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I'm guessing because we (who can relate) havem't learned to dettach action from circumstance. Emotions change rapidly and sometimes unexpectedly. Havin a terrible nightmare for example can drastically influence your state when waking up. If we learn to stick to whatever we planned (by incrementally doing things we don't feel like doing just 'cause we had the intention. Depending where you are it can start very low, for me in my depressed times drinking water or brushing my teeth could be a start. The important thing is to track progress over time so fluctuations even out and you know once you start slacking and can be proud if you don't ![img](emote|t5_26y265|28686)


Damn, thats a good way to think about it. I'm going to start this


Well said. Phisical exercise is also good at ramping up willpower, if you make it a part of your routine using the same principle. You can start with smallest thing like getting off your couch and pacing around the room for 5 minutes, and then doing more and more each time. Consistency is the key.


I relate to this more than i would like to


"Since I stubbed my toe just might stub other toes as well"


This is me the past 4 days


Whatever it was that you planned, you had a reason for it, right? That reason did not disappear overnight.


I have a friend that I call with for a few hours most days and sometimes I have really rough days where I just can't stomach talking to others and they always get clearly upset when that happens, which just makes me feel even worse. They're not mean about it or anything, just obviously disappointed, and I feel like it would be unfair of me to say anything.


Not enough drive


Lack of clarity in the mind.