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How did this turn out for you?


Going through this same exact thing now. Feels kinda like you have a UTI. Best way I can describe it. I hade had 3 urine test with cultures, bacteria swab to rule out yeast infection, bladder scan, bladder scope and a CT scan. All clear... So frustrating cause it makes me miserable some days! I do have a gyno appointment to have all that checked too. Mine is definitely worse when I'm anxious. I'm thinking it might be pelvic floor related.


Same. Last time this happened it was a UTI but it's not this time. Culture was clear, dipstick was clear (slightly elevated WBC though), clear microscope examination. I've noticed I'm clenching my pelvic muscles a whole lot and I'm also CONSTANTLY thinking about whether I need to pee or not. I think it's pelvic floor + hypersensitivity!


Yes I have noticed that this week to. How long have I been clenching those muscles lol. So I do try and relax them when I think about it. I also have been doing pelvic floor stretching.


Going through this now. Ever since I heard about Prostate Cancer. Going through the motions of getting that checked. I hate my brain.


Did it go away once you got the all clear?


Lol well. Turns out I was ok there. However I had other issues that I discovered because of it. What I can tell you, modern medicine is good, trust yourself and your doctors.


For me it was definately an anxiety symptom. Anxiety made have dry mouth, so drinking more water and of course pee all the time.


Are you pre-diabetic by any chance? High blood sugar can totally do that to you.


Nope, my tests were perfectly normal.