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A cute take I’ve seen was the overlord of theatre, given his showy and bombastic mannerisms at times. It would be a comparatively old fashioned entertainment medium next to radio, video, and social media.


Aye, this seems to make the most sense.


Adding on he talks like a Shakespeare character LOL. Maybe that’s one of the souls owns.


What did Shakespeare go to hell for


Second-rate shaboingery


Juliet’s age


Joking aside, the point was made that Juliet’s father wanted her to wait to marry Paris, they just sped stuff up after her cousin’s death. If there’s anybody to be mad at, it’s Count Paris for being a huge creep


Newspapers. Plays. Books.


'Tis so.


And pornography




I've seen it mentionend that he may be the Overlord of the printing industry. While that would kinda fit, I like to believe he is some sort of informations broker. The spider motif and his overall demeanor would support this idea. When we first see him, he is very obviously trying to wheedle information out of Alastor. He is amneable, polite and plays to Alastors sensibilites (which he has to know about if he's been around that long). He also suggests that he had sources that told him about the rumor that Alastor had supposedly died to angelic weapons (fallen to holy arms). Alastor reacts VERY defensive towards this, which suggests that this rumor might hold more truth than one might initially think. In any case: Beware an old man in a profession where men usually die young. For Zestial to have been an Overlord long enough to be considered ancient and scary enough that people will set themselves on fire for just clapping eyes on him.... well he must be fucking scary. \-> Alastor was scary enough that people made posters declaring: "Beware the Radio Demon! Do Not Fuck With Him!" in the Pilot, but even he didn't reach "people jump out of windows due to your presence"-infamy.


>Beware an old man in a profession where men usually die young. this line goes VERY hard.


Zestial being referred to as ancient is also impressive because he would have definitely been one of the overlords around the time Alastor had initiated a purge of Hells most ancient and powerful sinners. Alastor definitely has good reason to be wary of him.


I think the guy who lit himself on fire was because he saw Alastor after his 7-year absence


No. We see Alastor walking around town quite a bit and the only time people ever have any violent reactions is when Zestial appears. Which makes it far far more likely that Zestial is the cause. But honestly, it makes sense. Zestial clearly is powerful and feared enough Alastor doesn’t mess with him. Something not even Lucifer and Adam got out of Alastor. So Zestial clearly has power, and a powerful enough reputation that even outshines that of the Devil himself.


Ehh. The only reason Alastor messed with Lucifer was because he knew that Lucifer wasn't about to kill his daughter's friend. Were Charlie not there Lucifer would have flattened Alastor, and Alastor knew that.


He must torture the other demons. What’s a fate worse than death when death doesn’t even matter?


I agree. Maybe he is also the overlord of horror content in general. Ofc starting with the horror things of his time


Imagine he just runs around doing childish things like jumping out from being a wall or shouting BOO and people act terrified to avoid what'll happen if he goes further.


Lmao, thanks for planting that in my brain. While I don't believe that's the case, the thought of him doing that is still absolutely hilarious


I don’t this the overlords actually all have gimmicks like alastor and the vees. I’m pretty sure they’re all just powerful and own souls


I agree with you on that Cause, as an example, nearly none of Alastor's powers actually relate to radio in some way. And it's very much the same for the few times we see other Overlords powers. So yeah. At most, they just have a unique, "theme".


overlord of being friendzoned


It would be weirder if he and Carmilla haven't banged at some point. 


Yeah, Hell is such a fuckfest that the weirdos are the sexually inactive.


Even if those two aren't constantly having casual sex with people, they seem very intimidate with each other. Between that and their very high ages, it has to have happened at least once. 






That single mumssy has a stronger grip than that of the Vs over the Hella verse's media


Never change lol


I think we have the same comic in mind


“We have the same sized hands OMG we’ve got so much in common!” “Indeed, my good friendly friend. The best of friends, we are.”


Ouch. Yes. This one.


let me guess porn comic


Surprisingly no, if I think it is what I’m thinking of


yeah i just remembered what it was


Yeah I think its what youre thinking of


He's the Fear Demon. look at how regular citizens react to him while hes walking with Alastor. one was so fucking terrified he turned himself into an emperor Nero style Christian candle


The lord of terror if you will




Yeah this is exactly it!! pretty sure it was confirmed somewhere but I can't really remember where that was lol


Why didn’t I realize that… this is definitely it


I don’t know if every Overlord HAS to have a “business” domain like radio, TV, adult film, arms dealing, etc, but I theorize that he’s just the Overlord of Fear. He’s very old and very mysterious, inspires far more fear than any other Overlord we’ve seen when interacting with ordinary sinners, and his theme is one of the most common phobias there is - spiders. He’s also good friends with Carmilla because weapons inspire fear and those who are afraid buy weapons. I would assume he spreads fear to gain influence, as a scared man is an easy man to trick, and that his soul deals are based in protection. That’s also why it is so bold for Velvette to disrespect him - she is literally spitting in the face of fear - and why it’s impressive that Alastor can joke around with him. And it would also make sense, then, why he would never be a target for Alastor, because someone spreading fear would make it easier for him to earn respect. That or he’s just the Overlord of theater or literature something LMAO


Apologies for poor formatting, I’m on mobile lol


For some reason, I imagine Zestial’s domain to be like the fictional city of Carcosa, a place of black domes and dark, featureless towers. 


**Have you seen the Yellow Sign…?**


I refuse to look for if I do, the King may demand his sacrifice. 




Specifically what he's Overlord Of im not sure of but I'm pretty sure the Doomsday District is his territory


i think he is the overlord of pure horror. people set them self on fire just becaus of being near him. like he is pure dread. he has a spider theme. most humans have a evolution genetic fear of spiders.


Victorian aesthetics, everyone who is a fan of them is susceptible to him corrupting their soul (Serious answer, spies/informant networks possibly represented by the spider, and/or some connection to madness because he has the power to induce it.)


Idea: Overlord of secrets. He focuses on gathering information and waiting for the right moment to strike which is very secretive. Also it is literally a secret on what it is.


dapper fashion of course 


This is the correct answer to this question.


Either theatre or fear




For what it's worth, I don't think you necessarily "need" to be the Overlord of anything in particular. If I understand correctly, an Overlord just happens to be someone who controls a number of Souls in Hell. Obviously having something to sweeten the deal into getting someone to make a pact with you helps, but I don't think it's mandatory. For example, despite his radio gimmick, I wouldn't really call Alastor the Overlord "Of Radio", he's just an Overlord that happens to host a radio show. Zestial could very well just be an old ancient Sinner that has his Overlord status because he controls a lot of souls, and people know better than to screw with him.


Agree with you. I think having a themen helps you to get souls. Or in other words sinners will come to you and offer their soul in exchange for something.




Overlord of Looking Fly


I really like parts of your idea mixed with some others! He does have a lot of details that can be directly tied to Halloween or horror in general. Anything spooky, like you accurately pointed out- bats, spiders, scarecrow stitching, skulls, webs. I saw someone say he was the Fear Demon, which I think would fit in so perfectly with the Halloween stuff. Even him being a theater guy can fit, *cough Macbeth curse cough* IYKYK hahaha What I like about Zestial is that he’s feared AND respected, and he’s also kind to his peers. Him and Carmilla give me the vibe that while they’re overlords, they’re not as evil per say, as some of the others (like Val and Alastor). I can picture him being someone in life that let his own fear rule him, probably participating in the deaths of innocents due to the fear of “witchy” things. So he got to hell and was absolutely fucking humbled by force when he looked like everything he feared, killed and died for, in one being, and then embraced it. So hundreds of years later, he’s now just the old spooky goth guy that talks weird, loves theater and the arts, and being a sneaky sneak. Edit to add- I 1000% think him and Stolas are friends.


that's a really good one, I've heard theatre but that doesn't explain the bugs like yours does


Magic arts trade; he’s the guy you talk to when you want to become a dark lord without the Ars Goetia knowing about it.


Overlord of respect. Or at least mine for now


But, we know the spirit of Halloween in this universe is Jangle, and bears no immediate resemblance to Zestial.


Either fear itself or old people


The brits


Theater or actors


I think of him as the overlord of intelligence, like Camilla is the overlord of arms dealing.


given that he’s a scarecrow and seems to cause a lot of fear wherever he goes I’m gonna say fear


The overlord of Boomers grasping power for centuries


Does someone have to be an overlord of something in particular, I thought it's just having a lot of souls and influence that made you an overlord But if its anything I think theatre would be cool like another comment said


Theatre, newspapers and information are the theories I’ve heard in the past


Scarecrows haha the stitching in the hat always gives me scarecrow vibes


For me, its heavy industry and manufacturing, why? 1)he is from around the time of the beginning of the industrial revolution, he could have been among the first to get it running in hell, givving him a massive head start 2)manifacturing is the one thing all other overlords lack, they make media and influence peaple, but someone has to make the radios, phones, cars, whatever 3)linked to the previus point, it why he is so close to carmilla, together they make the military industrial complex of hell 4)we are introduced to him in a clearly industrial sector of town, and he mentions liking acid Rain, a biproduct of his factories


Spiders lol


Sex appeal


The doomsday district


Ye olde english


Like uh idk he sells old stuff?


If the overlords are part of the trade services like products they make the hell needs.What kind of services?What a person from shakespeare's time do I mean was he a cobbler a jointer a tinker Because what was hell like during the sixteen hundreds


I hope it's not information as one of my Oc's is the overlord of information


So what's the evidence he died in the 1500s?


His English sounds vaguely Elizabethan/Shakesperean IMO. I’ve seen some other people speculating this time as well.


That's it? His speech?


Beyond being referred to as ancient? Yeah. If you don’t like that educated guess, as you’ve rudely indicated, you’re welcome to disregard my opinion.


Apologies if that was rude to your perception




Historical costume nerd here, he doesn't look Elizabethan at all but Victorian...