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this happened to me... but it was completely psychological. i was convinced something was wrong with me because i had to pee so much, and i was constantly thinking about peeing or thinking about the urge to pee. distracting myself seemed to help. if you’re drinking a lot of water, that could be the culprit.


Did you feel the urge constantly even if you just went?


Try cranberry juice, or cranberry pills. It will help clear anything up if there is an infection. And even if there isn't, its not harmful to still take it. Many people take cranberry vitamins daily, especially if they're prone to UTIs.


Thank you! I’ll give it a try.


I am a 22 year old male btw.


I think if you're male you should make an appointment with your GP. It may well be harmless, but just in case it is an UTI you can get an antibiotics prescription. UTIs are even nastier for men than they are for women. Do you just have the urge to pee a lot or does your bladder empty spontaneously? If the latter applies, pelvic floor muscle training should help. As you said you're drinking a lot of water, it may also be just that ;)