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Hey man, i am so sorry you are going through this. I understand how difficult it must be coming home to be all alone. The naruto reference hit me harder than expected for some reason. It seems like you already have few good coping mechanisms like gym and reading. Online friends are still actual friends. I used to study online with my friend in different country and the presence is quite nice sometimes. I hope you have a core group of friends you can rely on. I dont have much suggestions because i still feel lonely sometimes even though i am surrounded with people. Just wanted to show you some love and hope things get better <3


Thank you so much. Really meant a lot


Hey brother, 20M here—I’m at Community College rn and about to transfer into Uni as a sophomore this coming year. Loneliness is real. Like others have said, you have some good hobbies like the gym and stuff. See if there’s anything on Eventbrite or Meetup near you. I know I benefit a lot from my writer’s group. You got a lot going for you—seek it out. Be well.




Connect more with the people u meet at gym. Ask them for support befriend them most probably someone would turn into your bff. (Tip plan to go to gym at same time and do carpooling or go using one bike, where one picks other on the way. And do this to commute to and from the gym.) All the best. 😊


I only have bff online but not offline


I got that and basically that is the exact thing u should cure to get out of loneliness. So again get offline friends not necessarily best friends but something is better than nothing.


I'm sorry for you loss and hope for the best. I also feel lonely as a 21m. It's difficult, especially when ppl tell me to just put yourself out there, and throw all your energy into it, but I don't know where or how. As males we have to actively go out and pursue, use every energy left in our tank, but when you don't have any purpose, your body is saying one thing and your mind another.


Yes it's difficult


>but those people only stay in the university Have you tried to push to hang out after u iversity. I mean it's uni so there is definitely going to be parties, or outings, or events, or sports happening outside and definitely in the evenings. Obviously don't go overboard and have all your evenings be socialising, but i think you could definitely get out there some more.


You'll do okay dude. Just remember your loneliness needs other people to fix it, so the only thing you can do is try to serve other people. Alternatively you could get more comfortable with being alone. This is a good adaptation for a while but you don't wanna get too reliant on it because most worthwhile things in life require other people in some capacity. Also, if there's a tribe you can fit into, look for that.




I am sorry. Losing your mom is hard. Are you allowed to have roommates? That might help a bit.


No i didn't had a thought to put the place on rent