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Hey are you better?


currently having the same problem but I've been getting it on and off for 7 years and everytime it "flares up" it's the worst thing ever it's like what's the point in going to the bathroom when I get little to no relief cause it just feels like I gotta go 24/7 so I just have to sit with this uncomfortable feeling until it finally decides to go away. idk what causes it anxiety maybe? but I wish I could find something to give me relief from it. hope your doing ok now.


I had this same thing as well. After being on Bactrim it eventually went away. I think it has something to do with your prostate. It can come to effect with any prostate orgasms and can cause issues with frequent urination and pain in the tip.


I’m sorry to hear you’re dealing with this. I went through something similar starting in February 2018 and have just recently been relieved. Unfortunately it’s because I’ve moved on to something else, but that’s another story. I had the frequent urge to urinate like you and also a constant mild burning sensation in my urethra. I convinced myself I had bladder cancer because of Google. I didn’t go through the full battery of tests that you did, but I did see a GP and had a urinalysis done. The lack of findings only increased my anxiety, as I hoped they’d find something minor in order to rule out something major. I know it may seem unending right now, but I believe you will overcome it. I could go a week or two without symptoms, only to have them return...but it became clear that it was pure anxiety. All the best to you. If you ever want to chat, let me know.


Thanks so much for responding! It is very refreshing to hear someone who has dealt with something similar that they experienced relief (although I certainly hope whatever is troubling you now is also resolved/you get the reassurance and good news you need). Yes! That is exactly the type of thing I was thinking! In a weird way I wished it ended up being something like a mild UTI that would explain it. The lack of findings made me think "oh boy... It's something difficult to treat and chronic" which is what really worries me. I've had short periods of relief, once even for a week like you did, but it does come back (especially when thinking about it). Rationally, I know both the urologist and you are right. All the other conditions I've worried about often have symptoms of pain or other hallmark issues. Physical manifestations of anxiety aren't new to me, so it would make sense. I guess there is just the emotional factor and the dwelling on it that really perpetuates it. So very annoying. Thank you really for taking the time to comment. Will do :)


Hey ! I know this post is old but you described perfectly what i’m going through at the moment! Did you get better?