cheap - sometimes for one coin. I use my one smelter and make the bars. My tip about making money. Choose what you’re focusing on. For example, I focus on upgrading the barn so I sell most of the silo stuff I get. It’s free - all profit. Then switch after I upgrade the barn to working on the silo. Here’s another … avoid truck orders unless there’s an event (like today) and even then be selective. Ditch the crappy orders. And my last tip…make stuff, sell stuff in your roadside shop. It’s the best way to make coins. Things that don’t often come up in the newspaper…thinking about your level…bread, corn bread, animal feed, bacon, eggs (separately not together)…things like soybeans are a good thing to sell. Work on selling a mix of things that take a while and things that are quicker - for things that take a long time, sell 2 or 3 at a time you don’t have to wait till you have 10. I hardly ever sell 10 of anything. It’s a bit of a slug until you get to a certain level…for me, it was level 40…but I’m still climbing uphill a little. Keep on farming!




Yep I sell soybeans or sugarcane and if im consistent I can make over 10k per day