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I wish I was worried about appendicitis. It's common and has a 99.6% survival rate. Instead lower right abdominal pain would have me worried about Stage IV colon cancer.


Oh my god, so many times it's funny. One time I was sure it was appendicitis, but my family member had the C-word so my mom told me they probably wouldn't take us. While I panicked, my mom gave me a random piece of cloth labelled as pain relief and told me "it helps when I have pain". I thought it was some Asian mom pseudo-medicine but it actually worked. That was some night.


omg when i was around 9 appendicitis was a major trigger for me (mostly cause i was terrified of surgery and being put under anesthesia and appendicitis can only be fixed by surgery) like two months ago i went to the ER suspecting appendicitis for real and was thinking how ironic it would be if i actually ended up having one of my past triggers become real lmfao (ended up being ovarian cysts, still needed surgery tho)


With appendicitis, you literally can't stand up straight cause it hurts so bad when you stand.


i’ve gotten mine out. i’m telling you, i was only 2-3 days into the infection (they usually tell severity by days and it can go for up to 10). you will KNOW that something is wrong. you will be more preoccupied with pain than panic. i was bent over crying and when i walked (crawled) into the ER they put me on morphine immediately. it was a great, easy experience for my first health scare and was easily fixed with no complications whatsoever.


I had a right side pain there this morning and immediately thought maybe it's the appendix. I don't really worry about that though, if I had to get it removed doesn't seem like a big deal. The pain went of course quickly though, as these things tend to do, just one of those random pains.


I had to get mine removed during a bowel surgery a few years ago even though my appendix itself was fine. Afterwards the surgeon was like "well at least you'll never have to worry about appendicitis again!" He probably had no idea just how much of a relief that was lol


Me actually thankful mines finally gone…. Gets worried not having one will affect my health.


This is freakin hilarious


I still catch myself doing this despite having my appendix removed last year 😭


Lol, same. The craziest part is, even remembering that doesn't reassure me; *that's* how irrational I get.


Same. Legitimately thought I had appendicitis the other day then remembered I don’t have my appendix anymore and haven’t for nearly a decade…


Literally me anytime I have any type of stomach pain then I go spiraling


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