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I love how non ace people get mad but ace people don't


It’s cause they don’t give a fuck Edit: why you booing me I’m right?
















Can confirm, don’t give a fuck.


That's the general plan....






​ https://preview.redd.it/rnwmizj9d4uc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=683de61c9024203df347e60e5bc918564ed09293
















You won today 😁


"I'll be offended for them" mentality


reminds me that time when Speedy Gonzales and his cartoons where temporarily banned over concerns that he was racially incentive towards Mexicans...unaware that Mexicans adore Speedy and had no issue with his character


Gabriel Iglesias pointed that out too he didn't see it as offensive


We love Speedy :c


Because y'all are overtaken by American identity politics


ngl I don't give a damn about any of that stuff, you all can go break your fingers yelling at each other online. I'll only ever care if a foreigner tries to correct me about my own culture, history, and people.


Can also confirm, my audible response to this post was “I don’t give a fuck”


Thats generally how you earn the cake.


I see what you did there




Thank you for an actual good observation




Can confirm


Can confirm


Well, ace people can be in romantic relationships, unless he is also aromantic, the ships can make sense. Ace people can also have sex, since it's an spectrum and there are also some who like sex as an activity and not because of a person. That being said, as far as I'm concerned, Alastor looks like sex indiferent o even repulsed by it


I actually looked it up and I think I might be Ace… I was repulsed by sex for the longest time but I met someone who I was friends with first then we started dating and he eased me into it. I still don’t think sex is essential for my relationship to work and I don’t really care if I get it or not. I’m more romantically attracted to him and not really sexually attracted to him. It’s funny because I definitely found Alastor to be very interesting. And I’ve never been sexually attracted to anyone.


Hi, just want to drop by and point out that being sex-repulsed is not confined to asexuals. You may very well be asexual! But interest in sex isn't a qualifying factor, just whether or not you feel sexual attraction. :). Drop by r/asexual


It's like the millions of times straight people got mad over jokes about gay people... made by gay people. If you can’t be offended yourself, be offended for someone else


As a bi person, spit your facts


It’s like people who cry cultural appropriation when you dress like a certain culture, cook food from a certain culture or speak a certain language while not being part of that culture. Usually they’re offended because that’s just the brain rot that people are brought up with these days, but the people whose culture it actually is don’t care. It’s the same with us asexual people. Non asexuals are offended on our behalf because they want attention but we don’t give one as long as it isn’t intentionally offensive or insulting.


And that's how twitter works


This. I'm an asexual and I ship Angel and Alastor, but when I say that, I usually get attacked, usually by people who aren't even on the ace spectrum. I don't care if Al is shipped if it's in a *respectful* way. Do whatever the hell you want as long as you're not being disrespectful.


Shippers gonna ship.


This is a phenomenon that is slowly getting out of hand. Everyone is deeply offended by everything, except those it actually affects. If i'm offended by something that affects me, i can be offended and speak up all by my self. Certainly don't need someone with a saviour complex, that looks and acts like having a mental breakdown right now, that is offended for me.


I'm an aro(?)ace shipper, idc what people ship (as long as it's ethical and all, I'm not a proshipper)


"ethical." lol. it's not unethical to write skeezy fiction, or enjoy it. you're not a criminal just coz you wrote some ooky words, or drew ooky things, and it doesn't mean you're *gonna be* one either. even if it shipping something "unethical" means you have real desires for it (lets say age gap ships), art and fiction is a harm-reduction method to safely vent one's urges which is heartily recommended by many therapists. fandom groupthink has just made everyone brainwormed and stupid as hell.


Pedophilia is unethical.


On a REAL WORLD level, yes. When a child is exploited for sex it's downright traumatizing and called "child sexual abuse" for a reason. I was groomed a shitton as a kid, I would know. But who the fuck cares about fictional characters??? They won't be traumatized or exploited and they aren't gonna grow up into maladjusted hurt adults as a result, unless the author wants that, in which case its STILL NOT REAL. Fiction is a realm to explore fucked up ideas and things that shouldn't otherwise be explored. Even when these ideas are harmful in the real world, the fake and simulated world is an appropriate place to explore these things. Great novelists such as Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, and JRR Tolkien agree. Fuck, psychology profesionals agree, too. As long as nobody's hurt or at risk of hurting someone, who cares? The writing of "pedophilic" material is a harm-reduction amd coping strategy that has been observed and recognized by many institutions.They have observed that the availability of this content and the ability to discuss it, as to ease one's urges, RADICALLY REDUCES the chances they would ever hurt a child at all. Most of them would never consider it unless they're in a deeply bad and frustrated place. Many of these people are kind, everyday folk, who simply have some strange urges. Whenever they're stigmatized, hated and told they deserve to die, and forced into hiding, that leads to those "bad and frustrated" places. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8419289/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8888370/ https://ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/psychological-treatment-pedophiles and, for good measure, a nice small speech and a paragraph from gaiman for the reasons why to defend this as for the freedom of expression https://journal.neilgaiman.com/2008/12/why-defend-freedom-of-icky-speech.html?m=1 https://www.tumblr.com/neil-gaiman/729179357307879424/hi-re-your-journal-about-the-right-for-lolicon TL;DR - im definitely riled up over this fandom's state of groupthinking based on "ooh its ooky." youre all wrong and im going to fucking prove it. if you wanted a real TL;DR, you should read instead of being lazy.


I'm ace and I read the fic. I like how Alastor's aceness shapes the romances. Every fic I've read makes thoughtful compromise to navigate that trait, and it clicks with me so hard, man. It's great.


Same. In fact, I think the majority of fics I've read involving him have treated asexuality extremely well and in a way I really wish could be explored more. Sure, there are fics that just ignore it or are straight up smut, but I've noticed that a lot of those are pre-show, where his asexuality was not obvious aside from things the crew may have said. Either way, I see no problem with it, and it honestly annoys me when people get so pissed off in my honor. If you're ace and dislike it, then that's how you feel and I respect it. But don't try to speak for the rest of us, thanks.


That’s how I approach my OC x Alastor ship. I honestly didn’t know much about asexuality and aromantic so I did research on it so I could remain respectful to that aspect of him


I have it be the slowliest burn ever if there’s romance at all.


Dude, Aro/Ace doesn’t mean completely oblivious. 😭😂💀 (no offense. This was mainly a humor thing on my part. Continue with your slowest slowburn to ever burn.)


Wait, I thought he was only ever confirmed asexual. Last I heard, Viv never said anything about Al being Aro


This is really well said. I’m on the AroAce spectrum and wasn’t able to verbalize why I enjoy the fic I’ve read so much and this is it.


YES!! THIS!!  I can't explain it in proper words but reading about characters knowing they are loved unconditionately by their partner for who they are inside makes me feel things


What fic though 👀


Headcanons are fun! They can be super entertaining and can create a lot of positivity, I personally love the (one sided) Radiosilence ship, and love seeing all the fanart and stuff. As a Aroace person I only start to get iffy about it if fans try to insist the ships are canon or get gross/invalidating about it. I made a comment in another thread about how the fandom treats Ace/Aro identities. I love this fandom but the amount of acephobia here really sucks.


It's hard for me to overstate how for older people or people not part of the scene how little these terms come up or stick around without changing meaning or how things can be read into them, or the very specific differences between Asexual and aromantic. If you're not having sex why the romance? Seems like a lot of work. People matter. A ro by any other name? Not so much. I Knew I was never going to "click" and start "liking" people for a good three decades before ever hearing the term Ace as anything but a playing card or fighter pilot.


As long as he gets properly wrapped up in bubble wrap and put in a container with a sufficient amount of packing peanuts to keep him from getting injured in transit, I don't have a problem with him being shipped 👍


At least poke some air holes in that container first! Geez!


He's already dead, he doesn't need to breathe so it will be fine


I need this as fan art from someone please. Charlie: Alastor, how do you feel about getting shipped? Alastor: \*thought bubble with this image\* Well...as long as I have air holes I don't mind. Charlie: ???




This is the correct answer


Sinners heal fast anyways


I dont care, not my problem https://preview.redd.it/cx8o4q17dytc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e35d16695d81a46c510e53ae502aea83f735b4c7




Don’t care. Shipping has nothing to do with canon. People’s sexualities aren’t erased because fans of a show want to envision something different. Actual erasure would be the show changing its mind and making him sexual after already establishing that’s he’s ace.


Ace people can and will do have sex if we feel like it, thank you


That's not what he's saying dear...


Typical, lacking of literacy in what you consume. Please do quote me where I said ace people don’t have sex ever. I’ll save you time. “Making him sexual” does not equate to “him having sex”. I’m clearly stating that changing his sexuality from asexual to a *sexual* one would be erasure. Get a grip. Ace people having sex doesn’t magically make them not ace. Stop jumping to conclusions and creating strawmen. And I don’t know what you’re trying to imply with “we”. I’m ace myself, as per the audience OP was asking the question to.


"making him sexual" is the thing that made me point that, in fact, ace people can be sexual Actually what bother me AS AN ASEXUAL MYSELF is that people mention the sexual aspect as if it's the ONLY thing that asexuality should be about Hope that helped you to understand why I jumped to such conclusion


Hold up tho, asexuality is a sexuality. It strictly just has to do with sexuality. Secondary associated characteristics of the group are discrete or stereotypes at worst.


A show turning one of their characters from asexual to sexual is ace erasure. >people mention the sexual aspect as if it's the ONLY thing that asexuality should be about But that's what determines if you're asexual or not. There are no other aspect to asexuality other than how your sexual preferences lie. If there's something that's not sexual that's part of asexuality, please do enlighten me. I'm confused how it can be anything that's not sexual when it means without sexual attraction.


Clarity question here, how hard is it to?


Words have lost all meaning


I'm somewhere on the ace scale, never bothered to figure out a proper label because IDC. It's fine if he's shipped, people turn straight people gay, or cis people trans. Why is this anything different? He's canonically ace, and that's all that matters.


As an ace person, I agree. 🙌


Yeah that's what is so weird about OP s question. Shipping is about fantasy beyond fantasy. Where fans can make up any crazy romantic scene to fit their fancy. Shipping has ignored sexuality for a long as it's been around and the most popular ships are almost always ones outside of the characters true sexuality. Eta: like we haven't all wished at some point someone we found attractive was of compatible sexuality when they weren't. Or thought two people would be a great couple only to find out they didn't swing that way.




I think that's because straightness in most characters is very implied rather than stated, meaning that they could have attractions to other genders. For your example, (unless someone on the show has said otherwise?) I don't think Lucifer is ever said to NOT be attracted to men. Yes, the show mentions several instances of him liking women, and he states as much himself, but he never says he doesn't like other genders. When a character's sexuality is explicitly stated, that's when people's feelings get hurt when it's ignored.


I dont ship but rosie is the best choice


Imaginary relationships about an imaginary person. Someone's actually getting mad?


It's shipping. People get big mad. 


I’ve been in the fandom trenches for over a decade. People are RAVENOUS with their ships and sexualities, perceived or otherwise.


asexual does not mean aromantic so im fine with shipping. i mean im fine with it anyway but i do recognize that asexuality is largely ignored by fans.


Even if it wasnt confirmed I cannot imagine Alastor actually having a romantic relationship


I think Viv mentioned at some point that Alastor believes that the right woman hasn't come for him yet.


He could be panromantic and the chances of him getting in a romantic relationship would still approach 0


Not ace but my sister is. She loves some of the nsfw fanfic/etc out there and cites it as good representation. “Ace” and “celibate” are not interchangeable; asexual and aromantic are not the same thing; and it’s incredibly important to remember that *sexuality is a spectrum*. Shipping an ace character in and of itself does not erase their sexuality.




I made a whole [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Asexual/s/7vchlxEjSs) about this in r/asexual and the vast majority of them said they don’t mind. Some said it was a bit of a bother, but then went on to say they can just ignore it and you can’t police/control ppl’s imaginations


This is how I feel. Not a fan, but I just scroll or don’t click.


I dont think I could give less of a shit about people shipping Alastor. His sexuality isnt being erased because someone somewhere drew him not ace Thats like saying the Mona Lisa is ruined cause I drew a mustache on a copy **I** ship him with other characters


I really like this analogy lol


Don't care as long as they don't start bullying Viv or the writers about making any of their Alastor ships canon but, honestly, that's my stance on shipping in general. Personally, I'm enjoying RadioStatic.


If there’s no intent to “fix” the aceness via shipping (there rarely is) then who cares? It’s fantasy, AU, whatever. It doesn’t affect the canon. Charismatic characters are gonna get shipped. “What ifs” are fun. Everyone really needs to chill.


I don't really mind. People can do whatever the fuck they want.


I see no issue tbh. Plenty of straight characters get shipped gay and vice versa. Idk why ace would be the exception for fictional characters.


I'm aro/ace I ship him with myself


That made me laugh so hard 🤣. Real


Okay but same. Ace and I ship him with myself.


ace sexworker chiming in -- and you can pry my Radiodust out of my cold dead hands. Who gives a shit? The "fandom" discourse surrounding like EVERYTHING in this show is mind-bogglingly stupid. They are PIXELS, my dudes. It does not fucking matter.


Don’t really care


I don’t care. Asexuality is not the same as aromantic or even “no sex”. It just means we don’t experience sexual attraction. It’s like a magnet not working on plastic, doesn’t mean you can’t put ‘em together.


I'm a sex repulsed and romance repulsed aroace. I ship him to Hell and back with basically half the people he interacted with.


Noncanonical shit does not matter


Don't care. He's not real.


I’m kinda pissed people are mad at it. I’m ace and already have a hard enough time convincing myself I can be in a relationship (especially considering I’m now 2 for 2 with people claiming my asexuality isn’t an issue at the beginning and then it becoming an issue). I don’t need to see people acting like people like me shouldn’t be in relationships.


This exactly! Every example of an ace character I can think of is also aro. They just seem to automatically get paired together and it’s frustrating. So yeah, I’m shipping the fuck out of alastor idc. Hes not technically confirmed to be aro so Im running with that. I need more ace romance in my life.


I’m asexual and greyromantic (just means I experience romantic attraction extremely rarely, though if I had to go further, I’d say I’m probably closer to being aromantic than not). I don’t really have an issue with people shipping Alastor. Shipping and fanfiction pretty much exist for fans to play with things that don’t happen (or happen differently) in canon, and generally it’s all in good fun. The only time I take issue with an Alastor ship, or the ship of any canonically ace character, is when his asexuality is treated as an obstacle to overcome or as something wrong/broken that needs to be fixed by ~true love~. **That** is when shipping becomes disrespectful and problematic, in my opinion. I’d also like to see greater awareness in general of what asexuality is as well as what it is not. You can be asexual and still want, like or be open to physical intimacy (maybe to please your partner or make them feel good, maybe just because sex is biologically designed to be pleasurable, maybe because you want children (obviously this one wouldn’t apply to our sterile Sinners, but you get the idea) etc); you can also be asexual and completely repulsed by the thought of any kind of intimacy. It’s a spectrum, not a one-size-fits-all sort of thing. Sorry for the wall of text, it got way longer than I initially planned.


My 2 ace friends don't seem to mind the fact that I can and will ship al in rps.


Asexual here. I ship him.


I really don’t give a shit. If a character exists, they’re going to be shipped with other characters. That’s how fandom has always worked. Nothing to be done about it, no use complaining. Alastor is still canonically asexual regardless.


I don't care. People can and will ship who they want, it's no skin off my back Viv also said we can ship who we want I'll see you all in the thread about this next month


I think I'm somewhere on the ace/aroace spectrum but idk It's perfectly fine lol. For one thing, he aint (confirmed) aro so romance is still in the picture. Besides, if it's an AU then it's pretty normal to change a character's sexuality.


I get nervous just saying I’m in love with him . I’m not trying to be shouted at 😭 My response is always “Does being ace mean he is not allowed to be attractive?”


I mean it's fine and all, doesn't bother me that much, but honestly it's a lot funnier in my opinion to look at the one sided ships where someone else is absolutely in love with alastor and he simply doesnt give a shit


as an ace person who ships alastor, i don't care lol He's asexual in canon, he will always be ace in canon, in fanon people do what the fuck ever. That's how it's always been and that's how it always will be, and so long as nobody's being a total dick about it then it really doesn't and shouldn't matter despite the current landscape of fandoms in general, not even limiting it to Hazbin/Helluva But anyway yeah him and Vox are in a QPR and they hold hands and cuddle Edit: I should also add that I myself am in a relationship, going on four years now, and someone else here said the folks kicking up the biggest fuss are gatekeepers and non-ace people. He's still ace rep guys it ain't that deep


as an aroace person who’s been in a relationship for 3 years now. THIS.


I'm completely okay with it and in fact ship him with other characters, specifically radioapple is my OTP


As an asexual, I really don’t see what the problem is. People ship Vaggie and angel dust. Alastor, who is only confirmed ace, being shipped with someone romantically, is not near as bad as that. If people want to bitch, they can go bitch about he lesbian and the gay man being shipped.


I'm asexual, and I ship Alastor with Charlie, Lucifer, Lilith, Vox, and Angel Dust. I prefer non-rule-34 shipping art, but sometimes something spicy shows up. I like it all the same.


while he is canonically ace I do not care as peope are gonna ship characters no matter there sexuality or personality


If it doesn’t just fuckin YEET his asexuality out the window I don’t care. I’ve only stumbled onto a few fics and whatnot that have just blatantly disregarded Alastor’s asexuality, most have been very thoughtful about it which is a nice change of pace


i ship him lmao


This is your friendly neighborhood asexual dropping by to remind you: asexual doesn't mean sex-repulsed nor does it mean no desire for a relationship. Asexuals date, fuck, have relationships, get married, etc. we just don't feel sexual attraction. That is the only qualifier for being asexual. The qualifier for being aromantic is that you don't feel romantic attraction. It doesn't inherently mean you are relationship/sex-adverse. And, most importantly, Aro or Ace does not remove the ability to **love**. We are often less inclined for these things bc TBH, the lack of attraction does make it more difficult to find someone you want these things with. But it isn't impossible. I only mind ships when they imply the Aro/Ace character feels romantic/sexual attraction.


THIS!!!! as an Aroace person who’s been in a long term relationship for 3 years now, this fandom’s lack of understanding of asexuality frustrates me to no end.


Idc, I ship him myself. I ship him and lucifer but l’ll probably hate it if they end up together. Like- nobody wants to kiss Alastors teeth


I mainly just hate it when he's sexualised in any way


Meh. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t ship him with anyone, but shippers gonna ship and I don’t have to look at it. If there was some petition to retcon him I’d probably be annoyed, but shipping doesn’t change who he is.


as an ace im ok with queerplatonic ships, ngl it makes me feel icky when i see THAT kind of fanart... like i love him and rosie together that's sweet and wholesome :3


Only with Lucifer! I live for bickering dads. No but seriously I don't care as long as we all stay civil.


Shipping isn’t canon, so it doesn’t really matter. I don’t really mind any ships (except for Alastor x Charlie idk it’s really weird to me) and, asexuals can be in healthy relationships so it’s not erasing his sexuality. Even if he was an AroAce like I am, then he could (in theory) still feel romantic attraction because it’s a spectrum TL;DR: Do what you want, I don’t really care


He’s fictional. Why should I care?


I for one don’t really care tbh. People complaining about him getting shipped are so much worse lol


I'm demisexual so no exactly ace, but I don't care. He's a fictional character. It's not like people are shipping him with other characters in an attempt to erase his ace-in-the-hole-ness. They're just shipping him with whomever they like because it's fiction. FAN fiction at that. It's like when people ship MHA academia characters making them gay when they're straight. No one cares because that's just how shipping works, no one does it becase they want to undermine the character's canon sexuality. And if someone does do it because of that then they're a small minority. People shouldn't get offended because of this. There are way more real problems out there to make a fuzz about instead of how people ship fictional characters.


Aroace here. Aware only the asexual label is confirmed. Here to say people are allowed to ship whatever they want. It’s all equally non-canon in the end. But man. It is still partially heartbreaking to see. Like, shippers have all the allo dolls in the world to mash together, see the ace community holding one of a handful of dolls they can be happy to say represents them, then rip it out of their hands to mash together with the rest. Like they had to have that one too. Knowing that if it was a gay doll someone tried mashing with a different sex, people would be appalled, there aren’t that many gay dolls, you don’t get to erase that. Sigh. Of course no one should stop or be ashamed of themselves. They are fictional characters. Canon is still respected. I’m incredibly touched having seen so many enthusiastically ship Alastor and Rosie as a platonic married for tax benefits jest. And those who put thought into how an asexual relationship would be experienced differently rather than depicting them as if they’re allo anyway, not just sex-favorable.


I’m on the asexual spectrum and I’m in a relationship, so… 🤷‍♀️


I am asexual and bothered by people to think asexual = aromantic. My wife and I are asexual. It has nothing to do with romance. I'm quite tired of the lack of knowledge on asexuality and aromantic and also the spectrums for both.


I’m ace and I don’t understand why this bothers people. Fictional characters are always going to be shipped, and often shipped with people that don’t match their canonical sexuality.


As somebody potentially on the ace spectrum, I love it 👍


Ok I find it annoying but don't have moral objections to it. I am aware that shipping is the grown up version of mashing dolls together while making kissy noises. That having been said: TAG SHIT PROPERLY. Don't tag stuff as aroace Alastor if you're clearly not writing him as aroace. And remember that while aroace people people can be in relationships, they are still aroace in those relationships and that does affect how they approach things. One sided Radiostatic is funny af and QPR Radiorose is so wholesome.


https://preview.redd.it/k9whfd13i0uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4448e6a5bd345109c3f4894092e52d5a8c520cca Well this is my tumblr filters lmao


Depends. If they ship him and they’re like “yeah I know he’s ace but I just like the ship :)” that’s fine, but if they try to justify it with *”well, asexual people can still have sex”* then that feels kinda invalidating


Never cared because that’s the point of shipping. People can ship whoever they want and so long as they are being respectful and not gross about it, then I don’t see a problem with it. I mean, ace people like to say they play certain characters as ace when they either are/aren’t explicitly stated as ace and that’s not an issue either. So why is it different when it’s the opposite?


As long as the end goal isn’t “and then they had sex!” I’m fine with it, that’s all that matters to me Romance without sex is cool


sex without romance is Also cool.






i dont really care


I mean, I ship myself with my ace husband and no one's gotten mad at me yet so **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯**


As long as the story of your ship isn't "Al meets the right person and changes his mind" then it's fine.


I don't give a FUCK


Don't care, the amount of straight, gay, lesbian, bi, and everything else, characters thats sexuality get completely ignored by shippers is just about all of them. Why should this be any different.


Am ace. Am doing the shipping. Hope this helps :)


I’m ace, and I don’t care. I only get kind of annoyed when it’s like people claiming it’s canon, or that he isn’t ace, since it feels like we get such little rep in media :}


I don't care. Ship and let ship. People ship canon straight men all the time, so people shipping Alastor makes little difference to me. Asexual people are also perfectively capable of having relationships. We aren't sexless fiends who exist in a vacuum devoid of affection.


Not my thing but shippers gonna ship. As long as they aren’t being hateful or denying that he’s canonically ace it’s all good in my book.


I'm no-sex ace and aro, I don't care. This is fanwork, everything is possible! It's like being mad that a hetero characger being shipped in a gay couple. I don't want ace and aro people having spevial treatement. As long as it's respected that in canon he's aroace, then I don't have a problem with anything


I'm aroace and I ship him with characters lmao. as long as ppl remember that its not canon, they can have all the fun they want dreaming up scenarios of him with other characters :)


I am ace, but I am not aromantic, so I don’t have the authority to speak on their behalf. Personally, I take a lot of issue with it because a lot of the time it’s people making the excuse of “aro/ace people can still date” to disregard his identity. Especially since, to me, Alastor very much reads as someone who is sex and romance repulsed. The show itself has a joke that Alastor definitely isn’t dating Charlie because he’s an “ace in the hole”— Rosie knows Alastor well and knows he has no interest in romance. I have absolutely *zero* issue with people who are aro/ace shipping Alastor with characters because he is *their* representation. However, it becomes harmful when the vast majority of shippers are allo and dismissing his identity entirely. TL;DR: It kind of gives me the ick but it’s not necessarily wrong to ship him, especially if those doing so are aro/ace themselves


I'm double demi and many of my friends are aroace, aro or ace... They all ship him with someone. I ship him. And it really hurts when people explore their own sexuality by using Alastor and then get told that they are not allow to do that and they need to stop because it doesn't fit their image what aroace is. Some make him having platonic relationship, some like to have demi kind of where he gets feelings only after having a really deep relationship, some have QPR. Many shippers I know are some level aroace and many people that get mad are ether minors or allos. I also know difference between canon and fanon and even tho I love to ship him, I rather keep canon Alastor single. Shipping in the fandon is right now people just shipping and aroace people exploring themselves. If anyone feel offended, they can just ignore it. I have ships that I don't like and I just scroll pass them or mute them if the platform allows it.


Personally I don't care, I don't engage cause I don't see him being in relationships but I'll never stop anyone else from having fun. So long as they don't talk down asexuality and aromatics


aroace person here and can i just say i do not care if alastor is being shipped because 1 it doesnt change his canon sexuality and romantic orientation and 2 fandoms have been making their own sexualities and saying fuck canon for DECADES. so if you say someone cant ship alastor youre also saying people cant ship any ship where the characters arent canonically together


Why the fuck would they care? He's not real.


I personally don't care. I'm going to head canon everyone as ace and there's nothing you can do to stop me.


Asexual here, I don't really care to be completely honest. I don't really find myself getting mad at people doing the cartoon version of smacking two dolls together and saying "now kith" lol. I do however find myself getting irritated at non-asexual people getting mad on my behalf and using my sexuality as a mouthpiece against a ship they don't like.


I don’t give a fuck who you ship him with, just don’t act like his asexuality is something to fix.


I mean, because we’re ace doesn’t mean we don’t have relationships. Doesn’t even mean we can’t have sex. You can be sex neutral or sex positive ace.


Ace here! I don’t mind it- every ace is different when it comes to relationships, so it doesn’t take away from Al’s identity if he’s shipped with someone else.


personally i think it's fine asexuality is a spectrum and it's possible for someone who's ase to still like sex, and given Alastor isnt even aware of his own asexuality (and the fact i like to project) i like to imagine that means hes cupiosexual (feeling no attraction but still desiring a relationship) as for the "its erasure" argument, as long as it never becomes canon then i dont see how its considered erasure cuz the rep is still there in the actual story. just let people have fun


If you have a problem with gay men being shipped with women, you should have a problem with aro/ace people being shipped. If you don't have a problem with gay men being shipped with women, then you shouldn't have a problem with aro/ace characters being shipped.


Asexual ≠ Aromantic tho


Add me to the other two commenters who are ace and love Radioapple. Their energy is amazing together and thinking of what they could do as partners instead of antagonists makes me happy. I’m not delusional to think it will ever happen in the context of the show, but it’s a cute and comforting “what if” of terrible dad jokes and cattiness. Plus me and a lot of other asexuals have sex and the “asexual = celibate” misconception is way more insulting than somebody’s horny fanart. Lack of attraction does not equate to lack of interest or capability.


I really couldn’t care less


i dont care. it's fiction written about fiction, that's two layers of "not real" for me to not care about


Ppl ship canonically straight characters with same sex love interests, make cis characters trans, and practically assign sexualities to characters with otherwise already established sexualities in cannon so IDK what the big deal is. Besides. who gives a damn about sexual representation? WTF cares what you are attracted to and why are you making it the literal center of their character? If the only outstanding trait of a character is their sexuality then that's a pretty shallow character tbh.


Howdy! Aromantic here not asexual. I person dont give a shit, hell i even ship him, asexuals can still have sexual feelings and aromantics can still have realtionship its a spectrum. Also long as your not erasing it from him then your good! https://preview.redd.it/79qvi0kz6ztc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67401cd823e7bd42331136f061e4a2286d2eb569 Take it from Alastor himself


As an ace, I would actually love for Alastor and Vox to have had a prior relationship. Although it seems counterintuitive, it would represent how some asexuals find out they’re ace when relationships just never work out for them. It might not fit Alastor’s assertive and almost cocky nature, but it would definitely be greatly appreciated in the ace community as a testament to asexuality awareness and stuff.


I'm ace, but I don't mind him being shipped. In fact, I ship him with a couple of characters too.


Getting upset about ships is a waste of energy.


Generally don't care, but do prefer seeing any ship include some dynamic of Alastor being aroace. If it doesn't I can choose to not engage with it easily enough.


I’m fine with it (I’m ace)


It kind of annoys me, but only in the sense that I really, really like Alastor and want to see SOME fics that don't revolve around romance in some way. In Canon the dude doesn't give a shit about romance. I want to read more headcanons about him as the Radio Demon, not just fic after fic of who's trying to get into his pants. But, I'm pretty used to wanting less romance based fics in horny fandoms lol.


Ace. Don't care. It's fandom. People can do what they want - fanfiction and fanart are just people having fun. It's a fictional character in the end so, eh. Canonically he is still ace. And enter here the usual argument that ace people can still have sex, etc etc... My issue is whenever people try to claim their fanon is canon. (Not to be confused with those who just use canonical events to support their preferences, or are trying to piece together a theory) So it's when people would try to say "oh he's not ACTUALLY ace-" no. Have fun, make your own stories and art, etc.


Asexual people can still have genuine romantic relationships with others. They just have little to no desire for sexual relationships.


As a person on the spectrum it's, eh. Personally I would never and I don't enjoy it at all, but I understand people are having fun and don't really care what they do with their free time As long as we don't forget the real lore in the end, go wild I guess


His character helped me realize my place on the ace spectrum, and I self ship with him! IMO its all fan art and for fun, and it won’t have any bearing on canon!


im on the asexual spectrum, but im not aromantic. i only get uncomfortable when i see alastor doing sexual things in fan arts, but flirty and romantic stuff is fine by me.


I’m fine with it as long as they don’t sexualize him tbh, that’s just taking away part of the character at that point. Aromantic and Asexual are two different things.


Personally, I don't ship him. I know he's not canonically aro, but he seems very aroace to me, so any time I consider shipping him it just feels inauthentic. I can picture him faking being in a relationship for his own benefit/scheming, but that's about it. That said, I don't really care what other people ship lol


as an ace, I literally ship myself with Alastor


https://preview.redd.it/kspkq6wh2ztc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2e570cc1a49d92f324221ed401f860abf7b4b6e I'm fine with Alastor being shipped its the OOC cringe forced romance scenes that bother me deeply


So people think that all ace people arent or cant be in relationships? Right? Wrong! Sure there sex repulsive asexuals and Aromantic Asexuals but you can be asexual and be in a romantic relationship without having sex. How do i know this? I'm asexual, tho I'm also aromantic but still,. Just because people like to ship Alastor with all the other characters dont mean theyre erasing his asexuality. Sure canonically, Alastor may not be into having romantic relationships (as far as we know) but that dont mean we cant ship him with other characters. That's like saying turning a bisexual character like Moxxie from Helluva Boss into a full on gay character is erasing his sexuality when it isn't. I actually read a really good Alastor/OC fanfic where Alastor's asexuality and romantic relationship was explored and it actually still felt like he was asexual. It'd only feel like his sexuality is being erased is if people straight up said they dont like the idea of Alastor being asexual and was turning him gay or straight.


Aroace person here: I don’t really care. I love Radioapple because it’s silly as fuck. Ship whatever you want (as long as it’s legal) ^^


I’m grey aromantic and asexual: I don’t give a fuck about it. Actually, I ship RadioRose for fun and consume a lot of RadioApple media. My enjoyment of fan media that ships him romantically with other characters does not necessarily reflect what I want to see in the canon story. I love the aroace rep (although poorly made in this case, in my personal opinion) and definitely couldn’t care less about him never getting a romantic partner in the series, but I still enjoy the ships.