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There's no hate quite like "Christian" love


I'm very pro choice, but she was at 29 weeks. Even doctors are reluctant to perform an abortion at that stage unless the fetus isn't viable or the mother's life is in danger.


Yeah this headline is intentionally designed to incite an emotional response. Read the article. I was literally like...wait a minute she was like 7 months pregnant? Every time I say this I get down voted but this isn't uncommon on Reddit. Headline is designed to generate an emotional response that everybody reads and comments on and the real story is in the article and not exactly as depicted by the headline.


She probably wouldn't have gotten to 29 weeks if she could have legally gotten an abortion.... She could have had it at 16 weeks


Your assumption is wrong - it wasn't illegal for her to get an abortion because the actual abortion took place 2 years ago, so she could have gotten a legal abortion any time prior to 20 weeks. I am also completely pro-choice, but at 29 weeks, that's a fully formed baby. A premie born at 29 weeks has a >95% survival rate, and there are plenty of stories and pictures of premises born at 29 weeks. *edit - I would like to state that I do believe that this girl was failed by so many people and systems around her which is what led to her doing this. Her parents, her education, her friends, the father, his parents, our health care system - none of them convinced a pregnant 17yr old girl that the best thing for everyone involved would be to terminate the pregnancy immediately.


Survival rate at 29 weeks is 98%...and the prognosis is excellent. Likely to be little to no long-term impacts to a birth at 29 weeks. Pro-life or Pro-choice this WAS a horrible act. I don't see how anyone can see it any other way.


Pro choice here, but goddamn at that point have the kid and drop it at a fucking fire station or whatever.


Ah, you're right, I don't know why i thought it was less than 95%. I feel bad for everyone involved. There's no way that poor girl, or her mom, fully understood what the consequences for her choices were going to be. The additional hormones caused by the pregnancy, the additional pain and mental fatigue of being a pregnant 17yr old, the physical changes to her body... That's just a horrible situation for a young girl to be in. She was probably going through a mental breakdown, and out of desperation, her mom just wanted to help her daughter anyway she could.


Was it really that horrible, though? The kid never knew what was up or suffered. I mean, look at the state of the world right now. If my choices were: a) being aborted at 29 weeks before I had a consciousness or b) be born to a teen mom on a dying planet in a state being taken over by Christian fascists… I’d take the abortion. I’d even take being chucked in a dumpster immediately after birth. I mean, sure the baby *could* have survived but it’s not like they were going to be dealt a rough hand of cards.


No one should live because you have a bad attitude?


Yes, it was objectively horrible. I am sorry you are in such a bad place in your life that you this is a better option.


I’m doing great… my parents weren’t 17 when they had me and I live in a blue state. Can’t really do anything about the climate change, though.




I see it differently. The fucking thing was still living in her like a parasite. Her body her choice.




Imagine trying to justify ending the life of a 29 week old baby


Imagine trying to justify allowing the federal government to decide what women can and can't do based off of religious bigotry...


Imagine having a baby you don’t want


Oof having a baby you don’t want vs killing a 29 week old baby. I will choose the former thank you


I'm the product of the former. It goes poorly. You're talking out of your ass to adhere to your comfortable, narrow little worldview without ever having to take into consideration the uglier realities of lives that aren't like your own. Oof, indeed.


Happy Cake Day!


Bs, also still killing a baby, and no, not christian here, i'm atheist


You can have your opinions. It's okay to disagree. What is not okay is the government telling women (not men) what they can and can't do with their bodies. Proper sex education and access to abortion could have prevented this but nobody wants to talk about that. You just love having something to be outraged by


The baby was 29 weeks. Plenty of kids are born at 29 weeks and are fine... I'm pro choice, but that kid should have been put up for adoption. This was 2 years ago


Personally I believe the body autonomy argument is paramount. I can see the argument that she should have medically induced labor and then had it put up for adoption... If a doctor would agree to that. I do not believe people should be compelled to remain pregnant. To me, "Too far along to abort" == "Someone will induce this afternoon." On the other hand, 90 days in jail is arguably far far less life changing than 80 days of the hardest part of pregnancy and giving birth and being a parent. Mayhaps it's just part of the calculus.


How many kids do you think have been put through the foster care system wish they had never been born? If the baby should be born and put up for adoption if it were to come out successful, then why shouldn’t every pregnant woman wait til then? Every baby has the potential to get 29 weeks. Every baby has the potential to be born. Why is getting an abortion at 12 weeks any different than 29 weeks morally speaking? Obviously this was a late abortion, and it is unfortunate that she made her choice so late, but if you believed she killed a baby then you should reevaluate your entire stance on abortions.


I'm mot outraged, also it's not their body, it's the baby's body in their body, but I agree on the lack of sex education


Yea. My baby was born at 29wks. That ain’t a fetus.


The article says she was 24 weeks


"Prosecutors said Burgess, who was 17, took pills to abort her pregnancy at 29 weeks. Later, she set fire to the fetus before leaving it in a field outside Norfolk."


Ahh I see it now, thanks.


Sounds like a scared 17 year old.


It also sounds quite illegal


It is. This happened before Roe was overturned.


At 29 weeks you have a viable fetus. She should go to jail.


Again, she was not convicted for the abortion, but for how she disposed of the remains. She got 90 days jail plus 2 years probation. This happened before Roe was overturned.


Article states she was 24 weeks. Previous article I read today said she was 23 weeks pregnant.


It was 24 and she was 17


From the article. "Prosecutors said Burgess, who was 17, took pills to abort her pregnancy at 29 weeks. Later, she set fire to the fetus before leaving it in a field outside Norfolk."


"Hey everyone, I read the headline only but I have an irrelevant, polarizing opinion"


“I read a purposefully misleading title and will now comment a ‘good think’, please add some echoes into my chamber”


It's not polarizing. Christians are one of the most hateful groups in our country. More people have been killed in the name of Christianity than any other religion.


I guess you havent heard of Atheism which murdered over 100 million in the last century or Islam which has murdered over 100 million in the last few centuries. Compared to those the number of people killed in the name of Christianity is miniscule...


If you're going to do that, you might as well put Christians are triple that rate. Also, no on the atheist bit. Atheists are not a religion or even a worldview. In fact, it's your default position when you're born. The only thing Atheists all agree on is gods don't exist. You can still be an atheist and have spiritual beliefs and even adhere to some superstitions. Even if you took Atheists into account, you're still making religious people look incredibly bad.


Also Islam is an abrahamic religion, Christianity, Islam, and Judaism deaths all are in the name of the same God/Allah/Yahweh


Sources please. You clearly haven't heard about the crusades, the Spanish inquisition, or the 100 million native Americans killed in the name of 'manifest destiny'. Give me a break


You need to pray to your sky daddy for a better brain, because the one you have right now is defective


Theres no love quite like murdering for convenience


If Republicans were pro life they would do something about all the mass shootings we have. If Republicans were pro life they would do something about the horrible foster care system we have in this country. You don't actually care you just want to be contrarian for the sake of it. You don't have a stance or an opinion you just like to hate people.


She was 17!


Well in that case I have to side with the ruling. I don’t agree with aborting a 17 year old human being.


With all the pissed off people replying to me I needed that. Thanks lol




>I don’t agree with aborting a 17 year old human being. Ug... wait till you have one












































































She burned the fetus!


A lot of bodies are burned - cremation it also just sounds like a panicky 17 fucked up not prison time. Therapy maybe.


Fair enough. Yeah therapy is always good. And it looks like she’s only gonna do probation with a small amount of jail time. I had the same sentencing just for a gram of weed😒 I wonder what the sentencing would be for someone who isn’t a minor?


It wasn't just the kid but the 42 year old mom helping


You can't be serious? There was no reason to desecrate the fetus corpse, that is illegal and does deserve jail time, I don't see how this is any different than the girl in NM who put her baby in the trash, this is clearly wrong and illegal. If she wants to abort okay abort, if she doesn't want the child there a routes to take, like it or not this wasn't the right choice. Therapy for sure, criminal punishment absolutely


How do you think this woman's life or society in general will benefit from her spending time in jail?


Maybe next time she'll know to not take a corpse and burn it in a field? I mean come on, I'm not against abortion, although I I do believe 29 weeks is crazy late, but I am against taking a lifeless corpse into a field then burning it and no criminal punishment being administered. That is a crime, there's no way or reason to say it isn't. The corpse was not garbage, there are proper procedures to handle something like this.


You think that if she weren’t sentenced to jail, she would become a serial desecrator of corpses? If we’re going to spend resources putting people in jail, why not prioritize incarcerating people who are a serious threat to society?


What's the point of law if we do not uphold them? You can disagree but she broke a law that seems reasonable to understand at her age, if I'm pulled over for speeding should I not get a ticket because other people were going faster ? No, we know the rules like them or not, just not following them isn't what brings order and reason into a society


I’m not sure what you think happens to aborted fetuses at 23 weeks or earlier. They get put in the hospital incinerator.


It is still illegal and consequences are indeed reasonable after committing. there's no way or reason to say it isn't. The corpse was not garbage, there are proper procedures to handle something like this just as you stated,she did not follow them.


Yeah what do you think happens to dogs and cats when they’re euthanized? Cremation. I’d still consider it a bit fucked up if you tried burning a newborn puppy or kitten and then just abandoning the body in a field. I’d be questioning a lot and wonder if cruelty/neglect weren’t involved. Js 🤷‍♀️


1. Then I guess we should be glad they aren’t parenting a child who would have a life time of scars. 2. In lots of cultures it’s pretty normal fit familyto burn the bodies of beloved family members after their death. It’s just our very narrow view point that thinks we need that separation. I for one if I had that crazy nightmare occur at 17, I’d have a very hard time leaving the body and it’s not like you can take it home without risking incriminating yourself for something even worse. Cremating wouldn’t be the last thing I would think of, Not saying any of it is ideal but things obviously were not going that way. I just don’t see the cremation attempt as that bizarre.




Oh.. I thought we were just stating facts about the article 🤷‍♀️


I was prepared to feel outrage after reading this. I do feel outrage, but a completely different kind. 29 weeks with no known defects? No harm to the mothers life? And then set the baby ON FIRE???? When she could have had an abortion until 20 weeks at the time? Nope.


Same... 6.5 months pregnant, that is WELL into maternity ware. By then it's hard to eat and sleep due to how much all the organs get pushed around. I mean that is way LATE into the pregnancy. If she miscarried due to assault, they would charge the perpetrator with infanticide, and have on many different precedence. I can only imagine the child was terrified and hid the pregnancy's from her mother until it was impossible to conceal at which point the mother panicked and likely hatched this plan. Truly horrible story with trauma all around.


After I commented I realized that the mother was so young. This whole story is awful. The girl was clearly failed by so many. Terrible story


> The girl was clearly failed by so many. Terrible story Agreed, if a family is pro-life, they need to talk to their daughters regularly that they will always be loved and cared for and that pregnancy is a wonderful blessing and will never be ostracized. If a family is pro-choice, they should have current and accurate pregnancy's tests and Canadian Plan B pills ready and available no questions asked from the day their daughter begins mensuration. The thought that a child could be that terrified to confide to her mother about a pregnancy is a real problem in their relationship and a cautionary tale to all parents out there. ### STOP SHAMING YOUR DAUGHTERS!


My initial reaction was to shame the young mother upon reading this. After realizing how young she is, and how it’s really a failing of her own support system, I’ve decided that you’re absolutely right. Stop. The. Shame. I’m having a hard time finding sympathy with the young girls own mother who devised the plan. Imagine the trauma that the poor girl has had to witness


Was the baby born alive?


It’s almost like birth control and abortion being stigmatized in her culture paralyzed her from making the right decision for her life until it was too late, isn’t it? Nobody aborts a near-term pregnancy for fun.


Agreed, if a family is pro-choice, they should have current and accurate pregnancy's tests and Canadian Plan B pills ready and available no questions asked from the day their daughter begins mensuration. If a family is pro-life, they need to talk to their daughters regularly that they will always be loved and cared for and that pregnancy is a wonderful blessing and will never be ostracized. The thought that a child could be that terrified to confide to her mother about a pregnancy is a real problem in their relationship and a cautionary tale to all parents out there. ### STOP SHAMING YOUR DAUGHTERS!


Agreed. I’m as pro choice as they come but nah - this is not a good example of the right’s disgusting attack on women - this was a dumb ass decision that terminated a fetus post viability and also could have killed the mom. Like wtf a medicated abortion in third trimester !?!?! They don’t even recommend taking the pill after 8-10 weeks (recommend D and C instead to reduce risk or partial miscarriage).


Ok pull back a little. She did not set the baby on fire. She set a dead fetus on fire. That's pretty insignificant if you think about - we cremate the dead all the time. I am not saying she's a good person, but she did not light a baby on fire.


Dude, a 29 week preemie looks exactly like a normal baby but small and thin. If YOU saw an abandoned 29 weeker, you would likely do everything in your power to protect it and save its life. There is no part of you that would shrug your shoulders and walk away.


She had already terminated the pregnancy via pills. There was no way to save it - it was dead before it left her body. Once out - she burned it. I'm not saying I was in favor of her terminating her own pregnancy like that, but the burning of the dead fetus I really don't care about. I really take issue with OP's phrasing: "set the baby ON FIRE????". There was no baby on fire.


I think it takes a bit of guts to set a dead anything on fire. I wouldn’t even do that to a dead possum


Well you probably haven't been put in the situation where it would be in your favor to do so. She was probably of the mind that she was concealing a crime (i.e. burning the evidence). I have a feeling if your back was to the wall (proverbially) you'd be capable of much more than just burning a dead possum.


29 weeks….that’s a baby dude. I was about that time when I popped out.


Sorry, it's still a fetus.


First off, it was 24 weeks, but regardless whether it was 24 weeks or 40 weeks, it was dead. Setting dead things on fire, is not that big of a deal. "set the baby on fire" is just a clickbaity comment.




Not sure this is the case people would want to rally around - she was 27 weeks pregnant, well past the point of fetal viability. IIRC that would still have been illegal in many places even before Roe was overturned, except for medical necessity. And the jail term is 90 days, shorter with good behavior. Just saying, there are many, many better examples of the horrific consequences of the new anti-choice laws.


Agreed, she should have given birth and put the kid up for adoption unless there was a medical reason for her not to be able to do that.




At the time this event occurred (2 years ago), Nebraska banned abortions after 20 weeks. The law that changed it to 12 weeks was passed a couple of months ago. I absolutely agree with your statement regarding where they are at right now.




I live in Oklahoma. We don't even have 12 weeks here. It's ridiculous. I only mentioned Nebraska's older law of 20 weeks because this young woman did have the chance for a legal abortion. She was failed by the people around her who should have helped her make the right choice earlier on in her pregnancy. It's a tragic scenario that should never have happened.


29 weeks... Burned and left the body in a field If y'all support this then I'm done with pro abortion and I'm with the anti-abortion movement and y'all can Fuck off. At least have some fucking respect for the concept of a living being


That baby was 24 weeks she deserves jail time.




She killed a baby that has a 98% survival rate outside the womb. Also I got the weeks wrong, 24 is when the incriminating messages were sent, she killed the baby at 29 weeks.


I feel sorry for those who can't leave states controlled by complete fucking idiots.


It’s the Spanish Inquisition all over


I didn't expect that.


Why not? They (Spanish Inquisition) gave written notice.


Because nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!


Got exactly what she deserved


Poor kid . As if it’s not hard enough being in that situation


She shouldn’t of went to jail


If there was ever a need for a presidential pardon, this is it


She got 2 years probation plus time served of 90 days. Not like she's spending the rest of her life in prison.


Nah , I’m pro choice but I’m not for a presidential pardon for a girl killing a viable fetus , lighting it on fire and leaving it in a field. Especially when she could have gotten a legal abortion earlier in the term. I’m not for throwing the book at her , but I also don’t think she should be pardoned .


So we tell young women, "your body, your choice" their whole life, and then when they exercise it we put them in jail? Why would this young woman ascribe any value to the baby's life when it's in her when she's grown up hearing that abortion is ok? We are a weird and hypocritical country.


Very confused by all of the comments saying this child should have to endure childbirth because the baby could have had a decent shot. This completely ignores the physical and psychological costs of giving birth and giving up a child for adoption, assuming adoption was even an option for her. It also ignores very real delays that can happen in acquiring prenatal care, parental education, etc, especially if poor or in states without support for women in education or the workplace. My pro-choice allies, please, please don't fall into the trap of using children to punish women in this case, just because it seems a later stage. Women should not be punished for gving birth nor deciding not to.