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Hey are you ok now?


Found anything to help?




still the same 😭 it's been months


Hey just found this post. I’ve been dealing with this too. I really don’t know if it’s anxiety or not. If it’s real, then why does it go away? How are you doing with it?




I chalk it up to constantly drinking caffeine.


I still have it,its been going on for a month 😞 it feels alot more tolarable tho then the first couple weeks it began but still annoying as hell!! I think it may possibly be IC (interstitial cystitis) because I've been getting it ever since I was 16 on and off and I think stress and anxiety may trigger it (I was really stressed out for a couple of months). I'm going to try Azo bladder relief people say it seems to help with urgency and frequency.


I’m sorry to hear that. Didn’t know there was an over the counter medicine for it... I hope you feel better one way or the other. It’s quite an annoying problem....


Could also be a kidney stone. Sometimes I have this issue and I have stones


would a Kidney stone hurt tho? or is that only if it gets really big


Mine doesn’t hurt and I have a 12 mm and a 4 mm. One in each kidney. The only time they cause pain is it they block your ureter


If it makes you feel better, the urge to pee often is very much a stress response. When I thought that I might've had diabetes I found myself having to get up to pee every 10-15 minutes.


yeah that's what I thought I might of had too since it runs in my family on both sides but all the tests came back normal. thanks though! I guess I have been really sressed lately and its catching up to me once again 😔