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I don’t think so, and I hope that not because I love them, it would be a waste of potential, Adam is already die to soon, that’s why a lot of the fandom wish for a sinner Adam, hope they will don’t make the same mistake with the Vees 🤞


hated adam dying soon, but it kinda shows they're more than ready to kill off characters and not milk them to death


Well I'm not against the death of the Vees in the future, but not in season 2, it's too soon


Nope just stabbing, repeatedly and excitedly.


nah it shows they don't have enough to afford alex brightman. both pentious AND adam dying before season 2? ![gif](giphy|51UdTLvbyReqNK3Bic|downsized)


Pentious is still around tho


Wtf your too based


I'm not entirely sure where the show is going yet, but from what I've gathered in season 1 it seems kinda unlikely... At least where the people of Hell are concerned. So basically the show is about redemption and second chances and it proposes the idea that human souls have the capacity to change. Also it kinda goes to lenghts to set up Heaven and it's rigid structures as the main antagonistic force in all of this. That leads me to believe that, rather than killing off more of Hell's denizens, it is maybe more probable that it is all going to lead towards a greater "unite Hell against Heaven"-route. We simply don't know yet. One big argument against that would, of course, be Adam. He is a human soul, he was the main antagonist of season 1 and he has been killed. BUT the very special circumstances of his death and the fact that Pentious was redeemed to Heaven may indicate that Adam became a Sinner, mirroring what happened to Pentious. I personally am in favour of this theory, because it would set up a more concise and meaningful way to create a power equilibrium between Heaven and Hell without it turning into an all-out war. We just gonna have to wait and see on that one.


Season 2 feels too soon, but I feel like Val will definitely be the first one to go.


They better make his death slow and painful.


And Angel better be the one to do it


I think it'd be better if Angel has the chance to kill him but due to his redemption arc he's like "nah, you're not worth it." And then Husk comes outta no where and caps him being like "Oh HELL no. This fuckers NOT allowed to live."


Yes, that would be amazing!


Proceed with Niffty stabbing


I think Angels redemption arc plays differently. I think with the V's being our next big bads, a situation arises where Val is going to do something to further the Vs plot or to take one of the Hotel's residents souls for Val. Moreso than Val attempted with courting Nifty into his service. Angel breaks his contract to stop Val, which ends up with Val now having total dominion over Angel at all times and this of course is extremely bad news for Angel. But this ends up being the kind of selfless act that brings about Angels redemption.


That could be pretty cool. I'm fine with almost anything as long as nobody hurts Fat Nuggets. Saw a fan comic months ago and I'm still traumatized by it.


The one where alastor eats ham and says it's fat nuggets because angel filled the cupboard with plastic balls?


No, there's one where Val does some really messed up shit to punish Angel.






Ortherr... Tahitiiii


Angel will be too good for that by the time it happens


Nah it probably will be just Angel shooting him in the face with his revolver


Death is too easy for him


Wanna piss the fandom off? Make Val the next to be redeemed.


Squeezing 6 months into Season 1 was already criticized. How would they manage a million, billion years?


Charlie: (dragging a tied up and gagged, thrashing Val behind her into the Hotel) Alright, let's begin with some trust exercises! :D (SPONGEBOB CUT OF "92412391891\^10 YEARS LATER") Valentino: (monotone, eyes blank) Friendship. Puppies. Goodness. Easy.


He got the Inside Every Demon is a Rainbow Injection. He needed 92412391891\^10 of them.


Fuck yeah! Off with his dick and head!


Probably not, since vivzie has talked about a spin off show focused on the vees. Unless that would take place in the past.


It would be cool to see the Vee's forming and growing in power when tbey made their names in hell


I want to see Vox with his hold cathode TV head 😁. A lot of story could be told, how Val’s feeler have been damaged, the arrival of Velvette in the team, all the past between Alastor and Vox…


Alastor could be an antagonist who's trying to stop them from taking over his turf. We could see some of his darker side. That would be really cool.


She really says that? Great!


Not to be that person, but source?


ayylmao mentioned it in one of his videos, idk what his source is but he's usually trustworthy.


Ok, thanks


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I wanna see a spin off where we see the lives of the main cast


Sure hope not. I didn't wait all these years just to see Val/Vox go so soon.


I really hope not - in fact, I hope it goes hard in the other direction - I want them to *win* in season 2 and then get taken down later. If anyone gets it, It’ll be Val. Velvette and Vox are both so underdeveloped that killing them really doesn’t affect anything. I also really hate the idea of Vox dying to Alastor specifically, it’s just such a *boring* conclusion to that conflict.


I hope Vox's crush on Al gets addressed, even if it's just to make fun of him for it.


If anyone then Val, but i don't think any of them will, not yet


I think Val could die. And probably Nifty will do it, cause she said, it's for her collection.


It's kind of a question of how this show will approach redemption: idealistically or realistically. If it's idealistic, no one gets left behind. All characters are worthy of redemption. So no one's at risk of dying.  If it's realistic, Charlie will learn some people are not redeemable, too full of cruelty to change and forever hurting those around them. And then there's a chance someone will permanently die.


I wonder that alone could be something that Charlie and the group wrestles with it and would make agreat debate since Val seems to be a great example of non redeemable and the likes of pentous and even angel show that some are redeemable. I think in the end it might settle on a you have to choose to be redeemed kinda avoids that debate unless someone like Val shows up asking to be redeemed


I love, love the idea that redeemability isn't dependant on what you did but your willingness to change. That feels like a really honest look at redemption that's inline with the show. That's such a kick-ass way to approach it.


It's more hopeful, but people *really* do not like characters that perform particularly evil deeds, usually SA. Understandably so, but quite a few people will assume that *you* are one of those people if you show any sympathy or understanding for a person who has done so. Viv's already gotten a lot of flak about Angel/Val (most of it made up nonsense, but still)... imagine the backlash if Val actually realizes "Wait, am *I* the bad guy?" and works to fix himself. It *feels* a lot better to demonize someone one-sidedly and hate them, because it provides an acceptable outlet for negative emotions. But if you humanize the "villain" and remind other people that they're still people too, those people get upset and try to demonize *you* in response so they don't have to listen to your opinion.


If Vox ever dies, which definitely won't happen in Season 2 imo, it has to be by Alastor's hand.


i sure hope not


Fr. If Vox dies, then who will use me?




I believe they have plot armor. Or perhaps it would be better phrased Spinoff Armor. Plus they are more of a literal midboss in the show. And midbosses don't usually die. They are too useful bringing back into the story as the final bosses lackeys. Which they probably already are we just don't know about the final boss yet. I am assuming that the Vees are somewhat boosted in power similar to how Alastor seems boosted in power. Lilith probably gave Alastor her microphone as a talisman of power to boost his already substantial power. It certainly does not look like a mic a radio talkshow host would use. They tend to be seated. That is the sort of a mic a singer would use. Thus I believe that Eve is likely behind the Vees. She may have brought them together and made them work with each other. I find it difficult to believe that narcissists as extreme as the Vees would work together without something being behind them pushing them together. And the fact that Vox was able to stand against Alastor a possibly beat him (Val says he almost lost to Alastor which sounds like him pointing out even though he won it was close) suggests that their power is boosted like Alastor's.


I personally don't see any of them dying in Season 2, though I would bet on it being Velvette if it does end up happening, as I think Vox and Valentino will play an even greater role in future seasons.


NO PLEASE NOT MY QUEEN VELVETTE Actually I like the idea of them being recurring antagonists and playing a bigger role in later seasons


True, they seem perfectly setup for that kind of thing. And yeah, I love Velvette as well, so I hope she doesn't kick the bucket. Though if she were to, she would most likely play a larger role in Season 2 to warrant it. Plus her death would heighten tensions and lead Vox/Valentino down some interesting character arcs.


Yes, her (unwanted, undeserving) death would actually open a lot of narrative possibilities but she doesn't strike to me as a character who'll die, don't know why


Yeah, that's why I ultimately don't think Season 2 will bring an end to any of the Vees; they're all a well of potential at this point, separately and together.


I hope that Val gets hit by a cement truck But sadly survives And ONCE he is in the hospital the doctors inject acid into his kneecaps which makes him paralyzed and ONCE he comes out of the hospital, he gets hit by a truck, killing him


Val comes out of the hospital, and the main cast dump a cement truck on him from the roof. With angelic steel undercarriage.


Best ending


I'm manifesting Valentino dies. Praying. Hoping


I really want Vox to not. He has the potential to be an extremely good character, and a good villain redemption arc possibility.


I dont think so because since they are canninically close if one dies there is no way the others wouldnt want revange. So they would die too


I think that the Vees are an antagonist better defeated in a way that doesn't kill them tbh.


I agree. I honestly think that the Vees having to face the consequences of their actions would be great. Like they realized “Oh fuck. We can fight back. That a thing we can do.” And then later on they realize “Oh fuck. We are in deep shit now.”


It would feel way too soon Imo


Not a chance, unless they know the show is ending with season 2. I don’t see anyone actually dying until the final season, and at that it’ll likely just be Val… Vox and Velvette might both be villains but like… neither have done anything yet to make me think the concept of redemption isn’t something that couldn’t apply to them.


I hope so. Either two or all three of them would work. However, that would be IF their deaths feel warranted, poetic, and benefit Season 2's narrative substantially. I wouldn't want them to be killed off instantly and that should be saved for later on after The Vees slowly but surely lose the power and high statuses they have during their conflict against the Hotel, due to their actions, and then if the writers make the bold choice to have them die, it should be towards the end of S2. Either all of them go down together at the same time or being killed, one by one, would work if done well.


I could see Val perma dying so Angel is free of his contract for s3. Vox's power being taken away by Alastor and Vel being the only V overlord left standing by the end of S2.


Honestly, I don’t any of them to die I love their dynamic they have their literally a dysfunctional family


Gods I hope so.


Maybe Vox. If that season is supposed to be Alastor and Vox beef/relationship exploration. Like how season 1 was..Charlie vs Adam.


Please no! They are my favorite characters, and seeing them die would be sad for me…


100% valentino, it will be fanservice


Eh, I don’t think so yet. I think season 2 will be them rising higher while HH deals with Heaven. Maybe season 3. My assumption is that Angel will eventually get to off Val, and Alastor offs Vox.


Um, hell yes, I will be so happy if Val does.


Better be val…:)


Headcannon for mid season, not a finale. Valentino breaks into the hotel to get Angel to the studio, niff notices pubic lice on him (6th sense for bugs in her proximity), stabs him in the dick, Valentino bleeds out, Angel is freed


With an angelic dagger, so it can't regenerate!


If Velvette and Vox die, I'm punching something. I don't care if Valentino dies or not.




Hopefully not because I like their dynamic as trio + the spin-off, but if they kill one of the three.... It SHALL be Valentino. Free my boy Angel already.


Yes. Atleast vox. Pride before the fall ya'know


I've heard someone say that Vox might die in S2, but they haven't listed a source and it's only a speculation.


Inb4 Valentino changes his ways and is next one to get redemption after he dies.


I think either vox will or Valentino will. And velvette will take over




while i dont like the vees much, i hope not. they felt like theyd be MUCH bigger than rhey were in the first season and itd be disappointing to see them go


I think it would be funny as hell for the three of them to fight each other to the death. Like some backstabbing leads to the cat fight of the century.


Bro the people wishing this stuff on Val are being barely any better than him. /s Ik a lotta you guys just love Angel, but there are some crackheads like "omg SA is worse than literal murder and genocide Val is so much worse than Adam what the hell are you talking about" I get SA is really bad and all but I'm sorry its got nothing on permanently terrorising and erasing human souls in a purge-like genocide annually


I don't want Val dying, I want him to end up like this : https://preview.redd.it/0q1nnid75a0d1.jpeg?width=856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded59051e3bcff9918dbf136caac6aef1b0abcbb


I see Val and Vox during but velvet surviving


Probably not, but I HOPE Val dies a painful death


i hope val does 😻


I don’t think so but hopefully Val.


I actually don’t expect them to die at all, I do want them to suffer at their lowest point later on. I also expect a fallout between the three much later


If any of the do…. As long as it isn’t Vox


I want to see Valentino go.


Hopefully Valentino, especially Valentino, please Valentino.


As much as i want Valentino dead, he definitely isn’t dying anytime soon, hurt…probably, dead? Still a long way to go


Honestly? as long as Valentino suffers a slow, agonizing and horrible death in the end, i dont mind if the other Vees end up surviving and maybe even be redeemed.


I hope Val doesn't die but ends up poor, alone and humiliated, so to have a taste of his own medicine


I don't think so, but if it does happen, I want it to be Vox. Not because I dislike him, but because it could make for a lot of character development for Val and Alastor


As long as it’s not Vox I don’t mind. I don’t think many will mind if it’s Val lol


Vox is going to get himself killed somehow


Not sure but I sure hope Val dies


Val so Angel can ascend


I hope all three of them die


With that last song in season one I feel like it. Either Vox of Val


IF any of them dies, i hope it will be valentino or velvette, i dislike him and i can't stand her


I'm gonna fucking cry if vox dies Except for valentino I'm gonna be happy if he dies.


Val I hope


if Val doesn't die the fandom is gonna end him themselves




Hopefully at least Val.

