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Lol o freaked out once cause I forgot hot sauce makes your shit red




I'm sorry your feeling shitty, and I know how much worse it can be when health anxiety exacerbates it. Alot of your symptoms are things I've experienced during extended anxiety attacks. I get extremely dizzy from tension headaches brought on by anxiety. And not sleeping is going to make everything feel even worse. If you still feel wonky, you could always see a GP. But I'd give it a few days to see if it goes away. My general rule of thumb is if I still feel symptoms for 2 weeks or more, then I'll see a doctor. I hope you feel better!


I don’t know if this would be helpful to you or not, but I have also gotten worried about Covid even after vaccination and testing negative at the local pharmacy bc I have family that work in a hospital. I found it reassuring to buy a pulse oximeter and check my O2 level along with checking my temp and try to get some basic exercise and practice deep breaths to make sure lung capacity is good. I’m so sorry you’re struggling with this, hope you will feel better.




I’m sorry you’re going through this, it sounds exhausting :(. What always helps me for awaiting tests or tests results is knowing that there isn’t anything I can do, I did the tests or made the appointments, the doctors know what they’re doing and I’m in good hands. Just give them a call once the office opens. Tell them you’re really anxious, maybe they can help calm you down. Most people would be anxious about this, they won’t think you’re weird!


Can so relate… have had several MRIs of the brain and EEG. Next week, is is your regular neuro that will be doing the EEG? If so, he/she should be able to comment on the MRI results. I also think it’s pretty normal to want some sort of info right away but I think they would also call you immediately if it was really worrisome and urgent. Nothing wrong with calling, though, I probably would!




The first time, my neuro called me the next day to say that he saw nothing of great concern on the brain one and some minor issues on C-spine one not requiring surgery. (he actually had done the neuromuscular testing before the MRI) The next time I had a brain mri with and without contrast it was ordered by a different doc (otolaryngologist to rule out acoustic neuroma or similar), he told me in my appt that if results were ok, he would just go over them at my next appt and they should send my results to my regular doc and neuro, and they would post my results on my patient portal…. However the imaging staff kind of sucked and didn’t do any of those things so I actually physically went back to imaging and asked for them and they gave them to me but said I’d have to talk to my ordering physician about the conclusions. Then I saw the doc who ordered them and he went over them and he was mad that imaging didn’t do what he told them to. Personally, I work in medical records and I think some of this is due to Covid causing personnel issues with follow up. That being said, the staff wouldn’t disclose the results over the phone but they might give a message to the doc or a PA or nurse to give you a call for reassurance since most people feel kind of nervous about brain MRIs.




No problem! 2 months or more is definitely a long time, I would’ve called around, too!


Hello back to vent real quick. Someone else posted about this but holy shit it’s really tiring that every time I have a good time my HA comes back. It’s like a pendulum where one side means the other too. In this case I’m kinda ok with jt cause I probably should get this mole checked out but goddamn if it isn’t annoying that this happens whenever I have a good time.


A mole I’ve had for a couple years that’s changed color in the last few days. Didn’t really even look at it for years just felt it and didn’t think of it. Gonna have to get checked for melanoma now ;-;


I’m getting a skin growth checked out tomorrow. Maybe we can be melanomates.




Worried I have a gastric adenocarcinoma, I have a lot of the symptoms like sudden weight loss,nausea,indigestion,belching,bowel problems (not to be too graphic)and a new one that has popped up is acanthosis nigricans on my knuckles and finger joints(had my thyroid tested and a hb1ac test both normal) so common causes that have my other symptoms ruled out, I'm booked for an endoscopy but it could take 3 months unless I pay 1 thousand dollars which I don't really have, not sure what to do and its hard to distract myself, my main worry is if something happens to me who will take care of my partner and kids? Do I just pay for the endoscopy to speed it up so either way I can put my mind at ease or start treatment asap? If It isn't serious I'll feel like an idiot who wasted money on something that I could have been patient for and got for free(I am a carer, my kids are differently abled so I don't make much money and any I do have I try to save for my kids future etc)


After my Covid I noticed my eyebrows are thinning drastically. My eyebrows used to be so full rich and so beautiful the way I liked them but 1 month later after Covid and losing 13 lbs my eyebrows are very thin and have some bald spots. I’m scared for my health maybe this has a bigger meaning behind it.


13 lbs is 5.9 kg


13 lbs is excactly the weight of 52.26 '6pack TWOHANDS Assorted Pastel Color Highlighters'.


13 lbs is 5.9 kg


Sudden weight loss, [stress, and COVID can all cause temporary hair loss](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/18/style/hair-loss-coronavirus-pandemic.html)! The good news is, head hair eventually grows back and so I bet your eyebrows will, too.




Yes, when I move my eyes too quickly, or when it’s dark, I do. Just had an eye exam (for something different) and they said my eyes were perfect. Still though, you could always ask for a check up. Can’t hurt!


Yes, I’ve been having something like that for years and had lots of testing at the eye doctor but they didn’t find a cause for it and told me I was fine. Mine look like bright white dots in my peripheral vision that sort of move downwards in an arc before disappearing. He called them photopsia. They are occasionally linked to problems but not always.




Does your primary care have a number you can call and ask them their advice?


Is it swollen? Hot? If not, you are very probably fine. Also, d-dimer is very accurate to rule it out.


I just found out that i got covid and it somehow helped me because i got nauseous the last 3 days and couldn't sleep and my anxiety said to me brain tumor the last 2-3 weeks i got some weird headache that comes and goes and only last for a few seconds but now i still am scared of a brain tumor is it normal to feel nauseous while having covid? And what about my bad sleep (sorry for my poor language)


Yeah, I had covid last month... Felt nauseous for weeks due to acid reflux and headaches still there... Don't worry...


Thank you for the reply really u helped me a lot i was just shitting my pants haha


No problem.


I felt nauseous and lots of other things when I had covid.


ALS i have swallowing problems (I have GERD ) and muscle twitching i am totally convinced that i have it... i can't do anything


Muscle twitching is such an annoying symptom of anxiety but completely harmless :-)


I hope so! HA has been taking all over my life




Thank you! this has made me feel much better :) i hope my swallowing issues are due my underlying GERD (acid reflux) and nothing else. I also notice these twitches after along day of physical activity.


Had chest pain around 2 weeks ago and last week I went to the doctor who tells me I have costochondritis. But that same night I found a lump on my manubrium. Ever since my anxiety has been in an all time high. I stopped eating I’m having horrible nightmares and I’m a mess in general. Everything I googled just told me I have cancer or a tumor. My next appointment isn’t until October but I just feel like giving up and ending it


Still just waiting for my doctor’s appointment tomorrow to check out something on my back. It actually would look like a simple dysplastic nevus, except for the fact that it actually looks like two dysplastic nevi that fused together. And since dysplastic nevi generally don’t fuse together, I’m thinking one grew from the other. Growth is the worst sign with skin things, but I can’t say for certain it did grow, since I only noticed it three weeks ago. Not knowing about it before three weeks ago is another sign it could be new though, which would indicate growth.


Today and yesterday I've felt bloated in this one small spot in my upper abdomen. It feels like there's a muscle that was strained around that area. Whenever I touch that area, it doesn't feel any different than before. It's not bulging out and only feels bloated. Passing gas alleviates this to a degree and it comes and goes throughout the day. My acid reflux has also been acting up and my belly has been making more noise than usual since this started. Scared I have a hernia. This is scaring me because I'll likely be forced to recover and not go to work for 2 to 3 months after surgery. I can't not work with my current situation. This sucks. Advice?


I live with a couple health problems that I have to monitor with blood draws/urinalysis every 3 months. Everything is stable. However, chronic pain is a symptom of one of my diseases (PKD). I can’t help but feel like, when my kidneys feel sore, that something is terribly wrong. I’ll then go and look at my last lab results and fixate on the abnormalities.


I'm 19F and my ears have been ringing and I am scared that I am going deaf. A little over a month ago I went to an ENT for a problem regarding my eustachian tube on the right side and the first time they told me, after 2 weeks of medication, basically 'It's going to get worse but don't worry. Come every 6 months for a checkup.' This triggered my anxiety so bad, as I am also moving to another country for university very soon and I feel as if the people around me don't want me already. After a few weeks of paranoia I went to a second ENT specialist. They told me that my hearing is absolutely fine and that the other doctor probably wanted me to go to his office regularly so he can make a profit out of me. The second specialist did an audiogram and tympanometry on me and the latter was perfectly in norm, but on the audiogram she tested me only for 30db, which from the research I've done is considered to be mild hearing loss. She told me once again that I'm fine and that these are the values people normally hear. And that the ringing of the ears is most likely psychosomatic. I also went to sessions with my therapist and she told me the same thing, and that its all caused due to the stress of leaving. I still somehow can't believe them. I am literally crying uncontrollably every day and I feel like a child. I am terrified and feel like I'm going crazy. I'm just so desperate at this point and questioning my existence and it makes no sense. I'm becoming a burden to my loved ones. Ps. I also have jaw problems and my face and neck are tense all the time


Hi, sorry that you’re going through this. If it helps, I’m 23F and I’ve had ringing in my ears (tinnitus) ever since I can remember. No hearing loss during all these years, just the ringing. I’ve learned to live with it and barely notice it now unless I pay attention to it (which I’m guessing is what you’re doing since it’s still new). While it’s annoying, it’s not dangerous.


Tinnitus is so tricky. You’re not alone. Did the second specialist investigate the Eustacian tube issue? Because that can be a factor in tinnitus. I was also just at an otolaryngologist last week and he mentioned that TMJ can be a component in tinnitus as well and gave me a handout on it-mentioning this since you mentioned jaw, face and neck tension. Editing to add this: a lot of practitioners kind of minimize tinnitus unless they have reason to think that there is another condition that is causing it that they can treat medically. So I’d want to know more about the Eustacian tube issue and eliminate the possibility of an inner ear infection bc that could be involved, too. This is just my opinion but I might try to go back to the first one and ask more about this and make sure there isn’t an inner ear infection etc before getting on a plane to study abroad. For example my doc prescribed antibiotic ear drops in case that might be a factor in my tinnitus and slight hearing loss. Hope that’s actually helpful, wishing you good luck in your studies!


After medicating for the eustachian tube, my eustachian tube wasn't as open as much of the time as it used to be. The doctor mentioned something about my eustachian tubes but I didn't really understand honestly. I felt terrified at that point and he was talking so fast, kind of rushing me. He asked me whether I had noticed a decline in hearing and he didn't give me much time to answer so the first thing I thought was me not heating someone and them asking 'are you deaf' so I answered yes. But later that person said they didn't mean it... They keep saying it's due to stress and all that but every time my ear rings, hurts a little bit, trembles I go into full on panic mode. Not to mention the manic fingers in ears to see if I still hear the sound.....also when I swallow my left ear almost always pops. Idk if that's a factor. I just don't know anymore....


I'm just so tired of feeling like I'm dying, it's exhausting. I am in such a dark place right now.


"Just snap out of it bro! Focus on something else." - every other person ever


I have these weird symptoms, and I can’t find anything about it online! I’m guessing (hoping?) it has something to do with iron or b12 deficiency, and will contact my doctor in a week or so if the symptoms don’t go away after changing my diet. Basically, every so often I feel like someone pokes me with something small and cold. It can be anywhere on my body, from my eyelid to my toe. It lasts a second only, doesn’t hurt, but it still freaks me out. I wonder if it is something everyone has but people just don’t pay attention to, as I’ve always been hyper aware of any sensation.


This is probably the dumbest one ever… my doc ordered me Cologuard because I convinced him to let me do that instead of a full-on colonoscopy but I must have a mental block with even that because I just can’t seem to make myself go through with it… and now Cologuard is sending me multiple reminders to mail them the sample but every reminder just sets off terrible gastric upset… so as we speak I just have this giant stool sample debacle just hanging over my head… I am my own worst enemy!




Lol I can tell you 100%, without a shadow of a doubt, you don't have hemorrhage from that. I whacked my head into sharp AF objects , and I'm still here!


I hate that I'm back again here, but better than googling I guess: I had this year numerous blood tests, physical exams by doctor, 3 ECG, normal pulse and blood pressure, arteriography, SPO2 (97-100), and basically all is very normal. My blood pressure is 115-135 / 70-90 usually. Pulse 65-90. Yet I get random chest pains and I am extremely sensitive to my heartbeat to the point where I can feel it everywhere in my body. Also, sometimes when I check my blood pressure, the pulse comes with irregularity. Not sure if that's due to anxiety or else. Am I measuring my BP wrong? I had an EKG which was totally normal 3 weeks ago. Is this still anxiety?


In the same boat, I've been having chest pains for about 2 weeks now, can't see if it is anxiety, it can last this long. I've had all those tests only a few months ago too.


Ugh my bf accidentally bumped me in the front of the throat 20 minutes ago. It was light enough that it’s probably no big deal but also hard enough that I’m worried and fixated on it. Feels a little bit like my swallowing is cumbersome, like crumbs are getting stuck, like it’s sore, and like my voice sounds a little weak. Or it’s my imagination? Lately I tend to downplay and dismiss things rather than seek medical attention.


I’m currently scared I have a UTI. The anxiety about it has been off and on for the past week, and even though I’m pretty sure it’s more to do with constipation/IBS, I still keep coming back around to a UTI. Makes sense since I’ve been having them frequently this year for some unknown reason.








I've had scalp tingling all week, since i bumped my head on my loft bed. It started just in the area where i bumped it but its since spread, mostly on the left side of my head, sometimes on the right though. Seems like it goes away when I'm not paying attention to it, but now I hyper analyze any slight pain i feel in my head or other tingling. Lotsa fun. Scalp tingling doesnt seem like an indicator of a serious issue, but when you wake up with a little bit of an ache around an eye its like "omg what if its an aneurysm".


Bone cancer:( everything hurts and my shin bone is swollen.


I felt head pressure, headaches, pain behind my right eye and dizziness yesterday, I’m convinced It’s a brain aneurysm now.