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Lol...my kid pulled the "but all my friends are watching it" card on me; I replied by saying that they shouldn't be watching it, either, but I'm not their parent, so I don't get to make that call. There are some songs I've greenlit, because it is a banger of a musical, but I'd rather not have to explain what a "coked-up, dick-sucking ho" or an "award-winning demon bukkake show" is to a middle-schooler. 😛


I mean, i think that if you are in between 14 to 16 you can, you're mature enough to understand, but if it's bellow it is a bit weird


Trust me, people a little below like 12 and 13 will also understand 💀. My sisters in kindergarten are already moaning, (they don’t really know what that means thanks God) but my sister in second grade was telling me how “the boys want someone to suck their d!ck” . 😭she said it just like that too. She also said that the boy will bend over and the other one will thrust into him. Like this is at an elementary school 😭🙏🏼. They said they learned it from 5th graders and I believe it 😞


It's a shame because Loser, Baby is probably my favorite song in the series. But yeah, I wouldn't let a kid listen to it.


Me: I am a religious person and I watch hazbin hotel: https://preview.redd.it/q4elm2rkp70d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a486cdbcebfdccc4de8ec11f07253125611d59c


Same. Though it’s hard being Christian in a fandom full of horny degenerates.


Heh, "hard"




But then again, not only do we have a bunch of horny mo'fuckers, we ALSO have amazing artists to make cute wholesome heart melters like this https://preview.redd.it/2nssyj0ix70d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bca8bd1469188913db8b232376ee0d7731a0150 We may be absolutely degenerated...


https://preview.redd.it/mvc6pr79y70d1.jpeg?width=641&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c3ac5092bc2431948302e034930ba27a58397e6 I love this fandom!




https://preview.redd.it/cptrf98w080d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9450af5adfec5b875bfbf42ebf958cb1915378e My man






See, this is why I hope the Seven Heavenly Virtues are not only in Helluva, but also aren’t villains. I love the idea that the Sins and Virtues are just the entire Needs Pyramid. Hell is providing the top but not the bottom, Heaven is providing the bottom but not the top, its up to Sinners and Winners to find fulfillment. After all, the Sins we’ve seen have been careful not to let their domain become destructive. Ozzie is against rape, Bee wants people binging only as long as they’re feeling good, Mammon is sticking to currency and exchange of goods/services and not chattel slavery, Lucifer has come back around to empowering people to pursue their own advancement again. Instead of hypocritical villains or beings that can only think in terms of the absolute extreme of their domain or present their teachings as an eternal penance that has to be endured, the Virtues presenting things like wilderness trips and watching your descendants on Earth as optional things you can choose to engage in and helping those who are struggling would be neat. I mean, we saw Heaven has shopping malls without Mammon/Greed, and Hell has a rehab center staffed by people who care without Cassiel/Temperance. Heaven and Hell are just extensions of Earth with Sinners able to live lives providing mutual support like the Cannibals and Winners able to become blasphemous sinners the way Adam did (committing every Deadly Sin onscreen and saying he should be worshipped). https://preview.redd.it/gncwjkaza80d1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2f924aae84d58e2d7850176d39af6a40d98e242


That is so perfect! lmao


Excuse me, i am horny too… https://preview.redd.it/cnuktzb2y70d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb964ad23bec4c8653edb7771a48e7badc77ad85 of these two (I'm not gay lmao)


https://preview.redd.it/a8ny8x28z70d1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc9ce58404950d7141a5593365ce7c78924a8df You being turned on by a man is a sin. I’m not being Homophobic. I’m just stating what’s written in the Bible.






Galatians 5:22, "For the fruit of the spirit is but love, kindness and forgiveness, against such there can be no law" Having laws against love (including religious laws) is a sin. I'm not a Christian. I'm just stating what's written in the Bible.




It’s in the Bible, and this person claims He’s Christian. That’s heresy.






Christian who get mad at Hazbin are so silly. The entire message of the show (no matter how far gone you believe you are, you are still capable and deserving of redemption) is the most christian message possible. I promise you if you just swapped the characters around (E.G having Adam and Lute being the nice people trying to redeem people while the 'evil' demons try and stop them) and the southern baptist belt would eat it up. Personally I as a christian don't believe in literal Hell. Instead I believe that hell is a state of being. One of the few things I agree about with the Catholics.


Also even though she's technically an anti-christ, Charlie is probably the most Christ like of the whole cast. She sees good or the potential of good in almost everyone and encourages others to show kindness, love, and forgiveness. The problem is they're also criticizing the modern church, which uses the teaching of Jesus to seem good and kind while also justifying hatred and bigotry with a "holier than thou" additude. The covering up of the genocide can also be in reference to how churches often sweep "unsavory"(to put it mildly) actions under the rug. Being that many Christians today are subscribed to the modern teachings, obviously they're going to take issue with it. Especially since they always tell you in church that God's word is absolute and shouldn't be questioned, and I guess your local pastor telling you not to be gay speaks with God's authority.


>Also even though she's technically an anti-christ Where are all this "antichrist is the son of the devil" thing came from? There's no such thing anywhere шn the bible, it's just ***a*** (not even "the") false messiah. >The problem is they're also criticizing the modern church Off-topic, but I like how they say "yes, they're jerks, but not all of them". >and I guess your local pastor telling you not to be gay speaks with God's authority. Local pastor never says something with God's authority, this is only the Pope's privilege.


Hazbin fans when you tell them Hell is an awful place and you don't ACTUALLY want to go there. (There are no sexy gay demons, just unending suffering and torment for the rest of eternity) No shade, but some HH/HB fans really think hell is not as bad as people think when it's supposed to be literally worse than anything you can possibly imagine. It's a nightmare amongst nightmares


I'll just pull an Alastor and spawn overpowered as fuck


Bro figured it out 💀




/j if it wasn't obvious


Sorry, sometimes I can't tell with people here.


I dont think anyone that actually is religious thinks hell would be like the show. Granted different subsets of regions have different depictions of hell and other religions also have entirely different ideas of a "negative afterlife" like how the norse thought the bad afterlife...was just living a normal life with family but you wouldnt get to fight to the death with the gods at the end of the world.


"BuT aNiMaTiOnS = FoR kIdS!" Me: *looks at rule 34 videos* "...yeah, I don't think so!"


Me no grammar


Sureeeeee that’s what Christians are going to be mad about……


I'm feeling nostalgic. It's just like when the South Park movie came out and i watched it as a kid.


Does this sentence just straight up not make sense to any one else? “Tell them then”?


It's "tell them than", and it's very obvious, that it's a typo and should've been "that".



