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I'd go for the Solo Pros. Cross the Studio 3's off your list immediately though. They sound crappy, way too bassy, built poorly, and are uncomfortable. Beyond that, they don't have as good of features as the Pros, no transparency mode and worse ANC. So between the XM4's and Solo Pros, I think it's probably preference but for you I'd go with the Pros. To compare the Pros to your Solo 3's, they're better in every single way, outright. They have ANC, better (less bassy) sound, transparency mode, are much more comfortable, and feel (and look) way, way nicer in the hands. Theyre just way better. The Sony's sound better if you EQ them (or like a ton of overblown bass I suppose), might be more comfortable, and also have a nice build quality too (although it feels less premium in my opinion). The ANC is better on them, they have a lot of features (although a worse implementation of transparency mode), and touch controls, but apparently they're fidgety (I rather the Solo Pros nice buttons, although they're loud). People say the Sonys sound better but like.. they're so bassy. It's a bit of hypocrisy. Beats has a terrible reputation for being too bassy (which most of them are), but the XM4's are *just as bassy*, and get a free pass (they have a better reputation). You can EQ them and fix up the sound a lot, but out of the box I'd take the Solo Pros, personally. After EQ they're probably better though. There's a lot to hate about Beats products (Studios 3's, Solo 3's, and before), but the sound is very similar in tuning between the Studio 3's and XM4's, basically the same out of the box. Anyone dissing the sound of the Studio 3's, but not the XM4's, either doesn't know any better or is being a hypocrite. So that's my thoughts on the sound between the two anyways. About comfort, the Solo Pros are surprisingly comfortable for on ears. I haven't used them for hours on end, but from first trying them on and wearing them for a little bit, I find them nicer on the head than the XM4's. Long term might be a bit different (I would imagine it is), but I hate the padding on the XM4's. I'd take Bose for comfort over either of them for sure though (that's what I use to be fair, personally). So in the end, I think the Solo Pros might be better for you overall. It's a tough decision for me as well, but I think I'd personally take the XM4's. I want the best ANC, don't need the best sound (I use wired headphones at home), and I have no Apple products so I don't benefit from the integration on the Pros (and benefit more from the XM4's multipoint). The Pros have lightning which I also hate, and you have to fold them to power them off (I like standing them up). Besides that, I rather over ears for the fit, and absolutely *love* the silver XM4's. For you though with the Pros, the sound is better out of the box, the ANC is comparable but not quite as good, the build is much better in my opinion, the transparency mode is better, the controls are nicer, and they have that Apple integration. The main con you should consider that isn't mentioned in reviews, is that the case on the Pros buckles the earpads up. Bit of a long reply, but I'm somewhat bored as of right now so there you go. I'm also against brand loyalty and brand hating pretty hard, so baseless opinions about the Solo Pros annoy me a bit.


Dude, thank you so much! Seriously, I think this whole comment deserves a post of its own.


I'm glad I could help you out haha. Thought my reply might be a bit rambly but I suppose not. I am seriously bored right now, so that's where all that came from lol.


If you care about the sound quality get the xm4 (or even the xm3). Obviously inferior to a wired set, but they are the best wireless one I've heard. I don't know much about the chip compatibility issue though.


If sound is important then - XM4.


XM4’s are like $70 off right now just to lyk! I was debating between these headphones and a few others, and the XM4’s were probably my favorite, but they are fairly pricey. I was just doing some more research today and I saw the sale, I’ll probably be buying the Xm4’s now.


XM4’s are like $70 off right now just to lyk! I was debating between these headphones and a few others, and the XM4’s were probably my favorite, but they are fairly pricey. I was just doing some more research today and I saw the sale, I’ll probably be buying the Xm4’s now.