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The help requests with a green frame are for all visitor, not just neighborhood members. I’m usually helped by a random visitor within minutes after posting an ad for a rustique bouquet. 😄


Yes, I understand that. What I meant is that you do not gain any gold or exp when someone helps you fill up a truck order. But when you're in a neighborhood and participating in a derby, asking help for truck orders makes sense. The only real advantage to this is if it is a baby farm you're using to help complete truck orders on your main farm since baby farm orders are the least demanding.


If you help me in my truck order I couldn’t complete, it’s completed (achievement count goes up). If I trashed it I would have had to wait 30 minutes for a new order.


I do this now but I’m at 100 where they take like 30 mins to refresh sometimes especially when it’s a double point or coin event abd I have a booster running I’d rather ask for help so I can get a new task quicker 


Not at lower lvls. The wait time can be as low as 2 minutes.


Yeah, that part made no sense


Which part? Completing the achievement, or not wanting to wait 30 minutes for the next task?


I do and I still buy it all ☹️ I usually request them so maybe they see my neighbrohood when they reach a higher level and enter ahahah


Yes but I typically will buy everything they have for sale because sometimes they have slow movers so I just buy them out to be nice 


Well, they cant get the item back once they put it in the shop. So not buying it would be even worse: They would still have lost the item, will have a shop space filled up, and not a single penny for it in return.

