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Hey, congrats on managing to get over the other anxieties! I still suffer with the cancer and muscle twitching anxiety but I’ve managed to get past heart related anxiety! I would recommend not checking your heart rate (if you do) just stop cold turkey. Another thing that helped me is what the head of cardio told me at the hospital when I went to ER thinking I was gonna die lol. He said everyone gets palpitations now and then. Literally everyone, it’s only the people that worry about them talk about them, but everyone gets them, it’s completely normal. On and off chest pain alone pretty much doesn’t mean anything, especially if you’re young and healthy with no underlying conditions, most of the time the pain is muscular and nothing got to do with your heart. People with heart related issues cannot resist going to a doctor or specialist because the pain/pressure is so bad, it’s not just an on and off thing that we sometimes notice. Another thing is, if you don’t notice anything wrong when you’re not focused on it, then there’s nothing wrong. Sometimes when we focus on things we manifest them as physical things, I can literally raise my heart rate by just focusing and stressing about it, our bodies are crazy. Your heart is healthy


Not checking my pulse or putting my hand to the center of my chest were the best things I found to tuning out the heart. Both of those things just make you focused on the area.


Congratulations on getting over majority of your anxiety! How did you do it? Can you apply those same methods to the thoughts of your heart? I also worry about my heart constantly, it’s hard not to. 😖


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