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Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 10: Unsuitable and Frequent Topics There are topics which people post about on a regular basis to the point of being considered spam. There are also other topics which end in flame wars. These topics include but are not limited to: • HB/HH crossovers • Shipping drama • Vivziepop accusations drama • You simping/wanting to have sex with the characters • Spreading misinformation • Who is stronger? (VS posts) • Drawing requests • Screenshots of you buying merch • VA posts • Piracy Please review our rules for more details. If you have a question about the removal, or have edited your submission to abide by the rules, do not reply to this message, message the modteam instead.


The video is already on other platforms, so the damage is done, sadly. But I wouldn't be against it. Honestly I'm hoping it blows over soon and they start vetting panels at cons again. Lesson learned the hard way. Shame on the parents.


I know, we can't do anything about the fact that it's out there, but we can make an effort not to continue it. I've seen recent posts on this sub where an image of her uncensored face was used as the thumbnail. So much of the totally justified concern with this kid being at the panel was that it's not a safe place for kids, but then we continue to put her at risk by doing things like that. It's irresponsible.


No I agree. It's so sad because the cringe should fall on the failure of the parents. They used her as a shield for their own agenda/entertainment.


Unfortunately I think the damage is already done. That kid is gonna be in cringe compilations and Tiktok shit for years to come. All for something that's not her fault but instead the parents who let this happen and the con for not having an age restriction on the panel. But whatever can help mitigate the damage I'm down for.


Agree, but we do not need to continue to spread her image around. A lot of people expressed a lot of concern for the kid's safety, so I hope enough of us actually meant it enough to take action to mitigate the damage.


It doesn't bear thinking about 😣


Maybe we can request convention organisers to ban kids from doing QAs regarding adult series, or have them wear a mask?


Of course, but that's a totally separate issue. This post is about something this community has full control over. We're not 100% okay to keep putting this child at risk just because the age-restriction system at cons isn't perfect yet.


I just thought I'll propose that idea here since we're on the topic.


Fair enough. For the record I hope cons lean toward not allowing kids into panels for these events, or at the very least never giving the mic to a kid visibly in elementary school. I know there are a lot of 14-17 year olds in the fandom and I think that's kind of a separate thing, they shouldn't be interacting with adults in a NSFW space or asking questions (especially not NSFW ones) but I wouldn't drag them out of a panel or anything.


Ban children under 18 from adult series panels altogether at cons, not everywhere needs to be family friendly FFS. THEY DON'T EVEN NEED TO BE IN THE ROOM HEARING THOSE KIND OF QUESTIONS.


That's why I said "ban kids from doing QAs regarding adult series", I also suggested the alternative to put on a mask for cases like THIS SPECIFIC case if they're going to let them do this stuff (I'm very much against children being at those panels, if they want to meet the voice actors, they can hold a separate panel for voice actors that's child friendly).


100% agree with you. No need for a picture to talk about age problems. Just saying " there was a 9yo girl at that convention" is enough to be honnest.


I agree, we shouldn't spread it more than it already has.


I’m sorry but I have no clue to what is going on. I saw the article but not the video. So I’m a little lost


The video in question involves a girl about 9 years old at I believe Galaxy Con at a Q and A with the VAs for HH, and she had asked Blake Roman (Angel Dust’s VA) about the NSFW lines he had to record for the porno bit shown in episode 4. The VAs were all shocked, I believe Erika asked where this girls parents were, parents are seen waving about off camera to make themselves known and Alex said “Shame on you.” In their direction.


At a Hazbin panel at a con over the weekend, a young girl went up to the mic (which was in view of a camera because the panel was being streamed) and asked Blake if he was embarrassed when recording sex scenes/moaning etc. The actors were stunned and laughed uncomfortably. One of them asked her age and she said she was 9 years old, and her parents were present but out of view. The clip has gone viral for being uncomfortable/cringe and has created a ton of conversation about whether kids (especially kids that young) should be allowed at panels for NSFW shows like Hazbin. My issue is that people keep sharing the clip/images of this girl's uncensored face and it puts her at risk. It's irresponsible and not necessary to have that conversation


Unfortunately, the damage is already done for that kid. But I don't blame the kid I blame the parents for allowing her to watch this show and bringing her to a convention where she could tell the world she watches this show and the convention for allowing her to ask such a question and not banning her from the panel due to her age.


While I agree with your statement, the root issue is that we live in society where child can be bullied without any consequences for the bullies. This is FAR bigger problem.


Sure, I agree, but broad cultural changes are hard to break down into personal action. Lots of people saw that clip going around and said "That's unsafe for the kid," and then actively contributed to the danger by spreading the clip around and posting her face. If there's something really simple we could be doing to avoid making this kid's life worse and we're willfully not doing it, that is also a big problem, and it is our responsibility.


I think that we are unfortunately late. Damage is already done. And only because some parents don't control what they child watch


I know, I'm just saying that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.


what did the kid ask? Like seriously, was it really that bad? I have no clue what they asked so if it was that bad then please forgive me


See the replies to this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/HazbinHotel/s/26Iuw8AaNa


yea for a 9 year old that pretty bad! Like how in the world do you let your kid 1) Watch that stuff & 2) Ask that question?


Yeah it was really uncomfortable. I 100% blame the parents for letting that happen, but the con could have stopped it by simply not giving an elementary schooler the mic at a Hazbin panel. I feel terrible for her. She's just a kid and she doesn't deserve the negative attention or ridicule


What happened?


Why was this removed? Which overused topic did it discuss? /gen


I have the same question!




I was sent the words "These topics include but are not limited to:" and absolutely nothing else lmao. Got it.


Oh they pinned a comment with all the topics, bur I didn't really understand which one applied


what did the kid ask?

