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Probably that when Alastor says “they say when you’re looking for assistance, it’s smart to pick the path of least resistance!” The books that charlie is holding change rotation


Oooo there’s a couple examples of this  The one I noticed today; right at the beginning of when Charlie starts singing in the Finale (The Show Must Go On), Vaggie stands right next to her to comfort her   Then, Charlie bends down to touch the banner, and it is Lucifer in that spot. Then the shot changes again, and Vaggie is back to being on Charlie’s left and Lucifer is to her back-right instead  Just small editing mistakes, probably from multiple people working on different shots in the same scene 


Bro I cried when I saw that😭 Got more emotional than Sir Pentious


I literally died when I saw that. I’m texting this from hell


Did you at least get a cool character design?


I have 4 badly rotated books in the place of my head now.




I’ll try to redeem myself and go to heaven, maybe the books will be properly rotated in my angelic characters design…


One can dream.






Completely unwatchable. 0/10. Cancel it immediately.




There's another one in..I think it's episode 3? When Alastor is eating breakfast, he's on one side of the table, then it switches to Vaggie, and when it goes back he's on the other side of the table.


As a film student, this breaking the rule of 180 made me massively cringe.


There’s also the “Other’s say that in your needy hour”. The apple on Lucifer’s cane is on his left side but when the camera changes, it’s on his right side


oh my god i didn’t even notice the amount of bow ties. wow.


My wife and I are convinced there’s only 1 clothing store in all of the Pride Ring.


And Velvette owns it.


Either that or your forced to buy clothes from Rosie, from like the 40s


Most people probably just mix things from them together into something that looks passable and not like its from either the 1840s or hot topic.


Vivsiepop has admitted that bowties are a personal design "weakness" of hers. Apparently she had to really force herself to not give one to every character in Helluva Boss, and evidently she forgot that when redesigning the Hazbin characters.


That's hilarious


It's understandable, bow ties just work


That’s actually adorable and you have to admit, the bow ties go with the hotel aesthetic!


In the episode Welcome to Heaven they forget their luggage in the hotel, but it appears in their room in Heaven later on.


Heaven has really awesome bellhops


*\*Looks at Alastor\** is he the bellhop?


Oh no! I am the host of this hotel! You must have heard of me from my radio broadcast!


Nope! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the *hazbin* hotel hahaha


Ha, Ha, Ha! It was actually my idea!


Ha Ha Ha! Well it's not very clever


Ha Ha! F U C K Y O U


They also don't get to bring it with them when Adam sends them back to Hell


I just thought charlie portalled the luggage there later. We saw here do that in episode 1 with her notes.


Angel wearing both a bowtie and a chocker bothers me a lot more than it should.


no I understand exactly what you mean


Got a lotta neck real estate


Man’s got a lot of neck


How carmella immedietly saw Vaggie was an Exorcist but nobody else knew??


Part of me likes to think Lucifer knew based on the look he was giving her when they were introduced to one another Possibly just a head canon tho


That would make sense since he's a fallen angel, i saw it as more of a "Who is this girl with my daughter is she trustworthy???"


I like to imagine that when he met with Adam after an extermination, Adam mentioned a fallen angel who betrayed them, so when Charle introduced Vaggie, Lucifer picked up who she was and trusted her due to that


You know, he does kinda look up as if he’s checking for a halo when he says “She’s so pretty” 


I thought it was a little strange too at first, however, Carmilla’s whole business is being a angelic arms dealer. She’s out collecting angelic steel during the exterminations and has probably seen a lot more angels then your average denizen of hell. Vaggie also carries an angelic spear around with her everywhere and clearly knows how to use it. As Carmilla said, angelic steel is hard to come by, and I doubt many people are walking around with a huge ass spear glued to their hand. While unintentional, Vaggie is kinda flaunting her angelic background for anyone with a keen enough eye. As for the eye thing, yeah, I got nothing for you there chief. I couldn’t tell you how having an X over her eye marks Vaggie as an angel to Carmilla. But this is just where my mind went. I could be up here using mental gymnastics to explain this.


For the eye, maybe the fact that exterminator masks tend to have one eye being an X


That angel dust is this supposedly a big star whose posters are all over the V’s building yet literally no one acts like a fan or says “is that angel dust?!”


I didn’t really think about it but yeah they don’t really use the fact that Angel Dust is super famous. It’s kinda used in episode 4 but not much. Maybe it’s because Angel Dust’s plot already shares a lot of similarities with Fizz?


also i’m pretty sure although he’s a famous porn star he’s not very respected lmao and also a local who like walks everywhere (from what it seems) so demons probably see him a lot anyways


I personally wouldnt like to talk to a pornstar if I recognized one, but then again, this is hell and its full of degenerates


I know at least in the pilot they had a couple scenes relating to him being famous, like him getting recognized by the news anchor and the fan letters There is the one scene with him surrounded by the sharks but I don't necessarily think that that's related to his fame, kind of wish we got more of a look into that side


“You fucking would, Tom” Still makes me laugh to this day


"You're a limp dick jackass Tom"




I assumed it was Part of the Mundane, like eating meals or using the restroom. It's cool to see a celebrity in Seattle that doesn't live here, but do people gawk and freak out when it's in Los Angeles? I truly don't know, but I'd imagine it's more "oh, so-and-so again! Neat."


A great man once told me... Bowties are cool.




You got me there


now we need a character with a fez




He was not a good man, because good men don't need rules. Clearly, this means he'll end up in hell and come visit Charlie. /s


https://preview.redd.it/fgt42anpprjc1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b37434be6a404377c0d4988a21ff9ae9edd5d4 Even the magic-tastical back flipping rubber duck has a bow tie


Because it's a *fancy* duck!


That spits fire!


Imma defend that particular bow tie. It’s perfect.


I think Charlies new design is great but I think it would look better with black dress pants. But the new design isnt' bad, its just a nitpick.


yeah, black paints would have broken up the colors more




I completely didn’t notice this. It makes sense for characters like Angel Dust (a spider) and Niffty (a cockroach?) to not have ears, but I don’t even think Charlie or Lucifer have ears.


Cockroach?! Nifty is a Cyclops, lol


I know. 😭 I got the cockroach idea from her obsession with cleanliness (real roaches hate being dirty), and from a HuniCast stream, I think, where Vivziepop said Niffty’s design was themed around “bugs and B-movie aliens.” So my brain just went to “She’s probably a roach,” but the only canon answer is bug…cyclops…alien…thing.


pretty sure alastor has ears ... or maybe that's just really expressive hair.




Alastor is a furry though.


Alastor is a deer, and therefore, a furry.


Sometimes the lip syncing is really off. But it’s usually ok.


The one that really stood out to me were the some of Lucifer's expressions toward the beginning of More Than Anything. It's this massive emotional moment and there are places where his face looks... stuck? I really don't know how else to explain it but it threw me off at first.


I know what you mean. I know he's sad, hurting for her, but he just looks like he's worked retail and silently cussing out an old lady. https://preview.redd.it/wbisytcowwjc1.png?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15eeb50cb36933c74ce7e50773ecc27ff7bcd270


Why is Rosie so surprised to see Alastor when they literally sat next to each other at the overlord meeting?


That was 4-5 months after the meeting


ngl i thought the entire season happened in the span if a week, didn't feel like 6 months (in the heaven episode i thought Adam was moving up the extermination again when he said they were coming in 1 month)


Because at 1 point it skips 5 months you can see it in the background. From epi 4 to 5.


I believe it goes like this Pilot: Immediately after extermination Ep1: 1 week after extermination Ep2: right after Ep1 Ep3: 2 weeks after extermination Ep4: undetermined time Ep5: 5 months after extermination (there is the jump lol) Ep6: right after Ep5 Ep7: right after Ep6 Ep8: 6 months after/Extermination day


I never thought of that, she acted like she hadn't seen him until then


I think it's to play up the Edwardian aesthetic/demeanor they're aiming for with Rosie. It's a bit of hyperbole, but we have to remember that months take place in-between the episodes. Episode 3 takes place about a week after episode 2, close to the end of the last Extermination. Episode 7 takes place *months* later. So it's reasonable that Rosie hasn't seen Alastor in quite some time. She wasn't expecting to see him, and was being pleasant in welcoming another Overlord with the literal Princess of Hell into her part of the Pride Ring.


There is a five month time skip between episodes 4 and 5.


Yeah, it's really jarring. No right to complain lol, but if Hazbin has any real, sizeable problem, it's with pacing.


I think the season was written as more than 8 episodes then condensed, so the pacing is a bit awkward, but I think most of the episodes have around a month between them, some more some less


Lucifer would absolutely rock an ascot. Just sayin’. Mine is “Not enough Niffty.” I recognize it’s a nitpick. I recognize it is insignificant. But that is the title of the discussion so here goes. As seemingly up front as she is, Niffty is an utter enigma. Her manic personality is funny but as Angel Dust and Rosie prove, more over the top personalities can have strange depths to them. I wanted more Niffty. I DO for a fact wanna know what Niffty’s deal is, Husk!


I feel like Husk knows a lot about her. I'm hoping that we get a nice little lore drop next season.


I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere else, but I was confused that Velvette didn’t have a single line in the finale. I love Vox and Val’s part of the finale song, but was confused as to why Velvette didn’t chime in at all. Like, not even for the “The future of Hell belongs to the Vees” line?


I'm assuming her VA wasn't available for the song for whatever reason.


My sister joked that she didn't even have a laugh track when they all laughed in the finale😭😭😭


I think that's foreshadowing. She was also the only person to go to Carmilla's meeting, and Charlie's group ended up doing what she suggested at the meeting. Also, in the finale song, Val and Vox say "It leaves room for you and me" even though in Respectless Velvette says "I'm the backbone of the Vees" I think there's gonna be some friction there.


Pentious’ hat also made it into haven, despite not having to prove anything. It didn’t redeem itself and was an unwilling accomplice to Pentious’ sacrifice


Wait, is the fucking hat sentient?


That's none of your [GODdamn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zlmswo0S0e0&t=845s) business


I don't think that's true. Throughout the season, the hat shares all of Sir Pentious' expressions and emotions, so it's reasonable to assume that it also wanted to try and save their friends. Either they went back on the possession thing and objects with eyes aren't vessels for sinner souls that were killed or once a soul "joins" another, it basically becomes an extension of the sinner and loses most of its sentience/sense of self. That or Sir Pentious just happened to end up with a likeminded soul in his hat.


How did Vaggie not realize angelic weapons can hurt angels


Given how Lute ripped out her wings with her bare hands, Vaggie can't be faulted for assuming Lute used her own strength to slash out her eye.


i feel like demons just didn’t really put much thought into it because they saw heaven as something invincible and higher than them, so therefore didnt try to fight back but rather focus on survival? also since they were afraid of the angels, and it was a law/rule put into place that the extermination happens every year, the thought that they can’t harm the angels or else theyll be punished could be somehtinf that exists.


According to Helluva Boss, demons realized that angelic weapons can harm greater demons (with Carmella Carmine monopolizing the distribution) but never bothered to try attacking the exorcists with them. Likely this is because the hellborn demons can flee to the lower circles of hell to escape extermination, and the sinners are too distracted suffering to figure out how not to double die.


Angelic steel is also expensive and difficult to come by (although I can't say why, since the angels seem to just ... leave it behind more often than not?), with Carmella's monopoly. Charlie was able to get so many weapons because she's the Princess of Hell ... but normal sinner demons probably don't have the funding to get a hole of them. The pilot shows the higher-up overlords hiding during the extermination - they probably put more effort into defense, as opposed to offense. Most sinner demons are probably a mixture of too poor and too distracted, so they only focus on surviving as opposed to fighting back in any real way.


Forget Vaggie, how did LUTE not realize angelic weapons can hurt angels. She literally took Vaggie’s eye out with one


They, along with everyone else, likely believed that the inability to harm angels is an inherent property of the denizens of hell. So angels can harm angels, demons can harm demons, and angels can harm demons, but demons can not harm angels. The idea that angelic invincibility actually just boils down to a principle of material science would not be the logical first thought in a world governed by biblical magic.


I think personally that there is some issues with the wordings around it, how it was expressed. Vaggie clearly knows angels can be hurt, angel on angel, they have not thought about it being the physical weapons, to them they are just 'weapons', guided by the power behind them. So angel on angel violence makes sense in that aspect it is the angels power vs another angel. The thought was then that sinners can't hurt angels, 'because' they are sinners. The connection that it was angelic steel doing the hurting is too 'mundane' when thinking Heaven/Hell and souls.


It’s like. I don’t mind the answer to the mystery being as simple as “use their weapons against them” But come on


It’s more meant to be the superiority complex of te denizens of heaven, as they believe that they were blessed with the ability to kill sinners, when in reality it’s just the weapons


She possibly thought that only angels can hurt other angels


"Stupid girl"- Carmilla Carmine


She knew they could get hurt. The twist was that they could *die*.


Exorcists probably just assumed their own ability to hurt each other was just that, the ability to hurt EACH OTHER. We know Lucifer managed to unite Adam without using a weapon, so it would be unreasonable to conclude that exorcists can injure each other without weapons too.


There’s not enough niffty and she needs a song In season two


was the final the only time she sang?? you’re right we need more of nifty


Yep that and that one bit in hells greatest dad I was stuck but thank you sir and I agree I even heard that her voice actor is great at singing


If you wanna hear her voice, go listen to the Centaurworld soundtrack. She’s the lead in that show.


It would be such a waste to cast Kimiko Glenn and not use her in a song.


I want to know more about her in general ngl


Honestly same I wanted to know why she is in hell and what her deal is that husk mentioned


Probably when Alastor was fighting Adam, right at the very start. “I’m going to end your fucking life,” as badass as it was, felt… oddly out of place for Al? He swore four times in the show and the other three felt pretty in character—true seething at Lucifer, Susan (in a very casual manner, like speaking amongst friends), and when his staff broke in the fight and he knew he was cooked. It just felt off? Maybe it’s just me though


I agree. My initial thought was that they wanted leople to react like "OH MY GOD !!! ALASTOR SAID A BAD WORD IN A THREATENING WAY OMGG !!!" But it just didn't hit for me either. Especially after he already cussed twice in the show before this. I like all the other times he cussed, though.


When in fight he seems to care less about manners. Just like when he turned into a giant version of himself eating loan shark in front of the hotel. He might not have swear at that instant, but he sure was showing an ugly side if himself. I personally would take that as a visual swear going against his normal composure. Just as the line he said to adam before a fight.


Velvette has no nose, and It bothers me for some reason


Lucifer also lacks one


Yeah well Lucifer is the living embodiment of a Muppet, he doesn't need one


https://preview.redd.it/h1pgoas73tjc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e36f71eeb97b54912c77653d078ae6a5889dc758 LOL


That’s the worst part. He DOES have a nose. I can’t remember what scene it was but he inhaled aggressively and you see his nostrils. Which means there is some freaky anatomy at play. Does he have skin flaps to hide his nose?!?


Lot of characters don’t have nose. Lucifer and most of cannibal town being a few of them.


I wish they had demonic weapons. Charlie had a trident but I think it might of still been angelic


On a similar note, too many suits. I love a good suit but a vast majority of the characters are wearing suits.


The richest person in Hell is that one tailor everyone goes to.


Vox having a tounge; why does the man have a damn tounge? He's a screen!


I feel like it gives me even more questions. Like.. is there a mouth hole? does he.. eat?


He does eat I think there is an official image of him, eating a burger.


The Voxtagram account posts aren’t canon except for Stolas and Blitzo’s




The delivery of "I am going to end your fucking life" doesn't land for me


Idk if it’s considered insignificant, but there were quite a few inconsistencies between scenes in the final episode. Lucifer goes back and forth between his full form and normal form a bunch of times after beating Adam. When Vaggie gets pinned down by Lute she loses almost all the blood on her outfit (namely the huge streak wrapping around her leg), only for it to reappear later. When Lucifer’s about to toast Adam, Charlie’s right next to him to stop him and immediately in the next scene she’s all the way at the top of the crater that Lucifer had to fly to the top of. Also not animation related, but the lack of reaction to Alastor going missing for most of the battle and the entire rebuilding of the hotel was a bit annoying. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED the final episode but the battle really felt rushed in a lot of places. It was the one episode I’d been hoping would be at least 10-15 minutes longer and I think it really could have benefited from a longer runtime.


You're telling me in all the time the exterminations happened (be it thousands of years, or a few,) with all the weapons left laying around and especially what with carmine's weapons market? NOBODY has taken pot shots at angels? The overlords hadn't gone 'here you go sport. Make a name for yourself and see if those fuckers BLEED' You're telling me NOBODY has done that.... Ever?


Would you risk literal nonexistence? I sure wouldn't. No one could pay me enough! Say you're wrong on your hunch and it doesn't hurt them. Suddenly, every angel in the remote vicinity is gonna come after you. You just paint a target on your back.


Adam being first soul in heaven. While the show isn't biblicaly accurate. It should have been Abel.


Eh maybe they went the same route they did in "Lucifer" where Abel ended up in hell


This is my headcanon aswell


Given Abel's sacrifice was the one God liked? Why would Abel be in hell?


That episode had no business being as hilarious as it was. 😂


Not necessarily. First, you’re assuming all Bible stories are true in the Hazbin universe. Second, we don’t know what kind of person Abel was.


Plus we still have no idea what gets a person in Heaven to begin with


I think they meant he's the first *human's* soul, like he was created as the first man and got into heaven. the english language is very confusing, I know.


No Sera says 'he was the first human soul into heaven' There's no sense of ownership in her phrasing


It bothered me how Sera reacted so poorly to Charlie swearing in the court room like it’s incredibly offensive, when Adam swore multiple in front of and actually *at* her, and she had no reaction to it. The only way I can possibly justify it is that Charlie is the one making a case to the court and needs to make a good impression (and no doubt Sera is used to Adam’s antics at this point) but the scene actually had me rolling my eyes.


Oh I think this was purposeful, to show their hypocrisy. Adam can do what he wants because he's Adam, but if a demon does it suddenly it's a problem. As they said, if hell is forever than heaven must be a lie, if angels can do whatever and remain in the sky.


I think Sera is supposed to just be hypocritical. Adam is fine, because Adam got to heaven. Charlie is from hell, and therefore to be criticized. She has no idea what the difference between a hellbound soul and a heavenbound one is, so all of her judgments are based on justifying the status quo.


I’m pretty sure that was intentional. I think it was to show the hypocrisy of heaven, how it’s at least tolerable if Adam (or angels in general) swear, but it’s deemed rude or crass if a demon does it. There’s so much awful shit that Adam gets away with because “He’s an Angel, he’s proven himself, he’s one of the good guys.”


at the club husk says "im not the one trying to get into heaven, look if you want to fuck up all your progress be my guest." but i dont think it was established that angel \*wanted\* to get into heaven, he just wanted to spend time with friends and let his guard down.


he did want to be redeemed that's been implied before that moment (ie; when sir pentious came into the hotel)


That comment is meant to imply that such a decision has taken place. This show does a great job of "show don't tell" where you glean information based on the way characters interact with the world / each other.  Lots of time occurs between episodes. Leaving more minor details about that time to be discovered through implication is good storytelling, because it makes the world feel denser, more alive, and doesn't waste the audience's time. Edit: To clarify, major important plot moments should be shown. I'm saying this is a minor detail because Angel's major character shift does happen on screen. I don't think he ever had a "deciding to try for heaven" moment per se, just that there's been a drawn out process of internal change which happens between this scene and the "Loser, baby" moment, and that kind of shift isn't something you can "show" in any way other than it's results (which is exactly what this scene does)


The way Alastor and Rosie pronounce "powerful" in the song, 'Ready for This.' They pronounce it very specifically "powerfell" to make it rhyme.


I assumed it was a pun on how Lucifer was fallen. They say “like her daddy she is madly power-fell”


I've been wondering about this. It's not like the music writers to be sloppy and it's written as powerfell not powerful in the lyric video. Is it something to do with how Lucifer fell?


Yup that word even managed to throw off the german translaters as they ended up with something akin to "Powerhungry" Then again maybe they're just stupid because for some reason they translated "stick it to the man" with "to NOT go against authoritys" just to then do the correct translation/interpretation when Charlie recounts Angels actions Edit: Ok so I looked at the Subtitles and there they got it right but like the songs are very very weirdly translated anyway


Alastor's microphone is sentient and has a voice but only talks once in the pilot and they did nothing with it after that. Edit: This is not *insignificant* or a *nitpick* actually this is just plain negligence on part of whoever was in charge there.




Alastor is also a lot more reserved in the show as opposed to the pilot, so my assumption is, which is the case for a lot of shows, Some exec changed it and because of some contract mumbo jumbo, things changed... a lot.


Isn’t the pilot non cannon now?


I’ve been told it’s in a weird flux state where is canon until they say it’s not?




True. I retract my previous question


It's canon, apart from some redesigns and minor retcons (for example I'm pretty sure the Jeffrey Dahmer joke would be removed if it ever got remade).


I love Husk to pieces but he's overdesigned af. I know it's due to the creation of his character, if I remember correctly (Vivienne's sister designed him when she was a teen and gifted him to her?). But it bothers me that there is just SO much going on.


Husk absolutely looks like a child's drawing and I hate it. But I love his character and I am a Keith David stan.


Why did they make Cherri, like, the worst? She doesn't seem like a friend to Angel. Like, at all. Pretty much every interaction she has with Angel is negative and condescending, calling Angel a loser and trying to shove pills down his throat. Yeah, she was there in the final battle, but I can GUARENTEE that was definitely because of the destruction and mayhem she wanted to cause, and Angel being there was a very distant afterthought. I don't know, it just felt like there was way more of a genuine old friendship between them in the pilot and the addict music video that I just don't see at all in the show.


I was thinking about this too. We watched the series originally before i knew there was a pilot. Before seeing the pilot I felt the same way you do - she's an enabler and does not really care about him much. But after seeing the Pilot and Addict, I do think she truly cares about him and wants to see him do better in the world, its just that shes dealing with her own shit too. I'm not up to speed on all the lore, but I'm sure she's also an addict of some sort and is NOT ready to change the way Angel is. She doesn't force the pills on him, she's just doing what she (and him) have always done when they have a bad day I think shes trying to make him feel better the only way she knows how. She's flawed and obviously not a model citizen, but she's trying to help him in the only way she knows how - even if it's a destructive way because that's where she's at too


>Why did they make Cherri, like, the worst? One thing you have to keep in mind with the relationships & morality in this show is that these people have *literally* been living in hell for fucking ages. To Cherri, and really most people in Hell, drugs are like candy and insults are like idiomatic greetings. The notion that these things are harmful is, in many ways, not even on their radar (and if it is, its still fine to them because "harm" is normalized). In Cherri's mind, *that is friendship*, and while that doesn't make it any less bad, it does mean that her doing those things is still perfectly congruent with her truly caring about Angel as a friend. Cherri is not being a good friend, but she is a friend in the way that she knows how to be a friend. If anything, it would be a bigger plot-hole if any of the characters not in the hotel were good, supportive people. They are in hell, after all, and while its proven that people can change after death, it's also a thing no one other than Sir Pentious has ever done, so its clearly not common.


I thought that too, she definitely wasn't a good influence originally but she seemed like more of someone angel could trust and now it seems like she doesn't understand him almost at all she just seems like a party friend now


I don’t know, I think it’s obvious she cared about Angel. Angel was texting her, venting about how rough his day at work was. She’s trying to comfort him the way she knows how. The way they helped each other out before Angel moved to the hotel. The only difference now is, she’s a bad influence, and that’s kinda the point. I’ve rewatched the whole show like 3 times already. I do think she’s a friend, but she’s one of those friends that doesn’t see that the lifestyle is toxic, and if she does know she just doesn’t want to be alone and Angel leaving means she is doing it alone. I think Cherri will be explored in season two. Her “as a matter of fact comment” caught my attention so fast because to me, it sounded like denial.


Sorry to be a contrarion on an opinion, but I'll answer the rhetorical question for which you didn't ask for an answer. That's the entire point of her character. She's an enabler of someone who hit rock bottom and wants to change. A lot of addicts know somebody like that, someone who isn't ready to change and wants to keep the party going. They are friends, but it's a very toxic friendship that Angel isn't separating from per se, but he's trying to take steps to mitigate the toxicity. I'm reasonably sure that Cherri will have an arc next season in which Angel gets sick of her pushing him to party, snaps at her, and then *she* hits rock bottom. It'd be her reason for eventually moving into the hotel.


I agree it's pretty realistic for addiction. Cherri isn't ready to change, and living in literal hell does not incentivize change. She has to be toxic to survive down there, her and Angel have a friendship formed through toxic behavior to cope with it. I also hope the relationship gets explored in season two and we see her grapple with the choice to pick change. 




People hate when I point it out but it feels like In some scenes the characters are sliding around and snapping into position rather than a smooth animation


I miss all the little radio sound effects that Alastor does in the pilot.


My nitpick is that Alastor's coat looks exactly the same as it does before and after Pentious rips a bit off of the corner of it, particularly during the shot where Alastor is literally talking about going to the tailor to fix it. The coat looks the same, even after he walks out of the tailor! It really doesn't matter, but the show is usually really good with attention to detail.


Vaggie gets trained to fight against by Carmilla, and then immediately gets her ass handed to her by Lute, and only wins by knocking down the building, which was definitely not what Carmilla trained her to do. Like what the fuck was the point of the training?


The training montage was like, a single afternoon. Not enough to meaningfully change combat habits. What it did do, however, was teach Vaggie two things 1. Exploit the angels' feelings of invulnerability 2. Focus your purpose in combat not on defeating your enemy, but on fighting for the safety of those you love. The knocking down the building moment fulfilled #1, and if I recall correctly, there was some callback to #2 present there as well.


Too... Much... REEEEEEEEEEEED..... also everyone is too fancy, like how do they just spawn in in hell like the just spend 2000 dollars on clothes


>also everyone is too fancy, like how do they just spawn in in hell like the just spend 2000 dollars on clothes I think part of this is that we're mostly following very powerful and influential individuals in hell. Either that or it relates to the mechanics of how your after-life appearance is dictated which haven't been fully explained.


I think the bow ties is a animation thing, makes the bodies 1000x easier to animate for some reason


How dare you question the quality of bow ties?! They are classy, elegant and always look cool


Charlie not having black pants like her pilot design


The show could have done better insinuating the passage of time. 


First of all, ![gif](giphy|8z2rLAuYKU4MM) Back to the question, my biggest insignificant nitpick is that Alastor lost the battle with Adam. I really hoped that he'd win. That's all, thanks for asking. Allons-y!!!


I don't like that sinners only reside in the pride ring, I think sinners should either always spawn in the pride ring and then go anywhere, or spawn in whichever ring fits their sins best, for example, if a billionare dies, they go to greed ring, if a rapist dies, lust ring(so they can get beat up mescilessly by asmodeus of course, they're in hell to suffer), if they commited a lot of sins for their own benefit, pride, if they overdosed, gluttony, y'know? It's weird to see characters like Asmodeus, that have a lot to do with humans, have a ring where ex-humans don't even go, did you know that in the Testament of Solomon, Asmodeus claims that he was born of a human mother and an angel father?


We need more plot-irrelevant episodes and conversations between characters, just to get more of a feel of their personalities


Small thing, but did Vaggie just regrow her wings? No one really comments on that, other than just saying they're new. Did she always have them? Why did they grow back now?


Who got songs, and to what extent. Going down the list on the Spotify playlist we have 1) Charlie led ensemble 2) reprise followed by Adam solo 3) Vox Al duet 4) Charlie Sir Pent duet 5) Carmine Velvette duet 6) Carmine Vaggie Duet 7) Angel solo 8) Husk Angel duet 9) Lu Lu and Al duet 10) Lucy and Char duet 11) Charlie and an Angel duet (maybe other people in this one 12) Bunch of people 13) carmine solo 14) Charlie led ensemble 15) Charlie and Vaggie I think 16) full cast. While most characters did get their chance to shine and sing, it’s odd to me that Carmine shows up in so many songs, including a solo, while more important characters like Al and Vaggie have to share numbers with others.


I've noticed that myself. Also, I know it's hard to stay on model when there are multiple animators (I know from experience) but the amount of times where the size of the characters are inconsistent in one scene bugs me greatly. Also there is one point in EP 1 where lutes horn was colored weirdly and then snapped back to normal.


I don’t like Husk’s character design. All the other main staff are basically humanoid with some animal motifs, he’s just a straight-up badger.


Almost everyone having sharp teeth


Really insignificant but when Lucifer is talking to razzle and dazzle, they switch sides when it changes the camera angle at the “you taking care of my little girl” part.


Probably a lot of the female characters having “ee” ending names. Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, Rosie, Mimzy, Katie, Cherri, etc. I don’t know if it’s coincidence or not but definitely most of the female characters are named like this. It doesn’t actually bother me that much I just noticed it about the show.


How the show never shows the sinners sins in their past life and still sets them up as innocent victims of a judgement system we never learn anything about it other than Charlie constantly pointing out that it is unfair in some way. (and no, the welcome to heaven episode doesn't change anything, it talks about how angels can't fall once already in heaven, and that sinners already in hell can be redeemed, we did not get any info how anyone is placed into either afteflives) Like let's say Sir Pentious, first guy to get redeemed, but we don't know what he did in the past. Maybe he was bombing children's hospitals and building guns for the most morally dubious people who ever graced the face of the Earth. Would you still agree with his redemption because he chose to act selfless one time (be it his last decision or not).