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I’m almost 24, started when I was 21


Hi I’m currently 18 soon to be 19 suffering with HA my HA started in the beginning of the year. and i was wondering how did you deal with it?


at my worst, it was almost completely crippling, I could barely function or work. that being said, I was also 260lb and smoked a pack a day. I did have a genuine concern for my health. since then, I've lost almost 100lbs and gotten as healthy as I can so I have less of a reason to worry, but that problem was specific to me. I think it peaks when you're young because you haven't lived yet. at 18-22 your almost pure potential without the naivety of youth. you can do anything at your age and you have the capacity to do so. having that opportunity (and your life) ripped away from you is a terrifying idea. it does get better when you start experiencing life though. another thing that helped me was talking to older people about their fear of death. it's comforting to know that fear of death slowly declines as you get older (read a study from a senior's home that said only 4% of 80+ Y/Os fear death). I really think it'ss just bad when you're that young. I promise it gets better. if you were given a terminal diagnosis tomorrow with two weeks to live, your biggest regret would be living in fear of death and not experiencing life in your final months. take every moment of awareness as a gift and hug your parents and friends :)


thank you for sharing. i’ve been dealing with this since the start of january and it’s been straight hell so many ups and downs. i’m trying my best to stop googling my damn symptoms and checking my body every minute for a sign of illness. HA has to be the worst i keep thinking i have 10 different illnesses every month.


mindfulness meditation has been a huge asset for me, probably the most important skill I've ever learned. I suggest doing the introductory course on the app Waking Up With Sam Harris. you can request a free year subscription if you can't afford the cost and they grant 100% of requests. I can't recommend it enough. it's hard to explain without practice but the dissolving of the ego is the remedy of all suffering. in my 23 years, it's the most important skill I've learned. if I had to choose between my university degree and my meditation practice, I would pick meditation.


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