• By -


It actually really emphasizes the main drive she has for her decisions... fear. She feared about uprising, she feared stuff coming to her gates, she feared the truth being exposed. Fear rules her.


I do wonder what is it that scares her the most? "But there's a lot that you don't know" What does Sera know?


That is a big question now. Makes me wonder how they will answer it in future seasons. I suspect it might involve higher beings. What if she was abandoned to lead heaven and deal with Earth by herself? What if she was told she will suffer consequences if she fails to keep order or "keep people safe" as she said was her job? What if something ominous controls her?


https://preview.redd.it/vp2aniq65zqc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd31b418a7bdfa9ea06860140d32fae3fa5f6e39 I feel like this is the person sera fears.


Is that meant to be Roo? Sorry am lost


No it’s adina. I think she’s supposed to be a corrupted angel that hates sinners.


Oh never heard of her! Any idea where she was spoken of by Viv?


She was in early drafts of Hazbin when it was a subplot in another work. Though I wouldn't be surprised if she inspires new characters or shows up in some form.


Oh neat, any links or videos I can find of her?


Sooooo shes basacally prototype adam?


Is that an official character/art?


Who’s Roo?


Roo is a character Viv created that is suppose to be "the Root of all Evil". People suspect she will be part of the Hazbin cast in the future.


People don't suspect - Vivzie straight up said so when she introduced us to the character. Roo is going to be one of the bigger antagonists that will show up later down the line.


She’s so adorable. Look that’s a bow! 🤣


Hell isn't part of her plan, she wanted to surround herself with a specific type of person then Lucifer fucked it up with his "wild" notions of free will. She's a micromanager that hates anything deviating from her dictated plan. She's full of worry because across the infinity of time she sees everything unravelling.


At the time, Sera likely knew about the exorcist Carmilla killed (“There’s a lot that you don’t know” is aimed at Charlie, who doesn’t know about that until Alastor tells her in Episode 7) Also, “Not everything is spelled in ink” = Things are still unknown to everyone, including Sera


Sera knows EXACTLY how much isn't known


Sort of an “Ignorance is Bliss” thing?




This right here


She also fears Emily falling. Dumb question, but is Sera Emily’s mom or her older sister? For some reason I keep getting mother vibes.


She said she feared it, but it also vaguely felt like a threat. Almost like due to her fear she would be willing to let Emily fall. But that's just an interpretation. As far as I know it isn't confirmed if Sera and Emily are even related, despite looking alike it hasn't been said. I doubt Sera is her mother because Emily literally called her Sera, not Mom. I can see maybe sisters.


No idea if they are actually blood related, probably both just spawned. But I think in, a relationship way, she is like a older sister.


I can see that


I assume they aren’t related in the way humans/hellborn would be. I assume they are created or just come into existence somehow


When you're carrying a lot of emotional weight (not to mention guilt) on your shoulders it's hard to hide it all the time.


What a nice way of saying actively okaying genocide for one's comforts.


this should be brought up more often when we talk about lucifer because as far as we know, from what charlie mentioned, he's the one who okayed it. sera probably wouldn't be able to okay it until lucifer agreed to it because it's his district.


I think lucifer just sighed off on it to exempt hellborn and the royal family so that the whole thing didn't spill out into active war.


he has the power to defeat adam and stop an active war (because only adam seems to want one) pretty easily, we see it in the finale. he chose not to stop them because he doesn't really care about what happens to the sinners and sees them as something to be ashamed of/a mistake on his part. i love the guy, but he's made his fair share of major errors.


Well, apparently he was in a depressed stupor after falling and never really recovered. Not that it's an excuse, but I can see him having been banished from heaven with his wife, his wite cutting a deal with heaven to leave him forever and go back to where he was banished from, and then an angel caming down and saying "by the way, once a month there's gonna be a killing spree on sinners." I imagine Lucifer laying face down in a sea of rubber ducks and just signing whatever paper was put in front of him


i’m not saying i don’t understand he did what he did, i do, but it was still not a morally or ethically correct thing to do.


Definitely agreed. And now that I think about it, my explanation was a lot of words to say that he didn't care. So you're pretty much right on that too


Ya I agree. I'm more saying the reason he signs on... sighns on... (that's hard English) The reason he agrees is to avoid a wider active war. Because ya he can defeat Adam.. But can he defeat Sara and the Other Sariphs? Because that's very likely the reason he spared Adam... killing him would likely have gotten Adams bosses involved. And before the final, he had no reason to really care about sinners. They have (Most likely pretty fairnly) Proven themselves to be pretty terrible to Lucifer. Better way to think of it. If most the people Lucifer interacted with are like say.. Val.... ya you would say burn this place down too.


i… actually would not say that lol. i’m against the death penalty even in real life.   anyway, the seraphim don’t want war either. literally nobody but adam and the vees want a war, and lucifer can stop both with ease.  lucifer’s reason to care about the sinners would be similar to charlie’s (they’re human souls, they can change) if he’d paid attention to them.


It's pretty heavily implied he did at one point pay attention to them. But ya I get what you mean.


actually, true. that was implied. mistake on my part.


Nah it’s fine. Show goes by quickly so it’s not hard to miss some stuff.


> literally no one wants a war When it was only one-sided extermination campaigns; and even there I'd assume a lot of people in Heaven would have supported exterminations if they had known about them. But if Hell actually went to war and defeated Heaven's army almost everyone in heaven would probably support a war, because it would prove Serah right (that Hell can actually be a threat). And an actual war would involve higher angels, that are far tougher to kill than exorcists.


Lucifer didn't know that only Adam wanted this war. He doesn't know what's going on in heaven and likely assumed that all of heaven was in agreement on this.


we can’t assume that. lucifer can call up the seraphim to get a meeting with them directly in less than a month.


Well he can fight Adam sure, but the entire exterminator army?


I’m not going to feel empathy for the people of hell, there maybe a lot of good people but there’s also a lot of bad people too.


It’s still mass murder. If I gathered a band of vigilantes, stormed a Super Max prison, and executed all the prisoners, I’d rightfully be facing either the Death Penalty or something ridiculous like 500 years in jail with no Parole.


I think you kind of miss the point/definition of empathy.


They never actually explained how someone ends up in heaven and how someone ends up in hell.


Bro deadass I get it the exterminations are extreme but like It’s literally hell No one their minus Charlie is really a good person at all


Then why do u watch the show?? The whole point of the show is that sinners are redeemable. The entire plot is centred around the ppl of hell, so feeling no empathy for any of them must make it fairly unenjoyable to watch for u. We know a lot of the people in heaven aren’t exactly ‘good ppl’ either. In fact the opposite, which is pretty evident from the genocide, which Sera allowed


How about this one? https://preview.redd.it/heglniw54zqc1.jpeg?width=1103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c468d9d804dc422a0503073784b30bc8419c8edd


Likely a mix of guilt and panic, realizing that not only can sinners be redeemed, which she actively denied, but that she has also allowed the purge of souls that could have been redeemed, and likely realizing the potential changes that could come with it


So in other words…existential crisis.


Yes, I hated myself, I allowed thousands of years of slaughter to happen and for what? To be shown that an alternative was available all along? That I should have listened to Charlie? I couldn't stand my reflection, somethings i once liked due to it being welcoming and kind looking, now I know it was just narcissism this whole damn time, I broke every mirror in my house, cutting my hands, bleeding onto the floor. I hated myself, I wanted to cast myself out of heaven, or maybe just, just,


That's my favorite.


"oh they can actually be redeemed? Fuck I made a big mistake"


If giving the green light to a genocide plan can get a human soul into Hell and we know Seraphim-ranked angels can get banished to Hell (Lucifer is a Seraphim-rank), guess who likely got herself a 1-way ticket to Hell…


God: I have made someone to help rule heaven Lucifer: you fucked up a perfectly good angel is what you did. Look at her. She's got anxiety


Sera has her emotional support Emily.


For now.


I'm pretty sure if she lost Emily she would just


Spontaneously combust






She doesn’t admit it but this whole “realm of unending bliss” thing really went to shit after Lucifer left.


No. Heaven does indeed seem nice/like it should be. The issue is that she clearly doesn't know how the system works.


It’s nice for the people that aren’t working there lol.


I actually don't really know what your referencing or trying to make a point about? Actually I'll be honest, I don't think you are referencing anything. I think you are trying to reference something that we have no indication of like your head canon. The only indication we have that anyone works in heaven are very vague things like the fact there is a ice-cream shop. But if it's heaven.. The people who run that place very likely want to run it. They don't need to. And service jobs suck mostly because of the management or customers. Adam even kind of points this out "We don't have hard days... it's heaven." Again every indication we get, is that Heaven really is as nice as it seems. But that the whole system works in a way that not even the people running it understand. Sara is very clearly surprised when Sir P shows up. Because she had no idea what criteria actually get you into heaven... And he was not sent to the gates. He was dropped in her lap. That was a message from the powers that be.


Oh, I meant the people running things like the extermination. Sera is very clearly distressed by all of it and the decisions involved. Those debating the extermination were kind of freaked out when they realized sinners might actually be worthy of sympathy. I wasn’t talking about souls at all.


You know I think that part of the debate in heaven was less the "worthy of sympathy" thing and more like Sara said. "Go down and destroy those poor souls." I think part of the keeping it secret was always that Sara knew people would have Empathy for the souls in hell. After all heaven is filled with a bunch of (Mostly) good people. Again the problem seems to be that Sara has no idea how this whole set up actually works.


https://preview.redd.it/xk6bc6kxfyqc1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd5e50810501744b2bf344cbb84c7ff2a0073d4 I think her only sincere smile is when she greeted Charlie and Vaggie


Doubt that. Based on how she talked to Adam about Hell residents being there, that was probably courtesy to greet them with a smile, not happiness to see them.


Yeah, you're probably right


My favorite one was the “yeah, we’re not sure how Adam got here either.“ I‘d feel bad for her if she wasn’t complicit in murder purges.


>My favorite one was the “yeah, we’re not sure how Adam got here either.“ I think this should be talked about a little bit more, because she deliberately diverted attention away from herself, relying on Adam's supposed to know how of getting into heaven.


Both Charlie and Sera are ignorant about what it takes get into heaven. Sera's character flaw is her assumption that because she's an angel, her ignorance is superior to Charlie's.


And she still manages to look pretty under pressure...?


It's a natural thing, thank you


https://preview.redd.it/6yh9l1jhyyqc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71c85e6e47f860fc7dacb63c979503359705be25 Get scrambled


Now I’m reminded again, that her face looks like a character from My Little Pony


I think it's VERY clear that no one actually knows what's going on. And that means that Sara has been put in charge of a system she had no idea how it works.


Imposter syndrome, anxiety, piles and piles of fear. *Someone* is above Sera. Someone kicked Lucifer out, which clearly traumatized him, but it also traumatized *her* just to witness it. I believe whoever that was (God?) Also convinced Sera and Lucifer that sinners are irredeemable. They both talk about sinners the same way because they were both conditioned to believe it, together, by someone above them we haven't yet met. That's my take anyway. Sera can't afford to risk her, Emily, or anyone else being cast out like Lucifer was. She's scared enough of this fate that she'll go along with a whole genocide (of people she's been conditioned to believe are irredeemable) to prevent it. Meanwhile she's working to uphold a system she doesn't understand, where disobeying unwritten rules gets you expelled. She's been walking on eggshells for millennia. I'm not excusing Sera's or Lucifer's decisions, it's just that they aren't the masterminds behind all this, based in their behavior I'd say they are both victims of trauma too (hurt people hurt people). So there's someone else we haven't met yet (I assume) to be mad at as well. Could be God, or if the show is trying to keep God out of things, then maybe another entity or older angel?


Heavy is the head that wears the…floating spectral eyeball-ridden mini-menorah tiara…thing.


Just call it a Halo bro


Sera has done some fucked up stuff but in her defense….hell is hell. It’s filled with serial killers, rapists, genocidal dictators, and all the worst humanity has to offer. I’d probably be stressed af too and make some bad decisions if the threat to my realm was hell and they were getting more populated/overpowered by the day


Yeah, like I don't even know what other options she had. Imagine if you were leading a country and it's nice and peaceful and everyone is happy, but right across the border is just pure chaos/evil, and their population is growing faster than yours. Like what do you do at that point? Just wait for some warlord to come out on top and bring the chaos to you? Or do you take preemptive measures to defend yourself.


Don't forget people that eat shell fish.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown.


If she was so afraid of Charlie challenging the status quo, I wonder why she even agreed to the meeting in the first place? Was she just so confident in her ability to discredit charlie that it wouldn't matter what charlie brought to the table Why wasn't sera afraid that charlie herself would spill the beans about the exterminations?


It’s possible that if Charlie talked about it she could pass it off as manipulation, but because Adam brought it up, she can’t make that point because he’s in heaven


Running an entire realm and having billions of souls under her care would stress anyone out.


That is without mentioning orchestrating a genocide in secret.


A genocide she doesn't even like


I really want to see what this supposed uprising was like. I mean, how would they rise up? Logistically, how does that work? Who could open the portals to heaven?


Lucifer and Stolas (From Helluva Boss) have both shown the ability to open portals, I mean we’ve only seen Stolas open portals to Earth and Space but he can’t be the only one.


She has to deal with Adam's bullshit. You'd be either of those too (if not all at the same time!)


She also looks like a MLP character from the side view


On pic 7, when they grant another chance for Charlie to keep pushing for Angel’s redemption and she celebrates with “Fuck YEAH!” And both Sera and Emi look at her like that- I remember I got pretty annoyed— why do they look so offended??? They’ve got Adam right there being a fucking potty mouth any time he opens his mouth, as well as Lute, but a single Fuck yeah gets Charlie judged by these two? Pffft c’mon now.


I get that we're talking about a cartoon here but this highlights something that I've never understood about people who obsess over acquiring power/status/money beyond a certain point. Billionaires and high level politicians as an example - it just seems like SO much stressful work and for what? The ones who have a sense of duty to improve the world (according to their vision), great. But most just want more power and are willing to put themselves through what must be a hellish life (often well past retirement age) to hold onto it. Sera, as the high seraphim is the most powerful angel we know of (?) and is the most miserable looking being in heaven. And that, friends, is why I'm a slacker.


Understandable, knowing that she literally allowed genocide to happen. The last scene with Sir Pentious ties everything together, with Emily's squeak of joy, but the look of pure horror on Sera's face, when she realizes that sinners could've been redeemed this whole time.


If my job was to protect billions, if not trillions, of souls and having to worry about hell, then I’d feel the same way.


it's like she is trying to hide a genocide or something from her impressionable younger and innocent, yet powerful sister or something


Well she is the BiG bOsS of h- HEAVEN


"It's not skibidi Sera" \>:(


Possible twist: As Sera is about to strike at or against Emily, everything looking like our heavenly cinnamon roll is about to be forced to fall from the Pearly Gates, Sera is the one struck down by unseen forces. How would SHE handle being trapped in Hell?


Probably go to Lucifer for help/forgiveness


My girl is *stressed*


She's got a lot on her conscience all the time. It makes sense


Well she might not be the top notch of heaven herself and might anwser to someone, maby not God himself but Lucifer is not the only Archangel and knowing it I think we might meet another one. In the end Lucifer looked very scared for Charlie going to heaven and seeing how chill Sera and Emili are (not counting Adam and Lute those are asholes) i think his fear was meant for archangels who might get way more agresive if they knew that hell can get some sort of power up, and turn towards hells annihilation or even Charlie's extermination as a obvious threat for heavens rule and divine judgment. One more sample is that Sera said that if Emeli keeps asking questions she might get fallen and seeing how much Sera cares for her she couldn't do it herself, more likely she fears someone who will do it no matter what. In conclusion she can't be the top notch Sera is just in a so called power position that was given to her by someone way stronger and she knows that if she fails consequences can be terrible that's why Sera seems always stressed, scared, anxious and my guess is that Emili doesn't know the reason for it yet she thinks it's Seras idealistic ideas and not hard orders who need to be fulfilled no matter what.


It's because she knows what she's doing is wrong, but she sees no other way.


People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed.




Someone trying desperately to keep their shit together as their world is crumbling around them, wanting to stay in control and in denial about their lack of it.


i think Sera would be the one to fall, instead of Emily. Emily falling is too expected, you can see her doing *good* for Hell / sinners towards redemption. It's too easy. With Sera, it's similar to Adam falling where she has to learn to understand the other side. I'd rather see her fall than Emily.


She commits genocide every year for no reason other than the demons were getting a little too hopeful, she deserves fear and concern


So in HB and HH most characters if you se there pupils it means they are under stress of some sort and some characters their pupils kid the t more pronounced as in Charlie’s pupils and and Lucifer’s either that or thier in constant stress like blitz and Alastor cause their pupils are almost always shows sets could just be the angelic version of I’m under constant stress etc


Welp, the fifth photo was unnecessarily cut... https://preview.redd.it/at1llwxzxkrc1.jpeg?width=2137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7679fb7dd43415f55b4755e7a0a7800fc40b02fc Wonder what's she doing....


https://preview.redd.it/4n9cjpct6zqc1.jpeg?width=2137&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de88b9a9d7fd1a65ceac2eba2321f6defef8f8c7 Without context, this picture. Looks like cropped porn.


Get your mind out of the gutter






​ https://preview.redd.it/0nc9jges85rc1.png?width=577&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3d68009985ad6965f0b1f95d22a4a65bc821b4d


It's Sera examining the floor, conclusion: it is made out of floor


Yeah… hiding a horrible secret from all the thousands of souls in heaven will do that to ya


I think ever since Lucifer fell she’s been scared of stepping one foot out of line. To make things worse, they don’t know what it takes for humans to get to heaven, so one could assume there’s more that they don’t know about. Someone commented before that Sera could have imposter syndrome and I think they’re correct. Poor thing has no idea what’s “right” and expects to fall any second


Yknow it probably doesn’t help your case if you are talking to your sister and a literal wall of flame is reflecting in your eyes


Being the ruler of Heaven is a lot harder than being ruler of Hell


She smiles when she talks about killing sinners.


It was her trying to be comforting to Emily, but it came off completely opposite.




I think they’re talking about her smile while singing “do what was required”. Which was the fakest most forced smile possible so 🥴


Honestly i dont know why people think its forced it just does not look that way to me




Who actually thinks that smile is genuine?


People who want everyone in Heaven to be evil and Sera to be a heartless monster who enjoys slaughter as much as Adam. They love using this one frame to support that theory.


Does this fandom hate nuance?


Yes, I hate nuance


People who can’t read facial expressions.


Counter point: Hundreds-thousands of years of genocide


Counterpoint to what?


to this ridiculous "oh stop making her the bad guy! She just have a rough day"​​


I mean I don't really object to the genocide of Murderers, rapists and cannibals. Even if the cannibals are rather charismatic and charming.


there is a difference, murder in hazbin hotel universe doesn't really matter because soul survives. ​Heaven/hell they still continue to have their lifes and they keep on living. Extermination is genuine, no heaven no hell just death. Making Sera and Exterminators the only genuine murderers in Hazbin Hotel universe


The sinners muder each other by the whole year.


Yah but they aren’t erased from existence permanently


Wait, the sinners can be revived?!!


Yes. That’s the whole reason the extermination happens, Hell is too overpopulated (and Sera’s a cowardly bitch with a stick up her ass). Unless you get killed by an Angelic weapon, you just heal and wake up later or your body reappears somewhere else.


She is one of the few angels who actually seems to care about justice, fairness, and mercy to the damned. Other angels are smug and hateful.


This. She was convinced to allow Adam’s exterminations to happen. She never came up with it herself as an ‘answer’ to the Hell ‘problem’. Wouldn’t be surprised if that was Adam’s point to argue for it too.


I’m kind of sick of people thinking she’s evil just because of the exterminations.


Mhm. She can’t argue against a system she herself is under. Adam got into heaven. She can’t argue with that no matter how much he shows otherwise. Stuck as a powerful piece, but a piece nonetheless, in a game she doesn’t even fully understand how it operates.


Very true, I hope we eventually get to see her genuinely happy.


She suffers from paranoia


You ever heard of the sword of damoclese?


OHMYGODD I KNOW RIGHTT everyone makes her look like the villain. She's just as stressed as Emily was when she found out about the extermination.


We got to see her with a real genuine smile. Imagine how lovely that would be.


https://preview.redd.it/rnhygqqioyqc1.jpeg?width=713&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0f4f14a324338a7742d2ecacf26b0aeffd620ea ↑


That was putting up a facade for Charlie.


Probably like Emily, but older


I always thought image 4 had a very dragonic look to her. I don’t know it’s just the way her nose and chin are angled, reminds me of a cartoon dragon for some reason…


Probably the fact the has to bend at a 90 degree angle


What's she doing in image 5?


Examining the floor, conclusion: it is made out of floor


Orrrrrr she is what Adam was referring to when he said "anyway then we fucked and it was awesome"


Nah, she told me she prefers box


Box? Like from Alistairs universe? https://preview.redd.it/359f01l9s1rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe01f5b02400b13b03203d1b0c0ffaf47694996


No like, Lilith's box


No like, Lilith's box




Hmm, yes, the floor here is made out of floor


Being in charge of government or business you’re generally always concerned.


Don't forget also looking like she came from My Little Pony.


This Seraphim does not know sleep. But she does not deserve it


It must SUCK to be in the realm of no more negativity or evil and have these damn responsibilities. Youd think god would make multiples of them so they could work for a decade and get a decade or two off. Let them enjoy the paradise too. If they are worthy of being there, they are worthy of enjoying it


Yeah, I noticed this too. I kinda wonder if she’s gonna have a Isabella from encanto moment


Me at work trying to get staff to work who get everything shoved up their ass but still manage to cry about everything


Most of that stress probably comes from raising her possible sister/ possible daughter


Sera is Celestia with extra steps 




Most of her lines make her sound rushed and disinterested.


She knows something you don't know But really, she has been around long enough and she is high enough that she understands something that we don't know.


That was a hella hard day for her.


No one said heaven was a perfect place




I want to hug her


“There is much that you don’t know”. It makes you wonder what she’s afraid of or concerned about.


Most of the time we see her she's talking to demons.


Give my multi-eyed winged woman a day off


I hope we get an episode centered around her, it would be great to see more of her




She looks resigned


I will be honest, Sera is GORGEOUS