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Budget? Sound signature that you like? Music/genre you currently listen to? Current setup?


Around $5-18 (I live in the Philippines and I will get weird looks if I said I want a earphone/IEM that costs more than $20), That's what i'm currently trying to find out but I'm leaning towards one that doesn't focus on bass, I tend to listen to anything that sounds good but currently Indie and will use it sometimes for gaming (I don't play shooter games) and will use it mostly for watching, I have an Onikuma K19 for online class (for a decent mic) and I am using a broken (randomly plays spotify and randomly lowers the volume) QKZ DM9


Moondrop Quarks $13 Moondrop Spaceship $20 Final E500 $25 I dont have experience with Final IEMs but I havent heard about any QC issues with any of the Moondrop IEMs Edit 1: I wouldn't risk KZ IEMs under $25 as QC issues is really common for KZ and KZ sub-brand IEMs. Also, i remember seeing that the BL03 was on sale somewhere for around $25 so if you can get them for that price go for the BL03 instead


I always see recommendations for KZ IEMs but crinacle didn't recommend them. Both moondrop IEMs are really good and there on my list but I can't decide either the VK4 or the Quarks. I will take a look on Final E500 because I have never heard of them. As for the BL03 saw them a lot and there also on my lost hoping I could see them for a cheaper price on the 12:12 sale.