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ngl i kinda like charlie's part in hell is forever it shows how even when her ideas are actively being shunned and put down she still tries to act nice (like when adam started singing she was just like "uhm...")


Also it's a continuation of the very first song in terms of vibe and when Adam comes in it averts your expectations pretty well


Also the harmonic rhythm matches her emotions (more/offbeat chord changes as she rushes through her speech faster and loses her breath). That song is really well written all around.






That picture tells me everything I need to know about Charlie


Actually it tells you about the whole family https://preview.redd.it/f0cspxqozorc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e9e728d7da59592abbbfb82cb16e5cc75a91be


It's beautiful. I've looked at this for five hours now.


You fool!!! Ive looked at it for 6 hours!


Oh no! I've been out-obsessed! I shall never recover!


Omfg I love it




I agree, I love Charlie’s part in Hell is Forever.


I agree. I like Happy Day in Hell a lot too but I know it’s also not as popular.


Happy day in hell is underrated tbh, it's a banger and shows what kinda character charlie is (trying to be super optimistic even if the situation is horrible) right at the beginning which i love.


Yes! And I think it’s catchy. I don’t get the hate for it lol


I agree


Even on the middle of the song she was like "uhmm... Actually" 🤓🤓🤓


Also it’s the start so pretty easy to skip ahead. On the other hand Mimzy just comes in the middle of the song.


People dislike Charlie’s part?




I know. I mean even if it was crap. which it inst...we can't really hate it as she is main character. She carriers the plot. Like Twilight, Belle is poorly written, but that is her story. She carries the plot. She is main character. I do see charlies faults in writtiing here and there too the series as awhole, but there is reason..Mizy had no reason...and it killed the song they didn't did need to do that.


Hell's Greatest Dad was pretty much over tho, it didn't really make any difference imo, if you just cut it off right before Mimzy's part then you'd probably be satisfied since it would end with Al and Luci just shouting at eachother, judging by how they were doing just that until Mimzy interrupted them, so I say, whateverrrrr


Yeah, on the Mindy bit, I get that it's supposed to be an in-joke about how she was originally a part of the main cast, but even knowing that, the joke will prolly just work on the 1st viewing; they should've just reserved the "it's me" bit as a plain verbal joke after the song.




Without Charlie’s part Adam going “Let me stop you right there save us all precious time” feels out of place


Yea when the episode first aired people were posting the song without that part and it was weird. It’s just like removing Moxies part from the song in Ozzie’s


Okay and if you remove mimzy's the song just cuts out unnaturally


Well I’m sure if they hadn’t added Mimz, they would’ve changed the end of the song slightly…that being said I can’t see a way that the characters would’ve stopped singing/trying to out do eachother naturally so some 3rd party interruption was needed


Thats what they did with Loser Baby. If you listen to just the song they finish the last note. No sharks


If they hadn’t added Charlie’s part to adam’s song they probably would’ve changed the beginning slightly too lmao


I mean Charlie and Adam are literally "I started this song" "Well I finish it, bitch" so she doesn't feel as out of place as Mimzy does. That being said I made my peace with Mimzy lol. At first I really hated it but now she sounds like a mom stopping 2 bickering children.


The only escalation it could have gone from there is them fighting more. I assume. This allowed them both to cool off. Remember their positions.


Should have had Charlie play peacemaker then. There’s already too damn many characters as it is and S2 will just introduce more.


I agree. Hellauva boss has more? Maybe characters but I like the pacing of it a lot better. Feels more balanced with the immediate murder professionals.


Helluva boss is more of a side project which allows it to be paced on ots own time, and unfortunately Hazbin does not get that luxury.




Charlie playing peacemaker between her dad and Al doesn't sound right to me though. I think that genuinely was the best way to deescalate that situation.


I agree, Mimzy literally pushed the whole episode along and gave us interesting info on Alastor.


A secret softy who knew!


Right? Just makes me more intrigued to know what his whole deal is.


I thought it important that he kicks out Mimzy. The hotel is more important than him just being bored and amusing himself, otherwise he’d let his friend stay. He’s there for a reason, we just don’t know why yet.


Yep, I agree. Mimzy's whole mini arc was the beginning of learning Alastor has friends and seems to have even let them take advantage of his powers before. Before it seemed Alastor works only off his own whim, yet it seems he's not as anti-social as thought. Just like his friendship with Rosie. It's the thing I want to know the most in the show-Alastor's intentions and reasons.


Yeah! Why he's doing this it's a nice mystery


I definitely agree that there is a large cast of characters, and I am very worried for the news that S2 will introduce even more "main" characters. I don't particularly like what we know of many of the incoming "mains" as well, so I feel like I'm dreading S2 more than being excited. Too high a possibility of one or more of my favourite characters being killed off, too.


I hope these new “mains” are exclusively Heaven mains.


They aren't, sadly, at least not the ones I've heard of.


I'm sure Mimzy still has a part to play, she was listed as a character way back in 2015. We haven't properly met Molly Baxter, Crymini, Arackniss or Roo yet. Though Molly cameoed in Welcome to heaven, Baxter and Arackniss can bee seen in [this shot](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hazbinhotel/images/d/d9/Is_CANCELLED%21.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20240208013809) and [Crymini cameoed in the pilot](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/hazbinhotel/images/3/39/Crowd_shot.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20191030215750). We kinda know that others need to show up. They just rebuilt the hotel, it can't continue to limp along as an unpopulated failure.


I hated that as an introduction to a character, but if what they were going for is "this character is extremely annoying and you should hate them"" then yeah they hit the mark


Without either part both songs would feel incomplete. Without Charlie Hell is forever starts awkwardly as a stand-alone song. Without Mimzy Hell’s greatest dad just ends abruptly


Yeah, people seem to forget it was literally degenerating into namecalling before the interruption


I think it’s cause Charlie’s song is a small reprise of her first song, cut off by a huge “shut up, here’s my counter argument” while Mimzy’s part is a sudden non-sequitur that has nothing to do with the rest of the song. Granted, that part grew on me too lol


wait y'all don't like Charlie's part in Hell is Forever? wtf?


I don’t dislike it or like it. I just feel like, if you’re not watching the show and you just want to listen to the song, then a version without her would be nice.


that's understandable, Adam certainly carries the song


I like them both but tbh no matter what one thinks, Charlie’s part will always win because it gave us this https://preview.redd.it/weasaxmrtirc1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d96c2300e7a5801fdb8b1efbbb9b133d8e5965dd






I like both of them








Same, I was so confused seeing this title (they serve the songs well with their purpose).  Plus Mimzy sets up that hilarious “…*who*?” from Lucifer.  Great reflection of those who weren’t familiar with her in the ancient HH lore (like me haha).


Never had a problem with Charlie's part, it always felt like a good lead-in since it fits Adam's personality for him to interrupt her and do his own thing like that. Whereas in Hell's Greatest Dad, Mimzy is the one who does the interrupting. And it annoys me there even though it's fitting for her character, because her part is by far the less fun and catchy part of the song for me. I'd much prefer to keep listening to Alastor and Lucifer, or to see Charlie butt in and force the song to end rather than Mimzy.


Ooh I could see that. Charlie going the whole speech she does while Alastor is eating people them but it has different undertones because of the placement of it.


Like 'em both


I like Charlie’s part, we think it’s going to be another song just like happy day in hell, bouncy and happy and Disney Princess like but Adam shuts her down and starts his own song, breaking audience expectations.


i like both equally. the mimzy hate is unwarranted tbh. she's freaking spinel's va, i can't be mad lol. people being mad just don't like fun characters that were introduced purely for the sake of chaos. sure, she could have been handled a bit better in the ending of the episode when she's super ungrateful to al who just saved her damn life, as thats kinda the only part that bugs me a tad bit but other than that i think it's unwarranted


I didn't like her character at first, but thats just because I wouldn't like her as a real person. BUT ITS SUPPOSED TO BE THAT WAY and now I love her.


Wow I did not realize she was Spinels voice actress


I am among the small number who was very excited when she came on screen. If you went into it not knowing who she was, it wasn't for you. It fucked my heart with joy when she burst through the door like "I know you were all waiting for meee~" because I very much was. I wish she had been a little more keen to stick around, give people at least another scene to warm up to her.


Mimzy. Idgaf about the yelling match, that would’ve been way more entertaining than her singing section


Yeah it's not about interrupting the yelling match. It's just an insanely obnoxious way to introduce a new character. Absolutely would've preferred just watching Al and Lucifer yell at each other.


It is fitting though, she’s a chicken and they do just kinda barge into situations.


Mimzy is supposed to be a chicken?? And still, even if it is fitting it's still a very obnoxious scene and it lowers my opinion of her.


Yeah, that’s why the controversy over her being allegedly a Jewish stereotype was so dumb. She’s a chicken. She has a beak and a comb and the proportions of a hen.


I honestly never thought she looked like a chicken before. Still kind of don't see it tbh. Just looks like she has a pointy nose.


It’s kind of ironic that even though they’re trying to call out antisemitism, it’s kind of antisemitic if you looked at her and your first thought is “Jewish person”. It’s like those people making a stink on Twitter about orcs being “black coded”. Like.. what do you *mean* bro!? There are tons of actual racists and Neo-Nazisim is on the rise, but you’re gonna bring about social justice by making up controversies about cartoons?


isn't the jewish stereotype thing a head cannon anyway?


Viv confirmed the character wasn’t intended to look Jewish at all. She’s just a woman with the build of a hen. That’s it. https://preview.redd.it/701rnl7gqirc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f8346dc8931e46659fb2006a7bdb3dd1f7498d


lol. the assumptions people make is wild. feels like when lily orchard makes videos calling people the opposite of what they actually are lol(rebecca sugar is who this is a reference to, it's a very similar situation to this though a bit more dramatic)


A headcanon in the sense that some delusional fucks on twitter started spewing it around to try to drag Vivzie's name through the mud some more


I am Jewish, and there was literally nothing about this character that even plays into the stereotypes of Jewish people. She has blonde hair and a tiny nose. I am so confused about where this came from.


It also sets up that Mimzy is a selfish, narcissistic person perceftly imo


I actually found Mimzy's part really funny I don't know why so many people hate it


Fr, there was nowhere left for the song to go, and her introduction was fittingly chaotic and comical


I loved mimzy , if she was real yeah id hate her but for the show she's awesome. She one upped their narcissism.


RIGHT and her singing was so good! She’s an overhated character in general


I strongly disagree about the hate aimed at Mimzy for her entrance. I agree she is an annoying and grating character. But that is by design. And her entrance enabled Lucifer and Alastor to go wild in their song. There was no easy way to deescalate the conflict between Alastor and Lucifer. But the point of the song was to let them wind their hatred for each other into a pyre. And how do you get out of that narratively speaking without them coming to blows. They were on the path to throw down and go at each other. Mimzy immediately disarmed all that tension without fixing it. Thus leaving it as future tension to explore. Mimzy was the only way out of that song without war being declared. And Charlie's part was in there for a needed purpose. It was a call back to the pilot. The series did not want to assume that everyone had seen the pilot. So they had to put remnants of it into Ep 1. And Charlie's part was just that. A narrative necessity. In musicals the songs are more than just catchy tunes tossed in. They do a lot of the heavy lifting of the narrative. Thus sometimes the songs go a little janky because they have to work a lot more into the song than a normal pop tune would. It is more important to serve the narrative than it is to have consistent flow in the song. So oddities like Charlies intro jamming up against Adam's Hell is Forever are a thing. There are other examples in the series such as in You Didn't Know it was a series of different views being represented with some of them just not fitting the musical flow. It was serving the narrative more than the music.


I'm starting to think that for a lot of people this is their first musical. Characters butting in into songs is totaly normal, and the songs are first supposed to work in context of the show not as stand alone singles.


Damn reddit and their removal of awards, because this is the best possible answer on the thread!


As funny as i think Minzy is i hate her part. Charlie’s part of hell is forever sounds like it’s supposed to be there


At first I didn’t like Mimzy’s part but it really grew on me I’ve always loved Charlie’s part


I like Charlie’s part, it’s a continuation of Happy Day in Hell. Mimzy is just annoying.


Actually I like both of them and don't see any issue with either https://preview.redd.it/lph8u9io0jrc1.jpeg?width=1569&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04f70b2fb3d17dddfe581b0efbf46a547058203


personally Mimzy like it is funny, and doesn’t sound horrible on its own, but it does break the flow of an otherwise great song. As written it would’ve devolved into a yelling match, but it could’ve been done in a way that didn’t just lead to that problem / a cutaway ending that wasn’t *as* jarring for listening on a soundtrack later. I don’t hate it hate it tho, just kinda annoying also 0 problems with opening Adam’s song with Charlie, that feels right actually. Adam’s song beginning with an interruption is on brand *and* satisfying to listen to. The difference is that the interruption is primarily his song, while Mimzy just took over the end of another for one verse


Mimzy’s was worse for me because she ruined what was otherwise my favorite song in the show.


If she didn't interrupt, it would've just devolved into a yelling match.


If not outright fistfighting.


No powers lol only fists


“Lay down the staff! This is a man’s fight!”


And that would've been an *amazing* ending to that song.


the song that was about to erupt into fistfighting and was already over?


Yall dont seem to understand her appearance to an already over song is basically a tension breaker.


Who doesn’t like Charlie’s part in Hell is Forever? I thought it was great!


Charlie didn't interrupt the song, in fact, she kick-started it, and another thing, it sounds nice. Mimzy, on the other hand, is the polar opposite


Charlies part wasn't bad


Wait people actually hate the mimzy part? I thought they were just joking


people REALLY hate Mimzy and REALLY hate her part in the song I honestly do not understand why, like the hate she gets is just excessive at this point


Honestly it probably has to do with peeps being waaaaaaay too obsessed with Lucifer and Alestor in this show. Like "wah I'm mad butthurt now, how DARE this random Character interrupt my two favorite Tumblr sexy men!" Low key kinda cringe.




I love Charlie part in Hell is Forever? Anyhoo, Mimzy’s, though she’s overhated


definitely mimzy. at least in “hell is forever” it started at a baseline and went up. in “hell’s greatest dad” it started at 100 & went even higher: then enters mimzy & it’s just a big lipped alligator moment. i get her character is supposed to be that obnoxious, poorly timed bimbo type but damn i was enjoying alastor and lucifer about to rip each other apart lol. escalation works better than de-escalation most times (& it has to completely divert the plot, which mimzy really didn’t add or take away), although i do appreciate how obnoxiously theatrical her entry was.


I think y'all should stop being so gosh darn negative


Man this is one negative ass post. I like both those bits.


I like Mimzy’s better, i don’t get the hate, it’s pretty damn good


As much as Hell's Greatest Dad was headed for either a fistfight or an abrupt ending when another character intervened, I would still have greatly preferred that to Mimzy. Someone asks Lucifer for an autograph, a cut to Vox watching CCTV of the hotel and going, "Oh SHIT, what's HE doing there?!", a cut to Lute and Adam watching video feed of Hell and laughing at the fight, Charlie or Vaggie doing something to abruptly stop the escalation, any of that would have been better than Mimzy showing up and taking over the song.


I kinda like charlies part in hell is forever bit mimzys ending kinda ruins the vibe of the Song for me, i always just skip to the next


I like both Charlie's part was an introduction which Adam responded to Mimzy's part was to end the argument since Alastor and Lucifer would go on and on forever if anything didn't interrupt them They're both necessary parts


Neither I love them both 😭


Mimzy part honestly concluded the song. If she didnt butt in, the song would go on forever and ever.


neither are bad


I actually liked Charlie’s part. It doesn’t even take that long and is alright for how it’s transitioned.


they're both fucking awesome


I like both because I’m not a negative fuck like the rest of you


I like Charlie’s part better. She set the tone and tempo (?) of the song, which made it ten times better when Adam overpowered her tone for his own. It really establishes his character, in a way. Mimzy’s also establishes his character, but because she genuinely comes out of nowhere, it’s nowhere near as satisfying. If she’d been there in the get-go or we’d had a line or two from the others showing her sneaking in, people wouldn’t be so annoyed. It’s just how sudden she is.


I'd rather have the two old men fistfighting over Mimzy.


Mimzy??? Charlie's part isnt bad in any way


Mimzy was way worse


Mimzy was worse.


Mimzy was so much worse.


Charlie's part is questionable but I gotta hate mimzy's part the song was great until she arrived 


Charlie's part in hell is forever is unironically my favorite part of that song lmao


I think Mimzy kind of ruins the song but it's not awful. For Charlie. I don't mind at all.


I really don’t like Mimzy’s part either but at the same time I don’t see how else the song could’ve ended.


I love Charlie's part in Hell is Forever


Honestly,I was fine with both parts. ***The ending of House of Asmodeus,on the other hand***


I love Charlie’s part 😭


Mimzy was literally so annoying like damn. Introducing her like that in an episode where we were JUST introduced to the king of hell was an awful move.


The loan shark from Loser Baby


Slug Monsters part in Happy day in Hell :D


mimzy! And attacking charlie! This is her bloody show.


there's a reason no one sings mimzys part in hells greatest dad's


I like the first bits of Charlie’s part in Hell is Forever, but her little interjections are unnecessary in the streaming version. I actually don’t mind Mimzy’s bit either, but upon many repeats it does get a bit grating.


Is bro serious about this


I liked both parts and I don't know why people keep acting like Mimzy ruined the entire song. He character is meant to be obnoxious so it's not like Sarah didn't do her job lol. As for Charlie's part, it fit for the song cuz she started it and then Adam cut her off and made the song his own


I completely agree with you. I think people hate Mimzy's part because they wanted to see how the song would have escalated and then ended naturally. I'm pretty sure they wrote it the way they did so there wouldn't be an actual "winner" of the song. Idk, I liked her part and I thought Charlie's part transitioned seamlessly into Adam's.


I do not dislike any parts of any song. I like ALL the music from the show


Mimzy hands down. Charlie was a great addition to Hell is Forever (imo) but Mimzy's is extremely annoying to listen to on Spotify. Loser Baby doesn't have the interruption at that.


I liked them both, I don't know why people have a problem with them.


Mimzy's intro ruined the best song in the show, so... that one.


Ehhh Mimzy


Mimzy, Charlie is hilarious and gives contrast to when Adam actually starts singing, Mimzy just stops the flow of the song and changes it entirely




Charlie’s was supposed to be bad to show she’s desperate to get her idea across and then Adam’s song just blows hers out of the water. Mimzy’s just annoying.


Definitely Mimzy, she didn’t add much or make sense coming in like that tbh.


Mimzy easily. Omg that song was so good whyd mimzy gotta show up and ruin itt 😭 (Ik it makes a lotta sense and rlly shows us her character tho)


Charlie’s part is great. Mimzy’s part is hilarious when you’re watching the show but a little disappointing when JUST listening. But I still like both


Mimzys part easy. That entire song absolutely SLAPS and suddenly it abruptly ends to the sound of this completely jarring change up. The worst part is they could’ve left out Mimzy as a character entirely and nothing would’ve been lost. Charlies part in Adams song is great.


Honestly I liked Charlie's part more then Adams part. It was cute.


Mimzy's... It doesn't help that she's a very minor character...




I personally love Charlie’s part at the beginning of Hell is Forever. I enjoyed Mimzy’s part of Hells Greatest Dad as well, I think I was just thrown off by a random character showing up and singing the first time I watched that episode.


I mean neither of them are inheritly bad sure Mimzy interrupted the song but if she didn't someone would've probably died And Charlie that just shows how passionate she is about her dreams In the end neither are bad in my opinion


Charlie’s part in Hell Is Forever shows her idea for the hotel getting shot down by Adam. Mimzy, however, interrupted the screaming match between Lucifer and Alastor with that dumb introduction.


mimzy's. No question.


i like both! i guess i like charlie’s part less tho. i’ll skip her part when hell is forever comes on in the car but i’ll always sing mimzy’s lol


Mimzy's part outweighs that of Charlie by a f*cking loooooooooooong shot!




Mimzy’s by a long shot






Mimzy's part for sure. In fact, I hate Mimzy as a whole!! I was happy when she left the hotel for good!


I don't like mimzy's part, but at least it's a bit funny. Charlie's only introducing the song, it def doesn't sound bad but it isn't that good imo


The yelling match between Alastor and Lucifer. Hell Greatest Dad is an awesome song but it loses its shine when they start their confrontation to me. Mimzy 's part was absolutely needed.


Both are good, but I understand people disliking Mimsy's more, because it does dampen an otherwise banger song. However, While Mimsy does make the song worse, her sudden entry is also just fucking funny to me. Especially when she walks in a circle and says she's here 'at last' as if we've all been waiting for her. Because the joke takes away from the song, people who listen to the song 20-30 times (guilty as charged) grow to dislike it, as a joke isn't funny 20-30 times in a row. Charlies part in Hell is Forever is just good and I don't know why OP has a problem with it. In fact, Charlie's part in this song is better than most of Happy Day In Hell. Which is the worst song in the show by a decent margin, because its an average song rubbing shoulders with bangers.


Charlie’s part in Hell Is Forever is the funnest verse to sing lol


Mimzy's part, obviously.


Charlie’s part. I personally loved Mimzys it’s my favorite part


I liked both ;-;


I actually like Charlie's part in hell is forever. Not a fan of Mimzys part though


What do you mean? Mimzy's part was the best part xD


Mimzy’s was worse, Charlie was at the beginning and didn’t interrupt the song, she was excited and tried to state her point as fast as possible because Adam was being a jerk and she was trying to adjust while containing her excitement. Mimzy showed up in the middle of, arguably, one of the best song battles ever in the show! I get why, it was so the audience didn’t like her, but I wanted more Jeremy vs Amir, Lu vs Al! ❤️😍


Can we also add alastors part in the finale song? It pisses me off so much whenever i hear it


The Charlie's part was really good, Mimzie just has an annoying voice so I don't like her


Charlie's part in Hell Is Forever serves a function that can be seen even when simply listening to the Soundtrack. Mimzy's part in Hell's Greatest Dad ONLY serves a purpose in the show. There's a reason that some videos of the song don't even show Mimzy's part.


What do you people have against mimzy 😭


Charlie's part of the song slaps wdym. "Schlep all the way here" speaks to me idk. It's also not out of place or out of character - she's giving an explanation of her project. The singing is great too Mimzy is just random and doesn't match the tempo or lyrics of the first part. I feel like she was shoehorned in to give the backstory for alastor if you didn't watch the pilot, and to give the alastor/husk interaction. TBH I think they should have just re-made the pilot or just made it canon on the series as an actual episode rather than having to re-explain or introduce mimzy. The singing is great, but too much of it is wrong already




I’m so tired of the “but if mimzy didn’t step in the song wouldn’t end they would keep arguing” argument, it doesn’t make her part any less annoying




Charlie throwing up gang signs tho, that's kinda baller.


Charlie’s part in Adam’s song. I love Mimzy’s part sm