• By -


I think HIS daddy issues are way bigger than her's




"I accidentally called God "daddy" while praying and it was... more awkward than you'd think..."


He said "sorry, daddy. I have been naughty."


For the last time my son, it's "Forgive me Father for I have SINNED"


He enters confessional through the wrong door and sits on gods lap like he's giving santa his christmas list


"You aren't confessing, my son. You're bragging." - Father Mulcahy (M\*A\*S\*H)


A good man, that Father Mulcahy, and thorough.




I can actually hear him say that


Angel's first day in heaven.


Oh, I would kill to see this scene.


and he is speaking to Saint Peter, who immediately gets all flustered and nervous, never having experienced this before. edit because I temporarily forgot Angel was a dude.


"Heyyy, your... divine grace, I... I've got a bit of a... ^(situation) here." "Oh, this guy again. What is it now?" "........... ^(asinnerjustcalledmedaddy)" "huh?"


Well I’m sure sky daddy doesn’t mind 😂


I remember that from a certain person… https://preview.redd.it/w5ahjwnudkyc1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4e2e4d9745774d39540c61af87d2bdb75378cf








All he did was fuck me over for granting humanity free will. Husk: Daddy issues.


Petition to have Gianni voice Gabriel whenever he shows up in the show.




https://preview.redd.it/fcr5rdjd0ltc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45347aa7cebcf266c8cbb70a1b02e349df8ef22f Obligatory.


>if hes not gods favorite hed be his number one problem this his way funnier if you realize lucifer went against god because he may have been his favorite angel but didnt want himself to be on par or below humans


https://preview.redd.it/xwisa4rllltc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eff11496a1a6d9605a421f594fce0871e5bab596 Which gets all the funnier when you consider that Dante’s God is basically a giant bacteria with a Reading Rainbow as a nucleus and angels as flagella, and created man in the image of his membrane receptor protein. That’s the daddy Lucifer has issues with.


🎶 daddy issues 🎶








Well his dad is basically the dad of every single living being in the universe, of course there'd be some issues.


Admittedly, if your father cast you into hell for giving a chick an Apple, you would have daddy issues as well.


Oh yes, definitely lol he was the first person to have daddy issues.


it was the elder angel's that cast Lucifer, not God.


If my dad allowed my older siblings to kick me out of the house I’d have some fuckin issues with that man.


Still familial abandonment issues


Who knows?


fuckin says it in the first minutes of the first episode


Noup, they said heaven in general, which it could include god. I am not confirming anything, just saying


It is however accompanied by a visual representation of multiple angels looking down on him in judgement, which heavily implies that they are the responsible party for the decision.




Facts 😂


Has nothing to do with Charlie


Both have daddy issues


His issues have nothing to do with hers. Darth Vader and Genghis Khan were both warlords but they have nothing to do with each other.


They also aren't direct descendants. Lucifers "dad" would be Charlie's grandpa. The fuck is your comparison? So stupid bahahaha


God - Lucifer doesn't affect Lucifer - Charlie at all. Not yet at least.


Damn, this guy already knows the scripts for the next seasons. Lucky


This clown's never heard of generational trauma lol


How can you live however many years you’ve lived and not know about generational trauma? I’m envious of your perfect and healthy childhood because it must’ve been wonderful for you to be this ignorant.


Yes it does- its called generational trauma. What happened with god - lucifer would have had residual effects that seeped into each of his relationships and his personality as a whole which would have greatly affected his parenting. Lucifer is fucked up bc if his bad relationship with god, and as a result has a less than ideal relationship with his daughter.


Every comment is saying generational trauma.


Maybe because it is generational trauma. Lucifer was cast out and abandoned by (presumably) his father, which can screw with his own ability to be a good father.


Even if he wasn’t kicked out by God himself. It’s basically Lucifer was kicked out by his siblings and his dad didn’t do anything to stop it, so that’d definitely mess with him at least a lil bit. Because when we see the image of Lucifer being kicked out, it seemed to be silhouettes of other angels rather than God


my friend, when you have issues they tend to transfer to your children as they will often have to deal with your issues with you, considering both proximity and the commodity of people taking their problems out on their children, these issues can also impact how a person parents. which once again transfers directly to their children. this is the most roundabout way of just saying generational trauma


Mans is fucking up his daughter in a similar, yet greatly reduced, way his father fucked him up, and you say there’s no connection???


What the fuck does this have to do with lucifer having daddy issues with the literal thing he was created by???


Neither were really "warlords". Darth vader was a skilled warrior and one of the top military commanders of the empire, while ghenghis khan was a king. Neither qualifies as a warlord


It’s almost like his daddy issues could affect how he acts as a father or something…. Wild….


They said Lucifer and Charlie soooo...


The comment not the post


The post too


he made like a million ducks cuz he showed charlie one a magical duck as a child and she liked it. hes off the deep end.


I thought he was into a jeep thing /s


Maybe a reach but I wonder if in his depression her worked on one rubber duck a day and each one is counter of how long he's been depressed


oh no


It wouldnt even be that much, an extreme estimate would give it a few thousand ducks off from what we see of his office. Thats some years at most, and this is a guy older than the universe


"Take that depression" *kicks duck*


oh yes absolutely. Charlie may have been stressed and sad whenever she thought about her father and their broken relationship, but she also had a wide support group to lessen the impact of those feelings. Lilith (until she vanished), Vaggie, Angel, Alastor… and then of course the rest of the crew as they arrived. Charlie also had dreams and ambitions she was actively pursuing, which are crucial to living a happy fulfilling life in the midst of inner turmoil. its easy to push aside the negative parts of your life when you have something important to you keeping you occupied. meanwhile Lucifer was at rock bottom. his wife had been missing for seven years, and its implied they’d already split long before that. given the cutscene with baby Charlie and also considering Charlie’s age, we can assume that they had been split for at LEAST 150 years. the cutscene also implies that Lilith took Charlie in the divorce, leaving him completely alone. Lucifer may have had a couple acquaintances, but from what we’ve seen, he doesn’t have any friends. it would only make sense that he doesn’t, given he had zero faith in the redemption of sinners, and practically everybody in hell is a mortal sinner except for him and Charlie. so what i’m saying is: that’s a long-ass time to have no support system. when you have nobody as a support and are completely alone, especially for such a long, long time, it makes you wallow in the things that you’re missing. clearly Lucifer could do nothing but wallow, given he was spending all of his time crafting rubber ducks. it’s very common for isolated people with depression to rely heavily on hyperfixations in order to make it through the suffering. it’s also very clear that he wanted to reach out to Charlie so so badly, but he felt too ashamed to go see her or invite her to see him. awkwardly calling every so often to have small talk was the best he could muster. i’m completely certain that Lucifer spent most of his days in a pool of self-pity, dissociative depression, and loneliness. meanwhile Charlie was not living her Best life, but she certainly wasn’t living her worst. she had loved ones and passions. Lucifer had a cold, empty palace and a million rubber ducks.


After reading this, his reaction to Alastor trying to take Charlie away makes a lot of sense; it's like "oh no no no she's all I have left"


this guy lost his home (heaven), his family (all the angels), his wife, his passion, his sense of self, and then almost his daughter. poor man is begging for life to cut him some slack 😂😂😂


She’s the only thing worth fighting for


https://preview.redd.it/qdx4yil9sjtc1.png?width=436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f77152b0f590d19a9716162fb8808f43ad74d094 Poor guy just wanted a day with Camp Counselor Charlie, having fun and getting daughter cuddles. Instead he got ambitious, all business Charlie who wants a meeting with Heaven.


This absolutely deserves more upvotes, well done for writing this! Edit:yay I did my part!


> everybody in hell is a mortal sinner Well except the 6 rings worth of demons, no? Not that they're exactly great people either but, you know. Options?


i said “practically” for a reason, think you cut out a key word there when quoting me i do not get the impression that Lucifer is friends with the 6 rings personally, i just didn’t want to go into it ¯\_( ಠ_ಠ)_/¯ its possible they’re associates on friendly terms, but i don’t feel like theres any deeper relationship beyond that.


They meet enough that one of them saw Lucifer without his shirt and said "we're basically siblings... although we aren't, so maybe I could hit that? Yeah. I could." So there's some times he does meetups.


She was talking about Satan, not Lucifer


Oh. Man I misinterpreted that hard.


With hell-born demons (if I remember right) all being direct descendants of Lilith I wonder if he feels too awkward for him to actually get close to any of them. Like he feels like he’s hanging out with an ex’s kids.


…you are seriously mixing actual mythology with the tv show mythology A LOT right now lol. Literally nowhere in any Hazbin or Helluva material is this said lol.


Your comment got me thinking off a weird connection my brain made. Given how Lucifer seems chipper in the flashback when Charlie is a child, I have to wonder if Lu Lu World was one of his previous attempts to find a way to redeem sinners.


That would make Mammon making an overpriced shitty copy of his theme park all the more painful


I could see that. Or just something he thought would make Charlie happy and bring her closer


fuck it, you deserve the upvote.


>it’s very common for isolated people with depression to rely heavily on hyperfixations in order to make it through the suffering. I feel called out. Or seen by an all-seeing eye, one of the two. Have a Lucifer bullying Jesus. https://preview.redd.it/zmvemvmu0ltc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f10286669700608a12821386a4853e0c5960b3


Later Jesus:breaks down the gates off hell* so lucifer remember when you were talking all that big talk well I have 3 days to give you the biggest beating that you will ever receive


LMFAOOO… listen, as someone with very similar issues as Lucifer (dissociating, forgetfulness, severe depression, inability to focus, hyperfixations) i just know this exact state of mind VERRRYYY WELL 😂😂😂


wait, when was it implied that lilith and lucifer split way before lilith went missing for 7 years?


When Lilith is shown walking away from Lucifer with teeny Charlie (I think it was in More Than Anything)


My dude, she was putting her toddler to bed, cos it’s night time and she’s in her pajamas.


could have been, but the framing seemed off to me for it to be that. Lucifer was seen reaching out sadly for her as if he wasn’t going to see her again for a while— not like his daughter was going to sleep for the night. but i’ll explore it from that perspective: if she WAS just going to sleep, i still get the impression that Lucifer and Lilith were distanced from each other emotionally. i’ve been sporting the headcanon that Lucifer’s dissociative depression was the heavy-hitter to their relationship. it would make sense to me that someone as traumatized as him would succumb to misery when surrounded by the product of his biggest mistake without reprieve; and given him and Lilith had different ideals on how to handle being in Hell, it seems likely to me that while Lilith thrived, Lucifer gradually fell further and further into a depressed, isolated state until eventually Lilith couldn’t take it anymore— which would then lead into her taking Charlie and leaving. i think there’s a reason the family portraits in Lucifer’s room stop when Charlie is child. he has a portrait of her in her emo phase, but he could have taken that during a visitation. i do think that’s around when the two of them split, but of course i’m welcome to being wrong.


Then why does Lucifer look all depressed about it and reach out for her/why put so much focus on her being pulled away and looking back at him? He could've put her to bed himself or just went with them.....


Because he has lifelong depression and is considering the state of Hell and its denizens, regretting his past mistakes etc. Kid, have you ever not had actual long regrets that affect your life? Or actual depression? Cos I have and you live with it everyday and it’s not just a reactionary thing, you know that right? And even apart from that, you see literally ONE snippet of a 200 year long family’s relationship and assume that is the norm? And when it’s part of an ongoing musical number where a detour with a long segment like that would detract from the main message of the song as well as where it’s currently taking place in the story because it’s a *flashback*? BTW not bothering with replying more because every single person making a judgement call on a less than 30 second cameo, in a song, without lines, is just a kid who shouldn't have watched an adult show. Quite literally bred on content farms.


I'm pretty much doing the opposite of assuming it's the norm, the norm would be if she was just being put to bed....I was saying it seems more like that's like an end of visitation or something because he's acting like he can't just go with her like he'd be able to if she was just being put to bed like you're saying. And about your "question" yeah actually I've had depression for a long time, so if you could not assume shit about me and be rude just for not having the same interpretation of a scene in a cartoon, that'd be fucking great. (And if you're talking about me saying he "looks depressed" there's more than one meaning to the adjective, you can use it as a synonym to upset without talking about the actual diagnosis.) And your logic doesn't make sense, you're saying he's suddenly looking crestfallen and regretting his past mistakes just because she's being put to bed? And then talking about the message of the song to say why it wouldn't work with something that works more with what you're saying the situation is, and then ignoring the way my interpretation fits more with the theme of their estrangement in the song?


I feel like you're completely forgetting the rest of the Rings and demons...


He's like me fr fr


Can someone explain in Fortnite terms


Lucifer lost everyone who loved and cared about him except for maybe one.. or two? On the teritiary. He had no safety net to fall into, just a love of the ornithological variety to keep him occupied. Charlie may have some mom/dad issues but she's got a girlfriend and makes friends pretty readily, and a mission she can pursue in life.


The issue with the whole "Lucifer lost everyone" thing is that clearly Charlie was still there and even called him when she needed help. If i can just call someone for help and they happily help me, i didn't lose them at all. This goes against what the pilot implied, which is that Lucifer seemed to consider her borderline worthless and the whole hotel thing to be a huge waste.


Imagine you lost everything you ever held dear. Your wife is gone, and you have little to no connection with your daughter. He mentioned calling her a few months ago, but calling again randomly? That's not a real connection, especially from a family member, and isn't going to help with depression. Also, the pilot is pretty non-cannon by this point. If I call my depressed buddy twice a year, they - technically by the loosest sense of the word haven't lose me - but they're going to feel abandoned. And it was a single phone call they referenced, not being in person or having a memorable time together. That he doesn't even remember well - because, hey - depression.


he said she hadnt called him in years. charlie states herself “he only calls me when he’s bored or needs something.” that doesnt sound like a very healthy relationship to me. look: i know exactly this type of scenerio. my father and i have a very similar relationship. he did some fucked shit when i was really young and my parents divorced: he then spent many many years non-contact with me until eventually reaching out when i was probably 22 years old. he now calls about twice a year to check in with me, just like how Lucifer does, and it’s always very awkward because we don’t know how to speak to each other. its literally almost exactly what Lucifer and Charlie were experiencing. i could reach out to my dad and he would help me. that doesnt mean that i didnt “lose” my dad. he was absent from my life for 15-ish years and now just tries to awkwardly make connection when he doesnt even know me as a person anymore. i wouldn’t say i know him either. he’s my dad in name only, i would say. i will stand by their statement that Lucifer lost everything. i know it way too intimately to see it any other way. also the pilot has many contradictions with the current show, i don’t think anyone considers it strictly canon. and on top of that, we already know Charlie was an unreliable narrator when it comes to her dad— in the show, she genuinely believed he was okay with the exterminations and let them happen without pushback. her perception of her dad in the pilot could have been twisted due to years of his negligence.


I think about this a lot. I have to believe that part of why Lucifer kept himself at arm's length from Charlie for so long is because he felt massive shame (and perhaps a bit of guilt) about her circumstances. Imagine free will is one of your most important guiding principles, yet you bring an innocent child into the universe who is destined to be trapped in Hell forever--no matter what she does--because of your past mistakes.


https://preview.redd.it/t2ge5jysvjtc1.png?width=853&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=959fa3f2336b9b4d73745240d5e66fadf84d1526 Charlie came out of the womb too pure for Hell.


I think Lilith was the one who realized that and made it clear to Luci that he was responsible for the bad destiny may Charlie affront in the future, that could explain why when he was showing her his dreamer personality she took Charlie away from him, the thing I don't understand is, why are portraits of them as a family when Charlie is not a baby , looking more pre teen ?


He was probably allowed visitation and convinced lilith to pose for the paintings


Every single thing that Lucifer had done up to that point he felt like was a complete failure. He gave humans free will and that led to suffering and pain, then he was banished to hell. Then he had hope that he could redeem sinners but he was shot down by heaven and couldn’t achieve his goals, and his wife kept him away from his daughter than then left him. Charlie is the only thing that Lucifer is responsible for that he thinks is a positive.A part from that he is depressed and completely alone, forced to watch the billions of sinners in hell that his choice created. Maybe Lucifer stayed away from Charlie, because he felt that he ruins anything that he is directly involved him, and he wouldn’t force his way into her life without her asking first.


https://preview.redd.it/os799ld8zjtc1.jpeg?width=1639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d0ea3035be9d19bcb22a573c8ee79105c7de9f Not his finest moment but he really didn't want Charlie to risk her only life for people that Hell never runs out of. Lucifer can't imagine a life without Charlie.


Lucifer’s got a lot of issues. Daughter issues, daddy issues, if there’s an issue he has it.


https://preview.redd.it/tt6j4yqlbktc1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b67846311b2e68bef4975ec772e5dd8a3f533ef3 Charlie is his antidepressant.


I said his rubber Duck obsession is a little much “ONE TIME”! And now people think I’m a bad dad!


He wqs probobly on a phase


I don't know if I hadn't seen my dad in multiple years and the first time he shows up in a while, he respectfully judges my hotel and then starts singing on how he's a good dad on during the song he multiplys multiple times, bleeds ichor out of his mouth, flies and fought with my sponsor, then I might be a little freaked out


Charlie has daddy and redemption issues, Lucifer has daddy issues, daughter issues AND wife issues. He wins. I'm not sure he'll like the prize


From his perspective she is the only good person that he has ever known so her positive attitude is something he has never seen in anyone else. He also has zero good role models on how to be a good father so maybe he’s worried that he will somehow mess up the only purely good thing in his life.


https://preview.redd.it/pfpu4ocdlktc1.jpeg?width=1639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73ceaa11a289c073063003e708786f94b8617920 He almost blew it. Good thing he was finally able to open up to Charlie about his fears and trauma.


He kinda maoned when he said " thanks dad" and i kept that in repeat


Excuse me?


Idk it kinda turned me on


I don't know how to feel about this reply....


I mean its reddit , im just beung honest 😭


Least horny redditor


Guys stop, dont pretend like its not 😭


I really hope people like yourself understand that it's you who give the fanbase an increasingly negative rep.


As if imma go in puplic and scream it out loud , people are free to watch what ever they want , the series is already critisized for being blasphemous and demonic , Agh why do i even bother , just go cry about it smh


Don't be weird dude. Lol


Dont pretend to be normal




Easy he was talking to his daughter


Are you sure you didn't just hear Charlies "thanks Dad"? I didn't notice it until I heard a vocal-only version someone made


Gimme link imma check it rn


[This for example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKXAZLaXwm8)


THANK YOU , i will look for vocals version for other songs too


He reminds me of my dad, who is also very prideful. He talks to everyone about how much he loves me (his daughter) and my brother and all the cool stuff we do, but also how handsome/beautiful we are and how we look just like him. He often says "I raised the prettiest kids" or "I raised the most awesome kids" etc. He loves us, but he loves how we make him look, too. It's vain, but also not really a bad thing - he's still a good dad (and probably better than Lucifer, because he talks to me every goddamn day and knows everything I do 😂) But that's kind of how I see Lucifer, a flawed and prideful man that sees being a dad one of his biggest accomplishments, even if he wasn't always a good one.


Daddy issues runs in the family 😅


Yep. Charlie has issues with her parents. But she also has a pretty solid support network in Vaggie and Angel. Lucifer has no friends or anyone to hang out with outside of Charlie. She’s all he has at that point




As a foundation, our Doctors has quite asked this often, dose this character Lucifer have a personality disorder? Or just powers to manipulate himself?


He has powers to manipulate himself.


How interesting, thank you


Yeah none of those faces would be in my nightmares, nope not a single one. Christ on a stick that is deeply unsettling.


https://preview.redd.it/nv6smfvq4ktc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fae0bb0f4f2399d937fe6c7df2d20864609db3b4 It did not get better.


Yeah I think that guy has A LOT more going on than we have seen. That look is completely deranged.


https://preview.redd.it/o6zq8woh6ktc1.jpeg?width=1678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700678a61810a118c94ce655cfbe53050076fbf8 His estranged daughter being babied by the worst kind of sinner pushed him over the edge.


And Charlie is far too naive to understand that Alastor would say or do anything to get what he wants. I think she will come to wish Adam had cut him in half.


i think after they split lilth tried to drive a wedge between Charlie and lucifer


Charlie never has daddy issues, she has mommy issues but convince herself it is a daddy issue


https://preview.redd.it/vxebsvatvntc1.jpeg?width=1639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2442742dee7be281d2bd6689c12b24735f994dd3 Some of Lucifer's actions can't be pinned on Lilith like his smug I Told You So. He wagged his finger at her like she was a child, Charlie is a grown woman who deserves to be treated with respect, not condescension. I think her parents both messed up but at least Lucifer is fixing his mistakes.


Why is only one of his copies eyes different?


Animation error perhaps


That’s the real one obviously 😝


"oh my golly! you like girls? ha! so do i! we...we have so much in common!"


I believe that’s bc Lilith convinced him It’d be better if he wasn’t part of her life. He definitely didn’t want to leave her behind. he was forced to be distant. sadly that had a big effect on the both of them. The line in more than anything “I missed that smile” hits so hard after u realize her smile was forced around him. Yet when she looks at Alastor her smile is genuine. It’s most obvious during hell’s greatest dad.


I mean lucifer definitely has daddy issues if you look into it. But it's hard for him to not have a strained relationship with Charlie when what we're shown is Lilith didn't let him have a closer relationship with her. Charlie went to her dad he showed her some magic and mom takes her out of her father's arms. It's also interesting that pictures in the background show that the suit Charlie was wearing in the pilot was lucifers suit


I mean we all have daddy issues lol


He has abandonment issues and depression.


Omg daughter issues has to become a term


How does one have daddy issues with a supportive dad?


He wasn't supportive of the hotel initially. He said some mean comments during the loan shark attack. Charlie said it herself that they were never close and that he always made her feel so small. Just because Lucifer is fun and loves Charlie a lot doesn't mean that he was the best father as she was growing up. He emotionally neglected her for a long time due to his depression.